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ospel Messenger
Vol. 82
Elgin, III., January 7, 1933
No. 1
First Church, Philadelphia, situated at the corner of Dauphin and Car-
lisle Streets. See page 12 for another chapter in Bro. Roland L. Howe's se-
ries of articles dealing with this historic city church. Readers who read Bro.
William I. Book's article in the Messenger for Dec. 24 will recall that First
Church recently celebrated the tenth anniversary of the pastorate of Bro. Ross
D. Murphy.
Editorial —
Questioners Will Please Note (E. F.) 3
Government by Protest (H. A. B.) 3
The Spirit of God in Everyday Life (H. A. B.), 3
Kingdom Gleanings 16
The Quiet Hour (R. H. M.), 17
General Forunt—
Two Stars (Poem). By Arlo Gump, 5
Moral Relativity. By Harold E. Pletcher, S
In Times of Depression Prepare for Prosperity. By C. H. Sham-
berger [ 6
One Man's Influence. By Maud Mohler Trimmer 6
"True Happiness." By Bert M. Lewis 7
The Cross of Jesus Christ.— No. S. By J. I. Kaylor, 8
Meeting of the Board of Christian Education. By Rufus D. Bow-
man, 9
"The King's Highway." By Wm. Kinsey, 10
Why So Many Nonchurchgoers? By J. F. Graybill, 11
Physical Activities Here and There. By Roland L. Howe, 12
A New Year's Resolution (Poem). By Esther Van Dyke, 20
Christianity and Wealth. By D. C. Reber 21
Why Every Sensible Man Should Be a Christian. By Elizabeth H.
Brubaker, 24
Missions —
Editorial 13
Tu Jung Nge, the Cave Girl. By Minerva Metzger, 14
"Neither Do I Condemn Thee," 15
Pastor amd People —
The City Hospital — An Opportunity. By D. Howard Keiper, 18
"Preaching Out of a Hole."— No. 3. By Chas. E. Zunkel, 18
Jobs for Ministers. By Fred E. Maxey, 19
Home and Family-
Night Thoughts (Poem). By Alice Ridgway 22
Not for a Day, . . . But for a Lifetime. — No. 2. By Florence S.
Studebaker 22
Women's Nook. By Nora M. Rhodes 23
Messengers folded, pasted and trimmed — all on one
trip through the machine shown in the picture below !
But really it is not as simple as it seems. On in-
vestigation we found that the folding-pasting-trim-
ming operation is just another hard job that looks
easy. Now let us see something of what is involved.
Each Messenger is printed on one large sheet of
paper, 35x48 inches to be exact. Now as Messengers
come from the pressroom to the bindery they are
but a stack of these large sheets, each printed on
both sides. What is wanted is to get these folded,
pasted and trimmed, or each sheet in the form of a
completed Messenger. The exact order of the oper-
ations mentioned is hard to state for the reason that
folding, pasting and trimming is in a sense a simul-
taneous and complicated operation too fast for the
eye to follow in detail.
The picture shows a rear view of the machine used
for both the Messenger and Our Young People.
When the picture was taken the operator had just
removed a bunch of finished papers to even and
pile on the truck to his right. So the folding-past-
ing-trimming operation really began at the end of
the machine not shown. If one could step to this
end of the machine he would see unfolded papers
stacked on an adjustable table or carrier. Automatic
feeders start the sheets through the folder. The
adjustment of these is so delicate
that if two sheets should start
through the machine the feeding
mechanism is tripped and stopped.
Now as one steps to the side of
the folder he sees sheet after sheet
being flipped through at the rate
of 2,000 papers per hour. In the
case of the Messenger, four folds
are required. Paste is applied as
the first three folds are made and
trimming takes place as the last
two folds are made. But as we
have said, the operations are not
only simultaneous, but take place
at such a speed that the untrained
eye can scarcely follow what is
being done. What can be plainly
seen is that flat sheets go in at one end of the folder
and finished papers drop out at the other end of the
Perhaps this is a good time to say something about
the pasting job. At first this gave our operators
some difficulty. There was complaint that Mes-
sengers fell to pieces when opened. We admit there
were grounds for these complaints, but consider
what the operator of the folder was up against.
The paste in the case of the Messenger is applied
from four paste cups. Now anyone who has had
experience knows that paste is a temperamental
substance. For a little too much tended to stick the
whole paper together; if the paste was the least bit
too dry the paper fell apart ! So in any case, getting
the paste to just the right consistency is not as simply
done as it might seem. But our operators have
learned much by experience and are now doing a
very satisfactory job.
As mentioned above the trimming is done on the
third and fourth foldings. The trimming mechanism
is nothing more than a sharp edged wheel running
against a collar in such a position that the uncut
edges of the paper are sheared off. The next time
when you open a Messenger, and it works like it
ought, please remember that such seeming simple
matters represent a hard job well done.
H. A. BRANDT— Assistant Editor
Vol. 82
Elgin, 111., January 7, 1933
No. 1
Questioners Will Please Note
Right when I am the busiest somebody comes with
a hard question. He wants to know my philosophy of
life. What does he mean? Is it my guess at the riddle
of existence that he is after? My creed, possibly? Per-
haps it is my idea of " ultimate reality " that he wants ?
Or my notion of the secret of happiness? Or what I
think about the origin and destiny of the human race?
Or the presuppositions which lie back of my moral
code ? Or how I would answer the old question about
the chief end of man?
But there is something that bothers me worse than
my uncertainty as to the purpose of my questioner.
Why must I stop in the midst of my work to formulate
my philosophy? That's quite a job. And there are so
many folks asking for help, in one way or another.
Why can't I just go on attending to my business ? Why
can't I go right on living and loving, the same as if I
had never heard of this mysterious thing? I believe I
will, for the present anyway. e. f.
Government by Protest
The spirit of individualism has gone to seed in
American life. The latest manifestation is the or-
ganized clamor of groups. Most every group is now
not only vocal, but protesting this or that and even
frankly organized to force special deals.
Perhaps the situation is not worse than it has always
been, but it is certainly worse than it ought to be. The
result is that legislators now feel they must use their
ears more than their brains. The most successful
amongst them are those who have their ears to the
ground and sensitive to the latest protest or request of
sizable voting blocks. That is, government is now not
so much a matter of true statesmanship, as it is the
shrewd handling of the noisiest constituents.
Thus petty interests are being balanced against each
other until the good of all is forgotten in the scramble
for selfish advantage. There is a place for protest in
government, but it should not be inconsistent with the
larger good. It is still true that a house divided against
itself can not be expected to stand. h. a. b.
The Spirit of God in Everyday Life
Seventh in a Series on New Testament Preaching
After the events of Passion Week and the experi-
ences of the Forty Days it was not strange that the
faithful followers of Christ were all expectation the
morning of the day when Pentecost was fully come. If
devout Jews from every nation under heaven had cause
to be in Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Weeks, how
much more the disciples awaiting a special gift of
power ! One may well imagine that Pentecost began as
a day electric with tremendous possibilities.
So the one hundred and twenty were all together in
one place. Whether they were in the upper room, or
in some chamber at the temple is not clear. Subse-
quent events suggest the latter as more probable. But
wherever it was, they were together and expectant,
when " Suddenly there came from heaven a sound as of
the rushing of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house
where they were sitting. . . . And they were all
filled with the Holy Spirit."
Now the effects of this visitation were such that the
vast feast day crowds in Jerusalem were soon aware
that something unusual had happened. Devout Jews
from every nation were amazed, perplexed, as they
heard certain Galileans speak so they could understand.
But the common amazement was soon challenged and
dampened by some who mocked, who declared that the
disciples were but babblers suffering from too much
new wine! The jeers of these mockers proved a dev-
astating weapon with the mob. In a twinkling honest
amazement was at the point of being turned to scorn.
Published weekly by Brethren Publishing House, R. E. Arnold, General Manager, 16 to 24 S. State St., Elgin, 111., at $2.00 per annum, in
advance. (Canada subscriptions fifty cents extra.) Entered at the Postoffice at Elgin, III., as Second-class Matter. Acceptance for mailing
at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized August 20, 1918.
Clearly something would have to be done or thousands
of devout Jews would carry home a strange story about
babblers, when they ought to take something about the
Christ. The disciples heard the rising chorus of jeers
and saw a subtle change coming over the crowd. Who
could save the day ?
Now Peter and the apostles stood up. Their move
attracted attention. And what was equally significant,
it was as good as a refutation of the charge of drunken-
Those drunken with new wine do not have such wit
and self-control. Twelve drunk men could not stand
and face jeers as did these Galileans. Those who
mocked were now refuted by a simple demonstration all
could understand.
A perplexing question began to take form in the
minds of many devout Jews in the feast day crowd. If
it was not drunkenness, then what was it that made the
Galileans speak as endowed by some new power?
As the crowd marveled and waited one of the disci-
ples signaled that he wished to speak. A few may have
recognized him as Peter, the Galilean fisherman who
had long followed the Nazarene, but most saw him as
some unknown transformed by the Spirit on Pentecost.
They saw him as a fearless, rugged rock of defense.
They heard him speak out, not timidly, but in tones of
power and conviction. And what was he saying ?
" These are not drunken, as ye suppose ; seeing it is
but the third hour of the day."
Truly this daring Galilean was not minded to mince
words. But could he manage the crowd ? Secretly ad-
miring his mob-defying spirit, the multitude saw him
stand and refute the charge of drunkenness by his own
presence of mind, and heard him declare the mockers'
insinuations preposterous, since men do not get hilari-
ously drunk before a day is well spent.
So the remarkable utterances the crowd had so lately
heard were not the ravings of winebibbers. But what
were they ?
The fearless Galilean continued : " This is that which
hath been spoken by the prophet Joel. ... I will
pour forth of my spirit on all flesh." And continuing,
the speaker gave the prophet's striking statement con-
cerning the operation of God's Spirit in everyday life.
Nor was this all. Even as he was speaking, devout
Jews, no matter from what far land under heaven,
could see that Peter was in reality a most convincing
demonstration of how the Spirit could work in every-
day life. Surely something more than human had
stirred this humble Galilean to rise to the occasion with
sober, incontrovertible reasoning.
Nor was this courageous Galilean minded to give his
accusers any quarter. " Ye men of Israel, . . .
Jesus of Nazareth, . . . as ye yourselves know,
. . . ye by the hand of lawless men did crucify.
What was this? Devout Jews from everywhere be-
gan to understand that a crime had been done. A man
approved of God had been crucified and slain. No, not
just a man, for the speaker insisted that this Jesus had
been raised from the dead, even as David had foretold.
" This Jesus did God raise up, whereof we all are wit-
Men were beginning to look at each other, wondering
what the fearless Galilean would next bring down upon
them. They heard him say : " Being therefore by the
right hand of God exalted, and having received of the
Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he hath poured
forth this which ye see and hear. . . . God hath
made him Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom ye cruci-
The feast day crowd was now stunned, convicted.
Many of them recalled how they cried out for the blood
of the Nazarene — a deserted teacher. Or so they had
thought, until the events of Pentecost morning proved
that they had done far worse than human murder.
" Brethren, what shall we do ?"
Thousands of conscience smitten men now discovered
themselves in a terrible dilemma. " Lord and Christ —
whom ye crucified !" This condemning refrain beat
through their brains.
" Men and brethren, what shall we do ?"
Contrite men now found some comfort and hope in
that so many were involved, in that these Galileans were
of their own blood. Where were the mockers now?
Convicted and pleading for some light on how to save
themselves !
They looked to Peter, that stocky and fearless Gali-
lean, who when Spirit-filled, had become the rock upon
which their hard hearts were broken. What would this
servant of the Spirit, this exponent of heaven sent dy-
namic in everyday life, have to say ?
" Repent ye, and be baptized every one of you in the
name of Jesus Christ unto the remission of your sins ;
and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Spir-
it. . . . They then having received his word were
baptized : and there were added unto them in that day
about three thousand souls."
So runs the story of Pentecost and the sermon that was
delivered that day. But what can present day preachers
learn from that dramatic occasion? Certainly some-
thing of the power of the Spirit in everyday life. There
was what the prophet said, that it should be the inherit-
ance of all flesh. And on Pentecost there was what it
did to Peter, changing the cringing follower of the
night of the arrest into a mob defying champion of the
risen Christ. And there was what it did in the hearts
of men. Three thousand were so convicted of sin that
they cried out for light and accepted the better way.
H. A. B.
Two Stars
Two stars in an evening sky,
One low, one high,
Each with its infinite glass
Watching the years that pass.
A soul looking up to the sky
Wondering whither and why;
Knowing which of the three
Lives for eternity.
Churubusco, lnd.
Moral Relativity
Might it be possible that there is a law of relativity
applying to ethical codes as well as the physical world ?
Just as an intricate relation of time and space in the
field of science points toward a path of more perfect
realization of truth, so may a more accurate relation of
the factors in our moral code be compiled for humani-
ty's good.
Perhaps the coming age of social reform (the trend
and needs of the times point to such an era) is merely
waiting the application of this law, which we might call
the Law of Moral Relativity. At least it would not be
out of place to briefly contemplate the possible assump-
tions leading to such a law.
As far as original evidences of this law are con-
cerned, we might possibly trace back into human de-
velopment and find clues indicating definite ideas of re-
lation laws in ethics. In order to avoid conflicting in-
terpretations, however, let us avoid the distant past.
Obviously the relationship for which we are searching
can not be compiled in mathematical symbols alone and,
therefore, would necessarily be a variable condition
which must become definite only in cases where am-
biguities in interpretating the case are excluded.
To be more specific as to the nature of such a law let
us consider the words of Christ to the disciples concern-
ing the widow's mite. According to Mark 12 : 43-44,
Jesus points out the relation of giving in the case of the
widow and the rest of the givers. It is to be noticed
that, externally, the act of offering was certainly great-
er in the case of the wealthy contributors. However,
emphasis is laid on the fact that external giving is one
factor, but not the only factor. In a similar way we
must remember that, from a humanistic point of view,
judging moral relationships is a delicate task. So often
hidden factors are present. Many times our stern dis-
approvals of the misdeeds of others would disappear if
we knew intimately all the factors leading to the act of
disapproval. Let us not jump to the conclusion on this
basis, however, that these unknown factors really would
allow a laxity in our moral relation. On the other hand
the realization of the existence of such factors should
lead us to live lives of higher standards.
For example, tales of heathenish worship, in which
the sacrifice of lives plays a high part, still fill us with
horror, even though we know that ignorance is the seat
of the trouble. Truly the practice is wrong, but those
who take part in it are sincere in their belief that it is
right. In the eyes of an all-seeing God, are these heath-
en any worse than a so-called Christian who through a
process of rationalization reserves some secret, petty sin
for himself? In other words, isn't there a factor of
moral responsibility entering in at this point?
Therefore, we can not say dogmatically that when a
down-trodden inhabitant of the slums, commits a mur-
der, it is a crime of more serious nature than a so-called
" harmless " participation in some secret indulgence by
one who knows it has the mark of moral disapproval.
Perhaps the murder was committed while the murderer
was under the influence of some drug. Maybe the ad-
dict took to drugs with less knowledge of his wrong
than the secret participant of the petty sin. It is to be
noticed that both commit sins, but when the moral re-
sponsibility factors enter the case we can't say one sin
is worse than the other.
After all, this idea of moral responsibility has been
common to our thinking in connection with acts of
innocent children. We know that occasionally they do
commit acts which, if premeditatedly committed by
some one who knew the consequences, would be con-
sidered a crime. Relatively we overlook their deeds.
This same rule, which can not safely be worded in
general terms, will be useful only when individuals can
thoughtfully apply it to specific cases. As to the appli-
cation of this rule, we can't go into great detail, for one
can't apply the law of relation to the unknown acts of
another. Really this law must deal mainly with the
many unchristian acts that never reach the newspaper
type, for relatively most secret sins are of the same or-
der of newspaper scandal.
The rabid crimes heralded by newspapers are, obvi-
ously, wrong, for they tread under foot individual
rights, moral codes, and Christian ethics. We know
their consequences. Rather, in the new era of individual
social responsibility, we must guard against our own in-
dividual acts which, when all factors are considered, are
Petty intolerances still exist in religious interpreta-
tions, in racial relations, and in our relation to the poor
and fallen. Maybe our conscience hurts us a little for
not cordially inviting the street-cleaner's children to our
church functions, but we rationalize that they are too
dirty and anyhow they wouldn't come. Apply our law
and we realize that, all factors entered in, we should
consider the snubbing of one of them the same as snub-
bing any other soul, for really poverty and poor dress
are not factors which deny the possessor a soul.
Let us then hesitate in our self-justifications and in
our condemnation of others. Are we including every-
thing in our reasoning or have we carefully adjusted
our conscience to our desire ?
Syracuse, New York.
In Times of Depression Prepare for Prosperity
About every so often in America there is a panic, a
depression, or the same thing called by a different
name. The length of time over which it extends varies,
but it is of shorter duration than the more prosperous
times. Taking a long look over American history we
are more prosperous than otherwise and every genera-
tion comes to believe that business cycles are things of
the past and that permanent prosperity has at last ar-
rived. It was that way in 1929. If people had known
that things were going to crash they would have pre-
pared for the lean years that were ahead.
But history teaches that depression is followed by
prosperity and we can well suppose that as we emerge
from the present situation we will again see prosperous
conditions. It is a strange commentary upon our think-
ing that we need have little concern about ourselves and
our brothers when everything is booming but that we
are greatly disturbed when there is a depression.
At the moment there is no end of repentance for the
sins of 1928 and 1929. It makes little difference wheth-
er we took our fling in the stock market, the subdivi-
sion, the 120 acres adjoining ours, or just spent every-
thing we made in more or less riotous living. We are
sorry for ourselves and all other people who lost
money. We confess the sins of everybody in general.
We do not say what our neighbors will do when things
swing back, but as for us we have learned our lesson !
Much of our repentance is apt to be temporary. It
can easily have elements in common with that of the
man who thinks he is about to die and who has never
affiliated with the church. He repents and is baptized
but when he recovers he readily falls back into his old
ways. Looking back now we see why we should not
have invested our money in speculative ventures or
spent it for things that did not abide.
The reason the repentance is in danger of being
temporary lies in the basic urges which caused us to do
as we did, and as we are apt to do again when we have
the money to do it with. Two of those urges are, first,
to put our money where there are chances for signifi-
cant increase in capital ; and second, to have the same
things which other people have whose incomes are com-
parable to ours or even a bit more.
It is easy when we are on the edge of poverty, or in
that general community, to vow that when we have
money again none of it will go into anything specu-
lative. And when the Joneses aren't buying anything
and we haven't money to buy anything we can wax elo-
quent about the futility of things. It is a much harder
thing to turn down an inside opportunity to double our
money or to ride in the 1930 model car when our neigh-
bor buys the new 1933 model.
People are rare who refuse to place their money
where it will double or more when they have opportuni-
ty to do so. Churchmen usually insist that the process
be legal but it is often surprising how resourceful they
are in legalizing the procedure which results in the
gain. In 1929 it was frequently amusing to listen to
the ingenious reasoning set forth by many churchmen re-
garding their " investment " in the stock market. Non-
churchmen plunged into the market without any qualms
of conscience, but most of the churchmen had grown up
on the doctrine that anyone who had anything to do
with the stock market was a gambler. I use the stock
market as a convenient financial scape goat and because
it did not happen to be the way I tried to get rich.
There have not been many speculative ventures in
America that have not taken heavy toll of the money of
churchmen who were eager to greatly increase their
wealth. If the desire to do that thing still continues
with us we have not yet learned much from the depres-
sion and are not yet fitted to go into a period of pros-
Much the same thing is true about our tendency
toward " conspicuous expenditure." We have wanted
bigger houses with finer furnishings not because they
enrich life but because they indicate our financial and
social standing in the community. If we say that we
have learned our lesson about such things but down in
our hearts are planning for them " when things get
back to normal " we are not yet ready to go into a time
of prosperity.
There is a genuine need for a new sensitiveness in
the Christian conscience about how money is made and
spent. Nothing short of deep and abiding convictions
along those lines will spare us from a repetition of our
former sins when prosperity is again with us.
Elgin, III.
■ «» ■
One Man's Influence
Two hundred years ago a group of Swiss refugees
set sail from Scotland to America in the hope of find-
ing religious freedom. They were not of the noble or
aristocratic classes, although some were highly edu-
cated. There was nothing to distinguish them from
other middle class German Swiss except that they were
bold and adventurous enough to break home ties and
leave the advantages of an old civilization to come to a
land of savages, pestilence and famine in order to build
a newer, finer civilization.
Among them were a preacher, his wife and three sons
who joined the Brethren colony at Ephrata. So far as
I know there was nothing outstanding about this
preacher and it is more than probable that he knew lit-
tle of the social niceties so much a part of the life of
his descendants. He was one of a group of honest, de-
vout men, who have helped make America what it is at
its best. He was typical of the forebears of the Breth-
ren people and that is why he is of interest now.
His descendants now number in the thousands and
there are eight generations of them. It would seem
that when it came to his descendants of the eighth gen-
eration from different sons, the original blood would
be so thin that there could be no likeness between them,
but such is not the case. There is a facial peculiarity
that is characteristic of the clan, also good, keen minds
and a strong predilection for religious work. In one
family of the seventh generation there were seven sons.
One died in early manhood, but of the six, five were
preachers and the sixth a Sunday-school worker.
The members of the family have been leaders in their
communities. So far as I know, there are but about a
half dozen who have had any claim at all to national
prominence. Most of them lived quiet Christian lives
and were men of influence in small places. But as they
were mostly preachers and educators, it is difficult to
estimate how far-reaching their influence may have
been in the life of the nation.
And all came from one good man and his good wife,
which leads us to wonder just how far-reaching one
godly life can be. Thousands of descendants bear the
family characteristics. Other tens of thousands are in-
fluenced by them. In this way immortality on earth has
been won. There is no telling how many others will be
swayed by these descendants. If the family character-
istics hold good, and the family remains coherent as it is
now, there is no doubt that the acts of that one good
man may affect millions. If the descendants remain
godly, their powers should increase so that the family
achievements should be better in quality as well as
greater in quantity.
But the interesting thing is that this is not the only
family with this experience. Other families have simi-
lar history. All of us can name families that have re-
mained true for seven or eight generations to the prin-
ciples of the Ephrata group, that have increased and
have yielded men of note to the nation and church.
There is a tendency of the descendants of Brethren
families to intermarry, a well worth-while custom and
long may it continue. When two strong families unite
what about the offspring? When it has happened, the
children are superior.
Do you see the possibilities for us? Each of us is
trying to live a life as close to Jesus as possible. We
are rearing our children in the fear of the Lord and the
ideals we plant into them will be passed on from gen-
eration to generation. Our Brethren people are closely
related by blood and if we continue to be we may raise
a nation within a nation of Christians that may leaven
the whole of America.
Long Beach, Calif.
. ♦ ■
" True Happiness "
True happiness is to be found within one's self ; not
in the material things possessed. This is especially ap-
plicable to the present, when things that money can buy
seem to make up the conception of so many individuals
as to what constitutes happiness.
Happiness is a powerful incentive to conduct. If a
person desires money, power, unusual ability, success,
it is because of the belief that the possession of the
thing hoped for or aimed at will place one in a position
to better enjoy life, or, in other words, to be happier.
The mad urge to possess things material has gained
an ascendency over the true route to happiness, because,
today, there are more things to be owned by the indi-
vidual who has money than perhaps at any previous
time in history. Almost endless is the list of luxuries
that may be purchased and which, seemingly, add to the
happiness of the possessor. But unlimited possession
ends in satiety and the things pall on the possessor.
It is all very human, this lure of the unpossessed and
the erroneous belief in the joys of possession. But it is
easy to become lost in the maze of things, seeking for
more, and yet more things. It is all pretty much of a
will-o'-the-wisp proposition, a futile, endless search for
a valueless pot of gold at the end of a synthetic rain-
It is sometimes difficult to understand happiness in
its true light. But the person who puts his trust in ma-
terial possessions as a source of happiness is predes-
tined to disappointment and disillusions.
The person who would avoid being at the mercy of
external and materialistic things will cultivate love for
his fellow-man. The resources of literature ; the enjoy-
ment of beauty, art and music; the appreciation of true
friendship, healthful conversation, recreation; a delight
in the contemplation of the human spectacle ; all tend to
promote true happiness. But greatest and more power-
ful than all is love for one's fellow-man. Therein is
found true happiness, and a character so built is in a
position to meet and overcome the vicissitudes of fate
and know the true enjoyment that comes from life as it
should be lived.
"You can buy most anything
If money you possess;
The only thing you cannot buy
Is true happiness."
Columbus, Ohio.
The Cross of Jesus Christ
V. The Redemption of the Body
In the Bible death is always considered as the result
of sin, the cure of which is only the reconciling death of
the cross. Physical death has its effect on the body, so
in any consideration of the cross we must also look at
its relations to the redemption of the body. Sin not
only made havoc in the spiritual realm, but the whole
cosmic order or material creation was also affected.
Christ's resurrection — the great counterpart of his
death — was the coming of life into his body, making it
to have existence in a new sphere. This bodily resur-
rection of Christ gives to those who have accepted him
by faith, a guarantee or earnest of their own bodily
Dr. James Orr, in " God's Image in Man," says,
" Body is as really a part of man's personality as is the
soul, ... is a part of ourselves. The soul may
survive the body, but man was not created incorporeal
spirit. It was designed to inhabit the body. Death, in
the true Biblical point of view is not natural to man,
but something violent and unnatural, the rupture of
that which was never meant to be disjoined. Even
while the soul, after physical death has ensued, survives
the body, the soul is still regarded as imperfect and
weakened, in a condition temporarily waiting its final
rehabilitation. So when we apprehend the real import
of Christ's death in behalf of mankind, we behold the
kernel of his reconciling death in his submission to
death, and for the manifest reason that death was that
in which was expressed the judgment of God on the sin
of the race. Death was a form of penal evil to which
Christ voluntarily submitted for the abolition of our
curse " (2 Cor. 5 : 21 ; Gal. 3 : 13 ; Heb. 9 : 27).
What shall be the nature of the resurrection body?
Christ's body was very different after resurrection,
yet it was easily recognized as the same that hung on
the cross. It could be quickly and invisibly transported
from one place to another, and through closed doors or
walls. It was now incorruptible and glorious, and he
ascended in that same body. In the resurrection state
there will be no need of some of the bodily functions,
as eating and drinking or sex distinctions, and such like.
In 1 Cor. 15: 35-50 Paul tells us "with what body
they do come " forth. It will be recognizable, just as
the grain of harvest is like that sown. This new body
will be changed, incorruptible, glorious, powerful, spir-
itual, heavenly, and immortal.
When shall the redemption of the body take place?
Some — such as belong to the class of faith-curers, di-
vine-healers, Pentecostals, etc. — claim that just as new
life to the soul is experienced by faith now, so this new
body can also now be appropriated, because Christ par-
took of our infirmities. If any one should have gotten
a new body it ought to have been such as are recorded
as being raised from the dead, like Lazarus. But they
had the same body as before, and were not made im-
mortal thereby, and died again some time later. There
is something, though, in the healing of the body and
keeping it strong and healthy by the power of God ; and
that is by the anointing, as we practice it. As long as
we are in this body we are subject to its limitations and
sufferings, which is only for "the present" (Rom. 8:
18), and the whole creation is awaiting the manifesta-
tion of the sons of God. The full redemption of the
body, as well as the soul, was accomplished potentially
by Christ on the cross. From 1 Cor. 15: 51-54, and 1
Thess. 4: 13-17, we learn that this change of the body
of both living and dead believers from the earthly to the
heavenly will take place when Christ descends from
heaven with a shout and the trumpet sounds. This is
the great event for which the church awaits and hopes,
and till it comes we groan in pain along with the whole
creation. The basis of this hope is that the great Head
and Lord of the church himself was dead, but is now
alive forever more, and is glorified at the right hand of
the Father, and has promised to return for his body
which must share his glory with him in bodily perfec-
tion. Every one will come in his right order, " Christ
the first-fruits, and afterwards they that are his at his
Herein is the real Easter message and comfort. Paul
tells us " not to sorrow as those that have no hope," and
"if in this life only we have hope we are of all men
most miserable." True, we have sorrow when our
loved ones are taken from us, but through our tears we
can look up and know that if they " have believed that
Christ died and rose again, even so will God bring them
with him."
Even though there may be some illustrations of truth
in eggs, flowers, and such at Easter time, yet these fail
to adequately express the message of the season. These
things only have the germ of life in them, which comes
forth of itself, under proper conditions. But the body
of the dead has no such germ, and must be revived by
an outside and superhuman and supernatural power.
So every Easter Day, yea, every first day of the week,
ought to be a memorial to us, teaching us that when he
comes he will raise and change our mortal bodies to be
like his glorious body, so that we can be forever with
him in heavenly bliss. And all this is certain, for he
has come forth from the dead on this great day.
So why look to any other than the mighty power of
God in Christ to complete the redemptive scheme,
which applies to our bodies and to all the material cre-
ation, and will come about in the times and the seasons
of the Father's good pleasure?
Degraff, Ohio.
» ♦ ■
Meeting of the Board of Christian Education
General Secretary, Board of Christian Education
No one attending the Board meetings held at Elgin,
111., Dec. 13-15, could help but be impressed with the
seriousness of the problems at hand. Those who are
carrying forward the general program of the church
need the prayers of the Brotherhood. These difficult
times test our faith in essential values and give us a
greater consciousness of our need of him.
All members of the Board of Christian Education
were present except Sister Eva Trostle, who was ill.
This meeting of the Board was the longest and most in-
tense in three years. The financial problem required
much time for consideration. Because of decreasing re-
ceipts the Board has been forced to operate upon a
budget approximately 25% less than last year. Some
of the curtailments have been very costly. However,
the Board does not think it wise to create a deficit and
reductions have been made in all items of expendi-
tures so that we anticipate no deficit when the books are
balanced for the year.
The December meeting of the Board is the occasion
when the Staff members give their reports of the year's
work and the program for the coming year is discussed.
Of the many items which were discussed, space will on-
ly allow the mention of a few. A new policy was
adopted regarding quarterly letters. Hereafter, all
members of District Boards of Christian Education will
receive all of the quarterly letters which go into the lo-
cal churches. The conviction was expressed that our
conferences with district boards have proved very val-
uable. Plans were endorsed for reaching the coming
year as many as possible of the district boards which
have never been touched by the Staff.
Leadership training will be continued as a major em-
phasis and will be given added promotion. Some
changes were made in the requirements for accreditiza-
tion to teach standard classes. The Board decided to
prepare a denominational reading course for teachers.
The Board also went on record as favoring coopera-
tion with the General Ministerial Board and Bethany
Biblical Seminary in creating one leadership training
program for the church. A joint committee of the Gen-
eral Ministerial Board and the Board of Christian
Education has made progress in planning Leadership
Training Schools and Bible Conferences for church
school workers and the ministers now in service.
The adult program is being built by a permanent
adult committee composed of representatives from
Men's Work, Women's Work, the Board of Christian
Education, and the General Mission Board. This
makes for a correlation of activities and a united adult
program. Of the many important decisions made, I am
sure the creation of a simplified plan to create interest
in and to aid in Bible Study will be felt by the Broth-
erhood as an effort toward meeting a real need.
In the young people's program, plans were outlined
for the summer camps and for the Sunday evening pro-
gram materials. Since the young people's program is
so strategic in building the church of the future, the
Board decided to urge that the best of our mature lead-
ers contribute some of their time and efforts to young
people's summer camps. The purpose is to get our
young people in touch with the finest personalities in
our church life. It has been our policy for several years
to get a missionary into everyone of our summer camps.
Plans for the program of Children's Work were out-
lined for the year. There will be continued contacts
with District Directors of Children's Work and an in-
creased program of leadership training. The new
Graded Lessons for the Children's Division are meeting
with a hearty response. The children's program was
launched through agencies which had already been set
up. By its very nature it is not spectacular in develop-
ment, but nevertheless is one of the most important ele-
ments in our program. The highway to world peace,
the highway to a better church, lies in the heart of the
child. For
"In hearts too young for enmity
There lies the way to make men free!"
The peace and moral welfare programs are being
built in the light of a crisis. Realizing that the great
need is education along these lines, we are emphasizing
peace and temperance programs for local churches. In
answer to the decision of the Anderson Annual Confer-
ence, the Board is investigating suggestive plans for re-
lief work in the event of war. While the great need for
prohibition is a constructive program of education, yet
the Board feels that the church should resist every ef-
fort to repeal the Eighteenth Amendment and to modi-
fy the Volstead Law. Besides temperance and peace
work, the Board plans to do more educational work
which sets forth the evils in card playing and dancing
and at the same time outlines constructive ways for us-
ing leisure time.
The Board reorganized by electing C. S. Ikenberry,
Chairman ; C. Ernest Davis, Vice-Chairman, and Dan
West, Treasurer.
We crave the suggestions and hearty cooperation of
the Brotherhood during the coming year for making the
program of Christian education the most effective in the
building of Christlike character and inspiring Christian
Elgin, III.
" The King's Highway "
We are living in the day of roads. The constant cry
is for " good roads," that is, not only for new and im-
proved roads to be built, but for the present modern
roads to be improved.
The world has never witnessed such a system of
roads as we have them today. Roads are ways and
means for travel and transportation. Roads are an asset
and a blessing to people. And doubtless it would be as-
tonishing to know how many people are on the road all
the time, and truly, some without purpose.
There are historic and famous roads. There are the
Appian and other historic Roman roads. Today we
have the Lincoln, William Penn, Dixie, and other high-
ways. But there is another highway that we desire to
think and talk more about. We refer to the King's
Highway. The King's Highway is the Way of Christ.
He said, " I am the way, the truth, and the life." What
an assertion : " I am the way !" Yet who but the
King of kings could make and prove such a claim? Let
us note some of the characteristics of the King's High-
It Is a Smooth Way
In the first place, it is a smooth way. I have known
for a long time that there were thermometers, speedo-
meters, etc., to measure heat, speed, and the like. But
I'll confess that I never knew until a few days ago that
there was such an instrument as a " roughometer." A
roughometer is an instrument to measure the number of
" bumps " to the mile in the newly constructed state
roads. It was designed by the Bureau of Public Roads,
and is manufactured in Washington, D. C. The instru-
ment is attached to the front axle of a car. When a
new road is finished a state official appears on the scene
and " rides the road " and thus ascertains the number
of bumps, or roughness, of the road. Twenty or less
bumps to a mile of new road nowadays is considered
good. But the aim is to build roads that are without a
single bump, that is, a perfectly smooth or level road.
Yet the King's Highway is such a road. " Prepare
ye in the wilderness the way of Jehovah ; make level in
the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall
be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made
low ; and the uneven shall be made level, and the rough
places a plain." This scripture from Isaiah, John the
Baptist applied to Jesus Christ when he said : " Repent,
for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." This was point-
ing out the King's Highway.
" I am the way," said he. He is the very embodiment
of his teachings. The Jesus way of life is the highway
of life over which we should travel. He taught a
smooth way of life for his followers. He taught it by
precept and by example. How smooth he was when
they smote him and spat in his face! He was gentle,
kind, loving, patient, longsuffering. He went about do-
ing good, healing, comforting, sympathizing; in other
words, taking the bumps out of the road for his pil-
grims in the earth. The King's Highway is a smooth
way. Husbands can make the way smooth for wives,
and vice versa. What opportunities we have for mak-
ing the way smooth for others — children, neighbors, the
stranger, the needy! We sometimes hear the expres-
sion : " He had a rough road to travel." Are you mak-
ing the road rough or smooth for your loved ones?
How will you feel when you have laid them away ?
About the roughest road I ever rode over was called
a corduroy road. It simply consisted of a roadbed con-
structed of poles six or eight inches in diameter, and
about ten or twelve feet in length, pole joining pole. To
ride over such a road in a jolt wagon is almost in-
describable. Well, we have better road beds today, and
we are thankful. Rock and concrete are used today;
and as for the Royal Highway, it is the Rock of Ages.
But still some folks have it rough, rough as the cordu-
roy road. Let us try to take more of the bumps out of
the way of life for folks.
It Is a Strait Way
Second, " For narrow is the gate, and straitened the
way, that leadeth unto life." Nowadays trunk line
highways are being widened. Many large cities have
their Broadways. But the King's Highway is narrow,
strait (not straight). Many speak of Matt. 7: 14, us-
ing the word straight instead of strait. It is indeed
often printed so. It is narrowed down so as to include
only holiness and righteousness. Beyond its berms are
sin and evil. " The highway of the upright is to depart
from evil." " And a highway shall be there, and a way,
and it shall be called the way of holiness ; the unclean
shall not pass over it; but it shall be for the redeemed."
Being a strait way, it becomes a way of choice. Some
roads lead to worldly parks ; others to places of right-
eousness. Or somewhat as the poet has expressed it:
"To every man there openeth
A way, and ways, and a way,
And the high soul climbs the high way,
And the low soul gropes the low;
And in between, on the misty flats,
The rest drift to and fro.
"But to every man there openeth
A high way and a low,
And every man decideth
The way his soul shall go."
The latter sentence of the poet is more nearly true.
There are but the two ways, namely, the high and the
low; or as the Scriptures have it, the narrow way and
the broad way. Take the narrow way, it is the Royal
A Way Without a Detour
In the third place, the King's Highway is a way with-
out a detour. " This is the way, walk ye in it ; when ye
turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left."
Keep in the way. The way of the detourer is hard. Ev-
ery traveler knows that. And every sinner, sooner or
later, knows that the way of the transgressor is hard.
The meaning is the same. The former word is of
French derivation; the latter, Latin. The Royal Road
has no detour.
A Way Well Marked
In the fourth place, the Royal Highway is well
marked. How was the remnant of God's people to get
back to their homeland and the Holy City ? Isaiah, as
God's spokesman, said, " Prepare a way. Make the
crooked straight, grade down the high places, fill up the
low, make smooth the rough places." And Jeremiah
says : " Set thee up waymarks, make thee guide-posts ;
set thy heart toward the highway, . . . turn again
to these thy cities." John the Baptist applied the for-
mer scripture to Christ. So may the latter be applied.
God's children may find their way out of bondage to the
Holy City, the New Jerusalem, by following the well-
marked way, coursed in red, by the blood of Christ.
Follow the " I am the Way." A trunkline highway is
easily followed today — simply follow the numbers
which mark it well. The King's Highway is number
One. It is the way of the Holy One. " Be ye holy, for
I am holy." " It shall be called the way of holiness."
Westminster, Md.
Why So Many Nonchurchgoers?
This was the subject of an address the writer heard
some time ago in one of the Malmo churches. A Meth-
odist minister serving a church in Malmo sent out a
questionnaire some years ago. In it he asked : " Why
do so many men not go to church ?" He received a num-
ber of answers. Encouraged by the result, he sent out
a similar questionnaire in Stockholm last fall. This
was followed by another : 'Why do you go to church ?"
The minister received hundreds of letters, and in a
lecture on the returns read a number of extracts which
were interesting. Some answers were ridiculous. The
speaker summarized the answers under the following
headings :
(1) A dislike and mistrust toward churches in gen-
eral, and especially the authorized state church.
(2) A lack of confidence in the state church priests
and preachers of the free churches.
(3) The difficulty in believing the Bible and the
church's teachings and dogmas.
(4) The lack of life and interest fostering elements
in the religious services.
(5) The idea that modern science is not in harmony
with piety and godliness.
The following extracts from letters were also read :
" Because I live too near the priest's home."
" Because the messages in the church, year by year,
are but parodies, being teachings without a life to back
" The preachers are too cut and dried in the pulpit.
Let the preacher wake up and then he will be able to
wake up his audience and the churches will be filled
" I belong to the working class and consider the
priests favorable to the capitalists and opposed to the
working class."
" Because when I was in a church in the autumn of
1914, I was shocked when the priest, at the close of the
service, asked a blessing on the World War. Since then
I have had no desire to meet within the walls of a
church." These are some of the reasons given in this
country for nonchurchgoing.
The speaker also read a few paragraphs of the law
concerning churchgoing. " A farmer ought to go to
church every Sunday and attend all the special meetings
announced by the priest from the pulpit." A law was
passed in 1686 which provided : " A fine shall be im-
posed on those who seldom go to church." For less than
three hundred years ago there was a decline in church-
going and the government saw fit to try and compel its
subjects to go to church. Now, as usual with most
radical restrictions, the pendulum has swung too far to
the other side.
Is this condition of nonchurchgoing peculiar only to
Sweden, or is it a general condition? We take for
granted that it is general. If so, it might be interest-
ing to know the cause for nonchurchgoing in other
countries. Not all countries have tried to keep their
subjects pious and God-fearing by compelling them by
law to attend church services. Some of the causes at
least for not going to church in Sweden may apply to
other countries.
The answers to the question : " Why do you go to
church ?" may be summarized as follows :
(1) The need for refreshing and inspiration for the
(2) As social creatures, men long for Christian fel-
(3) It is a rest from the daily routine of work
which gives rest to the soul.
(4) Because it is customary or the habit to go to
(5) One, at least, has a pure personal and selfish
interest in his church going. The following extracts
from the answers may be of interest :
" In the church service there is real rest and the soul
is lifted into the very presence of God. Here one finds
strength for the duties of practical life."
" I go to church because there, as nowhere else, I
realize the greatness of God and my dependence upon
him. Here I find a longing for things eternal."
" I have a desire to experience the forgiveness of sin
and receive strength to gain the victory over tempta-
" Christian association gives me strength of faith and
courage to continue the battle in the Christian life."
" I go to church because there my heart is lifted into
a worshipful spirit and I find real rest for the soul."
" I go to church because man can not live by bread
" I go to church because I feel a need that only there
can be supplied. Sometimes I realize sweet peace during
the service. Sometimes I feel condemned by the preached
word. I continue to go because I feel that God meets
his people there. When I fail to go, a feeling of con-
demnation rests upon me."
"I go to church because my parents have always
taught me that one should go to church."
"I am a respectable official in the community and go to
church to retain my respect and for the announcements
by the priest from the pulpit (many of which are secu-
lar) so as to keep informed with current events and le-
gal transactions." Otherwise this man has no use for
the church services and with an oath condemns the
Christian religion.
" I go to church because it is a good place to sleep."
This answer is a little ridiculous, but I wonder if it is
not the experience of many, although it may not be the
primary cause of their going.
A study of cause and effect of nonchurchgoing can
be both interesting and profitable. There are too many
nonchurchgoers and too many who do not interest
themselves in the regular preaching services as they
should. I understand there is a general falling off along
this line. There is so much to interest people of this
age, and the Christian religion is not given the proper
place in so many Christian professors' lives. There is
occasion and cause to ask: "Why?" Is there a just
cause for not going to church ? According to some of
the answers given, one might reach such a conclusion.
Is it the preachers' fault? Is it the fault of the mem-
bers in general? Is there a possibility that preachers
and laity are as signboards, pointing the way, but not
going the way themselves? If ever there was a time
when nonprofessors of religion read the Bible little, and
Christian professors neglected reading, it is now. We
live in an age when people get so much of their knowl-
edge without reading. This may well be termed a " lis-
tening age," therefore our actions should speak loudly
if we would be living witnesses for Christ. It is pos-
sible to be a stumblingblock and an object of offence to
those who are without. May we ask ourselves the ques-
tion: " Is it I that is causing nonchurchgoing?" If we
discover that such is the case let us mend our way and
do our part in making the church services as attractive,
interesting and uplifting as possible. Let us back up
our profession with a life that shows interest in the wel-
fare of the church and the salvation of those.
Malmo, Szveden.
Physical Activities Here and There
First Half
The cost of the place for " the assembling of our-
selves together " in a house of worship on Crown
Street 115 years ago, is made up as follows:
Cash paid on a $4,250 lot purchased
from Jesse Stillwagon $1,250.00
Expenses at the "raising" in June, 1817:
To 44 lbs. Hames at I/4J/2 P* to
I. W. Maybury $ 8.25
To Hertzog & McCarigher for 24%
lbs. cheese at 1 8*C 4.83
1 tumbler broken at raising 15
To p & A — at raising 5.00
To beef & butter pd by G Gorgas at
raising 3.44
J. Zigler cash* 15.00
Less: "To 5 lbs. cheese
remained at raising tak-
en by J. Lynd 94
To Boards sold by John
Fox $13.00 $13.94 22.73
Cash paid for construction (labor and materials 3,412.50
Value of materials and labor contributed by 1 56
persons (members and others) clearly item-
ized of record 2,03 1 .80
A 6% Mortgage for 3,000.00
Total cost involved $9,71 7.03
The yearly maintenance covering wood, oil, candles,
and " open and shut the meetinghouse and build the
fires," did not exceed $125 !
The Crown Street church was sold to Samuel Glad-
ing Oct. 12, 1872, for $13,000— fifty-five years to the
*J. Zigler is listed in the 1817 Directory as "Official Inspector of Lum-
(Continued on Page 20)
"Ubis Department
Conducted by
H. Spenser Minnich
No One Missed
A good giver in Ohio sends $75 and she writes :
" Use the money to the best of your knowledge for
mission work. I rather think foreign missions is most
needful, but you know more about that than I do. So
do as you think best and the dear Lord will bless you
for so doing. Wishing each and every soul a Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year and thanking you for
the distribution of this money, I am, as ever, your
Hens and a Missionary Promise
In 'the Fernald congregation, Middle Iowa, a young
married couple made the promise that if their hens laid
101 eggs every day for one week, they would increase
their giving to missions. The hens seemingly under-
stood their opportunity and one day laid 134 and kept
up a good record all week.
Some people make promises to the Lord, what they
will do if certain blessings come to them, and then when
they receive their blessings, they forget and fail the
Lord. But according to the report we have, the young
couple making this pledge kept their promise in a
splendid way.
Missions and The Gospel Messenger
This issue marks the second anniversary of the
merger of The Missionary Visitor into The Gospel
Messenger. Missions have been an integral part of the
church paper. This is right. A church without mis-
sions is not a Christian church. The Messenger, being
a weekly, has put mission news fresh before our read-
ers. Nearly all who have commented feel that it was a
wise move to merge the two papers. Special features
are being provided. The second issue each month has a
methods emphasis. The last issues for January, Aug-
ust and November are specials for India, China and
Africa respectively. The first issue each June contains
the Board's Annual Report. The mission directory ap-
pears the last issue of each month. We will seek to
bring to our readers up-to-date thinking and news on
the mission aspect of our Christian endeavor.
What Changed the Offering?
A pastor was taking a missionary collection recently
when he said: "I want each of you to give today as
though you were putting your money right into the
pierced hand of Jesus Christ." A lady came up after-
ward and said : " I was going to give a half-dollar, but
I did not do so."
" Why did you not do it?" the preacher asked.
" Do you think," replied the lady, " I would put a
half-dollar into his pierced hand? I have $10 at home
and I am going to give that."
If we were putting our money into the pierced hand
of our Lord our contributions would amount to mil-
lions, and the world would be evangelized in ten years.
A Desire and Some Habit
A good supporter of missions in eastern Virginia
writes us of his present difficulties in earning money for
missions. He closes the letter by saying : " It is a bit
hard to know how we will stand able to give during the
coming year, but we have a desire and some habit of
giving, so hope it will be possible to give often."
Desire will get an adolescent boy out of bed at 5 A.
M. without a whimper. Desire will cause the explorer
to hazard his life for the sake of conquest. Desire sent
David Livingstone to Africa and our Wilbur Stover to
India. Desire has caused hands to write checks that
have provided the financial needs of our mission work.
Desire has caused people to get along gladly with
meager household furnishings that there might be mis-
sionaries preaching the Word in far places.
A habit will tide us over hard places where without it
we would flounder. While mission giving has fallen in
terms of dollars it has risen in terms of bushels of
wheat. Mission supporters are giving more than twice
as many bushels of wheat as they did five years ago.
But the habit in giving makes it possible. Unseasoned
givers are not likely to do much for missions in these
days of financial difficulty.
How may we get desire? Not by mere wish think-
ing. Sometimes it comes by a great experience as it did
to Paul. Or it may grow out of study. Wm. Carey
studied the map of India and of the Indian people until
his desire to be a missionary would not be restrained.
Desire is increased in the path of service. Our mission-
aries, who broken in health must remain in America,
have a burning desire to go back and serve where they
toiled for years. If you would like to be a missionary
giver, but don't feel the desire, begin giving ; follow the
results of your giving and the desire will come.
As to habits in giving, every Christian will do well to
follow some well planned method. Laying by the first
day of the week is recognized as among the best. Giv-
ing in church as an act of worship is practiced by all
Christendom. Additional gifts to specific needs should
be practiced regularly at certain seasons.
Don't hang on to money. Seek true riches. Money
is not riches. Lives are ever so much more important
than money. Exchange your money into men. The
current coin of heaven is the lives of men. Mission giv-
ers who have been regular through the years can now
count scores of purified, uplifted, redeemed men, wom-
en and children in our mission fields as the returns on
their investments.
Tu Jung Nge, the Cave Girl
Note: The following story should be used in the missionary society
program. Watch the first issue each month for a similar story.
Tu Jung Nge's home is very different from any of
yours, I am sure. Instead of a big house with an up-
stairs, downstairs and a cellar, or even a simpler two or
three-room house with windows to admit the beautiful
sunshine and good pure air, and a green velvety lawn
in front, she lives in a cave way up in the mountains.
The cave is divided into two rooms. There are no win-
dows and only one door. In front of the cave is a pig
pen and a place for the mule which is not only treas-
ured for his usefulness as a beast of burden, but he has
been a pet of the family since babyhood. There are al-
so two or three chickens running around, and a stone
flour mill turned either by man or beast.
Simple as this home was the family were very happy
until an epidemic took its toll. The father, mother, son,
and two little girls, one of whom was Jung Nge, were
all stricken with the dreadful fever. The family had
very little money, so the father decided that he would
buy medicine for his wife and son, for he, like many of
his countrymen, believed them to be the more impor-
tant members of his home. Strange as it all was, the
two who received the special care died, and those given
up to die recovered.
There was nothing else to do but to bring in a new
mother for these bereft little ones. The second Mrs.
Tu, however, proved to be a greater care than a bless-
ing in the home, being physically and mentally unable
to do any work; and so Jung Nge from the time her
mother died, although only eight years old, assumed the
responsibility of housekeeper. She cooked and sewed
for all. When in doubt as to how a thing should be
done she would run to the neighbors, who very kindly
helped her. They cut out the garments, gave directions
what to do with all the pieces, and little Jung Nge final-
ly finished coats, trousers, stockings, etc. Since she has
come to school, she is learning from her older school-
mates and teachers to do prettier needlework. She de-
lights to make pretty shoes for her little sister at home.
During the summer vacations she makes all the winter
clothes for the family.
Five years ago Jung Nge's father was baptized, and
this brought us in closer touch with the family. A year
later the wife came into the church and the third year
Jung Nge, now a girl of fifteen, was also baptized.
This brought about a great change in the home. Mrs.
Tu in accepting the living Christ as her Savior found
not only comfort and peace of soul, but physical and
mental healing. She now helps to perform her duties
as housekeeper and homemaker, while Jung Nge is in
school. Way off in this secluded spot, our missionary
lady evangelist found this promising child of the
Flowery Kingdom. She and her father and the mule
traveled for two days up the mountains, down in the
valleys, around and around, " over the top of the
world " as Anna Blough of sacred memory described
this road, finally arriving at the mission school in Ping
Ting Chou. What a change for her ! Her unassuming
naturalness attracted all of us to her at once. " Can any
good thing come out of Nazareth?" Will we ever be
able to find all the precious jewels God has hidden away
in the most remote recesses of the world ?
Although the school is a much more sanitary place to
live than Jung Nge's cave, yet home is home, and dur-
ing the first weeks her heart was filled with a great
longing for home. One evening as she was going to
bed, I said to her, " Jung Nge, what makes you so sad,
don't you like to go to school ?" " Oh, yes," she said,
" but I do want to go home." Then I said to her : " In
a few months you can go home, but I must wait five
years before I can see my home folks again." Later as
she reported the affair to her people she said : "I was so
ashamed of myself, I'll never allow homesickness to get
the best of me again."
We can not end this story without telling you of her
HaB * 1.
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1 ■
The Tu Family. Left to right: Little Sister, Mrs. Tu,
Mr. Tu and Jung Nge. Photo by Mary Schaeffer.
first experience in shopping. Her father left money
with the request that his little girl was to have things
the same as other girls in school. The first thing
needed was a comfort for her bed. She wanted a big
flowered one like her roommates had. So we took her
to the best store in town. The clerk laid out five or six
pretty pieces. Poor child ! she had never seen anything
like this. She sat speechless ; she just couldn't make a
choice ! Now after three years of schooling and ex-
perience in this larger world, she knows exactly what
she wants, where to get it, and what she ought to pay
for it. Oh, how she has developed and grown ! She is
bright, intelligent, stands at the head of her class, has
a beautiful disposition, is loved by all, and loves all. I
am sure you would be proud of her too. She belongs to
the class of 1933 and I know she is very grateful to you
for helping to make a Christian school possible for her.
Ping Ting Chou, Shansi, China.
■ ♦ •
" Neither Do I Condemn Thee . . . "
From time to time I have acquainted you with the
conditions that prevail in the household of the head
chief of this district. You will remember that I told
you Chief Amadu had a very large household. He had
many wives. Frequently did I go to visit them during
my last term, and bring them the gospel message.
When Chief Amadu died, several of these wives re-
ceived their freedom. One of them is married to one
of our inquirers. Another is married to a young man
who attends our services regularly, and for whom we
are praying, that he may come to confess the Lord pub-
licly. This woman also comes to church, and is show-
ing a definite interest. There is a third of these wives,
of whom I would like to tell you in this message.
Chief Amadu took this woman a few years ago. He
took her. He paid no dowry to her relatives. After
she was in his compound for some time, she tired of
this life. These women resent being under the authori-
ty of another woman and being just like slaves. Some-
times months would go by and she would not hear the
voice of her husband, the chief. She had little or no
fellowship with him. He had so many wives, and of
course he had his favorites : quite likely she was not in
that class.
One day she arose from the compound and returned
to her relatives. Her husband sent for her, and she
was made to return. But her heart never returned to
that place and to that husband. Under cover of dark-
ness she would find a way out of the compound, and
then she would soon be lured into sin. This became
quite a habit, until the chief heard of it, quarreled with
her, and again she left the compound. He did not try
to get her back. Neither would any other man offer to
marry her, as no man will marry a chief's wife while
the chief is living. They are afraid to do this. The
woman became a public prostitute, and remained so for
a couple of years. She drank heavily and indulged free-
ly in sin : she was drifting down at a very rapid pace.
She had a brother who had come to know the Lord.
He faithfully testified of Christ when he was in the
family compound. This sister repeatedly heard the
message. Then came a struggle. The light dawned in
her soul, but the dark path of sin had become such a
habit it was hard to forsake. The enemy had his
clutches wound tightly about her, and was loath to re-
lease her to another Master. But who can withstand
the power of the Almighty? That same Jesus who
liberated a woman before the eyes of her accusers so
long ago, would also liberate this sinful woman. Yes,
he set her gloriously free.
She has now walked the path of life for some
months. She has made public confession. She is learn-
ing to read the Word, and has made good progress in
the catechism.
A little time ago I was dealing with another brother
of hers, who does not know the Lord. I was telling
him how the Lord Jesus changes the lives of his chil-
dren when he gives them a new heart. I asked him :
" Do you think there is any change in the life of your
sister?" " The change in the life of my sister is known
to all. She has turned right around. Formerly where-
ever there was a beer-drink, one would never miss see-
ing her there. She always ran from place to place in
search of beer : now she never touches it. She does
not run the streets to look for it. Before, she was a
public woman : everybody knew her as such. Now she
has a new marriage, and she stays at home. She does
not follow after sin any more. Yes, she has changed,
white lady."
This man is not a believer, but he sees the truth. And
he speaks for many who testify to the wonderful
change that has come into the life of this woman.
What a wonderful Savior ! He still stoops to lift up
the fallen. He still whispers to the souls that are drift-
ing down, and that cry to him for help : " Neither do
I condemn thee." He sends his Spirit into the heart of
a sinner, and brings to pass a complete and marvelous
What a privilege is ours to be allowed to declare the
works of this wonderful Christ ! And what a joy is
ours when we see a soul steeped in sin coming to the
Cross and accepting our Lord ! Even the angels rejoice,
and shall not we do likewise ?
There are scores of such sinful women in this part of
Africa. Oh, that many more may come to know the
Lord Jesus, and hear him say, "Neither do I condemn
thee." — Johanna Veenstra, in S. U. M. News Letter.
Calendar for Sunday, January 8
Sunday-school Lesson, Jesus Begins His Work. — Mark 1 :
Christian Workers' Meeting, The Final Result.— Matt. 7:
B. Y. P. D. Programs:
Young People — Peace — and the Church of the Brethren.
Intermediate Girls — If Jesus Had Not Come.
Intermediate Boys — What Would You Do?
♦> ^ & 4*
Gains for the Kingdom
Nine baptisms in the Bartlesville church, Okla.
Six baptisms in the Dunnings Creek church, Pa., at New
Paris, Bro. C. L. Cox of Claysburg, Pa., evangelist.
Nine baptisms in the Chiques church, Pa., Bro. Norman
K. Musser of Mountville, Pa., evangelist.
Eighteen baptisms in the Twenty-eighth Street church,
Altoona, Pa., Bro. B. F. Waltz, pastor-evangelist.
Thirty-three baptisms in the Goshen City church, Ind.,
Bro. J. H. Cassady of Washington, D. C, evangelist.
Four baptized and one reclaimed in the Beech Grove
church, Ind., Bro. E. O. Norris and wife of Astoria, 111.,
Fifteen baptized in the Greenwood church, Mo., Brother
and Sister Oliver H. Austin of McPherson, Kans., evan-
Fifteen accessions at Mexico, Ind., Bro. Ralph G. Rarick
of North Manchester, Ind., evangelist ; Bro. Ernest Fisher
of Rochester, Ind., music director.
* *:♦
Our Evangelists
Will you share the burden which these laborers carry? Will you pray
for the success of these meetings?
Bro. Ray O. Shank of Flora, Ind., Jan. 9 in the Missis-
sinewa congregation, Ind.
Bro. R. H. Nicodemus of Huntington, Ind., Jan. 1 in the
Beaver Creek church, Ohio.
Brother and Sister Ralph G. Rarick of North Manchester,
Ind., Jan. 8 in the Mission Chapel, North Manchester.
Personal Mention
Bro. Wilbur I. Liskey, recently of Rosepine, La., is taking
up his new pastorate at Live Oak, Calif., and should be ad-
dressed accordingly.
Eld. E. J. Neher, approaching 82 and sitting in his wheel
chair in which all his days are now spent, writes us of the
reverses which make it impossible for him to renew his sub-
scription to the Messenger after receiving the church papers
regularly for 54 years. He reads and writes with difficulty
and his good wife, one year his senior and with better sight,
reads most of the Messenger to him. With many kind
words and good wishes his letter goes on to its pathetic fin-
ish. Then something happens. Before he gets it mailed he
adds this postscript, almost illegible : " Since writing above
I received $2.00 as a Christmas gift for the Messenger and
have given it to our Messenger agent for which we are
grateful." Aren't you glad with this aged and afflicted
couple? Some of their earlier life was given to the ministry
in Florida. They now reside in Grand Rapids, Mich.
" The operating apparatus was set up on the boys' hostel
veranda and two ordinary tables were used for operating
tables. The staff worked fine and Dr. Fox went from one
table to the other as rapidly as the patients could be pre-
pared and cared for. Thirty-two children had their tonsils
removed that day and all are doing fine." So writes Bro.
J. M. Blough of what happened when Dr. J. W. Fox came
to Vyara.
Eld. Wm. U. Wagner, Union City, Ind., writes us of the
good work done recently by Bro. William Beery in the Pop-
lar Grove congregation. He says : " It is his mission to de-
velop an appreciation of the place and value of music in
worship, to help all to sing with spirit and understanding.
The church here was so much benefited by his service that
we wish to recommend his work to others." Bro. Beery
served for a time on our General Music Committee. His
present address is 915 Larkin Ave., Elgin, 111.
Bro. Ezra Flory, New Paris, Ind., writes us : "I have had
a number of letters of sympathy on account of my ill health.
It seems a false rumor has gone out about it and has
worked harm to me in several ways. I have not felt so well
for several years. I have preached regularly for over a
year. I teach a special midweek Bible class and do miscel-
laneous work." Our readers will all rejoice that Bro. Flory
can report so favorably on the recovery of his health. And
while they are about it they will also congratulate him that
it was only the sixty-third milestone of a life already well
filled with good works which he passed this week. It hap-
pened Thursday, Jan. 5.
♦ * * *
Miscellaneous Items
We heartily thank the Twenty-eighth Street Brethren
Bulletin and Pastor B. F. Waltz for this testimony : " The
Gospel Messenger is the best church paper printed. You
can not be an intelligent Brethren without this weekly in-
The York County Ministerial Association, York, Pa., is
conducting its fourth annual Ten Day Prayer Meeting the
first ten days of the year. On most of the days the pro-
gram extends from 10 A. M. to 8 P. M., a different leader
and church group having charge each hour. Our own Pas-
tor Jacobs was assigned to Monday, Jan. 2, 4 P. M., and
Tuesday, Jan. 10, 6 P. M.
* * * *
Around the World
An up-to-date farmer in a western state produced as fol-
lows from forty acres of trees and vines : dried peaches
nine tons, dried apricots twenty-eight tons, dried prunes five
tons, fresh Thompson grapes forty-five tons. This is just
one more proof of the fact that there is plenty for all, that
the real problem is how to improve the processes of dis-
The mounds and caves of the Near East continue to yield
archaeological items of interest. Thus there was recently
reported the finding of the skeleton of a giant in a cave at
Athlit, Palestine. The find is said to resemble that of
Paleanthropus Palestinus found a year ago at Mt. Carmel.
These prehistoric men differed from all others in their long
limbs, jutting chins, and awninglike ridges over their eyes.
Maybe it was the descendants of some of these that the
spies saw when they went up to look over the promised
Speaking of the outlook for the church in China, Dean
Roderick Scott of Fukien Christian University says in part :
" The church is freer than ever before. It is regarded with
a new respect. Christianity is reckoned as one of the social
forces of the nation. . . . Non-Christians use and advise
Christian schools. The late commissioner of education was
so impressed by a Christian teachers' retreat that he de-
clared he must have one for the government schools. He
held up the Christian teachers as models, saying among oth-
er things, that they always paid their electric light bills."
India has long been known as the " sink of precious met-
als." This is due to the fact that gold and silver importa-
tions tend to go into the hoards of princes, or the secret
hiding places of the treasures of other Indians of wealth.
Something of the cumulative effects of such savings habits
upon the world's stock of gold may be gathered from the
fact that India imported about three billions in gold over
the sixty-year period from 1870 to 1930. Of recent years
India has absorbed slightly more than one-quarter of the
world's gold production. Under usual conditions these se-
cret stores of precious metal are as good as lost. But when
unusual conditions develop they may be brought forth.
Thus the decline in value of English money, with the cor-
responding enhancement in value of gold, is bringing much
Indian gold to light.
* * * *
Our Bookshelf
Book reviews for this column are prepared by J. E. Miller, Literary
Editor for the Brethren Publishing House. Any book reviewed in
these columns, and any others you wish to order, may be purchased
through the Brethren Publishing House, Elgin, 111. — Ed.
Undaunted Hope — Life of James Gribble, by Florence
Newberry Gribble. Brethren Publishing Company, Ashland,
Ohio. 438 large pages. $1.65.
We have here a full account of the character, work, cor-
respondence and aspirations of James Gribble who felt the
call to Africa so deeply that he applied to go to the field
when he did not know who would send him or who would
bear the expense. He believed God had called him and
trusted God to open the way. As a result of his faith the
Brethren Church has its Oubangui-Chari Mission in French
Equatorial Africa.
In writing the story of her husband's labors the author
had the advantage of knowing him thoroughly, of sharing his
efforts and accomplishments, and free access to much of his
correspondence in which he revealed the secret of his inner
life. The personal touches Dr. Gribble gives to her story
furnishes a double interest. She has both the general mis-
sion view and the family tie.
This mission is some distance from our mission in Africa.
Would it be too much to hope and pray that some day these
two missions supported by churches that have so much in
common will extend their borders until they meet and form
one continuous Christian community? Be that as it may,
those who read this volume will be amply repaid, for they
will know this part of Africa as they have not yet known it.
The simple faith and the consecrated life of James Gribble
should be a challenge to an indifferent membership at home
that too often forgets its missionaries on the field.
The Introduction, by Alva J. McClain, Secretary of the
Foreign Missionary Society of the Brethren Church, the
map, the pictures, the full index and the clear type combine
to make most readable this human interest story of a pio-
neer missionary, the kind of which the mission field has all
too few.
For educational purposes the publishers desire a wide cir-
culation of the book, hence are offering it for actual cost,
only $1.65. For that reason orders should go direct to the
Education Through Recreation, by L. P. Jacks. Harper
Brothers. 155 pages. $1.50.
In this volume Principal Jacks gives us a series of ad-
dresses delivered throughout some sixty American cities.
He pleads for intelligent, systematic and general training in
recreation. He believes it is better to have all the people
of a community trained to play and to play together than
for a community to turn out a world champion in any line.
In view of present unemployment and future unemploy-
ment which is assured because of this machine age, he ad-
vocates teaching by actual training how to use one's leisure
time to the best advantage. Because of short hours and
short days, both of which seem to be in the air, educators
must prepare folks for an intelligent use of the hours in
which they are not otherwise occupied by necessity. Train
folks to play together and they are not so likely to quarrel,
neither do they so readily fall into mischief and crime as
when they are idle.
To my mind, however, he seems to give undue credit to
the dance as one means of recreation. In other respects I
find his suggestions valuable.
Jesus Lost in God's House
Luke 2: 40-52
For Week Beginning January 15
His Parents Went Every Year to Jerusalem, V. 41
Fixed habits of worship are of supreme importance in the
rearing of children (Ex. 23: 14; Lev. 23: 2; Num. 15: 3).
The Boy Jesus Tarried Behind in Jerusalem, V. 43
Jesus had one interest which was great enough to crowd
out all else (Matt. 13: 44-46).
Supposing Him to Be in the Company, V. 44
Where did they suppose him to be? With the boys and
girls of his own age? I like to think so (Luke 2: 52; John
2: 1-11).
They Found Him in the Temple, V. 46
You can judge a boy by the places to which his pleasure
takes him (Psa. 5 : 7 ; 79 : 1 ; 138 : 2 ; Matt. 4:5; Acts 3:1).
Both Hearing Them and Asking Them Questions, V. 46
Hearing and asking ! Such a boy will grow in wisdom
and in favor with God and man (Ezra 8: 21; Matt. 18: 3;
Luke 11 : 1; John 9: 36; Acts 8: 31).
And They Understood Not, V. 50
Mary and Joseph were not the first nor the last parents to
misunderstand a child (Job 8:9; Eccles. 11: 5; John 3:8;
Jer. 4: 22).
His Mother Kept All These Sayings in Her Heart, V. 51
How we admire this trait of Mary. She was a good moth-
er. Her habit is worthy of imitation (Rom. 10: 8; Deut. 6:
6; 11: 18; Psa. 119: 11; Col. 3: 16).
Do good boys as well as bad ones at times cause their
parents some concern? How can a greater understanding
between parents and children be brought about?
R. H. M.
The City Hospital — An Opportunity
Article Supplied by the Pastoral Association
During the past three years in Baltimore, I have
visited from forty-five to fifty different hospital pa-
tients who were members of our denomination, and
whose homes were out of the city and sometimes out of
the state. In some instances, second and third visits
were made. The average is one new patient every three
weeks. If those from the local church and community
were included the total number would be from one hun-
dred and twenty to one hundred and thirty.
From the experiences that I have had, the following
observations and suggestions are offered:
1. Your visits will be greatly appreciated. Out of
town patients feel strange in the city and in a large hos-
pital. They always welcome the minister's visit. You
go away with a consciousness of having done a good
deed. The cordial response of the patient always re-
pays one for the time and effort expended.
2. You meet some of the finest of people and you
have a splendid opportunity to see Christian faith in
action. Many are the times when the minister returns
feeling that he has received as much as he has given.
3. You will find that it is a splendid way to get ac-
quainted with good people and their churches. The
people who are away from home remember kindly their
home churches and -invariably speak well of them. If
later you happen to be in their church or community
you find a real welcome awaiting you.
4. You will be repaid in additions to your local
church. The people you visit often move to the city or
have friends who do so. A happy point of contact has
already been made. At present six newcomers to the
city will become regular attendants of the local church
because of two hospital visits made.
5. You will discover that hospital employees, doc-
tors, nurses, and others will extend to you the finest re-
spect and courtesy. One can repay these courtesies by
consulting them before entering a room and by remem-
bering to thank them before leaving. These people are
very busy and charged with heavy responsibilities — a
word of appreciation to them is in itself a helpful min-
6. Members of your local church will appreciate the
fact that you visit their out of town friends and rela-
tives when they are in the hospitals. Likewise, they
will usually follow your lead and will themselves be-
come faithful in visiting the sick.
7. Finally, there is one thing that out of town pas-
tors, Sunday-school teachers, friends and parents can
do. Of all those that I have visited, concerning none of
them would I have learned had it not been for the fact
that some one dropped a card, called by phone or in
some manner made a request. Write to your city pas-
tors when your friends are coming to their local hos-
pitals for medical services. You will do both the pastor
and the patient a service.
Baltimore, Md.
" Preaching Out of a Hole "
i77. The Kingdom in Our Midst
One of the outstanding notes of Jesus' message was
the certainty with which he spoke of God's coming
kingdom. His prayer for the disciples was, " Thy
kingdom come. Thy [fatherly] will be done on earth
as it is in heaven." That was the burden of his life, of
his labors, and his interests. He spoke of the kingdom
as coming and also as present already. " I shall not
drink from henceforth of the fruit of the vine until the
kingdom of God shall come," said he. Yet he said:
" The kingdom of God is within you " (in the midst of
you). At least one hundred and twelve references are
made to the kingdom in the gospels. And from a study
of them it seems perfectly clear that Jesus thought of
the kingdom as both coming and yet already then pres-
ent. The parable of the leaven presents the idea of the
kingdom as coming; it is a leavening force which is in-
visible, silent, inward, yet contagious. The parable of
the mustard seed also presents the idea of the kingdom
as coming ; it has vitality and expansion in it. Yet even
these very parables take for granted the fact that the
kingdom is already present; else how could it be a
leavening force or as a growing plant?
Jesus seemed burdened with the desire to make the
disciples feel that they were to be the leavening force
of the kingdom, that they were to be the salt and the
light. From their living was to radiate the gospel of
love which was to be the most contagious thing in all
the world. It was to permeate society and regenerate
and reclaim life. And indeed it has done that very
thing. Not only has it spread from individuals to indi-
viduals, resulting in men " born from above," but it has
permeated human life and society. Witness the fact
that hospitals, as well as all humanitarian institutions,
are an outgrowth of that impulse in the heart of the
Master; in fact, of the Father himself. Witness ef-
forts in national and international life to inject good-
will and human welfare as major concerns. Indeed, we
can not say of the kingdom : " Lo, it is here, or lo, it is
there, for it cometh not with observation."
Contrary to this teaching, which seems so unmistaka-
bly clear in the teaching of the Master, there are those
who teach another doctrine. Based upon passages
from Daniel or Revelation, or such a passage as that
of Matthew 24, they teach that the kingdom can
and will only come in the future. Yet in such a passage
as that of Matthew 24 they seem to overlook the fact
that Christ clearly said, " Verily I say unto you, This
generation shall not pass away till all these things be
accomplished." This passage is not only to be found
in Matthew, but as well in Mark and Luke.
It seems to me that some dangers are inevitable as a
result of this teaching. It creates a hopeless despond-
ency over world betterment. Everything is useless that
is done to build the kingdom of heaven on earth, since
it can only come after this present world has been de-
stroyed. Hence, why shall we worry or labor to try to
build the kingdom on earth? Yet Jesus prayed and la-
bored : " Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on
earth as it is in heaven." It seems clear that the pur-
pose of the parables of the leaven and of the mustard
seed were given to the disciples for the express purpose
of creating hope in the disciples' hearts. They could
not see any hope of building the kingdom on earth, for
they were eternally thinking of a temporal kingdom.
Recall, also, that Paul wrote his second letter to the
church at Thessalonica because he had reports that they
were idle, awaiting the immediate coming of their Lord.
Paul warned them that his coming might not be as soon
as they expected ; hence, they better labor.
A second danger in this teaching of which I spoke is
this, that it seems to me to be untrue to Christ's teach-
ing on the presence and growth of the kingdom. He
spoke and taught of the kingdom not as something far
removed, but as something immediately present in
germal form, for which to labor with all the efforts of
a child of the Father. Indeed, children of the Father
are the only channels through which God works that
this kingdom may be made to come.
The Christian task then, as I see it, is to be the light
and the salt and the leaven in the process of bringing
the kingdom of God as a reality among men. Ours is
the task so to labor, live, and pray that indeed his king-
dom may come on earth. Religion for today should
call us to make the kingdom more and more a reality.
That task requires labor for individual salvation. The
need is still, " Ye must be born anew." But, as well, in
the social, political, and economic life of the world we
must make his kingdom more and more a coming reali-
ty. Because his message was love, therefore we right-
fully labor for international peace and brotherhood.
Because his message was brotherhood, we rightfully
labor for economic justice. Because his message was
righteousness, we rightfully plead for Christian social
life. It is but the transforming message of our Christ
in all of our life ; it is but a part of the leavening work
of the coming kingdom.
Chicago, III.
Jobs for Ministers
The writer was present at a recent conference of minis-
ters of several different denominations held in Birmingham,
Ala. The question of unemployment among ministers was
freely discussed. As usual, at a conference of this nature,
the causes were discussed pro and con. The writer was not
an accredited delegate, only an interested listener, there-
fore had nothing to say. There were as many contributing
causes, according to the discussion, as there have been of-
fered for the present depression, also as many different
remedies suggested. The cause most prominent in the dis-
cussion was " Lack of money," and the remedy most popu-
lar was, " Urge our people to sacrifice, give more of their
means." Many deplored the fact that thousands of young
men have gone in debt heavily, in some cases, to their re-
spective denominations, in preparing for the ministry. Now
they are without work, some arrangement must be made
for work for them in order that they may meet their finan-
cial obligations. Now, I do not desire to be critical, but
that word " minister," if only some delegate had risen to his
feet and defined it ! If it had only been defined for the
young men before they began their preparation for the min-
istry ! I kept thinking of another Minister who said, " Even
as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to
minister, and to give his life a ransom for many " (Matt.
20: 28). I could not help but wonder if we ministers have
really learned the true spirit of the One who spoke the
above words? I had just viewed a line of underclothed,
underfed men and women waiting in line, in the rain, for
a half loaf of bread and a bowl of thin soup. I had just re-
turned from visits in homes of tenant farmers that were
cold and the occupants underclothed. In one of those
homes, a Christian woman was sick in bed. When we left
she left a dime in my hand as an offering to the Lord. At
the conference, all we ministers were well clothed, seated in
a warm room, well ventilated, with a steaming dinner await-
ing us in the kitchen of the building, and the discussion
was around money, not around service, ministry. The question
kept running through my mind — no, not running through, it
entered and abode there, it is there yet, I can not get rid of it, I
pray that I may not. Have we ministers, forgotten, or have
we ever learned to "walk by faith and not by sight"? The
writer recently received no less than a dozen letters from
as many different ministers, requesting that I assist in try-
ing to locate work for them (all of these from men in our
own denomination), and with only one exception they men-
tioned money, salary, but not one word about opportunity
for service. Can not we ministers believe God ? He says :
" Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and
all these things shall be added." Do we believe this?
The writer has just returned from Oneonta, Ala. This is
the fourth meeting we have assisted in there. There we
have learned to know, admire and love a real minister in the
person of Eld. Edward Culler. Bro. Culler and a few faith-
ful coworkers have labored there for about seventeen years,
making their living with their own hands, laboring some-
times against what seemed to be impossible odds. They are
poorer, financially, than they were seventeen years ago, yet
richer than if they had a thousand King Solomon mines.
Our Heavenly Father, through them has built a church,
second to none in spiritual power in the entire Brother-
hood. The minister's life has counted, he has not only
preached and ministered, but he has lived Christ among his
people. As a result, the people come to services to hear the
message of Christ, and many accept and act on it. During
the meeting just closed, people, young and old, walked as
much as six miles through rain, over muddy roads to hear
the message of Christ. At the close of the meeting twenty-
five were baptized, " put on Christ," and others await bap-
tism. I wonder if the best way, the most effective way, to
teach our people to sacrifice is not by setting the example of
ministering. You know it is said that " Like begets like."
Nocona, Tex. » » »
Physical Activities Here and There
(Continued From Page 12)
day from the date of dedication. Two new locations
were considered, one at Eighth and Thompson Streets
and the other on Marshall Street, below Girard Avenue,
the choice falling on the latter.
The agreement for its purchase, including a dwelling
damaged by fire, called for $7,600, but at settlement Sarah
Middleton, the owner, allowed $ 1 00 as a gift to the
church $ 7,500.00
Semple & Leffert for rebuilding the burnt house 2,000.00
Their bid Oct. 7, 1872, for building the
church adjoining 10,200.00
Interior equipment, furnishings, and extras. . . . 2,567.16
Total, including a mortgage of $3,000 and
$1,300 on promissory notes $22,267.16
The operating expenses here fell far short of $1,000
a year.
March 12, 1888, the Board considered the sale of the
church and the purchase of a lot with a stone chapel al-
ready built at Twenty-second Street and Montgomery
Avenue. This purchase fell through. The sale, how-
ever, was made March 11, 1890, to Frederick Taylor
Post, G. A. R., for $13,500 — a material loss, while the
sale at Crown Street represented a good profit.
June 2, 1890, the Board confirmed the pur-
chase of ground at Carlisle and Dauphin
Streets at the approximate cost of $ 8,900.00
Nine bids for the erection of the church build-
ing covered a wide range up to $1 7,665.00.
The offer of Clarke & Fluke of Sept. 30,
1890, was accepted for 8,732.00
Considerable was contributed in the way of
carpets, stained glass and memorial windows,
but the furnishings and fixtures for which
cash was paid amounted to 2,295.43
Bringing the total outlay to $19,927.43
Isaiah G. Harley, Daniel R. Hanawalt and Isaac Huns-
berger were appointed a committee "to advise plans and
submit them for action." One of the committee was
opposed to an "architect as unnecessary. But the breth-
ren were beginning to lean a little more to the artistic,
howbeit they resolved " that neatness and plainness be
aimed at as against vanity and extravagance." They
considered a plan of Benj. D„ Price, architect, showing
a steeple. This was strenuously opposed. A modified
steeple was drawn which met equal opposition, and he
was asked to make an additional drawing for a tower
without the steeple. This he positively refused, saying
" no money could tempt me to spoil my own work by
making any change in my original drawing — if you
want a plan of a plain Dunker church for $75 more I
will give you one." The rise necessary to make the
architectural scheme a success called for an elevation
at the corner. Some would not stand for an elevation.
Daniel R. Hanawalt contended that later on an eleva-
tion would be wanted and insisted that the foundation
remain as designed to provide for it. On this compro-
mise the contention rested. The wisdom of his fore-
sight was subsequently revealed, as the tower was
erected fourteen years later when the extension was
made to the church in 1905.
Fluke, of Clarke & Fluke, contractors, died during the
construction. A possible complication and additional
expense was narrowly averted by the timely remark of
John W. Cathers at a Board meeting June 16, 1891, that
he had been told by the attorney of the widow Fluke
to notify the Board of Trustees that when final settle-
ment was made under the contract it must be consum-
mated in his presence and that he would hold the church
responsible for any sum due the Fluke estate in case
settlement with Clarke was not satisfactory.
On July 20, 1891, the creation of a mortgage of $2,-
500 on the church building was authorized to provide
funds for the balance of the contract price which the
church at the moment was not able to raise. Each of
the three meetinghouses carried a mortgage. It is com-
forting to know that the church has long since been
free of this burden.
Jan. 31, 1876, Jacob Spanogle reported a lot of
ground on Marshall Street offered for sale by its owner,
John Goodyear ; that the Brotherhood needed a publish-
ing house ; that Philadelphia was the best place for it,
and he proposed to make it a stock company, the shares
to be ten dollars each. A Committee consisting of Jesse
What! a new year just ahead! Yes, 1933 —
Untouched, unmarred, and full to the brim for me.
Now what can I do with 1933?
I'll have to live it, I can't discard it,
For it's not man-made, you know :
I can treat it well, or fill it with ill,
I can scorn, or joy at will,
But I dare not forget, I am not alone, as through the
year I go;
So I shall resolve with a purpose true,
To keep the year clean, as I can, clear through
By following the Golden Rule.
I shall seek for the happiness that grows with time,
And search for the jewels of life sublime;
" Others " shall be my motto then,
And I'll bury myself in service for men.
Sabetha, Kans.
P. Hetric, Jacob Spanogle, Jacob T. Myers, Isaiah G.
Harley, and John S. Thomas, was appointed to organize
under the name of the " Brethren Publishing House."
This plan never matured, but it shows the deep interest
manifested by these brethren, especially Jacob T.
Myers, towards providing adequate facilities for han-
dling the literature of the Brotherhood.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Christianity and Wealth
Wealth is outward means of well-being. Its es-
sential meaning is welfare ; it pertains to money and
other outward goods. It is an Anglo-Saxon word mean-
ing " well " while its synonym, riches, comes from the
Latin rego, " I rule." The German word for the latter
word is reichtum. Riches means worth including spir-
itual and material possessions. Both terms include
Money is an important factor in man's well-being.
His attitude toward material wealth influences his char-
acter and shapes his destiny. The right attitude to
money such as enriches the soul and leads to the true
riches is portrayed in the Bible by the great teacher,
Jesus Christ.
The worldly, non-Christian view of man's relation to
wealth is ownership. The Christian view of the same
relation is stewardship. Wealth is inanimate, soulless ;
nevertheless it represents power, being an instrument to
bless or curse. Only a Christian can handle wealth
properly and profitably. It is liable to become a god
to the godless, whereas to the righteous it has the power
of becoming a great good. Its use reacts on the user.
What will its reaction be on you?
Paul says : " The love of money is the root of all
evil." If we trace our present day evils, can we dis-
cover the love of money lying at their root? Take the
evil of the liquor traffic whether legalized or outlawed.
The violators of the Eighteenth Amendment are law-
breakers, unpatriotic citizens to the extent that they
seek the wealth of the iniquitous business regardless of
consequences. Some may be moved by an uncurbed
appetite for alcoholic beverages. Graft, political cor-
ruption, prostitution, burglary, banditry, robbery, gam-
bling, etc., grow out of a sinful attitude toward wealth.
" Let no man seek his own but every man another's
wealth " or good (1 Cor. 10: 24). This language does
not sanction the thief or bank bandit's conduct. It is
not an exhortation to selfishness ; rather to benevolence.
Is there any one anywhere who can not find an oppor-
tunity these days to seek another's welfare? If this
Bible teaching were carried out for one month, our gen-
eral prosperity would quickly return.
Can we infer then that the sure remedy for world-
wide poverty is Christianity ? " But Christ did not
abolish poverty. Not every Christian is rich," you say.
No one has seen the time when everyone took the right
attitude toward wealth. This remedy has never been
honestly and completely tried. There are too many so-
called Christians who hold the pagan attitude toward
wealth. Universal selfishness is the world-wide barrier
to the effective application of Christianity to the world's
The resources of the earth are ample to supply all
human needs if properly distributed. Man's ingenuity
when applied to these natural resources would meet the
needs of the increasing population. Christianity would
not only cure poverty, but also regenerate man's heart
so that crime of all sorts would cease ; diseases would be
greatly reduced if not wholly abolished ; divorce would
not wreck homes ; fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, un-
belief, covetousness could no longer occupy men's
hearts and paradise would be restored to earth.
Physical and mental health is great wealth. Sin only
can mar or destroy it. A living faith in Jesus Christ
and pardon from sin is priceless, inestimable riches —
yea, the true riches non-purchasable, imperishable, only
inheritable as a result of true sonship of God. In the
saved state, the child of God is rich because he is heir
to all the resources of the universe and his soul is con-
stantly growing rich toward God. The soul's riches
consist in freedom from sin, in a knowledge of the
truth, in short, in eternal life.
In ancient times there were ideal rich men who pos-
sessed riches, and yet were not enslaved and cursed by
them. Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver and
gold. Of David it is said that at his death he was full
of days, riches and honor. Job numbered his cattle by
the thousands and was called the greatest man of the
East. One of the Christian women of apostolic his-
tory, Dorcas, by name, was full of good works and alms
Jesus taught the disciples the impossibility of serving
God and mammon. He gave them his example of how
to serve God and make money not an end but a means
to right ends only. He vividly illustrated the dangers
of riches and the difficulty of a rich man to enter God's
kingdom. He uttered the parable of the talents to il-
lustrate that riches are given to man as a trust and that
he is responsible for the way in which he discharges
this responsibility in their use. Men differ in ability to
make proper use of money ; so the Creator should not
be criticized for partiality in distributing his gifts un-
equally. If every one at birth were given a thousand
dollars to start out in life, it would not be five years un-
til their condition in life would be as unequal as it is
today. Some would spend it immediately ; others would
invest it and become rich and masters of their fortune.
(Continued 0:1 Page 24)
Night Thoughts
Alone here in the night I sit
And watch the hours go by,
When night is at its darkest
And no moon is in the sky.
I do not mind these hours at night,
Tho* shadows 'round me creep;
For at the dawning I behold
This human world that's been asleep.
There dawns another day to bring
New life to those who wait,
And yonder rises morning's King,
His round and crimson face sedate.
I do not care how dark the hours
May be that fill the night,
For why should we the darkness dread
When dawn will bring us light?
Connellsville, Pa.
■ ♦ ■
Not for a Day, . . . But for a Lifetime
Chapter 2
At the sound of Hagar's approaching footstep, Bruce
Weston rose hastily and started to leave the room. He
had no desire that her prying eyes should discover how
disturbed he was over Jinny's sudden departure. But
he was not to escape so easily.
Taking the liberty of an old servant, Hagar called
after him, " Marse Bruce, will yo' all be heah fo'
Without turning his head, he answered, " Yes,
Hagar. I don't go out until day after tomorrow. I'll
let you know." Hoping to avoid further questioning,
he hurried on and sought the privacy of his own room.
Jinny's letter lay sprawled beside the chair where he
had let it fall. He picked it up and reread the closing
"I've had them all to myself, father. I xeant you to get
acquainted with the children. Run doTvn to the college occa-
sionally for a v>eek-end and surprise the girls. It would
please them a lot."
" Get acquainted with the children !" he exploded an-
grily. " When a father has been handing out checks all
these years to support his family and then some one
says he hasn't done his part by the children ! Haven't I
given them a good home ? Didn't I write a check three
weeks ago to cover a whole term's college expenses for
Marilyn and Alice ? And Tom — didn't I see him grad-
uate last year with honors? Didn't I use my influence
starting him in with Hubert & Hayward, Attorneys at
For a long time he sat there arguing in self-defense,
from which he received little consolation. For out of
the past came a grave reminder chiding him anew with
Jinny's words : " Father, you don't spend enough time
with the children." How well he remembered how he
had quieted her fears with a jovial laugh. " They're
doing fine under your care and supervision, mother. I
see nothing to worry about, if I pay the bills."
" Yes, yes, I know, father," Jinny had answered.
" Money is very necessary to keep a family, but the
children need something more from a parent than mere
money. They need most of all sympathetic understand-
ing and companionship. I've always thought it was a
short measure love that gives only gifts and never gives
At last he rose and strode from the room. Passing
down the hall, he opened the door of Tom's room and
stepped inside. The room was strangely bare, the only
evidence of recent occupancy was an old, faded necktie
hanging limply across a rack. Catching sight of a tiny
piece of paper pinned to the end of the tie, Mr. Weston
scanned the lines wonderingly.
"Please leave this hang. I Teant something to slay in the
room just as Tom left it."
He started back in dismay. " Tom again ! Yes, she
said he had gone, but where? Why didn't they write
and tell me?" Suddenly he began fumbling in his
pockets. His face reddened as he drew forth an un-
opened letter. He remembered now that it had come
just as he was leaving for an important engagement,
and then had been forgotten in the anticipation of the
trip home.
Yes . . . there Tom was married . . .
and there was the new address standing out in bold re-
lief . . . 1542 Maple Road.
" How'd the young rascal manage to get in that new
part of town?" he mused. Suddenly a great over-
powering hunger to see Tom swept through his soul —
to see him master of his own house — to hear from his
own lips all about his work. Yes, Tom was her child
too. He would be getting closer to Jinny if he went to
see their son.
Forgetting the lateness of the hour, he slipped into
his coat and hurried downstairs and out into the night.
Two blocks away a street car rumbled to a noisy pause
and he slid gravely into a rear seat. He watched the
trolley grind past myriads of twinkling lights winking
a cheery welcome through the October gloom. A
strange loneliness swept through his heart. None of
these lights gleamed a welcome for him. Long since ac-
customed to substituting the lonely hotel room for com-
forts of home, he now for the first time realized the
magnitude of the blessing he had lost through twenty
years of experience as a traveling salesman.
Always wherever he traveled, Bruce Weston had
been conscious of a certain satisfaction — a joyous con-
tentment. Jinny would keep the home fires burning.
She was there to welcome him any day or hour that his
work permitted a flying visit home. But now the
hearthfire of her presence had gone out and he was
alone. It mattered not that only a day or so remained
until a limited train would bear him away to his chosen
work. The sweet sense of well-being which filled his
heart at the thought of home and loved ones, had van-
ished with Jinny's sudden flight.
" Get acquainted with the children," she had begged.
A panic seized his heart. Alas, the responsibility of a
family had been thrust upon his unwilling shoulders
after all these years of shirking. With Jinny across
the waters, the well-being of the children rested upon
" Two blocks east and one north," directed the con-
ductor as the car joggled haltingly to the end of the
route. Bruce Weston buttoned his collar tighter about
his neck and turned on a dimly lighted street. The few
scattered houses stood dark and cold against the sky.
He pressed on and turned north. The only house in the
block, a tiny bungalow, lay dark and still beneath the
feeble light of a street lamp. He paused beneath the
pale glow of the lamp and glanced at his watch.
" Ten-thirty !" he gasped in amazement and turned
quickly to retrace his steps to the trolley. As he waited
for the passengers to alight, a familiar voice caught his
ear. He glanced quickly toward a young couple moving
out the door. It was Tom and Betty.
" Oh, Tom, it's too good to be true to think that not
far away our own cozy nest is waiting for us."
" So it is dear, and I guess if it hadn't been for moth-
er, it wouldn't be true."
" No wonder it is so sweet, built with your mother's
own cakes," murmured the little bride.
" Tom !" Mr. Weston thought he had shouted aloud,
but the engrossed couple moved briskly away and gave
no heed. He stared after them moodily.
" Step lively there, sir," warned the conductor, half
pushing the lone passenger into the vestibule.
" If it hadn't been for mother." Tom's words rang
in his ears. What did he mean? Another pang! If
Tom needed money why didn't he come to his father?
And what did Tom's pretty bride mean about a house
being built from cakes? Had Jinny been — oh, no, not
that after the way he had provided for her. Surely a
proud Virginian would not stoop to such a menial task !
And yet—"
So engrossed was he in his thoughts that he allowed
himself to be carried past the street. He retraced the
distance slowly. A dim light burned in the hall. Some-
how the dull glow seemed to mark the depths to which
his spirits had fallen since his arrival in the city that
afternoon. He hung his hat and coat in the hall closet
and slowly mounted the stairs. The coals of a dying
fire lay smouldering on the hearth. He switched on the
light and began preparations for the night. Suddenly
the sound of a footstep caused him to start nervously.
A door latch clicked softly at the end of the hall.
He waited uncertainly. " Surely Hagar is not up
and about at this late hour," he thought, slipping into
his lounging robe.
The latch clicked again and footsteps approached.
He threw open the door and flooded the hall with light.
" Father !" A frightened voice stammered hoarsely.
" Marilyn! Daughter, what does this mean?" he de-
manded, sternly eyeing the trim dark figure standing
with a suitcase in each gloved hand.
" I-^-I didn't know you were here. I — I had moth-
er's message today and came home to get some things.
Jack brought me over. Didn't you see his car in
front ?" Marilyn's eyes fell before the penetrating gaze
fixed upon her.
" Marilyn, tell me the truth. What was your real
purpose in coming here after your mother's departure?"
" I told you I came after some clothes," she insisted.
"Clothes?" he repeated, wonderingly. "Don't you
have enough for ordinary occasions?"
" Yes," confessed the girl, hesitatingly, " for ordinary
occasions but I — I may as well tell you. I'm going to
be married."
Nappanee, Ind. (To Be Continued)
Women's Nook — World's Day of Prayer
March 3, 1933
In these troubled times it seems expedient that Chris-
tians everywhere make a special effort to draw near to
God. There is a certain thrill and sense of satisfaction
as we think of God's faithful ones making a complete
chain of prayer around the world. This year the World
Day of Prayer, which occurs annually on the first Fri-
day in Lent, comes on March 3. Every group of wom-
en in our brotherhood will want to assemble for prayer
and meditation on this very important day. The Lord
will pour out blessings upon us if we put ourselves in a
position to receive them.
The program, based on the theme " Follow Thou
Me," was prepared by Mrs. Chen of Shanghai, China,
who is chairman of the National Committee of the Y.
W. C. A. of China and a member of the executive com-
mittee of the National Christian Council of China.
When Mrs. Chen sent the program to the American
committee she wrote : " It is a very simple program.
The prayers are my own daily ones. . . . China is
in trouble. The troubles come one after another. I be-
lieve it is due to the fact that we have not enough
(Continued on Page 26)
Christianity and Wealth
(Continued From Page 21)
Jesus taught that poverty is not essential to right-
eousness nor wealth incompatible with goodness. Al-
though Jesus was poor from a monetary standpoint, yet
poverty is not a virtue nor riches an evil. Riches sub-
ject men to powerful temptations ; they incline their
possessors to forget God and put their trust in their
wealth. They are fleeting and uncertain, deceptive and
disappointing. Spiritual riches are enduring, unsearcha-
ble, and can be discovered only by spiritual vision.
What are riches for? What is anything for? In
primitive times money was unknown. People supplied
their needs by barter and trading. As society became
complex, a medium of exchange was invented for con-
venience in exchanging services for necessities. Wealth
multiplied and became an object of avarice. The abuses
of wealth have corrupted men's hearts, and brought
economic and moral ruin. Properly utilized and di-
rected by hands and hearts devoted to God's will, it may
be a rich blessing.
North Manchester, Ind.
Why Every Sensible Man Should Be a
Man in his natural state is in a lost condition and
needs a Savior (Rom. 3: 23). Jesus is the Savior he
needs (Rom. 6: 23; also Acts 4: 12 and Isa. 53: 6).
He should accept Christ because of God's great love
shown by the gift of his Son (John 3: 16). "God is
not willing that any should perish, but that all should
come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).
He should be a Christian too because of the love
shown by Christ for the lost. He was willing to lay
aside the glory he had with the Father. " Let this mind
be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus : who, being
in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal
with God ; but made himself of no reputation, and took
upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the
likeness of men : and being found in fashion as a man,
he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death,
even the death of the cross" (Philpp. 2: 5-8.) "He
came unto his own, and his own received him not. But
as many as received him, to them gave he power to be-
come the sons of God, even to them that believe on his
name" (John 1: 11-12).
Every sensible man should realize the company with
which he is classed and his final destiny. " The fearful,
and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers,
and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all
liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth
with fire and brimstone " (Rev. 21 : 8).
God has said that he will not hear the prayer of those
who continue in sin. " If I regard iniquity in my heart,
the Lord will not hear me " (Psa. 66: 18). God hears
one who is seeking light. The keeper of the prison of
Acts 16, was a sinner. When he was convicted, he
cried : " What must I do to be saved ?" Paul answered :
" Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be
saved" (Acts 16: 31).
" Every one of us shall give account of himself to
God " (Rom. 14: 12). We are without excuse. "These
are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the
Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might
have life through his name " (John 20: 31). It is our
privilege to know that" we are saved. " These things
have I written unto you that believe on the name of the
Son of God ; that ye may know that ye have eternal
life" (1 John 5: 13 ; John 3 : 36).
Virden, III.
Being a Messenger reader for at least forty years, I take
pleasure in offering a word of congratulation for the splen-
did religious journal published by our people.
During the years we have noticed the changes in the
paper adapting the writing to the needs of the times. We
might venture to give some of the high points in some of
the recent numbers which might be interesting.
In the Messenger for Dec. 17 I noted such articles as :
Respect the Violator, Will the World Recover? The Fare-
well Sermon, Dynamic Preaching, Without Money and
Without Price. These, with other splendid reading matter,
give food for right thinking.
We wonder how members can get along without The
Gospel Messenger. Perhaps a splendid resolution for the
coming year for the promotion of our missionary activities
at home and abroad would be the slogan — the Messenger
into every Brethren home. M. F. King.
Ridgely, Md.
Number Three
Answering a rap at our door one day, an unfamiliar voice
said: "Does Miss Holderread live here?" and there stood
the expressman with a good sized box which he deposited
on the kitchen floor. We could scarcely wait until we had
time to open it, for we were curious to know what was in-
side. However, both of us had Chinese women to teach that
afternoon, hence must wait until evening to have our curi-
osity satisfied.
On arriving home in the evening we decided that I would
get our supper ready while Miss Holderread opened the box.
She borrowed a hatchet from one neighbor, and a hammer
from another and by using some good arm power the box
was finally opened. I sat down to help unpack and amidst
the " ohs " and " ahs " as each article was brought forth,
I let the potatoes burn. That was a small matter however,
for we almost forgot about supper in our interest in the
contents of the box.
The box came from Greenville, Ohio, where Bro. Roy
Honeyman is the pastor, and it contained articles made in
their Vacation school which we will use at Christmas time
among our Chinese women and children. There were Bible
pictures in pretty frames, vases, some pretty toys, scrap
books, dolls in little beds, etc., and while we were so happy
over them we could imagine the joy and happiness they will
bring to the Chinese. Some Sunday-school classes from
other churches have sent us pretty books made from Sun-
day-school papers, scrap books and pictures which will be
used for the same purpose. Thank you dear coworkers.
Thank you, Father, and may you richly bless all the givers.
Praise the Lord! We will tell you the rest of this story
after Christmas. Allie Eisenbise.
Chicago, 111.
Oneonta. — Oct. 28 a series of evangelistic meetings began at this
place conducted by Bro. Fred E. Maxey, evangelist from Texas. The
subject of the first message was, The Book. Following this great
subject, thirty-one other soul-stirring messages were brought to us.
The meetings closed Nov. 20 with thirty-two conversions and conse-
crations; twenty-three were received by baptism. One had been
received formerly. Our love feast and the communion services were
held Nov. 21. On Saturday following, the regular business meeting was
held. We decided to repair the roofing on the church and to finish
several class rooms in the basement. The juniors are increasing in
number; under the instruction and teaching of Sister Culler they ren-
der two splendid programs a month. The Christian Workers' meet-
ing is progressing nicely. On the first and third Sundays, alternately,
Bro. Jesse Adkins, recently installed into the ministry, and Bro. Culler
bring us helpful sermons. On other Sundays we have Bible class
with Bro. Culler as teacher. A goodly number attend the class and
we are glad for the interest shown. — Gerthie Gerber, Oneonta, Ala.,
Dec. 20.
Oakland. — Oct. 30 we joined with the churches of the city in a meet-
ing at the municipal auditorium and heard Kathleen Norris and Chester
Rowell speak against the repeal of the eighteenth amendment. Nov. 6
we held our communion with Bro. Boaz officiating. Nov. 13 the eve-
ning service was in charge of the boys' clubs. A group of boys from
the Centennial Presbyterian church conducted an induction service for
our boys of the Comrade club. Nov. 20 Kenneth Groff from the
Brother and Sister J. C.
Horsh live at Lincoln,
Nebr. He celebrated his
ninety-second birthday on
Nov. 10, 1932, and she,
her eighty-sixth on Nov.
30, 1932. Their sixty-
fourth wedding anniver-
sary was Nov. 22.
They have been loyal,
faithful members of the
Church of the Brethren
for sixty years and are
always in their places at
services, the weather
permitting. Frequently,
if Sister Horsh can not
attend, Bro. Horsh
walks, a distance of
about sixteen blocks.
Y. P. D. gave an interesting talk on the Laymen's Work in the Church.
Through the generosity of the Waterford, Elk Creek and Live Oak
churches the Aid Society was able to distribute about sixteen baskets
of food this Thanksgiving. The three adult Sunday-school classes,
primary department and Comrade club each gave a basket of food
also. The two groups of women are meeting regularly making com-
forters and articles of clothing to be given to the needy. Three chil-
dren were received into the church by baptism Dec. 4. Three of our
members have been called by death since our last report. Over a
year ago the Loyal Workers secured dime cards and distributed them
to the three adult Sunday-school classes. At a social Dec. 9 these cards
were collected and quite a substantial amount was taken in which was
applied toward our pastor's salary. — Mary Heisel Woody, Oakland,
Calif., Dec. 19.
Rio Linda. — At the quarterly business meeting all officers were
elected for the coming year: Bro. J. R. Wine, elder; Bro. John Whip-
ple, trustee; Sister Helen Fisher, clerk; church correspondent and
Messenger agent, the undersigned. The Sunday-school officers were
chosen Sept. 11 with Bro. Lee Whipple, superintendent. Our revival
meetings will begin in January with Bro. J. R. Wine in charge. Our
Sisters' Aid is busy preparing bedding for the needy of our vicinity.
We give all members a hearty invitation to visit the Rio Linda church.
— Mrs. Levi Fisher, Rio Linda, Calif., Dec. 20.
Lakeland.— Our pastor, Bro. S. Ira Arnold, began a series of evangel-
istic meetings on Thanksgiving evening and closed with a love feast
Dec. 10 with Bro. B. F. Lightner officiating. Splendid crowds were in
attendance to see Bro. Arnold's beautiful chalk pictures, accompanied
by favorite hymns, given preceding the sermon. These services were
helpful and inspiring to all who attended. Sister Arnold gave the
children a story each evening; many of these were about India which
were interesting to the adults as well as to the children. The 1933
District Meeting was granted to Lakeland, to be held in Central Ave-
nue school, one-fourth mile east of our church, which is not large
enough for the occasion. We will have lodging and meals without
going out of the building. The Lakeland church has also decided to
have a love feast at the time of the District Meeting. Nov. 28 the
district ministerial committee was with us and Bro. Arnold was chosen
as our pastor. Sister S. W. Bail was licensed to preach for one year.
Just recently two brethren from the north came to Lakeland and
opened a large canning plant; they furnish employment for all our
brethren and sisters who want work. — Mrs. J. S. Leckrone, Lakeland,
Fla., Dec. 15.
Mt. Morris. — We have been having some very interesting and suc-
cessful group programs on Sunday evenings. The adults are using
the Bible reading calendar and on Sunday discuss the reading of the
week. The young people have a lively discussion group, while the
intermediates and juniors are dramatizing Bible stories and parables.
These group meetings are followed by worship service with congre-
gational singing and expository sermons from Corinthians by our pas-
tor. Our fall communion service was attended by an unusually large
representation of members. Nov. 26 a group of Volunteers from Man-
chester College gave us a program; two of the number were former
Mt. Morris students. We greatly miss the fellowship and cooperation
of the faculty and students this year. Dec. 9 a Christmas social was
held with fifty-three young people present The party was sponsored
by the B. Y. P. D. of which Everett Falconer is president. — Mrs. Rob-
ert McNett, Mt. Morris, 111., Dec. 22.
Yellow Creek. — The young people of the church gave a pageant, The
Light Eternal, on Sunday evening, Dec. 18. The children's Christmas
program will be given Dec. 25. Miss Evelyn Clair represented our
church in the district contest (Prince of Peace) held at Byron, 111.,
Dec. 11. On Dec. 1 twenty men had a wood-cutting bee for the church.
Bro. Geo. Frye donated the wood to be cut. The Ladies' Aid has been
meeting regularly to do quilting and sewing. — Mrs. Perry O. Keltner,
Pearl City, 111., Dec. 19.
Beech Grove. — In October our B. Y. P. D. gave a good temperance
program followed by a sermon by Bro. Moses Smeltzer which was
greatly enjoyed. Thanksgiving Day Bro. E. O. Norris and wife began
a three weeks' series of revival meetings. Four were baptized and
one was reclaimed. Bro. Joseph Shepherd, a former minister, returned,
for which we are very grateful. Beech Grove Aid elected officers
Dec. 7, Sister Iva Berry being chosen president. We met in council
Dec. 18. Sister Vernie Beaver was reelected Sunday-school superin-
tendent.— Vernie Beaver, Pendleton, Ind., Dec. 17.
Buck Creek.— On Nov. 20 Bro. J. S. Zigler of Goshen, Ind., began a
revival which continued over three Sundays. He gave the Word with
power and we believe the seed sown will bring its fruitage in due
time. Dec. 10 we held our regular council meeting. Mollie Deardorff
was elected Messenger agent and correspondent; Clarence Sheets, clerk;
A. J. Replogle, treasurer; prayer meeting leader, W. H. Oxley. — Phebe
E. Teeter, Mooreland, Ind., Dec. 17.
North Winona church met in council Nov. 27. Sunday-school and
church officers were elected to serve until Oct. 1. Bro. Price Bailey
was reelected Sunday-school superintendent, and Bro. Jones, elder.
The church asked Brother and Sister Jones to conduct a revival to
begin Feb. 12; they will be assisted by Ross McDonald, song leader. —
Mrs. Harry Lozier, Warsaw, Ind., Dec. 19.
(Continued on Page 28)
Women's Nook — World's Day of Prayer
(Continued From Page 23)
Christlike men and women to handle the present situa-
tion. Pray for us." The Call to Prayer has been pre-
pared by Mrs. Ruth Muskrat Bronson of the Cherokee
Indian tribe. Mrs. Bronson, a graduate of Mt. Holyoke
College, is now doing work under the government In-
dian office by helping graduates of government schools
to adjust their lives to their home communities. The
Call invites all people to unite in prayer fellowship on
this World Day of Prayer and says to them : " Follow
thou me in prayer, in service, in steadfastness, in sacri-
The Call to Prayer is free. The price of the program
" Follow Thou Me " is 2 cents ; $2 per hundred. Each
participant in the service should be supplied with a pro-
gram. A poster (11 by 17 inches) has been prepared.
This shows a church with open doors inviting partici-
pants to the World Day of Prayer. The price is 5
cents. Order all supplies early from the General Mis-
sion Board, Elgin, 111.
Begin now to make your plans for this very impor-
tant event. Much publicity should be given the service
through the newspapers, posters in prominent places
and in the pulpit. If there are groups that have not yet
engaged in a World Day of Prayer service, do not hesi-
tate to launch out this year in joining the Christian
women of the world in prayer. Above all, pray earnest-
ly that all may be willing to follow the Lord's command,
" Follow Thou Me."
Dallas Center, Iowa.
more people of our churches to handle this industrial work
in their Missionary or Aid Societies. I would be glad to
send some of this work on approval to any congregation.
Frederick, Md. Mrs. J. F. Danner.
Information for Customers of Chinese Indus-
trial Work
The following is a report of the work for the first half of
$600 was given to care for the tent work in Ping Ting dis-
trict. Evangelists go with the tents to various strategic
centers preaching and telling the good news of the kingdom.
Thus many hungry and thirsty are touched and inquire for
more of the Eternal Bread.
A substantial sum was given to the hospital at Ping Ting
for supplies and equipment, which they could not have got-
ten otherwise.
$450 was given to assist in the evangelistic work among
the women in the Liao district. Without this sum many
hundreds of women would have been deprived of the bless-
ing of the good news of the One who came to earth to help
$650 was used for six students (four young women and
two men) who were sent to Bible Training Schools to pre-
pare for evangelistic work.
It is impossible to know the amount of good done, for its
influence will go on through eternity. So you see how far
your efforts reach when you buy these articles. There are
many congregations already interested and hundreds of dol-
lars' worth are being sold by them. I would like to urge
A beautiful life of loyalty and service came to a close with
the passing of Bro. Jonas Kaufman of Akron, Ohio. He
was born in Johnstown, Pa., May 15, 1853, and passed away
suddenly at his home
Oct. 14, 1932. He was the
son of Sem and Elizabeth
Yoder Kaufman. He was
married to Miss Lizzie L.
Kauffman Nov. 15, 1883,
and to this union were
born three daughters and
two sons, all of whom
Bro. Kaufman united
with the church in 1893
and from that time on his
life was truly a sermon
to many. As long as he
was able, he was always
in his place at the weekly
prayer service or any
other meetings during
the week, many times
walking the distance of
several miles from his home. Had he lived to attend Sun-
day-school one more Sunday he would have completed sev-
enteen years of perfect attendance. This was indeed a re-
markable achievement for a man of seventy-nine years.
This record was followed with much interest by many of
his friends, both in Ohio and in the Pennsylvania churches.
Funeral services were conducted by Bro. Ira E. Long and
the body was laid to rest in Rose Hill cemetery at Mont-
rose, Ohio. Edna L. Disler.
Akron, Ohio.
Bro. Joel H. Kinzie was born in Rocky Mount, Franklin
County, Va., Dec. 18, 1856, and died in the Haxtun congre-
gation, Colo., Dec. 16, 1932. He lacked two days of being
seventy-six years old, and was buried on his birthday. He
moved with his parents to Appanoose, Kans., when he was
twelve years of age. He married Emily Ann Patterson and
in 1891 they moved to Sterling, Colo. Later they home-
steaded near Haxtun. The eight children born to this home
are all living. Sister Kinzie passed on a year and a half ago.
They have occupied a nice home in the town of Haxtun
close by the church since 1919. Bro. Kinzie's home was a
home for the members who came to Haxtun.
The church called him to the deacon's office and later he
was elected to the ministry. For several years he was alone
in the ministry here. He was a man of fine qualities, willing
to work at all times for the upbuilding of the church. He
busied himself in helping the sick, aged, widows, and in fact
wherever he saw an opportunity. He has left a monument
in the lives of people that can not be effaced.
His own pastor being ill, the M. E. pastor of Haxtun, Bro.
B. F. Coulter, preached the funeral sermon. Thus the body
of one of our western pioneers was laid away. The assur-
ance is ours through faith that he is at home with the loved
ones in glory. I. Q Snavely.
Haxtun, Colo.
Rose E. (Lieb) Hamilton was born at Elliottsville, Pa.,
Jan. 2, 1887, and passed to be with her Lord Nov. 30, 1932.
She was the daughter of George and Jessie (Goodwin) Lieb.
On Dec. 10, 1910, she was married
to William E. Hamilton. To this un-
ion three children were born, all of
whom died in infancy. She leaves
her husband, her mother, one sister,
uncles, 'aunts and cousins.
In November of 1910 she accepted
Jesus Christ as her Savior and united
with the Church of the Brethren. She
was active with her husband in pas-
toral work in Fostoria, Ohio, and in
the Powell's Fort congregation,
Shenandoah County, Va., and in mission work in the Brown-
town Mission, Warren County, Va.
In 1924 she and her husband entered Bethany Biblical
Seminary for further preparation, where in the spring of
1930 she graduated from the Teacher Training Course. Dur-
ing her stay in Chicago she took part in the work in the
Chinese Sunday-school, County Hospital, First Church Sun-
day-school and in the Douglas Park Mission.
Services were held in the First Church of the Brethren
in Chicago by Elders James M. Moore and A. C. Wieand on
Dec. 1, and at Morgantown, W. Va., by Eld. Obed Ham-
stead, on Dec. 3. Burial in the Mt. Union cemetery with her
babe near the church where she consecrated her life to God.
Chicago, 111. Martha E. Lear.
Please note that the fifty cents required for the publication of a
marriage notice may be applied to a three months' Gospel Mes-
senger subscription for the newly-married couple. Request should
be made when the notice is sent, and full address given.
Powers-Williams.— By the undersigned on Nov. 23, 1932, at the home
of the bride's parents, Bro. Wm. Powers, of Gove City and Sister
Gladys Williams of Quinter, Kans.— D. A. Crist, Quinter, Kans.
Riffey-Riffey.— By the undersigned Nov. 22, 1932, at the bride's home,
Bro. Joseph Riffey and Sister Sarah Riffey— W. W. Blough, Olathe,
Bankert, Isaiah P., born Sept. 27, 1883, died Dec. 14, 1932. He is sur-
vived by his wife, two daughters, father, thirteen brothers and sisters.
He had been troubled with a weak heart for a number of years. Serv-
ices at the Black Rock church by N. S. Sellers and A. S. Baugher.
Interment in the cemetery adjoining the church. — N. S. Sellers, Line-
boro, Md.
Beery, Mrs. Catharine, widow of Eld. P. H. Beery, was born near
Kalida, Ohio, on Dec. 12, 1860, and died in Chicago on Nov. 8, 1932,
aged 71 years. She was the daughter of Jacob and Sophronia Blosser.
She was married to P. H. Beery on Jan. 2, 1887. To this union were
born seven children. Four children and Bro. Beery preceded her in
death. She united with the Church of the Brethren at Ladoga, Ind.,
in 1893 and loved and served the church faithfully. Just two weeks
before her death she assisted her own mother in celebrating her 99th
birthday. Her illness was of short duration. Her pastor, Eld. James
M. Moore, anointed her and this service was a great comfort to her.
She is survived by three children, her aged mother, three brothers and
six sisters. Funeral services and burial took place at Covington, Ohio.
— Neal Whitehead, Chicago, 111.
Broach, Peter, son of Peter and Cynthia Broach, born in Richland
County, Ohio, Aug. 26, 1851, died in the home of his son in Battle
Creek, Mich., Dec. 16, 1932. He married Parthenia Alice Mellotte who
died May 16, 1929. He became a member of the Church of the Breth-
ren many years ago and in that faith he died. He leaves two sons,
daughter, two brothers and one sister. Funeral service by the writer
in the Deshler church. Interment in the McComb cemetery. — J. L.
Guthrie, Lafayette, Ohio.
Brubaker, Nancy Catherine, born in Greenville, Tenn., Jan. 14, 1862,
died Dec. 18, 1932. She united with the Church of the Brethren in 1880.
She married Eld. H. T. Brubaker May 24, 1880. Eight children were
born to this union, five of whom remain. Funeral services by the
writer at the Olathe church. The following day the body was taken
to Lyons, Kans., for burial. She led a consistent Christian life, mak-
ing all necessary sacrifices so that her husband could attend to his
various ministerial duties which frequently took him from home. —
W. W. Blough, Olathe, Kans.
Burget, Sister Annie, daughter of Daniel and Annie Shriver Rhodes,
was born near Fredericksburg, Pa., March 12, 1864, and died Nov. 6,
1932. She married Bro. Calvin B. Burget Sept. 3, 1885. Their home
was established on a farm near her birthplace and her entire life
was spent in this immediate community. She became a member of the
Church of the Brethren when a girl and through all the years had
been a faithful and active Christian. Her husband survives with three
daughters, five sisters and two brothers. Funeral services in the
Clover Creek church by Eld. M. J. Brougher assisted by Eld. C. O.
Beery. Interment in the Brumbaugh cemetery.— Mrs. Mary E. Forn-
walt, Martinsburg, Pa.
Castle, Samuel B., born in Logansport, Ind., Oct. 28, 1849, died at his
home in Lincoln, Nebr., Dec. 14, 1932. When fourteen years old he
enlisted in the 128th Indiana Infantry, Company G, and served in the
Civil War for over two years. Sept. 15, 1875, he married Mary David-
son. In 1877 they moved to Nebraska, and in 1886 to Lincoln, where
they have lived since. He worked for the Chicago and Northwestern
Railroad for twenty-one years, retiring from service eleven years ago.
In February of 1902 he became a member of the Church of the Breth-
ren at Lincoln and had kept the faith through all these .years. He
leaves his wife, a daughter and her family and a grandson who has
made his home with them. Funeral services in charge of the writer,
followed by a short service in charge of the G. A. R. — Leonard Birkin,
Lincoln, Nebr.
Cox, Lovella May, daughter of Nelson and Eliza Barber, died near
Eaton, Ind., Nov. 23, 1932, aged 49 years. She was a member of the
Union Grove Church of the Brethren. She is survived by her husband,
Bro. John E. Cox, and one daughter. Funeral services in the Union
Grove church by Eld. W. Carl Rarick and Eld. I. E. Weaver. Burial
in the union cemetery. — I. E. Weaver, Gaston, Ind,
Cupp, Sister Mary Elizabeth, born in Butler County, Ohio, died
Dec. 3, 1932, at Empire, Calif., aged 86 years, 11 months and 21 days.
She married Wm. H. Cupp Sept. 1, 1870. To this union were born six
children. She united with the Christian Church early in life. In 1885
she and her husband were baptized into the Church of the Brethren
and remained faithful members. She leaves one son, nine grandchil-
dren, ten great-grandchildren and her sister-in-law, Ellen E. Cupp,
with whom she had made her home for twenty-one years. Although
blind for forty years her life was an inspiration to all who knew her.
Funeral services in the Empire church by Eld. M. S. Frantz assisted
by J. W. Deardorff. Interment in Modesto cemetery.— Minnie B.
White, Empire, Calif.
Dyer, Bennie Evard, son of Geo. and Maggie Dyer, born in Gallia
County, Ohio, died at the home of his parents, in Fostoria, Dec. 17,
1932, aged 27 years. He was a member of the Reformed Church. He
is survived by his parents, two sons, three brothers and three sisters.
Funeral services at the Church of the Brethren by Bro. Walter Swi-
hart. Burial in Fostoria Fountain cemetery.— John W. Vet'ter, Fos-
toria, Ohio.
Gassert, Sister Sarah N., died Nov. 14, 1932, aged 87 years. She was
a member of the Brethren Church for many years. Surviving are six
sons, one daughter, thirty-six grandchildren, twenty-eight great-grand-
children, two great-great-grandchildren and one sister. Services at
Frystown by Eld. Ira Gibbel. Interment in adjoining cemetery.—
Elizabeth Meyer, Myerstown, Pa.
Gibbel, Jacob, son of the late Abraham and Sarah Deppen Gibbel,
died Dec. 14, 1932, following a lingering illness, aged 52 years. In 1927
he was elected to the deacon's office and some time later to the minis-
try in which capacity he served as long as strength permitted. Sur-
viving are his widow, Lizzie, nee Hostetter, two sons, two daughters,
three brothers and three sisters. Services at Frystown house by Elders
Jacob Miller and J. L. Myers. Burial in the adjoining cemetery.—
Elizabeth Meyer, Myerstown, Pa.
Gutshall, Bro. Solomon H., died at his home in Newville, Nov. 28,
1932, aged 83 years. He is survived by his companion, son, daughter,
grandson and three sisters. Funeral services from the home by Bro.
Harper Snavely assisted by Bro. R. M. Flohr. Interment in the New-
ville cemetery. — Mrs. John Cohick, Newville, Pa.
Haynes, Edw. F., son of George and Susannah Haynes, born Aug. 13.
1866, died Dec. 12, 1932. He married Lydia Lehner Aug. 21. 1890. to
which union seven children were born. He united with the Church of
(Continued on Page 30)
News From Churches
(Continued From Page 25)
Spring: Creek church met in members' meeting Dec. 5. The church
officers were elected for the ensuing year: Elder, Bro. Moyne Landis;
clerk, Bro. Lloyd Ross; Messenger agent, Sister Lona Poland; corre-
spondent, Sister Ada Mishler. It was decided to have our revival
some time in May, the meeting to be sponsored by our home ministers.
— Alma E. Hanawalt, Pierceton, Ind., Dec. 17.
White. — Bro. Ira Hiatt of Clay City will take charge of our revival
beginning Dec. 26. He will be accompanied by his family. Church
officers were elected at our December council. Trustees were also
elected to take the places of the two whose time is expired. The
Ladies' Aid held an all-day meeting at the home of Sister Silvia Cory
Dec. 15 which was devoted to the celebration of Christmas. — E. Ber-
nice Loveless, Clarks Hill, Ind., Dec. 20.
Fernald church met in council Dec. 10. Bro. D. W. Wise was re-
elected elder for three years. Bro. J. A. Wise is Sunday-school super-
intendent. Our Africa share plan pledge is not due until April but we
raised the full amount at the mission Sunday in December. The writer
was reelected Messenger agent and correspondent, also mission secre-
tary for the coming year. — Ruth Dadisman, Nevada, Iowa, Dec. 20.
Libertyville church met in council Dec. 7. Church officers for the
year were elected: Bro. Glenn Carr, elder; Nellie Ogden, clerk; the
writer, Messenger correspondent. Sept. 5 Bro. Galen Lehman of Illi-
nois started a two weeks' revival meeting and each night gave us an
inspiring sermon. We held our love feast at the close of the meeting
on Sept. 19. Three were baptized before the communion. The same
evening the church held an election for deacons. The following breth-
ren were chosen: J. E. Manning and J. Warren Davis; they with their
wives were installed Sunday afternoon, Oct. 23, when we held our
harvest meeting. Services were also held at the church Thanksgiving
night. — Mrs. J. Warren Davis, Fairfield, Iowa, Dec. 16.
Eden Valley.— Brother and Sister H. D. Michael of Larned, Kans.,
took up pastoral work here June 1, giving half of their time to Eden
Valley and half to the Larned church where they have been in pas-
toral work for about three years. The church met in council Oct. 10.
All church officers were elected, Bro. E. S. Fox being reelected elder
for another year. We held our love feast Nov. 13. Bro. Fox offi-
ciated, assisted by Bro. Michael and G. W. Weddle. Our Sunday-school
is growing under the leadership of Bro. G. G. Adamson who was re-
elected for another year. The school has almost doubled in attendance
in the last year. We joined with the churches of St. John in a union
revival which closed Dec. 4 with Rev. Geo. L. Rose and wife as evan-
gelists. ' About 160 came forward; some rededicated their lives anew,
while others are transferring their letters of membership. Eden Valley
rejoiced that fourteen of our number were among those who went
forward; twelve have been baptized by our pastor, one rededicated her
life, and one awaits baptism. Owing to the good feeling of fellowship
among the members and the able leadership of Brother and Sister
Michael, the outlook for the coming year is very encouraging. — W. H.
Beaver, St. John, Kans., Dec. 18.
Independence. — Bro. C. Ernest Davis, pastor of our church, began a
series of meetings for us on Oct. 30, which closed with the love feast
on Nov. 14. Bro. Davis preached soul- stirring sermons which were
greatly appreciated. Two united with the church in baptism and one
awaits the rite. — Mrs. J. L. Amos, Independence, Kans., Dec. 17.
Wichita. — First church closed a two weeks' revival Dec. 5 held by
Bro. C. Ernest Davis of Independence. The messages were delivered
with great power, yet were simple enough so that children could
understand. The meetings were well attended. Seven came out on the
Lord's side, five young people and two adults. The meetings closed
with a love feast. — Flora Highbarger, Wichita, Kans., Dec. 15.
Roanoke. — Bro. O. H. Feiler of Perryton, Tex., conducted a spir-
itual revival for us. The meetings opened Nov. 20 and continued
through Dec. 5. The illustrated sermons, The Life of Christ and Faith,
were greatly appreciated. Bro. Feiler especially expressed his appre-
ciation of the large group of young people who attended each eve-
ning. Special music was given by the young people. The song serv-
ices were very enjoyable. Bro. Feiler's forceful and inspirational mes-
sages were enjoyed by all. Two accepted Christ and were baptized.
Dec. 6 the church met in a love feast. Bro. Feiler was with us, also
Brother and Sister Wilbur Liskey of Rosepine who were on their way
to California where they will assume the pastorate of the Live Oak
church. The Roanoke church feels that it has been greatly helped
and inspired by Bro. Feiler's presence and messages. Two others
have been baptized since our last report. — Edith Longanecker, Roanoke,
La., Dec. 19.
Long-meadow. — During the month of November we held an evangel-
istic service in charge of Bro. John Rowland of Huntingdon, Pa. The
services were especially well attended and the membership was spirit-
ually benefited. As a result two were added to the church. Our com-
munion came as a climax to the meeting. Bro. Rowland officiated
with Brethren D. R. Petre, John Weybright, J. O. Butterbaugh, E. S.
Rowland and H. R. Rowland assisting. On Thanksgiving Bro. Harold
Snyder delivered a timely message. On this occasion the B. Y. P. D.
had charge of the worship service. — Pauline Rowland, Hagerstown,
Md., Dec. 20.
Grand Rapids. — The Men's Work organization is progressing slowly.
Some things have been accomplished that give us courage to go ahead.
We have an enrollment of twenty-six. Prior to our revival meetings
in November we made a survey of territory near by to find those not
connected with any church. One committee repaired steps leading to
the church. Another put new treads on stairway to basement. We
purchased paint for some repainting at church. We have a committee
to consider rearranging the basement for Sunday-school purposes. One
committee had handbills printed to advertise the revivals. We placed
a lighted sign in front of the church to call attention to the meetings.
We have other projects in mind as our work progresses. — H. C. Royer,
Secretary-Treasurer, Grand Rapids, Mich., Dec. 17.
Lewiston. — At the quarterly council Dec. 6 church officers were
elected for the coming year. Our church attendance is growing under
the leadership of Brother and Sistej Eddy. Sunday afternoon, Dec. 11,
a group of members drove to Dover, a distance of eighteen miles, to
help Bro. Harshman celebrate his eighty-eighth birthday. Old hymns
were sung and our pastor gave a fitting talk. Bro. Harshman is still
quite active, working in his carpenter shop nearly every day. He is a
faithful reader of The Gospel Messenger. — Mrs. Mark Williams, Lewis-
ton, Minn., Dec. 19.
Nemadji church met in council Dec. 3. Officers were elected for the
coming year: Elder, Lewis Hyde; clerk, Sister Dediker; trustee, Chas.
Henninger; correspondent, Oliver Dilley. The Ladies' Aid held their
annual sale Nov. 19 at the schoolhouse. Members contributed the nu-
merous articles which were sold; the proceeds netted $43. The mem-
bers held a beautiful Thanksgiving service in the church. — Oliver C.
Dilley, Barnum, Minn., Dec. 17.
Greenwood church has had a great spiritual refreshing under the
able leadership of Brother and Sister Oliver H. Austin of McPherson,
Kans. As a direct result of the meeting there were seventeen confes-
sions of whom fifteen were baptized. All of these but four are adults,
eight being heads of families. The messages in story and song by
Mrs. Austin were appreciated by both old and young. The choir of
mixed voices sang several numbers. The Gravel Point and the Cabool
male quartets brought messages in song. Bro. Austin's sermons were
both outstanding and convincing. Each evening he brought a message
filled with the Spirit and with power. Dec. 4 the church was dedicated
and the sermon was given by Bro. Austin. The evangelist visited in
fifty-five homes in the community. This meeting was their 213th and
Mrs. Austin had missed only one service. During that time 4,560 have
been gained for the kingdom. The Mountain Grove and Cabool
churches and two other communities cooperated in the meeting. Much
good has been accomplished and the church is strengthened. — Dorothy
Oxley, Mountain Grove, Mo., Dec. 20.
From the Morning's Mail
"I will try and help double the subscribers in our congre-
gation," writes one elder who knows the value of the Mes-
senger to his people. He caught the idea involved in
"doubling the number of subscribers to The Gospel Mes-
senger," and his vote was "I will." He may not succeed,
but he will come much nearer succeeding because he is try-
ing than will the man who says nothing and attempts noth-
Again, he caught the idea in "doubling," because he
realized that success depends on individual elders, agents,
individuals and congregations getting down to actual work.
This elder is not an agent, but he proposes to help his agents
and congregation to register in this effort. He asks for the
mailing list of the post office where his members receive
their mail. It was sent to him along with the names of
those whose subscription had elapsed. Further, he received
a letter of appreciation and a number of sample copies of
the Messenger to use in the canvass.
A thousand elders and pastors built over his pattern would
more than double the Messenger circulation. As a live
church worker you are invited to join the army of "We will"
and help place the Messenger into every home in your con-
gregation. Are you ready to go? — J. E. M.
East Dayton. — Nov. 20 Sister S. Z. Smith of Troy, Ohio, was with us
in the interest of Women's Work. As has been our custom for sev-
eral years, we met at the church for early praise service on Thanks-
giving. The offering taken is to be used for home missions. At our
regular council Dec. 6 church officers for the coming year were elected.
Bro. Hugh Cloppert was chosen as elder; the writer, Messenger agent
and correspondent. Homecoming day, Dec. 11, was a very pleasant
occasion. The morning sermon was delivered by Bro. Dorsey Hodgden.
After dinner we were addressed by Bro. Fisher, pastor of the Trot-
wood church. Greetings from some who could not be present were
read, one from Bro. Van B. Wright, our former pastor, and one in the
form of a poem from Bro. A. J. Crosswhite. A poem written by Jacob
Weimer and read by E. Friend Couser, was also part of the program.
The sentiment seemed to prevail to have more such meetings. Home
missions will receive the offering taken. — Lida Baldwin, Dayton, Ohio,
Dec. 19.
Fostoria. — Nov. 10 Brother and Sister E. H. Eby gave Us a splendid
missionary program by lecture and illustrations. Dec. 13 Eld. G. A.
Snider conducted our quarterly council. One member was received
by certificate. Members were chosen on the various boards and com-
mittees. The church treasurer and missionary treasurer made reports
which were accepted. The Ladies' Aid presented our pastor, Bro.
Swihart, with a nice watch for a Christmas present. — John W. Vetter,
Fostoria, Ohio, Dec. 20.
Kent. — The quarterly council meeting was held at the church on
Dec. 9. Nearly all the committees reported favorably. It was decided
to have a white gift service for Christmas and also to send the mis-
sionary offering to the District Mission Board on our apportionment.
The prayer meetings will be held at the homes on Thursday night
instead of at the church as before. The revival meetings were held
from Nov. 6 to 24 inclusive, with the pastor, Bro. A. H. Miller, in
charge. Eleven were baptized, of whom eight were heads of homes.
The attendance at Sunday-school has been growing in spite of the
depression and cold weather. — Mrs. Averie Brumbaugh, Ravenna, Ohio,
Dec. 20.
Pitsburg.— On Sunday, Oct. 9, we enjoyed the Franklin-Monroe
Township convention, which was held here. Nov. 12 at the love
feast Bro. Hollinger of the Beach Grove church officiated. On the
following morning Sister Orion Erbaugh of Trotwood gave an inter-
esting talk to the children, and following this was a sermon by Bro.
Wilmer Petry. We met in council Dec. 20, at which we elected the
church officers for the coming year. We elected Bro. N. W. Binkley
elder. On the morning of Dec. 11 we enjoyed very much the message
brought by Bro. R. C. Wenger of North Manchester, Ind. — Mrs.
Harley Ditmer, Arcanum, Ohio, Dec. 17.
Carson Valley.— At the members' meeting Dec. 1 the following offi-
cers were elected: Elder, Bro. Jacob Kinsel; church clerk, Sister
Harriet Wyke. The latter part of November we were pleased to have
Brother and Sister Wm. Beahm with us, before they returned to the
Africa field. Their messages were much appreciated. Carson Valley
church helps to support Sister Beahm. In October Bro. J. H. Clapper
of Hopewell, Pa., held our evangelistic meeting. The attendance was
good and the messages Spirit-filled. As a result the members were
strengthened. Two were received into the church by baptism and two
were reclaimed. At the close of the meeting we held our love feast
when 171 surrounded the table.— Mrs. Jeanette R. Hoover, Duncans-
ville, Pa., Dec. 19.
Dunnings Creek.— Bro. C. L. Cox of Claysburg was with our congre-
gation in a two weeks' revival service at New Paris Nov. 13 to 27.
As a result of the meeting six were received into church fellowship
by baptism and two renewed their vows. This is Bro. Cox's second
evangelistic meeting this fall in our congregation. Our council meet-
ing was held at New Paris house Dec. 11. Bro. T. B. Mickle was
elected elder; Bro. Jesse Smith, secretary and treasurer, and the under-
signed as correspondent and Messenger agent. Bro. Sewell Rogers
was reelected as trustee for three years. Plans have been made to
raise and remodel the Holsinger house which was built in 1874. Part
of the lumber is already on the ground. We are hoping to have a large
part of the work donated. A hard surfaced road is being built past
the church.— Mrs. Sewell Rogers, Alum Bank, Pa., Dec. 21.
Long Run— On Sunday, Dec. 11, Eld. Samuel G. Myers brought us a
splendid message in the morning; he also delivered a fine message at
the Zimmerman church in Pleasant Corner. 'We had prayer meeting
last Wednesday evening in Long Run church. This Sunday Bro.
Harvey B. Merkey will be in charge of the service in Long Run
church.— Mrs. Quinton Kunkle, Parryville, Pa., Dec. 15.
Lost Creek.— Nov. 11 and 12 Bro. J. E. Buffenmyer of Windber, Pa.,
preached at all four points in our congregation, delivering splendid
messages. Nov. 24 Bro. R. E. Ditmer of Mifflintown delivered a help-
ful Thanksgiving sermon at the Bunkertown church. Dec. 3 and 4
a former pastor, Bro. J. E. Rowland, was with us at three of the
preaching places: Richfield, Bunkertown and Free Spring. As there
had been no appointment made at Oriental, Bro. Rowland and wife
visited the members there. We were glad to have them with us once
again and renew old friendships. Dec. 11 four Student Volunteers of
Elizabethtown College gave an interesting program at Free Spring
church. Dec. 17 and 18 Bro. A. J. Beeghly of Westernport, Md.,
preached at our four points. All who heard him enjoyed his messages
very much. Dec. 31 we expect to hold our annual New Year council.
Jan. 1 we expect Bro. Greene Shively, our acting elder, to preach for
us.— Mrs. Ira J. Shirk, Mifflintown, Pa., Dec. 19.
Martinsburg. — Bro. A. R. Coffman of Girard, 111., conducted a Bible
institute in our church Nov. 26 to Dec. 2. His teaching was from the
Book of Romans and was very clear and inspirational. We enjoyed
his splendid addresses. The large crowds and great interest shown
indicate a great spiritual strengthening. Bro. Coffman and Bro. Hol-
« sopple visited in many homes. Dec. 18 the B. Y. P. D. directed by
Mrs. H. B. Rhodes gave the Christmas pageant, Our Gift to the Christ
Child. Our Y. P. D. is helping to support Sister Anetta Mow in the
foreign field; they will also give a scholarship to one or more of the
young people to Camp Harmony. Some of our members have been
taking courses in the standard leadership training school, being con-
ducted each winter by the ministers of our town. — Kathryn Long
Lehman, Martinsburg, Pa., Dec. 20.
Newville church met in council Dec. 12. Church officers were elected,
with Bro. Clarence B. Sollenberger, elder and pastor for another year;
John Cohick, Messenger agent; the writer, correspondent. The trus-
tees have had a new furnace installed — a much needed improvement.
In our evening service the pastor is leading us in a study of the
Prayer Life of Jesus. — Mrs. John E. Cohick, Newville, Pa., Dec. 19.
Upper Conewago congregation met in council Dec. 17. The follow-
ing church officers were elected: Trustees, Geo. Harboldt, Paul Wag-
ner; cemetery trustee, Earl Witter; Board of Christian Education,
Geo. Hull; Child Rescue, Elmira Group; correspondent, Bertha Hull.
We decided to have a Bible term at the Latimore house Jan. 14 and
15 beginning Saturday evening and closing on Sunday evening. Bro.
Ralph Schlosser of Elizabethtown College will be the instructor. We
held a revival meeitng at the East Berlin house with Bro. B. W. S.
Ebersole as evangelist. We feel we have been strengthened and the
church built up spiritually. Bro. Ebersole labored with us earnestly for
two weeks and made many friends among us. Recently we enjoyed an
inspirational sermon at the Latimore house delivered by Bro. Jacob E.
Trimmer. — Paul L. Wagner, York Springs, Pa., Dec. 19.
Montebello. — On Thanksgiving Day a joint service was held at 3
o'clock. Rev. R. Vaden, pastor of the Baptist church, gave an inter-
esting talk. Bro. L. S. Miller and wife from Dayton, Va., Bro. L. L.
Mason and wife, mother and father from Margo, Va., and our pastor,
Bro. W. E. Cunningham, were with us. Bro. Miller and Bro. Mason
also gave short talks. Afterward they went to the home of Bro.
W. D. Fauber who, with his sister, was anointed. On Friday night
Bro. L. L. Mason preached a helpful sermon. Bro. Cunningham
preached Sunday morning. We were thankful to have with us the
visiting brethren and sisters. — Ellastine Fitzgerald, Montebello, Va.,
Dec. 12.
Moscow church met in council Nov. 16. The matter of painting the
church roof and other improvements was discussed and placed in the
hands of the trustees. We also considered the matter of purchasing
new song books. This was placed in the hands of our young people;
they already have part of the money raised. We are blessed with a
fine group of young people who are good workers for the church. They
are having interesting and helpful programs every two weeks. At-
tendance at all of our services has been good throughout the year.
The council decided to beautify the church grounds by planting shrub-
bery, etc. Eight members were added to our church by baptism during
the year; two were lost by letter and one by death. Bro. W. M. Kahle
was with us Dec. 4; he preached at 11 A. M., met officials in the
afternoon and the workers at night. He gave helpful talks and many
helpful suggestions for greater work. Bro. Virgil C. Finnell gave an
interesting lecture Dec. 12 on Why Girls Smoke. Our Aid Society
met on Dec. 14 and elected officers for the coming year, Mrs. W. H.
Sanger being president; the writer, Messenger agent and correspond-
ent.—Mrs. C. W. Zimmerman, Mt. Solon, Va., Dec. 19.
Mt. Olivet church held its annual council on Oct. 9. Howard May
was elected superintendent of the Sunday-school with Emmert Andes
and Henry Campbell as assistants. Our congregation enjoyed a week
of spiritual meetings prior to the love feast. — Mrs. Howard May, Tim-
berville, Va., Dec. 17.
Ellisford church met in council and elected church officers. The
new Messenger correspondent is Mrs. Alice Rothrock; director of Men's
Work, Percy Shamberger; director of Women's Work, Mrs. Mollie
Verbeck. Marion Stern was elected to the ministry. Bro. C. E.
Holmes, member of the district ministerial committee, had charge of
the service. We are to have a week's series of meetings beginning
Dec. 19 and closing Christmas evening. Bro. Arthur Sellers of Wenat-
chee will conduct the meetings. — Mrs. Beth Weddle, Tonasket, Wash.,
Dec. 17.
Stanley church met in council Dec. 13. The trustees gave a report
of work completed on the church steps; there was a surplus of $7.23 of
money donated for the purpose. The committee chosen to procure
wood for the church reported finding a piece of timber to be had for
clearing the land and wood will be cut in the near future. Church
officers were elected for the ensuing year: Bro. D. D. Funderburg,
elder, reelected; Bro. Chas. Guyer, trustee and also member on the
ministerial board for three years; Sister Lucille Riet, clerk; Bro. Wm.
Flora, treasurer; the writer as Messenger agent and correspondent. —
Mrs. Jacob Winkler, Stanley, Wis., Dec. 17.
Fallen Asleep
(Continued From Page 27)
the Brethren in 1893 in the Cedar Lake congregation. He was called to
the deacon's office and served the church faithfully until death. He
not only gave of his time but was a very liberal giver to the work of
the church. He spent his entire life in De Kalb County and was
widely known as an aggressive farmer and dairyman. Surviving are
his wife and six children, four sisters and seventeen grandchildren.
Funeral services at the Cedar Lake church by Bro. A. F. Morris as-*
sisted by Russell Sherman and the writer. Burial in the Union ceme-
tery.— C. C. Cripe, Auburn, Ind.
Howe, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Eld. E. M. Howe and wife of
Maitland, Pa., died at the hospital, Lewistown, Pa., Nov. 30, 1932,
aged 27 years, 10 months and 29 days. Death was due to leakage of
the heart and other complications. She is survived by her parents,
five brothers, and two sisters. She was a graduate of Juniata Col-
lege, of the Jubilee Class, and was teaching in the Burnham High
School for the seventh year. The large assembly at her funeral in the
home church, including superintendents, principals, and teachers from
all over the county, members of the faculty and others from Juniata
College, as well as neighbors and friends, was eloquent indication of
the high esteem in which she was held by all who knew her. Services
in charge of the writer assisted by Eld. S. J. Steinberger of the Dry
Valley congregation, and I. Harvey Brumbaugh of Juniata College.
Interment in the Maitland cemetery. — M. Clyde Horst, Lewistown, Pa.
r, Frank Hall, son of William and Louise Jasper, was born in
Polk County, Iowa, Sept. 4, 1886, and died Dec. 7, 1932. He was mar-
ried to Ida Berkey March 23, 1910. To this union three children were
born, who with their mother survive. He was a loyal member of the
Des Moines Valley Church of the Brethren for twenty-eight years.
During his last illness he twice called for and received the anointing
service, expressing faith in God and committing himself to God's care.
Surviving besides his wife and children are two brothers and two sis-
ters. Funeral services were conducted by his pastor, the undersigned,
and he was laid to rest in the cemetery near by. — Ray E. Zook, Elk-
hart, Iowa.
Kiragery, Wm. Thomas, son of Geo. and Nancy Kingery, born March
14, 1851, died Dec. 7, 1932. Jan. 15, 1873, he married Emily V. Wil-
liams; they would soon have celebrated their sixtieth wedding anni-
versary. To this union were born twelve children; he leaves his wife,
six sons, two daughters, thirty-nine grandchildren and sixteen great-
grandchildren.— Vernie Beaver, Pendleton, Ind.
Larimer, Sister Amanda Feathers, was born March 22, 1832, in Carter
County, Tenn., and died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sue Wine,
Santa Ana, Calif., Nov. 11, 1932, aged 100 years, 7 months and 20 days.
She was married to John A. Larimer, Oct. 13, 1857. Ten children were
born to this union, four of whom survive, two daughters and two
sons. Her husband died in 1907 in Tennessee where the couple had
lived since their marriage. Soon after his wife came to California to
make her home with her son John and family. After the death of
this son the mother made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Wine.
The deceased united with the church in her girlhood and was very
active, to the last always much interested in the progress of the
church. She enjoyed good health until a short time before her death
and had the use of her faculties to a remarkable degree, sight, hear-
ing, memory, etc. Many birthday parties and other family gatherings
were held in her honor the past decade. Funeral services were held
in the La Verne Church of the Brethren with Bro. Edgar Rothrock
officiating assisted by Bro. Galen K. Walker. The pallbearers were
her grandsons. Interment was made in the Evergreen cemetery in
La Verne. — Grace Hileman Miller, La Verne, Calif.
Long, Bro. Joseph William, son of Michael and Rebecca Long, was
born at Shippensburg, Pa., and died at his home in Waterloo, Iowa,
Nov. 12, 1932, at the age of 74 years, 6 months, 13 days. On July 24,
1879, he was united in marriage with Anna J. Brandt of Centerville,
Pa. To this union nine children were born, six surviving. In 1885 the
family moved to Kansas at the time when the prairies of this great
state were brought under cultivation. In 1896 they moved to Cedar
County, Iowa, and later to Worthington, Minn., and nineteen years
ago to Waterloo, Iowa. This worthy couple celebrated their golden
wedding anniversary in 1929. In the earlier years of his life he was
affiliated with the United Brethren church but while living in Kansas
he and his companion affiliated with the Church of the Brethren.
Here he was elected to the office of deacon and later was called to
serve in the ministry. He was always willing to do what he could
into whatever field of service he was called. Services by the writer
in the Waterloo City church. Interment in the Orange cemetery. —
A. P. Blough, Waterloo, Iowa.
Loy, Bro. Byers, Newville, Pa., died Nov. 26, 1932, aged 72 years.
Many years ago he accepted Christ and united with the Church of
the Brethren. He called for the anointing service several weeks prior
to his death and received great spiritual strength therefrom. He is
survived by his wife, three sons, one daughter and four brothers.
Funeral services from his late home by Eld. Clarence B. Sollenberger
assisted by Bro. R. M. Flohr. Interment in Newville cemetery. — Mrs.
John E. Cohick, Newville, Pa.
Nell, Sister Elsie Harlacher, wife of Bro. Irvin Nell, died at her home
in Van Nuys, Calif., Dec. 2, 1932, aged 50 years; death was due to a
complication of diseases. She was a member of the Church of the
Brethren for many years, having accepted Christ while living in Car-
lisle, Pa. Surviving are her husband, four brothers and two sisters.
Funeral services in the Redmont Evangelical church near East Berlin
by Elders C. L. Baker, J. E. Trimmer and Rev. Dayton. Interment in
the cemetery adjoining the church.— Myrna Kreider, East Berlin, Pa.
Newcomer, Amanda L., born Feb. 28, 1855, in Huntington County,
Ind. She was the daughter of Jacob and Lydia Kitch; her mother died
when she was about a year old, and her father died six months later.
She was taken into the home of Eld. John Anglemyer and wife who
became her foster parents. She united with the Church of the Breth-
ren when but a girl and lived a consistent life until death. She
married Jesse Newcomer Sept. 15, 1879; he preceded her March 30, 1920.
To this union were born five children; surviving are one daughter who
lived with her mother, and a son who resides on the old homestead.
Funeral services in the Union Center church by Eld. Christian Metzler
and the writer. Burial in the adjoining cemetery. — David Miller,
Wakarusa, Ind. i
Pearson, John O., born in Malmo, Sweden, March 24, 1858, died
Dec. 5, 1932, from a heart attack. He had been at a sanitarium at
Wichita Falls for treatment. At the age of twenty- three he married
Miss Anna Hanson; to this union six children were born, three of
whom survive. When twenty-eight years old he joined the Church of
the Brethren and was ordained in the ministry at Malmo later taking
charge of the Vannaberga church and serving until he came to this
country forty years ago. Thirty-two years were spent in Ft. Worth.
He was interested in the work of the church here, always giving of
his means. He was an ardent supporter of the mission cause. Funeral
services by Bro. W. J. Horner assisted by A. E. Anderson and -Roy
Leicht.— Mrs. Cora Leicht, Ft. Worth, Tex.
Powelson, Sister Faye Sisler, wife of Calvin Scott Powelson of Rich-
mond, Kans., died at a hospital in Ottawa after an illness of about two
weeks, death resulting from peritonitis. She was born at Dallas Cen-
ter, Iowa, July 17, 1894, the daughter of David R. and Susan (Price)
Sisler. She was married to Mr. Powelson Dec. 16, 1920. The husband
survives with four children and the father, her mother having died
Aug. 24, 1931. Funeral services in charge of the writer assisted by
Howard H. Keim, Jr., and Rev. E. L. Haney. Interment in the ceme-
tery at Richmond. — W. B. DeVilbiss, Ottawa, Kans.
Wickert, Bro. Gayle H., of Cordova, 111., son of Martin and Mary
Wickert of Astoria, 111., died at a hospital, Rochester, Minn., Nov. 13,
1932, following an operation. He was born March 23, 1902. He united
with the Church of the Brethren in August, 1919, and lived a consci-
entious Christian life. He married Sister M. Florine Redenbo June 1,
1929. He had taught in several high schools and at Cordova was prin-
cipal for four years. Owing to ill health he resigned school work for
this year. He leaves his wife, mother, four brothers and six sisters.
Funeral services at the church in Astoria by E. O. Norris. Interment
in the Astoria mausoleum. — Mrs. Rosella Sullivan, Astoria, 111.
The Church of the Brethren
Formerly Called Dunkers
1. This body of Christians originated in the eighteenth century, the
church being a natural outgrowth of the Pietistic movement following
the Reformation.
2. Firmly accepts and teaches the fundamental evangelical doctrine*
of the inspiration of the Bible, the personality of the Holy Spirit, the
virgin birth, the deity of Christ, the sin-pardoning value of his atone-
ment, his resurrection from the tomb, ascension and personal and
visible return, and resurrection both of the just and unjust (John 5:
28, 29; 1 Thess. 4: 13-18).
3. Observes the following New Testament rites: Baptism of penitent
believers by trine immersion for the remission of sins (Matt. 28: 19;
Acts 2:38); feet-washing (John 13:1-20; 1 Tim. 5:10); love feast
(Luke 22:20; John 13:4; 1 Cor. 11:17-34; Jude 12); communion (Matt.
26:26-30); the Christian salutation (Rom. 16:16; Acts 20:37); proper
appearance in worship (1 Cor. 11:2-16); the anointing for healing in
the name of the Lord (James 5:13-18; Mark 6:13); laying on of
hands (Acts 8: 17; 19: 6: 1 Tim. 4: 14). These rites are representative
of spiritual facts which obtain in the lives of true believers and as
such are essential factors in the development of the Christian life.
4. Emphasizes daily devotion for the individual and family worship
for the home (Eph. 6:18-20; Philpp. 4:8, 9); stewardship of time,
talents and money (Matt. 25:14-30); taking care of the fatherless,
widows, poor, sick and aged (Acts 6: 1-7).
5. Opposes on Scriptural grounds: War and the taking of human
life (M~att. 5:21-26, 43, 44; Rom. 12:19-21; Isa. 53:7-12); violence in
personal and industrial controversy (Matt. 7:12; Rom. 13:8-10); in-
temperance in all things (Titus 2:2; Gal. 5:19-26; Eph. 5:18); going
to law, especially against our Christian brethren (1 Cor. 6:1-9); divorce
and remarriage except for the one Scriptural reason (Matt. 19:9);
every form of oath (Matt. 5:33-37; James 5:12); membership in secret,
oath-bound societies (2 Cor. 6:14-18); games of chance and sinful
amusements (1 Thess. 5:22; 1 Peter 2:11; Rom. 12:17); extravagant
and immodest dress (1 Tim. 2:8-10; 1 Peter 3:1-6).
6. Labors earnestly in harmony with the Great Commission, for the
evangelization of the world, for the conversion of men to Jesus Christ,
and for the realization of the life of Jesus Christ in every believer
(Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15, 16; 2 Cor. 3:18).
7. Maintains the New Testament as its only creed, in harmony with
which the above brief statement is made.
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rrTTTT •J«»J»*j-» J-« J« • J"J« »J« • J • ■ J ■ • J« • J« ■ J ■ • |h|«
Vol. 82
Elgin, 111., January 14, 1933
No. 2
Photo by E. G. Hoff
Somewhere in Michigan
Editorial —
Out in Kansas (E. F.), 3
This Pastor Wonders (E. F.), 3
Four Ages of Man (H. A. B.) 3
Chapter Thirteen: Verses One to Thirteen (E. F.), 4
Levels of Living (H. A. B.) 4
Kingdom Gleanings, 16
The Quiet Hour (R. H. M.), 17
General Forum —
The Church in Community Life. By Charles Forror, 5
Church Activities. By Mrs. Arthur Hammond 6
What Can the Church Do for Medicine? By Kathrine Byron, M. D., 8
The Welfare League and the Church. By Mrs. Frank W. White, ... 9
How the Community Cooperates with the County Agricultural Agent.
By Wayne I. Crampton 10
Church and School. By J. H. Thompson, 11
The Cross of Jesus Christ.— No. 6. By J. I. Kaylor 12
Darkest Before Dawn. By John E. Stoner 20
To the Women of the Southeastern Region. By Mrs. Levi Garst, ...21
Meeting of the General Ministerial Board. By M. R. Zigler, 24
Practical Work for Men. By Levi Minnich. 24
Missions —
Editorial 13
The Blessing of Sharing. By M. E. Clingenpeel 13
Methods for Mission Workers 14
News From the Field 15
Pastor and People —
When Does a Preacher Preach Christ? By J. D. Reber, 18
Physical Activities Here and There.— No. 2. By Roland L. Howe, ... 18
Home and Family —
A Motto (Poem) 22
Not for a Day, . . . But for a Lifetime.— No. 3. By Florence S.
Studebaker 22
"Dunmires Rocks." By Eleanor J. Brumbaugh, 23
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
Photo by E. G. Hoff
There are many sorts of roads in our land, over many sorts of country. Some
roads are wide and smooth, where the traffic of the world moves swiftly and noisi-
ly. Some are narrow and crooked. Some steep. Some rough. Some climb up to
where, clinging to the shoulder of a rugged hill, their travelers may view the gran-
deur of the earth spread out below and catch the full picture of the distant mountain
thrusting his cocked ear into heaven, to listen. Sometimes from the noisy highway
little roads lead off to the right, to the left, trailing crookedly away into the forest.
These little roads are rest roads, beauty roads, prayer roads.
There are so many roads; so many ways to go. A road to climb, a smooth
road in the valley. Roads east, roads west. A winding road to take us from the
glutted highway. Roads to quiet, roads to confusion. Roads to wealth.
What shall we say of roads? What can we say?
If we find ourselves caught in the dash of the wide road, stunned by the noise
and bewildered by the speed, God grant us leave sometimes to climb the high road
and look full-faced into the upward sky. And lest the days of our lives be wasted
in confusion, grant us, oh God, little saving quests into the beauty roads, to find by
quiet streams prayer places in the sun.
H. A. BRANDT— Assistant Editor
Vol. 82
Elgin, 111., January 14, 1933
No. 2
Out in Kansas
To one of our thoughtful correspondents we are in-
debted for a story from real life that you will wish to
The time is 3 P. M. The pastor is busy in his study
preparing his evening sermon. The telephone rings and
the pastor answers " Hello." " Are you busy ?" comes
the voice of a sick widow's daughter. " Yes, but what
can I do for you ?" " I haven't any wood and mother
is getting cold." " Well, don't worry, I'll be right out
as soon as comes home from school."
The pastor arrives at the widow's home about 3 : 45.
He is shown a pile of seasoned hedge posts from twelve
to eighteen inches through and a cross cut saw that has
seen better days. He throws off his coat, rolls up his
sleeves and digs in, until he has mastered enough wood
to keep grandma warm for two or three days.
He gets back home about 5: 15, resumes the prepa-
ration of his sermon, eats a good supper, delivers the
sermon to an interested audience, shakes hands with ev-
erybody, returns home and retires to rest with no pride
of accomplishment but with a quiet gladness in his
heart, born of the consciousness that he did his best to
meet the day's demands.
Would you like to know the standing of this pastor
in his community ? Possibly you can guess it. e. f.
This Pastor Wonders
If only we had eyes to see ! Eyes that really do see
how full life is of chances to be useful!
We know a pastor with a real human interest story.
He has served his church long and well, without pay.
He is a farmer, as you have guessed, and in debt too !
From that farm he has secured a living for his family.
He has been generous in contributing to good causes.
He has borne his share, and more, of the cost of keep-
ing the church going. Much sacrifice and hard work
have gone into his years of service for the church. And,
good to know, his people respect him. They like him.
They think he is just about all right.
But he wonders about some things. He has corn still
in the field, a good many acres of it. The market price
is very low. He can not afford to hire the needed help
to gather it. His good people, many of them, are not
very busy. They have time on their hands. He just
wonders why they do not see how nice it would be for
them to come in and husk his corn, and thus help him
to realize some small return for his labor and time.
And thus help him to go on helping them, by serving
the church they say they need and love. But they do
not see it. He wonders why they do not see it.
And so the pastor goes on trying to gather in the crop
himself. His members are not accustomed to working
for others without pay. They are quite well accus-
tomed, however, to seeing him work for them without
pay. He is not complaining about that. But he wishes
they could see this fine opening to gladden his heart and
to put him in condition to serve them better.
These people are good people, nice people. But they
do not see. The pastor is puzzled. He wonders what
makes them go blind. And some of them are young
yet. e. f.
Four Ages of Man
For our purposes there are four ages of man, though
Shakespeare has a well-known passage in which he lists
a total of seven. Now on the basis of the shorter list
one may think of childhood as an age of trust, youth as
the time of special interest in adventure, early maturity
as a period of sobering discovery, and later maturity as
the age of faith.
Of course it is not meant that these ages are sharply
limited. In real life they tend to overlap and otherwise
shade into each other. Yet under normal conditions,
childhood is an age of trust in parents and teachers. It
Published weekly by Brethren Publishing House, R. E. Arnold, General Manager, 16 to 24 S. State St., Elgin, III.
advance. (Canada subscriptions fifty cents extra.) Entered at the Postoffice at Elgin, 111., as Second-class Matter,
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THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
could hardly be distinctly otherwise since the child is in
the midst of the process of accumulating and interpret-
ing primary experiences.
Then comes youth, an elastic term for the period in
which the normal young person not only enjoys books
of adventure, but looks ahead with confidence to the
part that he or she is to play in life.
But facing actual conditions usually brings many try-
ing experiences. Early maturity is pretty certain to re-
veal much in the way of sobering discovery. The nat-
ural limits of man's powers become evident. It is seen
that revision and adjustment are inevitable. So here is
where the spirit of man is broken — or rises to new
heights. It is here that some turn cynical and fail while
others get their second wind and strength for the home
It is not insisted that faith is not required up to this
point, for it is a requisite of all true success. But we do
mean that by this time the intelligent person has dis-
covered that more things must be taken on faith, and
more things are wrought by faith, than he ever sup-
posed. It is here that men discover, if they have not
faced it before, that not everything can be known — or
needs to be known ! From here on the real man is chal-
lenged by the uncertain and the unknown. From here
on he lives and achieves by faith.
There are some respects in which the age of faith is
the most difficult of all. For how can one be calm in
the face of uncertainty or patient before the unknown ?
The answer is that he can not, except by faith. And by
faith we do not mean an ignoring of realities, but a con-
fidence in the integrity of the world without and the in-
timations from within as sufficient to indicate general
directions and the next step. Is this not enough in a
world where it has long since been discovered that even
the righteous must live by faith? h. a. b.
Chapter Thirteen: Verses One to Thirteen
The equipment was none too good. Four classes in
one room, not a large room at that, made some confu-
sion. They were used to it, however, and did not seem
to mind it much. For some reason they were interested
in the lesson.
Scholarship and method were not far advanced.
They went right through the quarterly text, verse by
verse, without noticing the transition from an Old
Testament passage to a selection from the New Testa-
ment, asking and answering such questions as occurred
to them. They did not bother with historical back-
ground and it did not bother them.
But something gripped me, held me. They somehow
arrived at certain very important conclusions. They
thought they were living too selfishly. They were quite
sure that there is a difference between right and wrong,
and that it is much better to do what is right. They re-
solved to try harder to do this.
The pastor of this congregation is much loved by his
people. I found out why. His devotion to them and
the work is very great. Obliged to labor with his own
hands to support himself and family, he sacrifices much
for the church. He loves the church. That is why he
does it.
The church life there is in a healthy state. Peace,
zeal, thrift, hard times notwithstanding, and other
homely virtues are in evidence. Some twenty new
members were recently taken in by baptism. They are
talking about pushing one end of the church building
twenty or twenty-five feet farther back to make more
room as soon as they are able. Meanwhile they are go-
ing on, doing the best they can.
This congregation lacks some nice things which some
other congregations have. It has one thing which some
congregations are short on, and that explains a lot.
E. F.
Levels of Living
There are different levels of living. While once in
a great while one may be caught up to the third heaven,
most of us must live somewhere below this lucid though
ecstatic state. Yet this is not saying but that those on
the lower levels could do much better.
Lowest of all, it seems to us, is the man who merely
vegetates. His world is the realm of the sensuous. He
is content if he has something to jingle his nerves or
drug himself into Elysium or oblivion. He is not very
particular which.
Next step up is the sensible person who sees that life
is vastly more than yielding to the momentary sensatory
impulse. Here dwells the man who knows that the
cheap and brittle joys gained today by swilling down al-
cohol or defying some time honored convention will
bring remorse and weakness tomorrow. And so in
work or play, at the office or at home, he is a gentleman
and the happier because he is such.
Happiest and freest of all are those who choose some
worthy project and give themselves fully to it. Here
dwell the scientists, oblivious to styles and the formali-
ties which make society boresome. Here dwell also
those with the philosophic or the creative type of mind.
Such can have a good time by themselves either in a
quiet room or on a desert island.
So there is an ascending order in levels of living. At
the bottom it is quite logical to put those who live from
sensory thrill to sensory thrill. Many such are content
if they can sip at a flowing cup or watch fading rings
of tobacco smoke. Above this are other and worthier
levels of living. Reader, where do you figure that you
reside? h. a. b.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
The Church and the Community
The General Forum for this Week begins with a series
of articles on the church and the community. The papers
are not theoretical but the record of and reflections on actual
experiences in church and community) cooperation. The
community in question does not lay claim to any unique ad-
vantages. One writer freely admits that she lives in what
some might call a backwoods section. And yet, the matter
at hand would indicate that the people at Brethren, Mich.,
are certainly out in front so far as church and community
cooperation are concerned. It should be said that those who
have written for this forum have not done so to parade their
accomplishments, but at the solicitation of those who want
them to share certain vital experiences. — Ed.
The Church in Community Life
We of the Church of the Brethren have yet much to
learn about how our church may serve in a community.
This was never so forcibly brought to my attention as
when the phrase serving a community was coined.
There is a larger field of service in every community
than the Church of the Brethren has been filling. Often
our idea has been Sunday-school and preaching services
in the morning, services again in the evening, and an
evangelistic meeting thrown in for good measure dur-
ing the winter months. Then when we accomplished a
program of this sort we sat back and folded our arms,
feeling that we had done our bit, that if any one goes
to the devil it is his own fault.
As pastors and Christian workers we must rec-
ognize the other agencies that are available. The
church, to fill its place in any community, must
work in and through every agency that will
aid the human family in physical, mental, social,
moral and spiritual development. There exist in every
community, organizations of state, county and township
that seek to do this. It is the privilege and the duty of
the church to work with and through these various or-
ganizations. I would like to point out a few of them.
We have so often felt if an organization was not fos-
tered and maintained by the church that it was outside
of church approval. However, state organizations be-
come much more effective if backed by church people.
We have but to look at the gospels to understand the
attitude of Jesus, to see how he created an opportunity
for teaching spiritual truths. The effort in healing the
physical bodies of mankind was for this one purpose.
There exist today organizations in every county that
look after the poor and needy, that clothe and feed the
body. I am well aware that churches in some places
have such groups and do a good work. But most of
our churches are too small to do work of this sort on a
large scale. A church may aid a family or two, but
even so its influence and aid will not reach very far.
We have county Red Cross and welfare societies
with which every church should identify itself, and es-
pecially in these days when the government is doing
what it is. Every Aid Society and church welfare
society should work through these public agen-
cies. Every pastor should be definitely connected
with the Red Cross. It is the duty of every
pastor and church to feed the poor, not only of
the church, but of the community. We have remem-
bered the scripture, " especially of the household of
faith," but have not remembered that Jesus told us to
go out in the highways and byways and bring them in.
Red Cross and welfare societies will gladly work
through a church or pastor in dispensing needed arti-
cles for poor families and thereby the church can open
up doors of service that otherwise would never be
opened. " Inasmuch as ye did it unto the least of these,
ye did it unto me." By this policy many more people
can be reached and a much larger territory served.
Have your church become the local dispensary for your
local effort or county organization. I have in mind a
church in which the county Red Cross has appointed
two committees — one on food and the other on clothes.
Perhaps you say this may be done when there is only
one church, but this community has five other churches.
The point is to make your church fill this place, so when
other people are looking for something of this sort they
will not hesitate to intrust in your hands this responsi-
Then we have in every community state and county
organizations for the care of folks who are sick or oth-
erwise unable to care for themselves. Many people,
and especially children, suffer on account of the lack of
medicine, training and hospital care. Many are handi-
capped for life, like the impotent man at the pool, be-
cause no one has helped them. Yet there may be availa-
ble: state hospitals, free clinics for diagnosis, free
beds in hospitals maintained by townships, good-hearted
doctors who under the supervision of a pastor will ren-
der good service to needy folks. It is the pastor's duty
to do this as much as some other things we have been
doing, lo these many years. I have in mind a good col-
ored mother in a home of many children that was about
to die with goiter and when a doctor was told about the
condition in the family by the pastor and wife, he of-
fered to perform the operation free and the township
free bed was available. Today the good mother is well
and hearty and happy in the Lord with three members
of her family.
A little lad was backward in school, indifferent to the
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
work. His teachers were inclined to say that he did
not care to study. Bad habits had made him a bad boy
of the community. But the boy was taken to an eye,
ear and nose specialist. There it was found that his
condition was bad. He needed three or four oper-
ations. From the judge of the Juvenile Court it was
found there was a state children's fund covering such
cases. Papers were made out, and now that boy is in a
state hospital. We are all hoping and praying that this
boy will come back with new interests and purposes.
The writer also has in mind a young man whose limb
was rotting off just below the knee. His parents were
unable to help financially. The verdict of the local doc-
tor was that his leg must be cut off. We went to see
our township supervisor, and this boy was sent to the
state hospital where he was treated. Today we have a
fine Christian young man, healthy and strong. Every
doctor in your community is willing to work with you
in an unselfish way for the betterment of humanity.
You are failing in your duty if you do not take ad-
vantage of these possibilities to help. In many states
we have free diagnosis for children and adults, and it
is the duty of pastors and churches to see that this is
well advertised and people urged to take advantage of
it. Such small items as eyes, teeth, tonsils and under-
nourishment mean often a handicap for life. How
many pastors and Christian people are responsible for
neglect here it is hard to say. Every one has the right
to live, and while living to have every advantage of life.
Bad health conditions are another evil that can be
remedied in communities by teaching and strict enforce-
ment of rules and regulations. The pastor can mould
public sentiment here. It is just as much the duty of
the pastor to preach sermons on the proper attitude
towards physical life, as it is to speak on some other
topics. Ofttimes one can reach the heart and soul by
bringing relief to the wrecked physical body.
Then another medium for help is the county agricul-
tural agent. He seeks through state aid to bring the
best to the country home. It is the duty of the pastor
to cooperate with work of this sort : to put on demon-
strations in various lines of farm activities — dairy,
poultry, home management, home beautifying, soil
building and testing. All of these lines are necessary
in any community. The state is glad to help free of
charge with plans and men and the pastor can be a lead-
er in his community. He can enlarge his usefulness by
doing so.
Then again, the church should cooperate with other
educational institutions in the community, especially the
schools. Both are planning for the good of the people
they serve and both serve the same group. Both are
educational agencies and there should be no conflict or
overlapping in their program. There should be com-
plete understanding between the pastor and the school
superintendent. I have found in every community a
willingness to work with the church in planning the
yearly program. When programs conflict it may be
that no effort at all has been made at adjustment. Go
to your superintendent of schools and talk the yearly
program over with him and you will find most of these
troubles can be ironed out. The church and school
should plan the program of recreation and entertain-
ment together, for both are powers for good in a com-
munity. Back up clean sports and recreation, cooperate
with your school in this. See to it that there is no com-
petition between the school and the church. Give to the
school that which belongs to it and let the school give
to the church that which belongs to it.
Keep your young people active in lines that are good
and clean and you will do much in keeping out of your
community much that is questionable. There is a social
side to life and we must plan our church calendar from
this standpoint. The church that fails to notice this is
the church which is losing its young people today. Do
not try to compete with the world in entertainment;
keep your activities clean and wholesome and you can
attract even the young people of our day. These are
not suggestions merely, but methods which have been
worked out with amazing results in a community which
other folks think may be a bit backward.
Brethren, Mich.
Church Activities
I will endeavor to write concerning the activities of
the Church of the Brethren, Brethren, Mich., as I have
observed them, and also helped in various ways to work
out a successful program that has interested those of all
ages of our church. We have stressed the Young Peo-
ple's and the Juniors' divisions more than others.
I know that many laugh and call us backwoodsmen,
but yet as I conscientiously think of our past and pres-
ent activities, I can not help but feel that the Master is
writing in the Book of Life, " Success."
We have a very active group of Juniors who have
their Sunday evening meetings at the same time as the
Adult and Young People's C. W. Meetings. We have
an adult that superintends this work, but the children
have their own officers and hold their elections annually
for such. Perhaps this seems a very small part of it,
but it makes it their meeting and they are intensely in-
terested and seldom miss a meeting.
These evening meetings consist of singing, scripture
reading, and prayer. One might think a child can not
pray, but you ought to hear them. Their prayers are
very sincere and right to the point. The adult leader
always has some story or lesson that is helpful to the
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
•child. They have their own song books, and can they
sing? If you think they can't, why, just try it out in
your own church.
These little singers of ours have gone to several
churches in the county, some of our own denomination
and some of other denominations, to sing. During last
summer there was held a county wide evangelistic meet-
ing in one of our neighboring villages, and three of our
boys went there to sing. They also have helped out in
various missionary programs, and have gone many
times with our pastor and wife to other churches to
This group gives entire evening programs in our
church and is preparing one now to give in the absence
of the pastor. Its members have a missionary proj-
ect that they carry out each year to raise money for
their missionary offering at Christmas.
One more thing I must mention is, that last spring at
the Sunday-school Convention for the eight churches of
this district they conducted a very fitting and uplifting
devotional service at the opening of the day's program.
It consisted of singing, giving scripture verses and
dramatizing the song, " The Old Rugged Cross." Of
course it takes a good adult leader and one who is will-
ing to give much time and patience to this work. These
children have their own social meetings once a month.
They meet in their homes and have a splendid evening
together. Can you use a child in the church ? Certain-
ly ! And they are right there on the job when once they
feel that they have a part in the church program.
The next outstanding feature in our church is the
Young People's work. We have a group of young folks
that we are indeed proud of. They are carrying on
such an important part in the church program that we
feel that without them we would be crying out in de-
spair. The Young People's division has been carried on
in much the same way as with the Juniors, only that we
had an adult advisor just as long as we felt that they
needed one and just as soon as they were well enough
organized to carry on the work themselves the adult
stepped out, and for some time, a year or two, they have
been planning and working out their own programs.
Oh, I hear some one say that they will become worldly
when left to themselves ; but don't you ever think it, be-
cause at heart the young are spiritual, perhaps more so
than many adults who have seen more of the world !
Then, too, when they have been trained from childhood
to take an active part in the church, there isn't much
danger of their going wrong. I think another impor-
tant part in this is the discipline in the churchhouse.
They should learn early in life that it is the house of
God and they should respect it as such. Music has been
stressed and worked on quite extensively in our group
for some time. We have for a number of years had
choruses, glee clubs, quartets, etc., and have given mu-
sic programs in our own church and had the privilege
of going to a number of other churches in this county
and this church district. This has been worked out
mostly through the young people and others especially
interested in music. As a result we have had those of
all ages in our choir. But some one will say that not
every one can sing. That may be true, but the few who
really can't sing, with the help of others, is so small that
it does not matter much. Of course, we didn't go out
to sing grand opera ; the idea is to reach the hearts and
lives of our people, and you can do it in no better way,
than by rendering some good old hymn in an effective
way, or by singing a simple anthem. We learn by do-
ing. Start out on simple music and it is not long until
you will be surprised at what your choir can do.
In our church this music program has been worked
on for a number of years and the blessings we have re-
ceived can not be expressed in these few lines. We
started out with the study of music and then advanced
step by step until we had the joy of giving in several
churches music programs consisting of more advanced
numbers. A few years ago we probably had our great-
est joy, when we gave the oratorio, Queen Esther, with
all parts taken from our own group. Nearly forty were
in the choruses. We gave this program in our church
and then went to a number of other churches in the
county, and had planned to go to the Grand Rapids and
Woodland churches, but this plan was not executed be-
cause a number of our members became ill with influen-
za. Those helping to make these programs possible
have nearly all been members of our church, but a few
who have taken active parts in these were not members
of our church, but were willing to give themselves over
to our church program. With the musical programs we
have been able to raise money and help in the financial
program of the church.
In order to carry out a program of this kind there
must be one, or a group of persons, who are willing to
spend hours in planning and practicing. There must be
those ready to face one disappointment after another,
yet courageously ever pressing onward.
Worship programs can be worked out with a group
of singers, using some of the good old hymns that ever
inspire one to greater and better living. Of course,
great care must be taken in choosing and interpreting
them, never losing sight of the message in them. These
songs can be hummed or chanted, used as responses,
dramatized and used in many other ways. They reach
the very heart of your audience, and most of all the
lives of the young people who are rendering this service
to the church.
We have had the privilege of entering into state con-
tests and taking part in the oratorios given at the Na-
tional High School Band and Orchestra Camp held at
Interlochen, Mich., each summer. It is indeed wonder-
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
ful to sit with this group and under the best directors
that can be obtained. Two years ago they gave The
Creation and last year Elijah.
Going back to the Young People's organization, we
have two divisions, that of high school age and a little
older, and the young married folks and others of the
same age. These combine for their social activities and
hold their meetings monthly in the winter and twice a
month in the summer. They meet in the homes and
have a short program and games. One splendid feature
is that the young people are perfectly happy to meet
with the older ones in their group and this is a splendid
way of keeping them bound together.
We are very happy to note that nearly everyone, with
a very few exceptions, of the young folks are either in
high school or are graduates. Several have gone on in
higher education and a number are teachers. This gives
the church a host of material to work with, and proba-
bly is another reason why they can work out their own
programs. A number of churches lose their young peo-
ple as soon as they enter high school, which is indeed
unfortunate, but perhaps the church did not start using
them soon enough. The public school here has cooper-
ated with the church in a wonderful way, never putting
on a program that interferes with the church.
We are unfortunate this year in having the pastor
gone two or three Sundays in each month. Our pastor
is doing state evangelistic work. The young people
have planned to give a program one Sunday night each
month when the minister is away. When this was writ-
ten they had given two, and they have been very inter-
esting indeed, consisting of plays, readings, and songs.
The senior young people are also planning to give pro-
grams to help in this time of need.
There is one more division, the Ladies' Aid Society,
which I wish to mention. They have always been on
the job. Their greatest service rendered to the church
has probably been helping with finance. They have had
suppers, baked goods sales, sold lunches, quilts, and a
number of articles to raise money to pay off the debt of
remodeling the church. Many times they have helped
to pay the pastor or raise funds for missions. They
have also rendered a great service to the sick and needy,
always remembering the sick with flowers or fruit and
visiting them. Many times they have sewed for those
in need. The last two years they have canned fruit and
vegetables. This year they canned nearly two hundred
quarts in one day to be given to the poor during the
winter months.
One may think that these are small things, but what
did the Master mean when he said : " What ye have
done unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done
it unto me " ?
Brethren, Mich.
What Can the Church Do for Medicine?
Sickness is so " wrapped around " with emotions
and feelings, and the church and religion have chiefly to
do with emotion and feeling, so it perhaps has been
natural that the two should, through the centuries, be-
come confused and mysterious.
The love and care of the mother for her child causes
her to readily grasp theories and cults that appeal to
the feelings. The mother at least gets support from
these emotional outlets. Sickness brings renewed long-
ing, intense feelings and emotional outbursts from
members of the family, neighbors, friends, and ofttimes
communities. Witness the tense feelings of the nation
when its ruler is stricken. Even the world holds its
breath when King George or Queen Marie is stricken.
Because feelings have been assuaged and fears quieted
the art of healing has too frequently consisted of prac-
tices directed wholly to the alleviation of emotional dis-
tress. This too often works a hardship, for while the
family, the friends and the patient feel better the in-
sidious disease often continues its deadly work. Be-
cause religion deals mostly with the emotions and be-
cause illness is so bound up with the emotional elements
of our nature the two are always closely associated and
the issues have been confused and distorted.
Plagues and epidemics were rampant in the world
and always destroyed the most when ignorance was
prevalent. Sanitation in the dark ages was almost un-
known, and a plague toll was often enormous. Queen
Anne had nineteen children, not one of whom reached
the age of eleven. Black death, in the fourteenth cen-
tury, took a toll of thirteen million in China ; in Cairo,
10,000 to 15,000 daily during the height of the epi-
demic ; Paris lost 50,000 and London, 100,000. In the
cholera epidemic in the year 1850-51 in Jamaica the
deaths were so numerous that official carriers buried the
bodies within 20 minutes of the passing of the unfor-
tunates. One could continue the dreary catalogue for
page after page, but why ? It is too morbid. It is given
here to help the reader grasp the betterment of condi-
tions which has come since medicine has become a sci-
ence. The word science means to know, and medical
men have studied and labored to know; they have de-
veloped scientific methods of dealing with disease.
Scientific medicine as we know it today is still in its
infancy. Although great advances have been made in
the last fifty years, it is within the ability of persons
now living to recall the days when superstition and
fanatical beliefs about the devil possessing the bodies of
the ailing person were rampant. Before the time of
Hippocrates, and even long after, the history of medical
science was interwoven with magic and was thought by
primitive people to be the gift of the gods. The physi-
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
cians were the priests and cure was attempted by exor-
cism of the demons of disease. As late as the eight-
eenth century a ceremony was held in New England by
seven priests for the purpose of casting out seven
Early Egyptian history produced Imhotep, 3000 B.
C, who did much for sanitation. In the eighth century
B. C, ^Esculapius recognized the importance of health
and the temples of Greece were usually situated in
groves near springs. They practiced heliotherapy (the
sun cure) which has only recently been scientifically
proven of actual curative value.
A large part of the book of Leviticus is devoted to
rules for the diagnosis by priests of leprosy, plague, and
other diseases together with regulations for control of
these afflictions. Venereal diseases also came in for ex-
plicit direction and supervision and Moses proclaimed
numerous rules on sex hygiene and moral relations.
In 460 B. C. Hippocrates, " the father of medicine,"
laid the first scientific foundation for medicine and
separated it not only from religion, but also from phi-
losophy. The Hippocrates oath is still administered to
students about to graduate and enter the practice of
" The truth shall make you free." Pallender (1849)
who discovered the germ of anthrax, Louis Pasteur
who first discovered the method of killing germs by
heat, Robert Koch who discovered the germ causing the
disease of tuberculosis, Jenner (1796) who discovered
a method of vaccination in the cure of small-pox, were
all truth seekers.
Sanitation must be given due credit for the conquer-
ing of disease epidemics. " Cleanliness is next to godli-
ness." In the prevention of disease it is godliness. So
the scientist began taking the " sigh " out of science and
places were cleaned up. The Panama Canal was a pos-
sibility because a great scientist cleaned up the area aft-
er countless numbers had been sacrificed. Malaria was
controlled because swamps were cleaned up. Cholera
and dysentery have gone because our food has been
protected from the fly. Food poisoning is controlled
because the cause is known. The hookworm has been
abolished and " laziness " in the South is disappearing.
Diphtheria is controlled through serums of prevention
and cure. Gonorrhea and syphilis are under control
and remedies are known and the truth, instead of super-
stition, prevails.
Now what can the church do about it? There are
still too many people in ignorance and superstition, es-
pecially where disease is concerned. The church is the
expounder of truth, and because of the relation of
church and medicine that has come down through tradi-
tion, and because of the close emotional relationship be-
tween religion and disease, the church stands in a posi-
tion to correct the superstitious beliefs and dispel the
confusion that prevails regarding the origins of disease
and the methods available for its cure.
The church can, and it does, try to dispel supersti-
tions. It can teach the beauty of cleanliness bodily as
well as spiritually. It can sanction the teaching of
truths in nature and in science to the end that we will
be a healthier and happier people.
Manistee, Mich.
The Welfare League and the Church
Social problems in every community are many and
varied. The Social Welfare League is a service or-
ganization established to help people out of difficult
situations. Our goal is the lessening of pauperism,
crime and illness.
The confidence of people coming to the social worker
is respected. Many times the people need spiritual ad-
vice and are referred to their pastors. Often people
with pride hesitate to go to their church for assistance
because they do not wish their troubles known and dis-
cussed by the church societies. Good people often do
families injury with their tongues while helping them
with their hands.
The social worker tries to reestablish families, make
them independent, to do for them what they can not do
for themselves. An effort is made to raise their stand-
ard of living, in food, cleanliness, in recreation, and in
moral conceptions.
During the present depression, much of our former
constructive work has had to be pushed aside and every
resource taxed to the limit for relief, the one great
need. The highest need of the hour is faith. People
must return to the church and to the God whom many
had forgotten in times of prosperity, if they would keep
their reason. Material things have possessed the souls
of many and now they must learn themselves and teach
their children the great values in life. No organization
should be so well equipped for this social task as the
Christian church.
Modern psychology, of which we hear and read so
much, was not unknown to our church fathers. The
best pattern, example and teaching for life is still in the
New Testament. The churches have a wonderful op-
portunity in the present crisis to strengthen their work
through service. Young men and women out of work
need good wholesome recreation which the church
should plan to provide. There is less money for gas
and moving pictures and it is the church's great chance
to substitute and direct a more wholesome recreation in
neighborhood and home groups. " Man does not live
by bread alone."
The pastor of the church should be so closely in
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
touch with the local social worker that he knows what
is available for his needy members and how such help
can be obtained. There should be built up such a con-
fidence between the two that the pastor can discuss his
social cases with the worker, who is in a position to
give advice ; and the social worker, in turn, can then re-
fer in confidence all cases in his church to the pastor for
a better understanding and character building.
It is the privilege of the church to give to the un-
churched and underprivileged families. A family
should never be too unworthy for the church to serve.
Any one will help a so-called " worthy family," but the
church must remember that her Lord and Master came
" not to call the righteous but the sinner to repentance."
The rain falls upon the unjust and the just.
In every community there are the forgotten folk —
the bed-ridden, the crippled, the lonely aged. To them
the social worker makes friendly visits and supplies
what the public pittance can not cover. The church can
do no nobler work than to bring cheer and sympathy in
such humble homes. Sometimes when death divides an
old couple it is better for the one left to enter some
home for the aged, or a public institution, and church
visitors are ever welcome there.
There are cases of illness where the Social Welfare
League helps by lending bedding, and other missing
comforts. It perhaps sends a doctor and furnishes
medicine. Here church people can send in food or help
care for the children if the mother is ill, and in other
ways manifest the Christ spirit.
A Sunday-school teacher may notice a shabbily clad
pupil whose need can be quietly supplied by the church
or referred to the league. In many places churches are
helping in the canning of fruits and vegetables for the
unemployed. We heard of a church in Ohio which had
an old-fashioned apple butter bee where the men and
women peeled and cut up apples in the church. They
cooked the apple butter, fragrant with odors of spice
and cider, out of doors in great iron kettles. This spicy
butter furnished flavor to many a slice of butterless
bread in children's lunch baskets and on the home table.
In many churches good women have gathered to
make over and repair garments, or make new ones to be
distributed where needed. They have made quilts and
comforts and babies' and children's clothes. Sometimes
people ask : " Why can't the people make their own
children's clothes?"
Many can, and do wonders with a little material ; but
some have no sewing machines and are unskilled in
sewing. Then, too, a woman who earns her living by
laundry or factory work has little time for sewing. At
the present time in some homes, mothers lack material,
even thread and buttons to mend with. Whenever pos-
sible material is furnished and the mother encouraged
to do her own sewing. In a neighborly way some com-
petent woman can often help her young or incompetent
neighbor to sew for her children. When children have
to attend school insufficiently or shabbily clad it hurts
their pride and hinders their progress.
The question of too much giving, of making paupers
of people, is a very serious one. Every effort is made
to encourage people to work, to raise food in gardens,
to earn potatoes and fruit by gathering them, to get fuel
from the woods. But now we can not often say, " They
are too lazy to work," because many say, " I don't want
help, I want a job."
In Manistee the Red Cross and Social Welfare
League cooperate in carrying on the work. The ex-
penses of the overhead are borne by the League as the
Red Cross funds are used only for service men and
their families.
At this time the social welfare organizations, the Red
Cross, and the churches should work with the agencies-
of the government in meeting the emergency and reliev-
ing the situation.
Manistee, Mich.
How the Community Cooperates with the
County Agricultural Agent
The County Agent is a local source of information
on all agricultural problems ; he is also an adviser to the
county, by advising the farmers what to do and how to-
do it best.
The agricultural field is a broad one, too varied in the
many individual problems of a farm for any one agent
to pose as an expert qualified to answer all problems.
The County Agent gets many calls for information.
As a local representative of the State College of
Agriculture, he gladly handles these requests, and in
many cases he makes special trips to visit farms to-
study problems first hand, and then if he does not know
the proper answer he refers it to the college for special
inquiry and solution.
The County Agent is a leader in the improvement of
farming and farm life and it is necessary for him to
study the farms of the county to know the problems
which are holding back the best possible means of de-
velopment in that particular county.
He works with the state college and the leading farm-
ers to find the most practical solutions for these prob-
lems. He is then ready to teach the farmers the sig-
nificance of problems and solutions and encourage and
influence them to adopt the improved practices which
are recommended.
Typical projects studied are : soils improvement, bet-
ter livestock breeding and care (dairy, beef and hogs),
fruit culture (spray practice and fertilization), poultry
management, better chick raising and feeding for eggs,
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
better crops (such as alfalfa, potatoes, beans, corn, oats
for feed), beautification of farm home grounds, farm
.accounting, better marketing activities, and many other
important phases of agricultural improvement.
The solution of the larger problems of the county,
the things which the agent will emphasize and that large
number of farmers may adopt, constitutes the extension
In addition to the general program, special groups are
organized to carry on definite types of work. In this
way the boys and girls' work and the home economics
work for women are organized under the leadership of
the County Agent. These groups study definite phases
of home life and good farm practices by carrying on
specified projects.
The boys and girls' 4-H club work carries on the fol-
lowing projects: for girls — canning, sewing and hot
lunch ; while the boys carry on in crops, gardening, live-
stock (calf — pig — poultry, etc.), forestry and handi-
craft. All of these projects are smaller units, but they
show what good practice does for boys and girls and the
The home economics group have an opportunity to
study the following home projects: nutrition, home
furnishing, clothing, home management and child train-
ing. The specific training is done by home economics
All these study groups are organized on a community
plan and all people interested can become associated
with them. All communities organized along several
lines may be a factor in making up the complete ex-
tension program.
It should be kept in mind that the county extension
program does not usually do individual work, but
usually works in the form of organized groups. All
this is done for the purpose of passing out information
of improved practices and to show the practical appli-
cation for new phases in agriculture for the communi-
ties as a whole.
Manistee, Mich.
Church and School
The function of the church with relation to the
school can be two fold: that of moral support and
sanction for its program. By moral support, we mean
that in mind the church people will be with the school,
even if it should not be possible for the majority of the
people to give actual support by their presence. In re-
gard to this, the school has also to work with the
church. The functions of the school should be such
that the people of the church of that community can
support the school without wishing that the functions
were such that everybody were pleased. The church
and the school should remember that they are both
working for the same end ; that is, educating the chil-
dren to a better, brighter, happier life.
To do this, both institutions must remember that the
way to success is to have a free-thinking, fair-minded
group of healthy, physically fit people. This requires
that the younger set have the right kind of amusement.
It can not be all work, neither can it be all play. There-
fore the church and the school have to unite to give the
instructions and the play. In order to do this success-
fully there has to be cooperation between the two insti-
tutions, or there will be conflicts. Such conflicts are
very bad, as they tend to a comparison of entertainment.
This naturally leads to the separation of the community
group into two parts — one that will back the church and
one that will back the school. But two groups in a
small town make just one group too many. It can
usually be arranged so the two groups can get together
and enjoy both sets of entertainment. This also leads
to a better attendance at church.
In small towns where equipment is limited there is no
reason why it should be duplicated. This equipment is
not paid for by either the church or the school. It is
paid for by the people. It should be used by the people.
Of course, there is always the responsibility of the up-
keep. This should be divided by both the church and
the school. It is a pleasure to be able to say we can get
that from the church, or we can get that from the
When the church gives the public some function it is
right for the people to expect that the people from the
school will be there. If it is impossible for all, at least
some who can should attend. If the school gives a func-
tion they in turn should expect to see the people from
the church there. It should never be said : " I can not
attend for the people will not like it." The people as a
whole should see that if it is right they should not talk.
If it is a function that will take the time of the young
people, and will enable them to form the habit of get-
ting along together, objection will not develop. Team
work will always pay and should be encouraged in ev-
ery form possible. When people can be made to see
that if they unite in work and play, they can do better,
they will advance faster and go farther than if each
thinks he can work best alone. One of the great advan-
tages small town people have is the fact that they must
depend on everybody for help. In any town where the
school and church are working together you will find a
willingness to help the other fellow regardless of who
he is, whether he is up or down, whether he is friend or
In every place there are always people who will not
sanction the common program because they do not be-
lieve this or that. It is the work of both the school and
the church to overcome this. They should both work
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
together to reduce the number of people who think this
way. There may be many ways and many means of
doing this, but neither institution can do as good a piece
of work on this as both working together. The majori-
ty should rule. If it is for the betterment of the youth
no single thought should be held out against it. Neith-
er you nor I should say, " I do not believe it is for the
best." If there is any good in it you and I should work
together to get that good out of it. If there is any
harm in it you and I will have to work to reduce this
harm as much as possible. You and I can not condemn,
we must lead. The only way to do this is through some
organized institution. What two institutions reach so
far, stand for the good so much, or should shun the bad
so much as the church and the school ? Neither can do
what is needed alone. If the church did it would mean
the loss of its hold. If the school did this alone it would
mean less to the people. In order to get the best results
church and school should stand united for the good and
the retirement of the bad.
It is not necessary for the institutions to open their
doors and say, "If it is right for one it is right for the
other." This is not always true. There are always two
methods of attack and it is not necessary for either in-
stitution to have both. If they are working together,
and each has one, they both have both. It is always
true that " If one fails, both have to fail." They are
both educational institutions working for the same end
— the training of the youth. No car can run with the
rear wheels turning one way and the front wheels turn-
ing the other way. Neither can these two institutions
go anywhere with one pulling one way and the other
pulling the other way. " United we stand, divided we
fall." This is true here as in any other situation.
Brethren, Mich.
The Cross of Jesus Christ
VI. The Cross — The Dynamic of Missionary Endeavor
Christ said : " If I be lifted up I will draw all men
to me." At the cross he put a new value on man, show-
ing that though man was black with sin, degraded,
broken, bruised, spoiled, and hopeless, yet he was worth
dying for ; so he poured out himself completely for the
world of such men. The one who has accepted him
must also feel the urge to give self in loving service to
bring such a message to those who need it. Having re-
ceived freely it is only the ungrateful who will not free-
ly pass it on. Just as the meaning of the cross compre-
hended, in like measure will the sense of responsibility
be felt to carry the good news to others ; in other words,
the duty of world evangelization will be felt.
The early church went out in this power alone. The
disciples did not fully realize until Pentecost what the
cross and the resurrection meant. Then they began to
proclaim with power that in no other name could there
be salvation. As always, two responses came to their
preaching— many believed and churches were formed ;
and the unbelieving rose up in opposition and persecu-
tion. The early church gained victories only on the
basis that the death of Christ was a reconciling and a
judgment death.
But how can the peoples of the earth believe on one
of whom they have not heard, and how can they hear
without a preacher, and how can one preach unless he
is sent forth (Rom. 10: 13-15)? The missionary en-
terprise of the last century or so was formed and has
been carried on only with this conviction. All who go
forth as emissaries of the cross, and they who give to
support them, must be impelled by the power of that
cross. Many are the motives that move missionaries to
go forth. Some are moved by philanthropy ; some by
compassion or sentiment ; some to be a martyr ; some to
carry the social gospel and go out for the uplift of the
masses in educational, temporal and economic lines ;
some consider Christ as the best and highest product in
the evolution of man, and present him as One, though
of high rank, in the great pantheon of leaders and
founders of religious systems, in all of which there is
some or a great deal of good which only leads to him.
(This last has become very common the last few years,
to the detriment of the cause.) Whatever of good there
may be in any or all of these purposes, their continuing
success in turning people to salvation by faith will be in
exact proportion to the emphasis put on the cross as the
alone way of salvation. Apart from this no mission
can have strong initiative and endurance against the
odds of climate, disease, lethargy, superstition, idolatry,
and ignorance of the places and peoples to which it
goes. Some may say that man has not sinned, and some
may say to let the heathen live and die in their igno-
rance and God will mercifully deal with them and not
allow them to go to their eternal doom. Such have not
seen nor experienced the need of a Savior who has al-
ready judged the sins of the world and carried their
penalties, neither have they accepted him personally,
and so can have no motive for carrying or sending the
gracious gospel to the peoples of the world. Dr. Mabie
says in this respect : " Christ achieved victories which
carried potencies for all men. These must be felt and
realized by the missionary himself as pure grace, before
such spirits as Judson in Burma, Livingstone in Africa,
or Paton in the New Hebrides, will risk all to communi-
cate them to others. Let the church get away from the
cross as an achievement wrought in the moral universe,
and it will not long keep alive the flame kindled by the
fathers ; much less will it light new fire for their sons.
The cross considered in all its vicarious power alone
(Continued on Page 2(0
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
eChis "Department
Conducted by
H. Spenser Minnich
Take Your Religion Seriously
The Christian religion was never more needed in the
world. " There can be a moratorium (recess) for
debts, but there can not be a moratorium for the faith
and missions of the church." If the church is to live,
her faith and missions must be continuous. The church
must possess this generation if it is to have one after it.
Cotton for Missions
In Oklahoma a father, recognizing the wisdom of
helping the children develop missionary habits, gave
nearly two acres of land over to his children to raise
cotton. They were to give one-third of the crop to
him, one-third they could keep, and the other third was
for missions. The oldest of the children is twelve.
Their proceeds for missions are as follows :
Isaac $7.12
George 5.62
James 4.88
Ella 35
Edith 21
Vernon 46
Many other wise parents are helping their children to
raise a garden crop or some live stock, thus teaching
them to share in the kingdom enterprise.
Mission Spirit at Hickory Grove, Middle Indiana
The Young People's Class furnished each child 25
cents to invest and make what he or she could by
Thanksgiving time.
Some raised chickens, some grew vegetables and
grain. Joy and happiness were in the children's faces
as they brought in their missionary money.
One little girl's chickens did so well she had $5 to
bring. Some of these children made real sacrifices and
are to be commended for the effort put forth. One lit-
tle boy raised popcorn and dry weather made his crop
short, and when sold, he had but 50 cents. He was sad
and discouraged because it was not more, but after the
sale of corn and before time to take the money in, a
relative gave him 50 cents to spend as he wanted to.
He wanted a sweater very much, but after thinking it
over he decided to do without and gave $1 for his mis-
sionary money. He says every other boy in school has
a sweater, but he has never been heard to wish he had
kept the 50 cents and gotten one. When the children
have the missionary spirit like this our field will not lack
missionaries or necessary funds for missions. May we
older ones get a lesson from this.
The Blessing of Sharing
In commending the Philippians for their gifts to him
while in prison at Rome, Paul would have them to
know that he was not concerned primarily about his
own needs ; that their growth and happiness were his
chief concern. " Not that I seek the gift ; but I seek
the fruit that increaseth to your account" (Philpp. 4:
17). Also in his farewell address to the elders of
Ephesus he reminded them that while with them he had
provided for his needs with his own hands and thus
had given them an example of how, by hard work, the
strong ought to help the weak, and admonished them to
remember the words of the Lord Jesus, " It makes one
happier to give than to be given to" (Acts 20: 35,
A mother shares her love, interest, energy, time, and
money, her very life, with her children in times of sick-
ness and in health, in childhood and in maturity. Her
life is happier and more satisfying because it is shared
with those whom she loves. At Christmas time when
we give gifts to our children, our parents and friends
we derive a peculiar satisfaction from the giving. Here
to give is a greater source of happiness than to receive.
The sharing opens the door to admit a fuller flow of the
finer qualities of life. I come from the store with a bag
of candy and give it to my little girl who is playing in
the yard with some neighbor girls. She gives each of
the girls a bit of the candy and they eat it together. She
herself enjoys the candy more than if she would self-
ishly eat it without sharing it with her playmates.
There are two different bases for an appeal for sup-
port of humanitarian activities, community chests,
charity, the church, missions and the interests of the
kingdom. Give to these agencies because the need is
great, because they represent worthy causes, because it
will bring happiness and cheer to those in need and dis-
tress. Share your time and money with the church be-
cause it is an indispensable institution and must have
support if it is to carry on. Give to missions because
the heathen need Christ and will not find him unless we
send them the good news. This is the appeal that is
most commonly used, and a worthy one it is ; give for
the benefit and happiness of the recipients.
But there is another appeal that is important and of-
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
ten overlooked. Share with others because of the bless-
ing of sharing, because of " the fruit that increaseth to
your account." Share with your neighbor in need for
your sake as well as his. Support charity, relief, and
missions because of the good it will do yourself as well
as your fellow-men. Share your time, energy, and in-
come with the church and kingdom interests because it
will do you good ; because it will make your life richer,
fuller and sweeter. Give to the Lord's treasure because
you will enjoy what is left more than if you had not
shared; it is essential for your highest development in
life. The by-product of a noble deed, the reaction upon
the doer, is often overlooked. This may seem somewhat
of a selfish motive for sharing, but it is significant nev-
We have placed much emphasis on faith, repentance,
and baptism, and the observance of certain symbols and
ordinances as necessary means of grace, essential to sal-
vation. But as a matter of fact the New Testament
has more to say about sharing, the use we make of our
possessions, than about baptism, feet-washing, and the
Lord's Supper. We need to teach the sharing of our
means as at least equally important as the various ordi-
nances, essential for complete salvation. Let us empha-
size the fact that the observance of baptism, the Lord's
Supper and the other ordinances becomes only mockery
and a " clanging cymbal " unless they are accompanied
by the sharing of what God has given us for the glory
of his name. Therefore give because of the good it will
do self as well as the cause to which it is given.
In harmony with the promise of Malachi, tithers tes-
tify that they can get along better with nine-tenths of
their income and the blessings of sharing than with all
of their income for self without the blessing of God.
Almost without exception the church members who
give generously for the support of the church and other
worthy causes get more satisfaction out of sharing than
other members, who have never had the faith and cour-
age to give generous sharing a trial, get out of using all
for self. Oh, the souls that are shriveling up because of
selfishness ! No wonder Jesus taught that " to give is
happier than to get " (Moffatt).
Lynchburg, Va.
Methods for Mission Workers
The Missionary Projects for 1933
Why should there be a mission project for our chil-
dren's groups each year? What is the ultimate aim?
What should happen to the child because he helped in
the project? The project leader might well take time
to think this through. We can not answer such ques-
tions adequately in the space allowed, but the following
thought may help to see why.
Missions, world friendship, international-mindedness
— what do we mean when we speak of these great mat-
ters in connection with our little children? Are they
synonymous or does the first include the others and add
a distinct element which the others do not have ? Some
one has said that missionary education has as its aim,
" the development of a well-rounded Christian charac-
ter and the expression of that character in unselfish
service." In other words there must be built up within
the child certain attitudes toward God and toward other
peoples ; certain appreciations of what God has done
for us, and of the interdependence upon one another in
a world that God planned for our cooperative living.
Once these attitudes and appreciations toward God and
toward our fellow-man have been established, our un-
selfish service will follow almost automatically. Our
gratitude toward God the " perfect giver " and toward
people of all lands who also share with us their arts and
commodities, inspires a desire to serve.
The missionary projects are a method by which part
of this can be accomplished. The project leader, how-
ever, needs to reach much farther than the project itself
Junior Missionary Project
" Choosing Chinese Chums " is the title of the junior
missionary project for 1933. For the last three years
the project has been in India. The aim is to help the
children to learn to know more about the work of our
missionaries in China, to know the Chinese children,
and then to give them an opportunity to share with
them whereby they will be able to build more beautiful
and useful lives.
We have at the present time about thirty-two mis-
sionaries working in China. They can not do all of this
work alone. They need the help of the juniors.
Just a word about a new phase of the project. A
friendship folio for China has been planned and pre-
pared by an interdenominational committee. Boys and
girls all over America will work on this part of our
project. The folio is only partly finished. It will be
part of the work of the children to finish the folio. Di-
rections for working on the folio will be found in the
project leaflet, " Choosing Chinese Chums." Here are
some suggestions for beginning your project work :
Send for the leaflet, " Choosing Chinese Chums,"
which sets forth the project plans.
Send for one friendship folio which is like a friend-
ship book, but it isn't finished.
Study the mission book for the juniors. It is called
" New Joy." It will help to understand the Chinese
Clip all the Chinese pictures, stories, and poems
which you find in the magazines or papers. Put them
up in your classroom. These will help to build a Chi-
nese atmosphere.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
Plan how you will earn your money, for the friend-
ship folio is not the only part of the project.
Think hard on the best way to carry on the project in
the light of local possibilities.
Work together on it.
Intermediate Missionary Project
"Intermediates Go to China via Goodwill," is the title
of the intermediate missionary project. The intermedi-
ate group this year will work in China. There is so
much to be done there. Their efforts will be linked
with the missionaries who are over there now trying to
do all they can.
Just what are the missionaries doing for the Chinese
children that the intermediates should help?
They are pointing to Jesus the great example of a
useful life. They are telling them of the one God who
is over all. They step into the Chinese homes and there
try to help the members of the family to live more kind-
ly and helpfully. They point them to the Christian way
of life both by example and teaching. They carry on
mission schools where they can come to learn, thus be-
ing more able to get along in life. They teach them the
right kinds of food to eat. They help them to see be-
yond their own narrow life, to the great world beyond,
which needs love and understanding and help. These
missionaries are trying to open windows into the souls
of the Chinese boys and girls. They will thus be able
to see farther and clearer. The money the intermedi-
ates raise this year through their project will go to the
Chinese mission for the benefit of the growth of the
boys and girls with whom our missionaries are work-
Besides this phase of the project they will also help
in the friendship folio as described above. Along with
the project work, the intermediate classes should study
the mission book, " The Young Revolutionist." It de-
General Mission Board
Elgin, Illinois
Please send the following items which are checked:
Friendship Folios, 60c each. (One is enough if the
group is not too large.)
Leaflets, "Choosing Chinese Chums," to explain the
Leaflets, "Intermediates Go to China via Goodwill."
Mission study book, "New Joy," 75c.
Mission Study Book, "The Young Revolutionist."
Name Congregation
picts the life of a Chinese boy who is not willing to ac-
cept all the Chinese customs and traditions. It is worth
the study of all intermediate groups.
NOTE. For fuller information regarding the above
projects and also the one for the young people, write to
the General Mission Board, Elgin, Illinois.
Address District.
News from the Field
J. M. Blough
Annual Bible Institute
The annual Bible institute was held here from Nov. 17 to
27. The attendance was not as large as I was accustomed to
for our staff of workers is not as large as it used to be.
And the general audiences were also smaller because the
number of our boarding children is only half of what it was
formerly. But the interest was good and the preaching was
good. Rev. Garrison of the Alliance Mission preached for
us and put strong emphasis on repentance, new birth, con-
fession of sin, baptism of the Holy Spirit, love and prayer.
While there were only a few public confessions of sin, yet
we know the Spirit was working, and the meetings closed
with a splendid testimony meeting in which many testified
to blessing.
Our love feast was held on Nov. 26. It was a time of
great rejoicing for it was the first communion to be held in
the new church. What a joy to have a place large enough
to accommodate the people ! There were 360 present yet
there was room for all. The spring feast is much larger, so
that will tax the church's capacity. On the day of the feast
there were fourteen baptisms.
The Doctor Comes to Vyara
Nov. 28 and 29 were great days at Vyara for Dr. Fox and
his staff had come from Bulsar. The first day was operation
day. (The operating apparatus was set up on the boys' hos-
tel veranda and two ordinary tables were used for operating
tables. The staff worked fine and Dr. Fox went from one
table to the other as rapidly as the patients could be pre-
pared and cared for. Thirty-two children had their tonsils
removed that day and all are doing fine.) What an im-
provised hospital we had with so many patients all lying
close together on the floor — girls in one room and boys in
the other. At noon a very critical emergency case was
brought in from the town and it took more than an hour of
the doctor's time. The second day the clinic was held on
the bungalow veranda, which kept the doctor busy till
eleven o'clock at night. What a blessing to have capable
doctors !
Evangelistic Work
Now the district evangelistic work takes on new life for
the touring season is here. Tents and everything are ready
and we are eager to start out to spend the winter months
among the workers and Christians in the villages. Two
groups have been arranged, each with a lantern, so we hope
by the grace of God to be able to cover the field fairly well.
Bro. Edward Zieglers have been located at Vyara and were
to move here in November, but on account of his illness
from typhoid fever they have not been able to come. They
will move some time in December and join one of the tour-
ing parties. Bro. Ziegler is an evangelist and we are eager
for his help in this great field.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
Calendar for Sunday, January 15
Sunday- school Lesson, Jesus at Work. — Mark 1 : 21-45.
Christian Workers' Meeting, The Divine-Human Instinct.
B. Y. P. D. Programs:
Young People — Youth and War.
Intermediate Girls — Becoming Friends with Jesus.
Intermediate Boys — What Would You Do?
* 4 * *
Gains for the Kingdom
One baptism in the La Porte church, Ind.
Three baptisms in the Modesto church, Calif.
One baptized in the Mt. Hope church, Wash., Bro. Ed
Cunningham of Olympia, Wash., evangelist.
Five baptisms in the Sunnyside church, Wash., Bro.
Geo. Strycker of Hanford, Wash., evangelist.
Seven baptized in the Mechanicsburg church, Pa., Bro. J.
E. Whitacre of Harrisburg, Pa., evangelist.
Three baptisms in the church at Williamsburg, Pa.
Seven baptisms in the Middle River church, Va., Bro. C.
G. Hesse of Roanoke, Va., evangelist.
Three baptisms in the Midland church, Mich.
Ten baptized and three reclaimed in the Albright church,
Pa., Bro. Blair Hoover of Carson Valley, Pa., evangelist.
Four baptized and one received on former baptism in the
Lanark church, 111.
Three baptized in the Reading church, Ohio.
Twenty-two baptisms in the Scalp Level church, Pa., Bro.
H. D. Jones of Aurora, N. Y., evangelist.
Four accessions in the Ft. Wayne church, Ind., Bro. J. O.
Winger of North Manchester, Ind., evangelist.
One addition to the Buffalo church, Ind., Bro. R. O.
Shank of Flora, evangelist.
Eleven additions to the Eaton congregation, Ohio, Bro. R.
O. Shank, evangelist.
Fourteen baptisms in the Elmdale church, Mich., Bro. C.
H. Deardorff of Hartville, Ohio, evangelist.
Eighteen baptized in the Daleville congregation, Pleasant-
dale house, Va., Bro. Raymond R. Peters, pastor-evangelist.
Three born into the kingdom and two reclaimed in the
Heidelberg church, Pa., Bro. W. G. Group of East Berlin,
Pa., evangelist.
Nine baptized and one reclaimed in the Falling Spring
church, Browns Mill house, Pa., Bro. L. Shanholtz of Lev-
els, W. Va., evangelist.
<fr * «fr *
Personal Mention
Bro. Perry S. Parker, Cambridge, Nebr., is available for
several evangelistic meetings this winter and spring.
Bro. Oliver Royer, pastor of the Alliance church of
Northeastern Ohio, is available for two revival meetings in
1933. Those interested will write him at Alliance, Ohio, 75
Rice St.
Bro. Ezra Flory has been counting up the baptisms re-
ported in the Messenger during 1932. He says the total for
the United States and Canada is 6,771. There were some
reported in every issue, the largest number at one time be-
ing 322, Oct. 22. Pennsylvania heads the list for the year
with 1,505. Other states reporting more than 100 are Vir-
ginia 790, Indiana 770, Ohio 699, West Virginia 540, Mary-
land (and D. C.) 392, Illinois 316, Kansas 294, Michigan 193,
Iowa 174, California 154, Tennessee 143.
Bro. J. F. Burton, 2325 Des Moines St., Des Moines, Iowa,
wishes us to announce that he is available for evangelistic
meetings or a pastorate.
Western Maryland is to be represented on the Standing
Committee at Hershey this year by Eld. J. E. Walls, with
Eld. Arthur Scrogum as alternate.
Christmas greetings from China missionaries have
reached the Messenger editorial rooms in the form of newsy
letters from the Ikenberrys, the Crumpackers and Sister
Minneva Neher. They all refer to problems and difficulties
but it must have been a good year in spite of these. The
dominant note in all the letters is one of gladness and hope-
Speaking of successive generations of preachers, Bro.
Jerome E. Blough of Johnstown, Pa., cites a case of four
generations of ministers in the Blough family, all in the
Church of the Brethren. Their names are Jacob (deceased),
Emanuel J. (deceased), Elijah E. (Manassas, Va.), and Les-
lie E. (Belpre, Ohio). He himself, with two other brothers,
Silas S. (Fort Wayne, Ind.) and Jacob M. (India), belongs
to the third of these generations.
The Regional Conference for the McPherson Area this
year is to be held at McPherson College Feb. 19 to 24. The
program which will be given later in fuller form shows the
names of Otho Winger, Edward Frantz, Ruth Shriver and
C. E. Davis among the leaders, along with the local talent.
You may be glad to know now that " room will be provided
From the Morning's Mail
A good brother and wife who are much interested in the
church on sending a contribution to the Conference Budget
have this to say:
"Would like to make a suggestion: Any member or fam-
ily of the Church of the Brethren that gives $25 to the
Mission Board for missions be sent The Gospel Messenger
without charge."
They make this suggestion not because they want the
Messenger free, but because they believe the members of
the church should be reading the church paper. What do
you think of the proposition? What can you suggest that
will place the Messenger into every home in your congrega-
Of course, if the Messenger is sent free to donors of cer-
tain amounts it must be paid for from some source. Would
it be right to take a certain amount of the donation to pay
for the Messenger? If so, how much? At present anyone
paying $25 as a subscription price receives the Messenger
during his lifetime without further cost.
Should congregations that- place the Messenger into
eighty per cent of the homes of the members receive it at a
reduced rate? And should congregations that place it into
every home be allowed a still lower rate? Are you ready
to consider a proposition along these lines for your congre-
gation? Suppose at least five hundred of you write the
Messenger concerning this matter, and write the day you
read this. Will you do it?
Remember the Brethren Publishing House prints the
Messenger. Whatever profits are made by the House, after
paying all legitimate expenses, go back into church work.
The House is not run for profit but for service. Your sug-
gestions may help to make both the Messenger and the
House of greater service. — J. E. M.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
free of charge and board at a very nominal rate. . . .
Churches are urged to send representatives wherever pos-
sible." * «$• 4» *
Miscellaneous Items
Next week's Messenger (Jan. 21 issue) will be a special
Achievement number. Extra copies for those who should
know more about the work of the church will be sent free
to names and addresses submitted, or in bulk to those re-
questing extra copies for distribution. Order from General
Mission Board, Elgin, 111.
According to Professor William E. Hocking the Christian
church has three functions : " First, worship ; second, teach-
ing and the expression of goodwill in charity ; third, mis-
sions— that is, the expression of the belief of the church that
it is the destiny of its truth to be universal. . . . You
can not have a successful church that is not interested in
the world-wide aspect of the truth that it proclaims."
$ ♦> 4> *
Around the World
Perhaps economy, rather than extravagance is to become
the fashion. At least Elizabeth Reeve Morrow, eldest
daughter of the late Senator Dwight W. Morrow, recently
married to Aubrey Niel Morgan, set a good precedent for
such a move when she mailed wedding announcements sec-
ond class, or in unsealed envelopes going for a cent and a
" Around the church again we must build our community
life," writes George W. Godfrey. " Even entertainment that
we have been buying for some time we must now make for
ourselves, and that will be associated with the church. The
rural church has an opportunity today that it has not had
before in this generation to build the Spirit of Christ into
rural life. It will mean pioneer hardship and sacrifice but
will demonstrate the sincerity of real Christianity."
In Friendship Books to be prepared by certain promoters
of international goodwill it is proposed to put this message
of greeting to the youth of Japan : " We believe our mod-
ern world is interdependent economically, culturally and
spiritually. We believe it will not be a good world for any
of us until it is a good world for all of us. We believe the
nations in such a world must cooperate to build a common
peace and prosperity. We believe humanity must develop
more rapidly this sense of world-wide social solidarity if we
are to preserve life's greatest values in our time. As a part
of the effort to unite the youth of our generation in this
spirit we send to you our goodwill and hopefully await your
response." This would be a good introductory note to go
in all books of wide circulation, especially if the spirit of it
could be lived up to by the writers of books.
* * * *
Our Bookshelf
Book reviews for this column are prepared by J. E. Miller, Literary
Editor for the Brethren Publishing House. Any book reviewed in
these columns, and any others you wish to order, may be purchased
through the Brethren Publishing House, Elgin, 111. — Ed.
The Course of Christian Missions, by William Owen
Carver. Fleming H. Revell Company. $3.00. 320 large
Having studied and taught missions for years the author
sets forth his impressions of the great missionary movement
from the beginning of the Christian church down to the
present. Throughout he shows the relation of missions to
history and their effect upon history. It is not a book for
the general reader, but for the student and teacher.
In these days when the recent survey made by the laymen
group is so fresh in the memory of all, and while their
recommendations and criticisms are being discussed, it will
aid those who would know missions in all lands and periods
to re-think what the church has done in these nineteen cen-
turies in the way of spreading the gospel in all lands. This
book gives just such a picture. i
If you are building a mission library you should not fail
to add this book. It is one which you will frequently refer
to for information and comparison.
Stories for Talks to Boys, by F. H. Cheley. Association
Press. 366 pages. $2.00.
Here are stories gathered from far and wide, ancient
times and the present. They are well selected and well told
short stories that breathe with life. Seldom does a story
cover a whole page. They are stories for all times and oc-
casions ; stories that stick and drive home the truth without
moralizing. The stories are classified under nearly a hun-
dred general heads while each one has its own title.
True character building stories one might call the selec-
tion. Originally published in 1920, this new and revised edi-
tion will appeal strongly to group leaders, teachers and oth-
ers who are seeking through stories and poems to win and
hold the attention of boys while they try to make the truth
stick by means of illustrative material.
While these stories are fine for use of leaders and teach-
ers their chief value lies in this, that boys will want to read
and reread them time and again. Such a book on your
boy's table in his own room will become thumb worn as he
turns to his favorites.
The Baptism of Jesus
For Week Beginning January 22
John Would Have Hindered Him, Matt. 3: 14
Every great soul feels unworthy of the work he is called
to do. But forgetting himself he does the best he can
(Matt. 8 : 8 ; 25 : 37 ; Luke 5:8; John 13 : 8 ; 1 Cor. 15 : 9).
To Fulfil All Righteousness, Matt. 3: 15
Jesus did not break with the religious heritage of his
people. He fulfilled it. He caused it to grow into some-
thing higher and finer (Psa. 45: 7; Isa. 11: 5; 59: 17; Jer.
23: 5; Rev. 19: 11).
The Heavens Open . . . and a Dove, Matt. 3: 16
The heavens opened — here is God's power. As a dove — ■
here is communion, love, sympathy (Acts 7: 56; 10: 11; Rev.
19: 11).
Thou Art My Beloved Son, Mark 1: 11
He knows for sure that God is his father and that he is
his beloved Son. The truth of God's fatherhood and man's
sonship comes only to those who consecrate themselves to
his purposes (Matt. 12: 18; 17: 5; Mark 1: 11; Eph. 1:6;
Col. 1: 13; Heb. 5: 5).
An Act of Consecration, Luke 3: 22
Why was Jesus baptized? Certainly not as an act of re-
nunciation of sin. Rather was it an act of consecration to
God's will for him (Ex. 32: 29; Prov. 23: 26; Rom. 12: 1;
Judges 5:2; Psa. 40: 7; Acts 6: 4; 2 Cor. 8: 5).
What does it mean to fulfil all righteousness? In what
respects has baptism the same meaning for us as for Jesus?
A different meaning? R. H. M.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
When Does a Preacher Preach Christ?
Article Supplied by the Pastoral Association
Preaching is still the capstone of the worship pro-
gram of the Protestant Church and bids fair to become
more important as history is made. Numberless vol-
umes have been written and an almost endless flow of
lectures have been given, emphasizing the highness and
the holiness of the call of the Christian ministry. So
much has been written and said that it seems trite to
mention the fact. However, we have often failed to
give due emphasis to the corollary of this large oppor-
tunity which the ministry offers. This high privilege
should be matched by an equally high measure of char-
acter and efficiency. Privilege always means responsi-
bility. " Unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall
much be required." And the ministry can not afford
to give individuals a place who come because they feel
the work of the ministry is easier than plowing, or be-
cause they " believe that the emotional satisfaction to be
found in public religious address is more gratifying "
than serving in some other vocation, or because " they
covet the sort of prestige which goes with religious
leadership in a community."
If preaching has first place in the program of the
church, then preaching Christ is the chief business of
the ministry. Everything else must be secondary.
There are two prime requisites for preaching Christ.
First, the minister must know him, whom he is to
preach. However, this knowledge must be more than
intellectual. Too much of our religious zeal is sub-
merged into intellectual idleness. We may know all that
history and literature has to say about him and still fail
to know him. To know Christ is not only an experi-
ence of the mind, but also of the heart. Jesus is not
only a character of history, he is a living Personality.
And to know him we must feel something of the pas-
sion which gripped his soul when he stood on the
Judean hill and cried, " O Jerusalem, Jerusalem . . .
how often would I have gathered thy children together,
as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings !" We
must appreciate that tenderness of soul which forced
those sympathetic tears to his cheeks when he faced the
heart-broken sisters, Mary and Martha. We must sym-
pathetically understand that sense of responsibility
which dominated his whole life. Was it not this which
was expressing itself when he said to his mother:
" Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's busi-
ness?" Was it not this which caused him to feed the
hungry, heal the sick, give sight to blind? Whatever
else may be necessary for the effective preaching of
Christ, this acquaintance comes first.
Also the minister must understand something of the
need which Jesus came to meet. The Jews were not
the only people who would have him to set up an ideal
political unit or propound a panacea for all material ills.
Throughout the history of the Christian church men
have again and again closed their eyes to the needs
which Jesus came to meet. The most vital needs of the
human race are not to be found in philosophies, sciences
or systems. They are seated deep in the human heart.
The major part of the Master's ministry was not to the
masses but to individuals. What the needs of these
hearts are can not be guessed at. It takes fellowship
and study. We must touch the hearts of our fellow-
men in a vital way. We must feel its passion and long-
ing. We must share its suffering and pain.
When a minister has made his acquaintance thus
with the heart of the Master, and with the heart of man,
he is ready to preach Christ. But the test of his having
done so will not come with one or one hundred, or one
thousand sermons. The test of preaching Christ does
■ not come with preaching. The test comes in the fruit
of preaching. Are a minister's sermons producing
Christian character in the life of the preacher and hear-
ers? This is the telling factor. Are lives made more
tender, more sympathetic, more hopeful and more loyal
to him? This is the real test.
Shippensburg, Pa.
Physical Activities Here and There
Second Half
The Philadelphia church has no cemetery of its own,
but to provide for this necessity and to safeguard the
future, a meeting was held in Germantown as early as
Aug. 5, 1840, at which Peter Keyser was called to the
chair. Its purpose was to secure the right of burial to
all members in both Germantown and Philadelphia. An
unrecorded incident brought the matter forcibly into
question thirty-two years later when John Fox was in-
structed by resolution of Feb. 5, 1872, to take steps to
establish the same right and privilege agreed upon at
the meeting in 1840. A favorable report was rendered
on June 12, 1872, followed by printed rules and regu-
lations bearing a preamble " that no misunderstanding
may arise in regard to the right of burial," etc.
For fifty-seven years the church depended on Coop-
er's Creek, N. J., across the river, and " Peter Lei-
bert's " Creek, Wissahickon Creek, and the Schuylkill
and Delaware Rivers for baptizing purposes, at a cost
of 75c to $1.50 a person for " a place to dress." John
Fox was progressive in his vision and leadership. On
Oct. 1, 1874, when eighty-seven years of age, he stated
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
in council that " the time has come when we should
have a pool; we now have much difficulty baptizing in
the river; we must always wait for the tide or baptize
in the mud." With the elder strongly in favor of the
move, the brethren lost no time. From the splendid
record left by Isaiah G. Harley, Church Clerk as well
as Secretary of the Board of Trustees, we note that —
"Sunday evening, October 1 1, 1874, baptized by Jesse
P. Hetric for the first time in the pool in the church,
Charles Kline, Charles Hartmann, Henry Hartmann."
Henry Hartmann was the brother of Charles, and
later withdrew with the plain brethren who were or-
ganized by Annual Meeting Committee as a separate
Sept. 6, 1874, nine were baptized in the Delaware
River, and the last of this group was " Kate A. Har-
ley " (Isaiah's daughter) who later married Charles
Hartmann. The last one baptized in the Delaware was
Matthew Kolb on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 20, 1874.
The church approved the Board's recommendation
of April 13, 1892, for the erection of a Sunday-school
building to the rear of the main structure " provided
sufficient money is subscribed to justify the building
committee to proceed with the work " ! It was com-
pleted in the fall of that year and presented in its en-
tirety to the church by Mary S. Geiger at an approxi-
mate contract cost of $5,000. But here is a sad story,
never before on record, disclosed to me by Rowland C.
Evans, now an attorney-at-law and member of the
church, who remembers the circumstance very well.
Proper precautions had not been taken to determine
and fix the liability of the contractor. He proved a
bankrupt. As construction progressed, liens were
promptly filed by sub-contractors and material men.
Consequently the church found itself obligated not only
to satisfy the liens but to meet the price of the main
contractor! Sister Geiger came to the recue on both
counts, the project costing her almost double $5,000!
In August, 1897, a two-story parsonage was pur-
chased at No. 2414 North Seventeenth Street for $3,-
200, plus cost of transfer. Mary S. Geiger not only as-
sumed a reconditioning expense of $294.29, but con-
tributed $1,000 cash to the purchase price. The bal-
ance was held on mortgage through funds advanced
from the Poor Fund. This parsonage was occupied by
the pastor until July, 1899, when it was rented. The
Trustees waited a long time for a buyer, and finally sold
it at a loss May 10, 1917, for $2,750.00.
On May 3, 1903, Mary S. Geiger took title to the
present three-story parsonage at No. 2260 North Park
Avenue and deeded it to the church Feb. 23, 1904. It
was valued at the time at $6,250.
The Crown Street church was popularly known as
" Peter Keyser's Church." With all that records and
memory reveal, a popular and suitable name for the
present one would have been the " Mary S. Geiger
In 1905, the main church auditorium was enlarged by
an extension of twelve feet at a cost of $16,629.49,
towards which $16,862.95 was collected. A unique
resolution of April 2, 1906, states that as " Sister Mary
S. Geiger has contributed in a large degree, the balance
of $233.46 in the hands of the Treasurer of the Build-
ing Committee is turned over to her in full realization
and expression of appreciation of her great aid and
support in the rebuilding of the church edifice." This
money no doubt found its way back to the church.
Other alterations and permanent improvements have
been made from time to time so that the present value
of " all funds and church properties " exceeds $75,000,
with a current annual overhead expense of $6,000.
Contributions to missions is a separate story already
We must mention here another physical activity with
a decided spiritual background that may have con-
tributed in its way to the separation that followed a few
years later.
The church was about to move to a new location and
dress itself in a more modern building. As part of the
new attire, an organ was thought desirable for the de-
velopment and promotion of the Sunday-school. By
March 4, 1872, $47 had been collected and the Board
agreed that the scholars be furnished with pass books
to solicit money for the fund. An organ was selected
but apparently it was too small for the purpose. A min-
ute of Jan. 14, 1873, authorized "the self-made commit-
tee on organ to exchange the one in its possession for a
larger and stronger one." On Feb. 10, 1873, an organ
and stool were reported purchased for the sum of $161
and placed in the Sunday-school room of the basement.
Catherine Harley Hartmann, now in her eightieth year,
was the organist. This piece of furniture was later
moved to the main auditorium for some special occa-
sion, and Sister Hartmann intimates that " they forgot
to return it to the basement " ! It gradually worked its
way into the church service. Perhaps this was the first
organ used in any service of the Brotherhood ; as the
baptismal pool was likely the first in its line. However,
we are receptive, if facts are to the contrary.
An interesting stroke of local precaution was
launched on Nov. 1, 1909, when the Board of Trustees
authorized and directed its President and Secretary to
execute a Bond and Mortgage for $25,000 against the
church property. It was purposely not recorded. Mary
S. Geiger appeared as mortgagee and the church as
mortgagor, she meeting all expenses entailed in the
transaction which is the reverse of custom in mortgage
obligations. It was a very confidential piece of business
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
at the time. No reason was openly given. Few knew
anything about it. As a matter of fact, its object was
to forestall any successful attempt at preemption of ti-
tle by the Brotherhood at large ! Your own conclusions
will suffice.
Philadelphia, Pa.
The Cross of Jesus Christ
(Continued From Page 12)
can create in disciples moral earnestness and courage
requisite for the dethronement of heathenism and the
purgation of its corruptions. The conflict is not be-
tween rival systems of religion, but between two rival
kingdoms — between Christ and Satan ; and Christ's en-
ergy alone is equal to the conquest." The sins of the
world were judged on the cross and the " Lamb of
God " took them away and potentially forgave the race
and purchased it for himself. Here is the greatest mo-
tive ever to stir up the church to missionary effort in
any age ; and to prepare its members to carry the letter
of pardon to those " condemned already because they
have not believed on the only begotten Son of God "
(John 3: 18).
The message of the cross is so powerful, when really
taken to heart, that it will overrule all obstacles of race,
color, caste, and creed, and no one can hold pride of
birth or position and say that no other is worthy to ac-
cept it. Neither will there be any room for classes or
factions in his body, the church. That was one of the
troubles in Corinth — they had failed to understand the
cross and the new life in Christ. So Paul makes his
first answer and greatest remedy to the factious condi-
tion to be the cross as the power of God unto salvation
(1 Cor. 1).
Does not the thermometer of our Mission Board fi-
nances show to what extent the membership of the
church is warmed up and energized by the appreciation
of the cross ? Or is the seed of the cross " choked with
the cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and so
brings no fruit to perfection" (Luke 8: 14)? If the
latter is true the proper concern for the unsaved of the
world can not be felt, and so gifts are slow in coming in
for the work of evangelization.
Granted that we have the real motive and message,
what may be expected to result from its proclamation?
What does the sending church and the sent individual
hold as the final goal of evangelistic effort? Is it to
add our bit to bring India, China, Africa, and other
countries — the whole world — to Christ? To make
Christian nations? To convert the world? Is there a
real Christian nation today? I dare say, no; nor ever
has been, nor ever will be in this gospel age. I find no
hint given by Christ or any New Testament writer that
all the population of any community or country are to
be converted by the preaching of the gospel ; neither has
history verified it. But there are plenty of instances of
opposition and hatred, and the increase of evil. But
the happy part is that everywhere the gospel has gone it
has " called out " some who believe and accept its mes-
sage, and these make up his body, the church. After
Christ returns all the world will be brought to know
him. It is the church's business to present Christ to the
world, and not to bring the world to Christ, to evan-
gelize the world and not to convert it. I conceive evan-
gelization to mean, that the message of the cross is to
be presented to the peoples of the world or of any com-
munity, in such a way and to such an extent, that they
will have sufficient conception of its meaning to decide
whether they will accept him or not.
Christ must be exalted as a universal Savior, and not
nationalized. To quote a couple of Hindu converts :
" A Hinduized Christ is never going to Christianize
Hindus. We need none of the living seeds that may be
found in the dead hand of a mummified Hinduism. We
have found purer and better seeds in the living hand of
Darkest Before Dawn
That conditions have to get worse before they can get
better, comes very near being a proverb. But proverb or
no proverb there is a good deal of truth in the statement.
New situations arise which call for new adjustments, but
always there is an inertia in human nature which tends to
prevent the change from being made. Those interests which
stand to lose temporarily by the readjustments seem always
to be well organized, and the noise they make is clearly out
of proportion to their importance, while the great masses
who will be benefited by changes do not have the unity of
purpose, the clearness of vision or the singleness of voice to
get action. But if maladjustments are bad enough and if
their effects happen to be cumulative as is frequently the
case, a crisis finally comes when the inertia gives way to ac-
tion and the Babel of suggested remedies converges into one
cosmic command.
The world is in a bad way both economically and spirit-
ually. It has been in a pretty bad way ; but not so bad that
by overlooking wherever possible, and by patching up with
some makeshift where the trouble couldn't be overlooked, we
were able to muddle along. One is almost tempted to say,
fortunately, the result of such a "get by" policy is to get us
into deeper and deeper trouble until we are forced to do
Now the men who know most about such affairs have
been telling us for a good while, that the war debt arrange-
ment was wrong, that tariffs are suicidal, that armamerts
are instruments of destruction, and that failure to cooperate
for world peace is criminal.
In this dark hour, weighed down by poverty, material and
spiritual, haunted by the cry of hungry children, let us have
faith in our kind to turn from the muddle of quackery to the
path pointed out by those whose information is most com-
plete in such matters.
Fort Wayne, Ind.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
God's Christ." " The doctrine that decided me to em-
brace the Christian Religion, and make a profession
publicly of my faith, was that of the vicarious death
and sufferings of Christ. I felt myself a sinner, and
found in Christ One who had died for my sins, paid the
penalty due to my sins. It is the differentiating line be-
tween Christianity and all other religions."
If Christ has not died vicariously and substitutional-
ly, then there is no excuse for missions, yea, no excuse
for the church in the world. Christ must be exalted as
the One above all others; he must be shown and ac-
cepted as the Light of the World, the Bread and Water
of Life, the only Way, Truth, and Life, by which alone
men can come to the Father ; the Good Shepherd that
gave his life for the sheep; the Lamb of God that tak-
eth away the sin of the world ; — Jesus Christ, the first
begotten of the dead, unto him that loved us and
washed us from our sins in his own blood, and hath
made us kings and priests unto God and his Father ; to
him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.
Degraff, Ohio.
■ m •
To the Women of the Southeastern Region
President of Women's Work of Southeastern Region
Nineteen thirty-two is now history — history with
its record of good and bad — history reminding us on
memory's pages of unforgettable mistakes with encour-
aging features here and there acting as a stimulus to
urge us on. Urging us on to launch out anew as the
new year dawns upon us with hope and faith and cour-
age to make 1933 the best yet as loyal workers.
As we review the work of the past year how oft the
burning question comes to mind, " Did I do my best ?"
As regional, district or local officers, as well as all the
women of our beloved church, we need often to ask,
" Am I giving my all to him in the use of my talents, in
the use of my time, in the use of my possessions ?"
We are busy folks — most women are. We are home-
makers and where is the housewife or mother who
hasn't a duty for every hour? Maybe teaching is our
profession and where is the teacher whose responsibili-
ties are not multiplied from year to year ? Perhaps the
factories claim our time, and the mill whistle calls us to
duty. Maybe we wear the nurse's spotless garb or
spend long hours behind the counter. Whoever we are,
wherever we are, we have a definite responsibility to-
ward the promotion of Christ's kingdom. We were all,
regardless of our position, created by the same God and
to him we are alike held responsible as to whom we
shall serve and how.
Humanity's needs are everywhere evident, both spir-
itual and temporal. The call to Christian followers
comes loud and long. Willing service is in demand with
sacrificial giving till it hurts. Sisters of the Church of
the Brethren of the Southeastern Region, are we each
willing to do our part in giving of our time, our think-
ing, our money ?
At the regional conference held at Bridgewater the
past September, Sister Murphy, our national chairman
of Women's Work, came to us with this information :
" The Eastern and Southeastern Regions are the two
regions that are behind in their giving."
Just these figures by way of comparison to show, if
you please, we did not do our best in the Southeastern
Region. The Central Region with a membership of 15,-
000 gave $4,750 while 12,000 women of the Southeast-
ern Region gave $1,900. Does this help us to see our
shortcomings, sisters of the Southeastern Region ? Per-
haps we have not given till it hurts. Yes, we are expe-
riencing a depression that is world-wide, yet many are
spending money rather lavishly or dare we say foolish-
ly? And maybe some of the Southeastern sisters might
be included.
Sister Murphy kindly suggests four reasons why we
are behind. May I give you these in full? (They re-
fer to both the Eastern and Southern Regions.)
1. They may be carrying greater local overhead and
heavier district budgets.
2. The Women's Work program may be receiving a
secondary rather than a primary place of importance.
3. They may not be giving as much or working as
hard on the whole as the women of the other three re-
4. Or perhaps they are working a small part of their
territory hard, leaving the greater number of women
untouched, so far as missionary interests and education
are concerned.
At this point may we appeal to you, our district offi-
cers. In the Southeastern Region we have thirteen dis-
tricts with a membership of 12,831 women to be exact.
Last year three districts of our region gave no report
of Women's Work. This situation shows the necessity
for reports being sent in, or the study by districts and
regional leaders of these undeveloped fields. As a re-
gion we must work toward our $4,000 goal. We must
do our best and our best must be " over the top."
Through our district officers we trust all our local
churches have the " my gift " envelopes. This envel-
ope system of giving was explained to you well in the
letter sent out in November by Sister Hesse, our re-
gional secretary. We are counting on you coworkers to
help us in acquainting the 12,000 women in our thirteen
districts of this gift plan. But a few short weeks it will
seem till our quota must be sent to Elgin. May we
unitedly as women work our plan to the finish and may
March 1 find our gifts of time and money ready to lay
(Continued on Page 24)
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
A Motto
The world is wide
In time and tide
And God is guide;
Then do not hurry.
The man is blest
Who does his best
And leaves the rest;
Then do not worry.
— Charles F. Deems,
Not for a Day,
But for a Lifetime
Chapter 3
" Going to be married !" exclaimed Mr. Weston,
staring back at his daughter with wide eyes. So mar-
rying off a daughter threatened to be one of his first
duties in accepting the responsibility of the family.
What would Jinny do if she were here? Fear of her
disapproval forced him to a speedy decision. Indeed he
would assert his authority at once, forbidding marriage.
Marilyn laughed softly. " Why, father, you act as if
I had said I was contemplating taking poison or com-
mitting some other dreadful crime. People are being
married every day. It is nothing to be alarmed about
and Jack is an honest hard-working boy of good parent-
age. I—"
Bruce Weston aroused himself. " Yes, Marilyn,
marriage is a natural consequence of real love but you
are not ready yet for it. Think of your college — and —
and why, you are only a child, I couldn't think of — "
"A child?" interrupted Marilyn, scornfully. "To-
morrow is my twentieth birthday. That is a whole year
older than you and mother were when you were mar-
ried. As for school — it's no use to waste the money. I
love Jack and — and I'm going to marry him." As if
the matter was definitely settled, she picked up her
baggage and turned toward the stairs.
" Marilyn," Mr. Weston's tone was firm, " you are
not going out this time of night. Surely you wouldn't
disgrace the family with an elopement. Stay here un-
til morning and then we will make some plans to-
gether." He laid an impelling hand upon her sleeve.
" Come !" Nothing else mattered now, if only he could
induce this beautiful girl to accept his viewpoint even
though it be but for a few hours. It would give him
time to think and plan a way out. He saw her pause in
a moment of indecision. His heart leaped for joy. Ea-
ger words sprang to his lips. " Come on," he coaxed.
" That's a good girl. You'll think differently tomor-
" No, father. Our plans are made. Jack has the li'
cense in his pocket. We are going to his sister's to-
night and be married there in the morning at eight-for-
At this determined announcement, Bruce Weston
saw his dream castles crash to the earth. Alas! the
reins of influence so willingly thrust into the hands of
his wife years ago, were now far beyond his reach.
They could not be taken up again at will. With swift
intuition he saw it was useless to command obedience.
His only recourse lay in gentle persuasion.
When he spoke again he was amazed at his own tone
of voice. " Daughter, let me go down and invite Jack
in. He can stay in Tom's room tonight and you and I
will make some plans. Old Hagar will like nothing bet-
ter than planning a sumptuous wedding breakfast, and
you can be married right here in your own home.
Mother would feel so much better about it. Now be
honest, don't you think. so?"
" Father, you win. I'll wait as you say," agreed
Marilyn. " Jack can telephone his sister and — and
mother would feel better about it if she knew I was
having a home wedding. I'll tell Jack myself." She
set the baggage down near the bannister and tripped
lightly down the stairs.
Mr. Weston turned toward his room with a groan of
despair. " O Jinny, Jinny. How'll I ever manage ?
Now if you were here she just couldn't get away with
it, that's all. But I — oh, what kind of a father am I ?"
He sank helplessly into a chair and wiped the cold
perspiration from his forehead. The soft purr of a
motor brought him to his feet. A wild thought raced
through his mind. " Would Marilyn dare ?"
To his great relief the hall door opened and Marilyn
bounded up the stairs and stood before him. " It's all
fixed, father, only Jack wouldn't stay. He will stay
with his sister and come for me at eight. Breakfast
will be served immediately after the ceremony and that
will give Hagar time for the fixin's."
The big clock in the hall boomed out twelve solemn
strokes. " Time for little girls to be abed, daughter, or
that beauty nap will be cut short," offered Mr. Weston
playfully, then he grew sober. " But first I want to
ask, what does your mother think of this young chap
you are marrying?"
" Father, how absurd !" laughed Marilyn gaily. " Do
you think for one moment I'd marry any boy that moth-
er didn't like ? No sir, not I," she declared emphatical-
ly. " I've had Jack here lots, only you weren't ever
home when he was around. Mother knows we're en-
gaged. It'll not surprise her much. But didn't she sur-
prise us all with her sudden trip to Europe? I can't
get over it yet."
Bruce Weston made no reply but managed to force
a sickly smile. He felt Marilyn's penetrating eyes upon
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
him. To his surprise she slipped to her knees beside
his chair.
" Father, I — I didn't know you cared so much."
"Cared?" he queried hoarsely. "What do you
mean ?"
" Well." The girl paused as if weighing her words.
" I l didn't think it would make much difference
whether mother was here or there. You are away so
much. I— I thought maybe you and mother were get-
ting over it — after all these years. Oh, you know what
I mean— that first love like Jack's and mine."
" Marilyn Weston, you must be insane ! Do you
think a love like ours would ever die ? Do you dare be-
lieve it could not hold us true through the stress and
strain of the years? No, daughter, when your mother
and I were married it was considered a mark of dis-
honor and deep disgrace to think of anything but death
severing the sacred tie. 'Until death do thee part,'
was a well defined principle of every marriage vow and
no one thought of changing what all the world has de-
clared is ordained of God."
" But, father, it is done now, nevertheless," declared
Marilyn quietly. " Look at the Stantons and Hersch-
mans and Mays — all old established families with
grown children. They're all divorced." The girl hesi-
tated a moment and stole a sly glance toward her fa-
ther " i — i hate to say it, but I — I wondered — did you
ever think that perhaps mother's sudden trip might not
be a courteous way of letting you know how things
But the sentence was never finished. Bruce Weston
sprang to his feet and almost thrust his daughter from
him. A terrible anger blazed in his stern dark eyes.
" Stop ! Not another word. If you think for one mo-
ment that the marriage tie means no more than that " —
he snapped his fingers dramatically, " then you are un-
worthy to become the wife of any man. As to the re-
lationship between your mother and me, I am both
grieved and deeply hurt that my child should find it in
her to question. Divorce is as far from our minds as
east is removed from west !"
He paused in his walk and stared at Marilyn as if
seeing her for the first time. A spasm of pain swept
over his face. " Daughter, you don't mean," he hesi-
tated over the words he knew he must speak. " You
can't even think of entering the sacred marriage rela-
tionships with these poisonous ideas of divorce threat-
ening you." He waited breathlessly.
She laughed nervously. " Father," she exclaimed,
" I never knew you felt so — so prejudiced before. I
can not believe you are ignorant of the modern view of
marriage. Surely you read the papers."
" Bah ! Modern view of marriage," he scoffed, re-
suming his walk. " Yes, I know enough. I see the
modern view of marriage eating at the vitals of society
with most disastrous results to American home life. If
it is true that the peace and prosperity of a nation de-
pend on the home life, then the foundations of your
country and mine are gradually crumbling away in the
divorce mill. Oh, it is the most detestable evil that ever
threatened our peace, and sane men and women can not
deny it !"
He turned once more and grasped his daughter's
arm. Her eyes fell before his threatening gaze. "If
you, Marilyn Weston, presume that I shall stand idly
by and see Jack Nolte lead you to the altar with these
abominable doctrines in your head, you are mistaken.
I'll take you back to Mount Vernon and lock you in be-
fore I permit such a crime."
" Father." The girl was strangely moved. The big
dark eyes filled with tears which she made no effort to
conceal. " Oh, it makes me happy, gloriously, radiantly
happy to hear you speak thus. It is true, I was begin-
ning to lose faith in the sacredness of marriage, hear-
ing it assailed on every side. Your words are most
challenging. Never fear, it's all right between Jack
and me. Nothing shall ever sever our love."
Bruce Weston pushed back the thick curls and
pressed the smooth white forehead with a kiss. "Thank
God !" he murmured reverently. " Marriage is not for
a day, nor for a year, daughter, but forever."
Nappanee, Ind.
(To Be Continued)
" Dunmires Rocks "
When I was a child, I did enjoy the walks into a
woods near our home. On the north side were large
rocks, and how I loved to be there! But mother was
worried, because the rocks were near our kind neigh-
bors, and she did not want us to annoy the neighbors.
Indeed, they were very kind to the little Van Dykes.
Auntie Dunmire many times gave us apples and other
good things. But when I asked too often to go to the
rocks, mother said : "Oh, they are Dunmires rocks, and
we must not go so often." Then we went to a stream
that was several feet below the surface of the ground,
and had a fine time making mud pies, butter rolls, and
basketfuls of eggs. Gabriel Dunmire was a happy-
faced old man, and never scolded us, but smiled, and
said nice things to us. What a fine place that was to
live, and it was good to have such nice neighbors. I
visited the place not so long ago and walked around the
rocks, sat on them, and recalled the happy hours I spent
there years ago. I'm so glad they never once sent the
dogs after us. That would have resulted in a hasty
clearing of the rocks, but would spoil the picture I have
of the happy times we had there. What lessons do I
(Continued on Page 26)
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
To the Women of the Southeastern Region
(Continued From Page 21)
on the altar of service for our schools in India and Chi-
na and Africa.
Sister Royer, our regional missionary director, has
kindly planned for the local churches a program suita-
ble for either morning or evening service, at which our
envelopes will be gathered in with their gifts of love.
We are asking that this women's missionary meeting
be held over our Southeastern Region the same day,
Feb. 14, 1933, either morning or evening. Will you
help to make this a great day for missions? Will you
be willing to work a bit harder to interest all of our
women ? Will those who can give liberally for the sake
of those who can give but little? Will we each and all
pray a little more earnestly that we may be more un-
selfish, more loving at heart toward our less favored
sisters over sea and evaluate in a new way our oppor-
tunities for service ?
Salem, Va.
Meeting of the General Ministerial Board
Ministerial and Home Mission Secretary
The General Ministerial Board met Tuesday, Dec.
13, and Thursday, Dec. 15. The day between was used
in meeting jointly with the other Boards to consider
common problems. H. L. Hartsough, P. H. Bowman,
M. J. Brougher and W. H. Yoder were present. S. J.
Miller because of health and to economize did not at-
The treasurer's report indicated that by economizing
it would be possible to close the year without a deficit.
Every effort will be made to keep within the budget.
A Consecration Certificate prepared by F. A. Myers,
pastor of the Cloverdale congregation, Virginia, was
approved and will soon be ready for distribution.
A plan to be followed by churches in the securing of
pastors, and for pastors desiring churches, was pre-
sented by a committee. This plan will be submitted to a
number of ministers and will be discussed in Pastors'
Conferences this winter with the hope that by Confer-
ence time we will have ready a procedure that will help
in the delicate problems of mating churches and minis-
A joint committee is to be appointed by the General
Mission and Ministerial Boards to work out a more
adequate plan for Ministerial and Missionary Relief.
The committee is to be composed of two Board mem-
bers, two laymen and two pastors.
A group of resolutions presented by the ministers
who attended the Vanderbilt Rural School was con-
sidered by the Board. Plans were adopted to bring to
.the attention of those responsible the realization that
time and thought should be given to the rural aspects of
our church, both in training leaders and planning church
A report was made regarding the Reading Course for
Ministers. It is hoped that this will be ready for Con-
ference when it can be presented to the ministers for
criticism. A loan library is being prepared.
Forty-three ministers and widows were granted aid
from the Ministerial Relief Fund. The Board was con-
fronted with the fact there is a very small amount on
which to draw for the coming year. In fact, some cuts
had to be made which the Board regretted to do. Sev-
eral new requests were made that could not be con-
sidered favorably for lack of funds. A special offering
for this purpose would be appreciated.
Many other items were considered. The Board
earnestly requests the hearty cooperation of every local
pastoral committee, District Board and every interested
member of the church as it labors, facing the ministerial
problems of our church and seeks to meet the crisis of
our day.
Elgin, III.
Practical Work for Men
The minister was doing some farming as part time em-
ployment and serving a 200-member congregation in a
strictly rural community as part time pastor. Some of the
members were through husking corn. The idea was sug-
gested that those who could, be invited to join in a husking
bee at the pastor's home, as there was quite a bit of corn
there unhusked. The plan was generally approved. The
day named was Thursday, the regular Aid meeting day
throughout the year. On this particular day the work of
the women was the preparing of clothing for the needy
both in the community and throughout the immediate
Announcement of this joint Aid meeting was made in two
adult mixed Sunday-school classes. For the dinner each
woman was to bring one prepared dish. When the day
came it was soon found the number of women exceeded the
number of men. However, there were ten men who accom-
panied the pastor to the corn field, those living near by
bringing an extra team and wagon. Thump, thump, thump,
went the golden ears of corn against the bang board all day
long. Just as the sun was setting in the golden west the last
ear of corn was tossed onto the wagon and the pastor's
corn was all husked. The work of these men and women
on this day, their fellowship and their eating together, were
all greatly enjoyed. It is needless to say the day's work was
greatly appreciated by this farmer-preacher. While all of
his sermons are good it seemed the one on the following
Sunday was even better.
On another occasion the men of the Home Builders' class
got together one day and completed husking the corn for a
home where there was much sorrow. This too was greatly
In this same community there lives a widow in limited
circumstances. On her lot were a few large dead apple
trees, good for nothing but firewood. The men of the Will-
ing Workers Sunday-school class have axes and saws and
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
twenty-four hours of time each day. One Sunday morning,
as might be expected from a Willing Workers class that is
true to name, it was planned there would be a wood chopping
at this widow's home. A day was named. Accordingly some
of these dead trees were converted into usable firewood.
All concerned seemed happy over the result — especially the
widow, as she has wood to use with her scanty supply of
coal during the cold winter days.
Greenville, Ohio.
Our year's work has just closed and we have enjoyed it
more than words can express. Surely the Lord has been
gracious unto us in granting us health, strength, happiness
and blessed fellowship with his people. The results of our
work have been very satisfying. The year 1932 has been
the most successful in all of our experience in the number
of confessions. Certainly there must be a returning unto
the Lord since men are learning that the most abiding
things are not those of the material world.
During the year 1932 we have conducted thirteen meet-
ings in the following states — Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia,
Maryland, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas and Missouri. We made,
with the pastors, 1,788 calls and had the joy of seeing 460
souls confess their Lord. We are going to try to show our
appreciation to him by working harder and by giving more
in 1933. We solicit an interest in your prayers that as we
go from place to place we may be able to do his will and
lead many souls into a closer relationship with him. Our
work for the New Year will be in Pennsylvania, Maryland,
North Carolina, Virginia, Iowa, Kansas and Louisiana.
"Let me die working,
Still tackling tasks unfinished, tasks undone,
No lagging step, no faltering, no shirking!
Let me die working."
McPherson, Kans. Oliver H. Austin.
Live Oak. — The deputation team from La Verne gave their program
Dec. 21 to a good crowd. Christmas night the Sunday-school gave a
program. The first of the year we are expecting Bro. Wilbur I.
Liskey and family to take up pastoral work.— Mrs. Frank Ott, Live
Oak, Calif., Dec. 26.
Raisin City church met in council on Dec. 11. It was decided to pur-
chase new song books for the Sunday-school. The Ladies' Aid re-
ported they had earned $33.46 during the past year. They held twenty-
eight meetings with an average attendance of eleven. Dec. 25 the
Sunday-school children presented their Christmas program. A white
gift offering was received to help bring cheer to the needy of our
community. In the evening of Christmas Day the young people gave
a missionary play.— Mrs. J. N. Young, Raisin City, Calif., Dec. 25.
Santa Ana church met in council Dec. 19. Five letters of member-
ship were granted. Arrangements were made for one week of pre-
Easter services to be conducted by the pastor and a two weeks' evan-
gelistic campaign beginning sometime in May. An early morning
Thanksgiving service was held with good attendance and interest.
Since the last report the fathers and sons held their annual banquet.
Our Ladies' Aid is kept busy quilting. Christmas Day was observed
by the young people caroling, a Christmas sermon in the morning and
a program by the Sunday-school in the evening. Dec. 1 our church
entertained an all-day union prayer service which is held monthly in
one of the churches of the city. — Mrs. F. A. Flora, Santa Ana, Calif.,
Dec. 28.
Washington City. — The annual selection of officers was held on
Oct. 17. A full corps of officers was chosen. Bro. J. H. Hollinger will
succeed Bro. W. O. Grapes as Sunday-school superintendent for 1933.
F. F. Holsopple continues as pastor, having been elected in the March
council. Rally day was a red letter day, Oct. 2. Since then the aver-
age attendance at Sunday-school is greater than for any similar period
in the history of the school. Our communion service was Nov. 6. The
chairman of the deacon's board reported it as the largest service, but
one, in the recorded history of the church. Bro. Holsopple, the pastor,
officiated, assisted by the local ministers. The time appointed for the
every-member canvass was Dec. 4. To prepare the membership for
the canvass, Bro. Holsopple preached a series of sermons emphasizing
the importance of the church to the community, the individual, and
the world. The sermon for Sunday evening of Nov. 27 was illustrated
by slides of the various departments of the Sunday-school, which was
described as the church performing a teaching function. All depart-
ments were shown including the Boy Scouts and the Chinese Sunday-
school. Thirty teams of two workers each were appointed and trained
and given an allotment of members that included a maximum of ten
families. For the first time the entire field was covered and an oppor-
tunity was given to subscribe to the church budget. The response
was encouraging. The goal sought was to have every member a con-
tributing member according to ability. Although the goal was not
reached, we are nearer to it than ever in the history of the congre-
gation. On Dec. 11, Dr. W. T. Sanger, President of the Richmond
Medical College, addressed the men on the subject of Men's Work of
the Church. A selected men's chorus rendered the music on the occa-
sion. On Sunday evening of Dec. 11 a speaker, from the visiting
members of the Emergency Anti-Saloon League Convention, addressed
the congregation on the subject of "Repeal of the Eighteenth Amend-
ment." The Christmas program under the direction of Bro. David
Weimer was given Sunday evening, Dec. 18. The children will have a
public program on Christmas evening. On Dec. 26 our Chinese boys
will give a dinner to invited guests and there will be a Christmas
pageant given by the Christian Endeavor. Sister Maude Hollinger will
be Messenger correspondent for the coming year. — Mary Studebaker
Hinshaw, Washington, D. C, Dec. 22.
Miami. — An all-day meeting was held Dec. 18 at the home of Brother
and Sister C. E. Schuldt at Ft. Lauderdale. The following ministers
were with us: Brethren J. H. Morris, C. C. Price and Simon Richard-
son. The Sunday-school lesson was taught by Bro. Morris. A ser-
mon followed by Bro. C. C. Price, based on The Citizenship of Heaven.
At noon a basket lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. In the
afternoon we had song service and a spiritual sermon by Bro. J. H.
Morris. Bro. Simon Richardson's wife who was sick with scarlet
fever has recovered and was with us at the meeting. Members from
fifty miles south and fifty miles north came for this meeting, from
Homestead, Miami, Lake Worth, West Palm Beach and Groveland.
Our next meeting will be Jan. 15 at the home of Brother and Sister
Westfall, 5720 S. W. 20th St., Miami.— Amanda B. Snyder, Miami, Fla.,
Dec. 24.
Sunnyland. — Nov. 27 Bro. Harry Swank of Poplar, Mont., preached
for us while Bro. Reish was away. Brother and Sister Arnold were
with us from the 14th to the 18th; he gave us some fine sermons and
songs in pictures. Sister Arnold led the song services. We had our
quarterly business meeting Dec. 22. Four Sunday-school children were
present every Sunday during the year. We are having memory verses
for the opening of Sunday-school. The Sisters' Aid met at Sister
Reish's Dec. 27 to sew for her. The new officers for the coming year
were chosen, the president being Anna Rigler. — Anna Rigler, Lake
Istokpoga, Fla., Dec. 28.
Nampa church met in council Dec. 21 when reports from the various
organizations were given. The church budget was considerably re-
duced. The Ladies' Aid has been making comforts and clothes for the
poor. We had two programs on Christmas Sunday, one being given
by the children in the morning; in the evening a cantata, Prince of
Judah, was directed by Sister Becker. Plans have been made for the
entire church to have a new year's watch party. Along with this we
are having a white gift offering, the food and clothing to be dis-
tributed among the needy of the community. — Mrs. L. L. Martin,
Nampa, Idaho, Dec. 29.
Fort Wayne. — The work at Fort Wayne moves forward under some
handicaps. We rejoice in seeing spiritual growth in some, but regret a
seeming indifference in others. Sickness of our correspondent has
hindered regular reports. Following a personal evangelism campaign
Bro. J. O. Winger held a two weeks' evangelistic meeting which re-
sulted in strengthening the membership, and four accessions by bap-
tism. His sermons were greatly appreciated. Some letters have been
received and more granted. As other cities, Fort Wayne has suffered
in a business way. Unemployment has lost us Sunday-school super-
intendent, primary superintendent, church treasurer, choristers, teach-
ers and others. We greatly regret their removal, but our loss has
been a gain for other places. Others have been selected to fill these
vacancies and they are doing a good work. Opportunity reveals and
develops talent. A successful Vacation Church School was conducted
in the early summer; an all-day meeting for rally day and missionary
programs was well attended. Bro. Russell Sherman was with us. A
father and son banquet with Bro. John Eberly as speaker was en-
joyed. New officers and teachers were elected and duly installed by
the pastor. A visit by the Blue River Aid Society with our own was
a happy occasion. "The Empty Tomb" was ably presented on Christ-
mas evening by the young people to an appreciative audience. Thanks
to the Northern Indiana Mission Board, we are pressing forward,
though on a reduced budget. Our membership, in part, lives far
from the church, and now with lack of funds for carfare and gasoline,
this has resulted in a slightly reduced attendance. We have live
Young People's, Junior, and Christian Workers' organizations, Sisters'
(Continued on Page 28)
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
" Dunmires Rocks "
(Continued From Page 23)
get? Be careful not to impose on your neighbors by
allowing your children to visit them too often. Be kind
to your own children, and to your neighbor's children.
It gives me joy in my old days to remember our kind
neighbors. The D. in my younger sister's name is for
Dunmire, and she does not like it left out. I have longed
to visit the " Dunmire School of Music " at Harrisburg,
Pa., and keep hoping I may yet do so. I can see the
smiling faces of Auntie and Uncle Dunmire. Do not
forget to smile. It gives sunshine instead of clouds. We
have many things to cause frowns, but we will not allow
a frown to get set, so that children are afraid of us. I
remember when we children would run and hide when
a certain old woman came. She did not know how she
looked. " Rejoice' in the Lord always," and do not for-
get to smile.
Huntingdon, Pa.
Wm. B. Fretz was born March 29, 1858, in Philadelphia,
Pa., the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fretz. When eight
years old he moved with his parents to Montgomery Coun-
ty, Pa., where he spent the remainder of his life. On Nov.
27, 1879, he married Mary Ellen Rosenberger, who survives.
He and his wife united with the Church of the Brethren at
Hatfield, Pa., and were both actively engaged in church
work in their married career. At the age of thirty Bro.
Fretz was called to the ministry. In the fall of 1909 Broth-
er and Sister Fretz were called to the Alderson mission
near Shamokin where they spent two years. In September,
1914, Bro. Fretz was ordained to the eldership and shortly
afterward was elected elder in charge of the Hatfield church,
which office he held up to about a year and a half ago.
Bro. Fretz had learned the trade of tinsmith and followed
this all his life in making a livelihood.
He died Nov. 28, 1932, at his late residence near Hatfield,
just a few hundred yards from the church. Eld. Michael
Kurtz preached the funeral sermon. Over a score of minis-
ters from the district were present.
Souderton, Pa. J. Herman Rosenberger.
Jacob Cripe, son of Daniel and Anna Cripe, was born in
Clinton County, Ind., Oct. 7, 1846. He died Dec. 19, 1932, at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. David Wolf, of Flora. In
1860 he came with his parents to Cass County where he
spent the major part of his long and useful life. At the age
of twenty he began to work at the carpenter trade which
proved to be very helpful to him in later years. In 1870 he
took the contract and supervised the building of the Upper
Deer Creek churchhouse. Many were the opportunities that
came to him to serve in that way.
Sept. 18, 1868, he married Miss Sarah Smith. Three sons
and five daughters came to bless this home. They shared
the joys and sorrows of life for nearly sixty-two years. On
May 23, 1930, his companion was called home. Since then
he had lived with his children.
In June, 1871, he and his wife accepted Christ and united
with the Church of the Brethren. They not only proved the
genuineness and sincerity of their profession but also dem-
onstrated such fine qualities of leadership that the home
church called them to the ministry, on Nov. 26, 1872. The
responsibilities of that office were willingly yet humbly as-
sumed, its duties were faithfully and efficiently performed,
and ten years later he was ordained to the eldership. The
faith and confidence placed in him by his home church was
evidenced in the fact that they immediately chose him as
presiding elder of the congregation. This place he filled
with honor for a period of thirty-three years. In 1916 he
requested to be relieved because of his age.
Bro. Cripe also served the Lower Deer Creek, Howard
and Pipe Creek congregations in the capacity of presiding
elder. His work in the ministry covers a period of over
sixty years. According to the record he kept, he officiated
at 143 funeral services, sixty-nine marriages, administered
baptism to fifty-one applicants, anointed thirty-six believers,
besides assisting in countless other regular services.
In looking through his Bible we find scarcely a page with-
out verses or paragraphs marked or underscored. These
were, no doubt, scriptures that were especially dear to him
and those which he frequently used to comfort and encour-
age his friends. Several years ago he called for the elders
of the church and received the anointing. After five days
of illness with influenza followed by pneumonia he peaceful-
ly fell asleep.
Surviving are three daughters, son, twenty-one grandchil-
dren, twenty-four great-grandchildren, four sisters and one
brother. Thus another faithful soldier lies down to rest
awaiting the coming of the Son of man. Ray q Shank.
Flora, Ind. -I
Please note that the fifty cents required for the publication of a
marriage notice may be applied to a three months' Gospel Mes-
senger subscription for the newly -married couple. Request should
be made when the notice is sent, and full address given.
Fike-Madison. — At the home of the undersigned in Middlebury, Ind.,
Dec. 17, 1932, Mr. Ralph Fike and Miss Evelyn Madison.— J. H. Fike,
Middlebury, Ind.
Glick-Wright. — By the undersigned at the Bridgewater church,
Dec. 25, 1932, Jesse Leroy Glick and Grace Marie Wright, both of
Bridgewater vicinity. — G. L. Wine, Bridgewater, Va.
Miller-Eby. — By the undersigned at the bride's home, North Bethel
parsonage, Nov. 24, 1932, Floyd N. Miller and Kathryn V. Eby, both
of Holt County, Mo.— J. A. Eby, Mound City, Mo.
Rodgers-Hinkel. — At the home of the bride, near McGaheysville, Va.,
Harold K. Rodgers and Pauline Cline Hinkel, both of Mill Creek con-
gregation.— I. S. Long, Bridgewater, Va.
Teaf ord- Baker. — By the undersigned at the home of the bride's par-
ents, Brother and Sister Frank Baker, Baker, Ohio, Mr. Gale E. Tea-
ford, Palestine, Ohio, and Sister Madonna E. Baker. — Ira G. Blocher,
Greenville, Ohio.
Bahney, John Henry, was born in Ohio, Oct. 15, 1854. He departed
this life after an illness of short duration, at his home in Thomas,
Okla., Nov. 30, 1932. He united with the Church of the Brethren in
1886. In 1881 he was married to Ellen Gripe; to this union were born
nine children, two dying in infancy. He was a devoted husband and
father, a friend to all, and a loyal member of the church of his choice.
Funeral services by the undersigned assisted by Elders E. R. Herndon
and D. J. McCann.— Albert L. Williams, Thomas, Okla.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
Bowser, Bro. David C, died Dec. 22, 1932, at his residence in the
bounds of the Glade Run congregation, of an illness of pneumonia,
aged 88 years. He is survived by four daughters, three sons, brother
and three grandchildren. Services by the writer in the Glade Run
church. Interment in the church cemetery. — J. Lloyd Nedrow, West
Kittanning, Pa.
Brown, Rose Ellen Knisley, born Jan. 9, 1871, near Decatur, 111., died
Dec. 21, 1932. She was married in 1889 to Chas. H. Brown. To this
union were born seven children. Her husband passed away Dec. 25,
1928. She leaves one daughter, three brothers, two sisters and two
grandchildren. She had been a member of the Church of the Breth-
ren for about eight months. Services at the church by her pastor,
L. W. Smith. Burial in the White Rose cemetery.— Mrs. Hazel Camp-
bell, Bartles-ville, Okla.
Clausen, Sister Elizabeth Frances, born in Austria, Nov. 19, 1885,
died Dec. 4, 1932. She leaves her husband and two daughters. She
united with the Church of the Brethren Dec. 2, 1913, and remained
faithful. Her health had been failing for about a year and a half.
Funeral services in Black Swamp church by Bro. Geo. Garner. Inter-
ment in Willow cemetery. — Mrs. Asenath Baker, Lemoyne, Ohio.
Claypcol, Bro. Boggs, died Nov. 10, 1932, after a lingering illness,
aged 57 years. He is survived by his wife, four daughters, son, father,
three brothers, two sisters and three grandchildren. Services by the
writer in the Glade Run church. Interment in the church cemetery. —
-J. Lloyd Nedrow, West Kittanning, Pa.
Cotterman, Mrs. Cora Eleanor, daughter of Chas. and Wealthy Roach,
born at White House, Ohio, Sept. 11, 1888, died Dec. 21, 1932. She was
twice married and was the mother of ten children. She leaves her
husband, seven children and one grandchild. Funeral services in the
Black Swamp church by Bro. Geo. Garner. Interment in Rudolph
cemetery. — Mrs. Asenath Baker, Lemoyne, Ohio.
Dunham, Ina, daughter of Levi and Dora Davis, born near Hillis-
burg, Ind., May 25, 1890, died in Flora on Dec. 26, 1932. Dec. 12, 1907,
she married David Dunham. At the age of fourteen years she united
with the Church of the Brethren. In this fellowship she lived and
served faithfully until death. The mother and two brothers preceded
her. Surviving are the husband, four sons, father, sister and brother.
Funeral services in the Flora church by the writer. Interment in
Maple Lawn cemetery. — Ray O. Shank, Flora, Ind.
Fiant, Peter, died at his home in Connersville, Ind., Dec. 19, 1932,
aged 86 years. He lived all his life in Fayette County, Ind. In 1870
he married Mary Peters who died in 1913. To this union were born
three sons and one daughter. Early in life he united with the Church
of the Brethren; he also served as deacon. In September, 1916, he
married Sister Netha Neptune who survives with one daughter, two
sons, two grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, one brother and one
foster grandchild. Funeral at the residence by Eld. Lawrence Kreider.
— D. E. Bowman, Hagerstown, Ind.
Gibble, Sister Mary Pfautz, born near Lititz, Pa., May 19, 1861, died
Nov. 14, 1932, at her home, Elstonville, Pa., in the bounds of the
Chiques church. She was a faithful and consistent member of the
Church of the Brethren for many years. Surviving are her husband,
Henry M. Gibble, four sons, five daughters, six grandchildren and
three great-grandchildren. She called for the anointing several weeks
before her death, complications set in and she died of hemorrhage.
Funeral services at the Mt. Hope house by Bro. H. L. Hess assisted
by Bro. B. G. Stauffer. Interment in Graybill cemetery. — Fanny Zug
Shearer, Manheim, Pa.
Harshman, Sister Ella May, widow of Upton Harshman, born 67
years ago near Ringgold, Md. She died at her home near Edgemont,
Md., Dec. 16, 1932. She was the daughter of Daniel and Nancy Gehr
Rowe. When ten years old she united with the Church of the Breth-
ren; she was always interested in the work of the church. Her hus-
band preceded her fifteen years ago. She is survived by two sons and
an adopted daughter. Services in the Waynesboro church by her
pastor, Eld. L. K. Ziegler, assisted by Eld. J. I. Thomas. Interment
in Green Hill cemetery. — Sudie M. Wingert, Waynesboro, Pa.
Hawkins, Mary C. Williams, born near Staunton, Va., Jan. 30, 1848,
died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Burgin, in Garden City,
Kans., Dec. 18, 1932. She married John Hawkins in 1868; he died
Jan. 6, 1917. She with her family moved to Holt County, Mo., in 1876.
She united with the Church of the Brethren in 1877. In 1884 they
moved to Kansas and in 1894 to Oklahoma. She leaves five children,
thirty-nine grandchildren, forty-one great-grandchildren and one great-
great-grandchild. Funeral service at the Pleasant Plains church near
Helena, Okla., by the undersigned. Burial in the Good Hope ceme-
tery.— Ed. R. Herndon, Weatherford, Okla.
Hershberger, Catharine Fry, daughter of Daniel and Polly (Mishler)
Fry, was born near the present town of Jerome, Somerset County, Pa.,
Aug. 8, 1858, and died near Windber, Cambria County, Pa., Dec. 20,
1932, aged 74 years, 4 months and 12 days. In February, 1876, she
was united in marriage with Isaiah Hershberger. Nine children were
born to this union. She is survived by her husband, six sons, two
daughters, twenty grandchildren, nineteen great-grandchildren, three
brothers and two sisters. A number of years after their marriage the
family resided in Somerset County, but the past some thirty years
the family has resided in Johnstown and vicinity. In June, 1873, she
united with the church and became a faithful worker. With her hus-
band she was installed into the deacon's office, May 4, 1911, in the
Roxbury church. The funeral was conducted in the Roxbury church
by Elders T. F. Henry and J. A. Buffenmyer and interment was made
in Grandview cemetery. — Jerome E. Blotigh, Johnstown, Pa.
Hostettler, Elizabeth, daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth Forst, born
in Holmes County, Ohio, Oct. 14, 1850, died at the home of her sister,
Lucinda Forst, in South Milford, Ind., Nov. 5, 1932. At the age of
twenty-five she united with the Church of the Brethren, being always
loyal and faithful. Her husband preceded her in May, 1932. Surviving
are two brothers and two sisters. Services at the English Prairie
church by Bro. Chas. A. Light, assisted by Carl Yoder. Burial in
cemetery near by.— Mrs. Banks Light, Howe, Ind.
King, Susan, born near Shanesville, Ohio, Nov. 3, 1859, the daughter
of Emanuel and Mary King. In early life she united with the Church
of the Brethren and remained faithful to the end. She married Bro.
John King over fifty-two years ago. He survives with five children
and six grandchildren. She died Dec. 20, 1932, after a long illness of
heart trouble. Funeral at the Church of the Brethren at Baltic by
Eld. Edw. Shepfer. Burial in West Lawn cemetery at Baltic. — Mrs.
Ellen Miller, Baltic, Ohio.
Leer, Barbara, daughter of Jacob and Sarah Lint Berkey, was born
in Pennsylvania March 31, 1838, and died Dec. 18, 1932, at the home
of a grandson, H. E. Leer, of Middlebury, Ind. She was the last
surviving member of a family of nine brothers and sisters. Oct. 24,
1861, she married Benj. Leer who died April 4, 1913. Their home was
blessed by a son who died in 1919 and a daughter, who died in 1924.
In 1855 she became a member of the Berkey Church of the Brethren,
now known as the Rock Run church. She leaves one daughter-in-law,
thirteen grandchildren, thirty-seven great-grandchildren and two great-
great-grandchildren. Her consecrated and devoted life was shown by
her willingness to help where help was needed. Her faith in her
heavenly Father and the church was expressed over and over again
as she labored and sacrificed with her husband who was a minister
in the church for many years. Funeral services in the Middlebury
church by the writer assisted by J. H. Fike. Interment in the Forrest
Grove cemetery. — Galen Bowman, Middlebury, Ind.
Lieb, Fred, son of Wm. and Sarah Lieb, born in Henry County, Ohio,
Sept. 11, 1879, died at his home Dec. 11, 1932. He spent his entire life
on the old home farm in Marion Township. Oct. 9, 1904, he married
Estella Moore. An only daughter died Oct. 8, 1918. He is survived by
his wife, mother and one brother. Funeral services by the writer in
the Sand Ridge church.— J. L. Guthrie, Lafayette, Ohio.
Long, Margaret Jane, daughter of Ebenezer and Mahalia Nichols,
born Feb. 15, 1852, near Culver, Ind., died Sept. 19, 1932. She married
Wm. Long Sept. 14, 1873, who preceded her sixteen ysars ago. To
this union were born two children, a daughter who died at two years
of age, and a son at whose home she died. She and her husband united
with the Church of the Brethren Jan. 1, 1880, and were faithful in the
Lord's service and magnifying the deacon's office for many years.
She had been in failing health for a number of years. She leaves one
son, five grandchildren and three sisters. Funeral services from the
East house by Eld. J. O. Kesler. Burial in the North Liberty ceme-
tery.—Wm. H. Summers, North Liberty, Ind.
Martin, Ida May, daughter of James and Rachel (Reece) Bercaw,
was born at Ripley, Ohio, May 1, 1862, died in Chicago, 111., Dec. 24,
1932, aged 70 years, 7 months and 23 days. On Jan. 12, 1889, she was
married to Charles Martin, who preceded her about eight years ago.
To this union three children were born, one of whom preceded her. She
leaves two daughters, two sisters, and seven grandchildren. In early
life she accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Savior, uniting with the
Methodist Church. About sixteen years ago she united with the
Church of the Brethren, in whose faith and fellowship she remained
faithful to the end. In her life she manifested her love for little chil-
dren and they loved her in return. A few weeks before her death she
was anointed in the name of the Lord, and thus fully consecrated her
life to God. Funeral services were conducted by Elder James M.
Moore.— Martha E. Lear, Chicago, 111.
McPherom, Rachel Berry, born June 12, 1845, in Hawkins County,
Tenn., died Dec. 25, 1932, in Holmesville, Nebr. She married James
McPheron Oct. 11, 1866. To this union were born five children, of
whom four survive. She also leaves nineteen grandchildren, forty-
seven great-grandchildren, one brother and one sister. She united
with the Brethren Church in 1866 and was a faithful member to the
last. Funeral in the South Beatrice church by the undersigned as-
sisted by Miles Blickenstaff— Swigart F. Miller, Pickrell, Nebr.
Miller, Anna, born in Rockingham County, Va., Oct. 12, 1850, died
at her home at Stet, Mo., Nov. 28, 1932. She married Geo. W. Miller
about sixty-one years ago. To this union six children were born, one
with the father preceding her. About fifty years of her life were spent
in Ray County, Mo. While young she united with the Christian
Church. Thirty-six years ago she chose her church home with the
Brethren, remaining faithful to the end. Funeral services at the
Wakenda church by the writer assisted by Oscar Diehl. Interment in
the cemetery near by. — Oscar Early, Stet, Mo.
Miller, Mrs. May, wife of H. C. Miller, died at her residence, Kit-
tanning, Pa., Oct. 19, 1932, from an illness of cancer, aged 57 years.
She was a member of the Baptist Church. She is survived by her
husband, two daughters, son, three brothers and five grandchildren.
Services by the writer. Interment in the Glade Run cemetery. — J.
Lloyd Nedrow, West Kittanning, Pa.
Miller, Sarah Catharine, daughter of Jacob L. and Susie (Detrick)
Frantz, born in Logan County, Ohio, Dec. 20, 1846, died Dec. 6, 1932.
She married Martin M. Miller May 16, 1865. In 1872 they moved on a
(Continued on Page 30)
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
News From Churches
(Continued From Page 25)
Aid Society, Men's Work organization, and organized classes. The
pastor appreciates greatly the way the members have kept up their
courage during these strange economic conditions. With strong faith
and high courage we are looking forward to a successful work in 1933. —
S. S. Blough, Fort Wayne, Ind., Dec. 28.
Goshen City. — Our revival began Nov. 6 and lasted for three weeks
under the leadership of J. H. Cassady of Washington, D. C. It was
a very helpful and inspirational meeting. Thirty-three were baptized
and four letters received, some of whom had been on prayer lists
fifteen years. During the revival we had cottage prayer meetings on
Tuesday and Thursday afternoons; we now have prayer meeting at
the church on Tuesday evening and cottage prayer meeting on Thurs-
day afternoon. The last Sunday afternoon that Bro. Cassady was with
us he talked at a mass meeting on the subject, Are National Prohibition
and the Eighteenth Amendment Doomed? The women's missionary
society held their last meeting on the last Thursday of November.
The Aid Society meets every Wednesday for an all-day meeting to
quilt, piece and knot comforts and make rugs, also to sew for the
Red Cross. Our young people are active in church work. A number
of them attended the young people's conference. They filled several
Christmas baskets for the needy, as did several other classes of the
church. Christmas evening after the young people's candle lighting
service, and after the church service, the young people went around
the city caroling for the sick and shut-ins. Christmas morning the
children gave an interesting program. They also gave food to the
poor and sent money to missions. Jan. 1-8 the churches of Goshen are
observing a week of prayer. — Lillie Tulley, Goshen, Ind., Dec. 27.
Logansport church met in council Dec. 18. Our treasurer gave a
favorable report. The work of the different organizations of the
church is progressing nicely. Christmas night our young people gave
a pageant entitled, The Light, and the children gave Christmas songs
and readings. By the use of dime collectors our white gift was given.
—Grace Smith, Walton, Ind., Dec. 29.
Loon Creek church met for business meeting Dec. 13. It was de-
cided after this year to elect all church officers at the September
council. Thanksgiving service was held on Nov. 20. The regular
Thanksgiving offering was taken, also an offering of food and cloth-
ing for the poor. Aid Society officers were elected at our last meet-
ing, the president being Mrs. Chas. Heaston. — Mrs. Chas. Heaston,
Huntington, Ind., Dec. 24.
Mexico.— Bro. Ralph G Rarick of North Manchester came to us
Dec. 4 to begin a revival campaign which continued two weeks. Bro.
Ernest Fisher of our own congregation had charge of the song service
which was an inspirational feature of the meeting. Both labored ear-
nestly for the salvation of souls and as an immediate result thirteen
Sunday-school scholars were received into the church by baptism.
Much good seed was sown during these meetings. — Bertha Fisher,
Mexico, Ind., Dec. 20.
Pine Creek. — Dec. 10 we met in council. Considerable time was taken
in hearing reports and arranging for the year's program. The church
felt it hardly wise to put on an expensive program for 1933 so there
will be nothing unusual for the year. In spite of the depression the
Sisters' Aid did good work, having raised the sum of $253.37; they
dispensed $216.93, $50 being given for the support of Winnie Cripe, our
representative on the China mission field, and for other mission work.
We are raising a pastoral fund for which we hope to have use some
time in the future, the local ministerial committee to continue arrange-
ments for a pastor. On Christmas evening our B. Y. P. D. put on a
musical pageant entitled, The Abiding Christ. — Wm. H. Summers,
North Liberty, Ind., Dec. 26.
Union Ridge church met in business meeting Dec. 1. All officers
were elected for the coming year: Bro. J. S. Sherfy, reelected elder;
Carrie Norman, church clerk; Ira Schwab, treasurer, and Mrs. Lottie
Allen, correspondent. A program was given Christmas night, after
which an offering was taken for world-wide missions. — Mrs. W. C.
Schwab, Hampton, Iowa, Dec. 29.
Ottawa church enjoyed a most impressive consecration service con-
ducted by our elder, Bro. W. B. DeVilbiss. His little grandson and
the pastor's baby were among the number of children who with their
parents were consecrated. Miss Letha Allen has been chosen president
of the temperance committee. Under the auspices of the Y. P. D. a
play entitled, Why the Chimes Rang, was presented on Christmas
night. Members from the United Presbyterian and the Federated
churches were in the audience. Brother and Sister Earl Kinzie have
gone to Kansas City to their new home, hence several positions will
be vacant.— Mrs. J. O. Ott, Ottawa, Kans., Dec. 29.
Richland Center church has just closed a two weeks' revival meet-
ing which was held by Rev. Hamon. Eighteen united with the church,
the largest number at one time for a number of years. Everyone is
rejoicing over these meetings. Our church recently gave a grain
shower for our pastor, Bro. Miles Blickenstaff. He received fifty
bushels of grain, besides oyster shell, alfalfa meal, etc. After a social
evening we served sandwiches and coffee. — Mrs. Eva Fralin, Summer-
field, Kans., Dec. 24.
Meadow Branch congregation had the privilege of enjoying two splen-
did Christmas programs, rendered largely by the children of the two
Sunday-schools. An offering was lifted at both places for world-wide
missions. The Y. P. D. in town gave a pageant, the Nativity, on
Dec. 25. After this a mixed chorus gave a service of Christmas music
under the leadership of Bro. Philip Royer. Eld. M. R. Wolfe deliv-
ered a short Christmas message. The Meadow Branch school build-
ing, recently sold at public auction by the county school commis-
sioners, and which was bought by the undersigned, elder of the con-
gregation, is now being equipped for a service on the evening of
Dec. 28, by the country B. Y. P. D. as a social service and community
hall, for public uses, as well as for such a needed building for various
outside functions of the Meadow Branch congregation.— Wm. E. Roop,
Westminster, Md., Dec. 28.
Elmdale. — Nov. 6 we began our revival meeting with Bro. C. H. Dear-
dorff of Hartville, Ohio, evangelist. He brought us strong, inspiring
gospel messages night after night. The community was stirred as it
has not been for years. The members cooperated with the evangelist
in a very splendid way. The meetings continued for two weeks and
were well attended throughout. The chorus under the efficient leader-
ship of Sister Emma Deardorff was a great incentive to the services.
At the close of the meeting on Nov. 20 fourteen were baptized, rang-
ing in age from eight to seventy-five. Twenty-three have been added
to the church since the middle of September. — C. L. Wilkins, Free-
port, Mich., Dec. 29.
Midland. — We have had three additions to the church through bap-
tism recently. We met in council Dec. 10, and elected church officers:
Clerk, Bro. Ray Baker; Messenger agent and correspondent, Mildred
Fradenburgh; trustee, Bro. Harry Stern; elder, Bro. Chas. Spencer.
We gave a Christmas program Dec. 22. — Mildred Fradenburgh, Mid-
land, Mich., Dec. 28.
Pontiac. — Our church met in council Dec. 11. The following officers
were elected: Bro. L. H. Prowant, elder; Bro. E. J. Ebey, clerk; the
writer, correspondent and Messenger agent. The young people gave a
play Dec. 18, the Road to the City. They expect to give it Jan. 6 and 7
before the unemployed. The city has a special program every week
with the church helping. Our Christmas play, The Boy Nobody
Wanted, was given Dec. 25. Our Ladies' Aid has made 157 garments
for the Red Cross; we meet every Wednesday afternoon. — Mrs. Ray E.
Fleming, Pontiac, Mich., Dec. 26.
Shelby County.— Nov. 27 we welcomed Bro. Edw. Mason, his daugh-
ter and a friend. The church was greatly strengthened by the three
good spiritual sermons Bro. Mason gave us and the wonderful mes-
sages in song by the young ladies, as well as the stories told to the
children. We are looking forward to the next meeting Jan. 22. The
Mission Board is helping us all they can and we also are doing our
best to help ourselves.— Mrs. Frank Folger, Leonard, Mo., Dec. 29.
Beatrice. — Of the preachers who have served here as pastor, one lives
in Florida, three in California, one each in West Virginia, Iowa, Kansas,
Ohio, and Illinois; one is dead. Besides some adjoining preachers who
have served the church when we had no resident pastor. For some
months now we have been without a pastor. We have a very good
meetinghouse and parsonage, a small income but no debt. Our Sun-
day-school has been more continuous. We enjoyed a good Christmas
program yesterday. Some of our experiences make us glad and happy,
yet some of our folks are troubled. We realize that some things
besides the political situation are not working out right. — E. J. Kess-
ler, Beatrice, Nebr., Dec. 26.
Black Swamp church met in council Dec. 21. Sister Ella Korn was
reelected leader of our prayer circle. Sunday evening, Dec. 18, the
senior members gave a play entitled, Following the Star. Dec. 25
the Sunday-school gave a Christmas program which consisted of reci-
tations, music and a pantomime, after which a treat was given and
prizes awarded for perfect and regular attendance. — Mrs. Asenath
Baker, Lemoyne, Ohio, Dec. 29.
Reading.— Since our last report three young people of our Sunday-
school were baptized. Our pastor, Bro. Lehman, is with us every two
weeks. Sister O. C. Hahn's class of junior boys and girls prepared a
program and went into the homes of our shut-ins which was very
much appreciated. The beginner, primary and junior classes gave a
program both at Thanksgiving and Christmas. The Aid Society had
their annual thank offering social on Nov. 24. The program con-
sisted of Bible reading and prayer, songs, readings and a playlet, Aunt
Polly Joins the Missionary Society. The offering amounted to $52
for missions. — Rena Heestand, Homeworth, Ohio, Dec. 28.
Bartlesville. — We had our homecoming Dec. 4. Three carloads came
down from Coffeyville, Kans. Nine were baptized in the afternoon,
seven being from Coffeyville. Bro. R. L. Cotnam is doing a fine work
at that place. In the face of the depression the church is still taking
on new life and we feel that the church in Bartlesville has a bright
future. The church has a plan in effect now by which we have been
able to help many who are in need. We have a storehouse and folks
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
bring in foodstuff as they are able. When a call comes for help the
pastor can supply the needs at once. The young people's class gave
three baskets for Thanksgiving and the church four. We plan to
give eight or ten for Christmas. Many of our members do not have
steady work but they respond readily to the help of their needy
neighbors. Dec. 11 at the regular council we elected church officers
for the coming year: Bro. Edwin as elder; Mrs. L. W. Smith, clerk;
Bro. E. W. Burchfield, trustee; Sister Joe Campbell, correspondent;
Sister Ella Dizmang, Messenger agent. — Mrs. Hazel Campbell, Bartles-
ville, Okla., Dec. 24.
Ashland. — Sister Blanche Lininger was reelected Sunday-school
superintendent. Our school has increased some in attendance. We
very much appreciate the help given in our church work by some of
the students from the normal school here. The mothers and daughters
with Sister Edith Cox as president had luncheon together. A program
was given and we sewed some for the Red Cross. Rev. Atchley, an
ardent temperance worker, talked in our church one Sunday morning.
The women of the church gave a play in the Thanksgiving program,
entitled, Asleep in Zion. An offering was taken for the mission cause.
At our December council most all the church officers were retained.
M. C. Lininger is elder in charge; Samuel Ellenberger, clerk; the
writer, Messenger agent and correspondent. We are planning to have
a revival before long with a love feast at the close of the meeting.
Bro. Lininger was with the members at Macdoel, Calif., at their coun-
cil, also for their Thanksgiving service and love feast. — Mrs. M. C.
Lininger, Ashland, Ore., Dec. 24.
Chiques. — At the fall council Nov. 17 we decided to hold a Bible insti-
tute again in the near future. Nov. 20 we started our revival serv-
ices in charge of Bro. Norman K. Musser from Mountville, Pa., and
continued until Dec. 6. As a direct result of his fine sermons nine
were baptized Dec. 3. The Mountville ladies' chorus favored us with
a program of song Nov. 27 and the Elizabethtown male chorus ren-
dered a program Dec. 4. The reader of the evening was a brother
almost seventy years old. The Brooklyn church appealed for help
and on Dec. 21 Bro. E. Hertzler took them a load of supplies. The
Chiques Aid Society donated several boxes of food and clothing to the
Bethany mission church in Philadelphia. The Mt. Hope Sunday-school
was favored with a talk by Eld. P. J. Forney Dec. 18, followed by an
able sermon on Faith. An interesting letter was received from our
worker on the foreign field, Bro. Graybill, and read at church serv-
ices on Dec. 18. — Fanny Zug Shearer, Manheim, Pa., Dec. 23.
Heidelberg.— Aug. 21 Bro. Wieand of Bethany Biblical Seminary pre-
sented one of his Bible talks which was very much appreciated.
Sept. 25 Bro. Phares Forney was with us in a harvest service and
brought a fitting message. An offering of $17 was sent to the Neffs-
ville Orphanage. At different occasions Brethren Amos Heisey, Irvin
Heisey, Benj. Zug and Alton Bucher had charge of our morning serv-
ice. Bro. Harvey Frantz officiated at our love feast Oct. 8. We had
the pleasure of having present a number of other visiting ministers
who brought us practical truths. Brethren Graybill and Milton
Hershey were with us at the Thanksgiving service and gave us some
helpful messages. Our council was held Dec. 5. We are looking for-
ward to a week-end Bible institute. Our revival meetings closed
Christmas night. Bro. Group brought us eighteen practical messages
and his illustrated work made lasting impressions. We feel that the
church as a whole was encouraged and as a direct result three souls
were born into the kingdom and two reclaimed. — Kathryn Brubaker,
Schaefferstown, Pa., Dec. 26.
Hershey. — Oct. 2 was rally day. The address was given by Bro. J. I.
Baugher. In the evening the young people had charge of the meet-
ing. Bro. John Hershey from Lititz gave a splendid talk. This was
followed by a farewell message from Sister Eliza Miller, whom the
church is supporting on the India field. She also talked to the Sun-
day-school in the morning. Bro. S. H. Hess from Royersford offi-
ciated at our love feast. On the evening of Nov. 19 and the follow-
ing Sunday Bro. Ralph Schlosser from Elizabethtown College con-
ducted a Bible institute; he gave us impressive messages which were
much enjoyed. Bro. Walter Hartman from the Annville church
brought us the message the evening of Nov. 6 and Bro. Frank Garber
of the Palmyra church also preached. Bro. Howard Merkey from Man-
heim labored faithfully in our revival. While there were no visible
results we feel lasting impressions have been made. Dec. 11 the Byler
family gave us a program of music which was much enjoyed. Our
council meeting was held Dec. 12. Six church letters were received. It
was decided to hold our quarterly council the first Monday evening of
the month instead of the second. The pastoral committee was not
ready to give a final report and was continued until next council.
On Christmas evening the children gave a program of recitations and
exercises followed by a splendid address by Bro. J. I. Baugher. — Mary
Bashore, Hershey, Pa., Dec. 29.
Long Ruin church held their Christmas entertainment on Dec. 24.
Eld. Samuel G. Meyers was with us during the Christmas season. On
Sunday morning, Dec. 25, we had Sunday-school in the Long Run
church with preaching at 10: 30. We had preaching in the Zimmerman
church, Pleasant Corner, in the afternoon. There will be no more
meetings at Zimmerman church until further announcements are made,
as it is impossible for Eld. Meyers to be with us; but he will be here
for the services at Long Run church at the usual time. — Mrs. Quinton
A. Kunkle, Parryville, Pa., Dec. 26.
Myerstown — Our council was held Dec. 10. Members of the differ-
ent committees of church activities were elected or reelected. Bro.
Calvin Wagner was elected president of the Christian Workers; Sister
Mary Deckert, reelected president of the Sisters' Aid Society. A
week-end Bible institute, to be conducted by members of the Eliza-
bethtown College faculty, will be arranged for. Dec. 18 Eld. Michael
Kurtz gave the morning sermon. Christmas evening a program was
rendered and Bro. Alton Bucher gave an address. Dec. 26 the minis-
ters' meeting of Eastern Pennsylvania was held in the Myerstown
house. There were morning and afternoon sessions. A Bible study
class, to be taught by Bro. J. F. King, is being enrolled; to meet
Thursday night of each week.— Alice B. Royer, Myerstown, Pa.,
Dec. 28.
Scalp Level congregation closed a very interesting revival Sunday
evening, Dec. 11, with Eld. H. D. Jones, Aurora, N. Y., in charge.
Bro. Jones preached the word with power and conviction, night after
night. The attendance was large each evening, and we had delega-
tions from some of the neighboring churches which helped in the
interest of the meetings. Bro. Jones was raised in this community,
so it was a treat for him to be back among his former friends in the
Lord; he proved a convincing preacher. As a direct result twenty-
two came into the church through baptism, and one was restored to
fellowship. Bro. Jones with the pastor made sixty visits in our homes.
We are looking forward to having with us the Student Volunteers of
Juniata College, Feb. 12, at the morning service. We are also looking
forward to a union revival with all the churches of the community
taking part. — Florence V. Seese, Windber, Pa., Dec. 28.
Schuylkill. — Our two weeks' revival closed Nov. 20. Eld. John C.
Zug of Palmyra labored faithfully while with us and preached soul-
stirring sermons; he also visited in many of the homes. There was
special music by the ladies' quartet. We gathered in the church
Thanksgiving evening for worship. Bro. Chas. Ziegler of Richland
brought the message. Nov. 27 Bro. Elias Frantz preached the morn-
ing sermon at the Swopes Valley house. In the evening at the
Strouphar house the Volunteer group of Elizabethtown College gave
us helpful and inspiring talks. The most successful and well attended
young people's program was given Dec. 4. Addresses were given by
Eld. J. I. Byler of Lititz with special music by the Byler family. Sev-
eral topics were discussed by the young people. The Big Dam Sunday-
school rendered a Christmas program on the evening of Dec. 25 with
an address by Eld. S. K. Wenger. — Mrs. Carrie Zechman, Pine Grove,
Pa., Dec. 26.
West Green Tree.— Nov. 8 and 9 we held our love feast at the Rheems
house. Fourteen ministers were present. Bro. Michael Markey offi-
ciated. We held the Thanksgiving services at the Florin house. Dec. 4
Bro. Samuel Lehigh brought us an inspiring message at the Rheems
house. In the afternoon there was a Children's Day service at the
same place. Bro. J. E. Whitacre from Harrisburg gave an address.
In the evening Bro. John Zug from Palmyra began a revival at the
Florin house which continued for two weeks. His messages were in-
spiring. As a result of the meetings two young men accepted Christ.
The attendance at the meetings was fine. Dec. 19 the church met in
council. Sunday-school officers were elected for the year: Bro. Samuel
Ober at the Green Tree house, Bro. Wm. Longenecker at the Florin
house and Bro. Jacob Williams at the Rheems house. Sister Lillian
Buffenmyer resigned as church reporter and the writer was chosen for
one year. A special council is called for Jan. 2 at the Rheems house. —
Mrs. Elmer Hoover, Rheems, Pa., Dec. 26.
Windber. — At a recent council church officers were elected for the
coming year. Bro. J. A. Buffenmyer was reelected presiding elder.
Nov. 1 Bro. J. H. Cassady from Washington, D. C, gave an interest-
ing lecture on prohibition. To create more interest in missions the
missionary committee of our church has been arranging for special
programs. Nov. 20 the people of the Berkey church rendered a pro-
gram of song, and a collection was taken for missions. Nov. 27 the
young people of our circuit rendered a program in our church. The
offering taken was to help support Sister Burke, missionary. Dec. 13
the Ladies' Aid met for reorganization and Mrs. Chas. W. Blough was
elected president. Dec. 15 the Kentucky harmony quartet rendered
a program of song. The children of our Sunday-school rendered a
program on Christmas morning. A special offering was lifted toward
the support of Sister Anna Z. Blough, missionary to India. Feb. 12
we are expecting the Volunteer Mission Band of Juniata College to
render a program for us. — Mrs. Mary Allison, Windber, Pa., Dec. 28.
Mt. Hope church closed a series of meetings on Sunday night, Nov.
27, conducted by Bro. Ed Cunningham of Olympia. One united with
the church and was baptized on Sunday afternoon. The splendid mes-
sages and special singing were enjoyed by large crowds at each serv-
ice. Our church went to Forest Center for communion services one
night during the meetings. The bazaar and entertainment given re-
cently by our Ladies' Aid drew a large crowd. — Mrs. Leona Barnhart,
Chewelah, Wash., Dec. 20.
Sunnyside church met in council Dec. 10. Church officers were
chosen: Elder, B. J. Fike; C. I. Myer, church clerk; Sister Pearl Boyd,
correspondent and Messenger agent. Since the last report five have
been added to the church by baptism, four of these being members at
Hanford where Bro. Geo. Strycker is conducting services; these came
as the result of his efforts. We are looking forward to the coming of
Bro. A. L. Sellers in February for a week's meeting. — Mrs. John T.
Reeves, Sunnyside, Wash., Dec. 21.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
Fallen Asleep
(Continued From Page 27)
farm in Pleasant Township, Grant County, Ind., which became their
permanent homestead. At the age of twenty-five she united with the
Church of the Brethren and lived a devoted Christian life for over
sixty years. Since the death of her husband in 1914 she made her
home with her children, spending the last few years with her daugh-
ter, Mary E. Studebaker, in Muncie. She leaves three sons, five
daughters, fifteen grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Funeral
service at the Cart Creek church and interment in the Mt. Vernon
cemetery.— Reuben Boomershine, Muncie, Ind.
Miller, infant daughter of David and Leah Miller, born Dec. 17, and
lived only a few hours. Brief services were held in the home by the
undersigned Dec. 19.— Ray E. Zook, Elkhart, Iowa.
Moothart, David Mahlon, born in Bedford County, Pa., died at Cul-
bertson, Mont., Dec. 7, 1932, aged 76 years. He married Ardelia Wood
at Waterloo, Iowa, Dec. 11, 1879; they would soon have celebrated
their fifty-third wedding anniversary. Five children were born to
them; one son died Nov. 5, 1918. Bro. Moothart and wife were bap-
tized into the Brethren Church at Waterloo, Iowa, a few years after
their marriage. They were faithful workers not only in this church
but in other churches in the communities where they lived. There
being no Brethren church at Culbertson he attended the M. E. church
where he was chosen Sunday-school superintendent. Funeral by the
writer.— G. I. Michael, Carrington, N. Dak.
Petcher, Harold Dean, son of Clair and Elva (Replogle) Petcher, was
born Aug. 3, 1928, and died Dec. 18, 1932, aged 4 years, 4 months and
15 days. He was a bright and promising child and his sudden passing
came as a great shock to his parents and friends. Services were con-
ducted by our pastor, Bro. James M. Moore. Burial in Glen Oak
cemetery.— Martha E. Lear, Chicago, 111.
Replogle, Sister Amelia J., died in the Home at Scalp Level, Pa.,
Oct. 25, 1932, aged 84 years. She united with the church Aug. 20, 1932,
and had been an inmate of the Home for about two years. Funeral
service by her pastor, Bro. J. A. Buffenmyer, assisted by Rev. C. P.
Salladay, Methodist. Burial in the Saltsburg cemetery.— Mrs. J. A.
Buffenmyer, Windber, Pa.
Root, Sister Ada Frances, born in Johnson County, Mo., died Dec. 9,
1932, aged 43 years. She was the daughter of John A. and Elizabeth
Byerly. Her father preceded her ten years ago. She united with the
Church of the Brethren in 1901 and in 1927 affiliated with the Dunkard
Brethren at Elk City, Okla. Nov. 29, 1911, she married John J. Root.
To this union were born six daughters and three sons. She also
leaves her mother, one brother and two sisters. Since coming to Cali-
fornia in the fall of 1928 her health had been failing. A few days before
the end she called for the anointing service. Burial in the Modesto
cemetery. Services by S. S. Garst and Victor O. Whitmer.— Mrs.
Nellie Whitmer, Waterford, Calif.
Senior, Mrs. Samuel, died in the home of her son at Scalp Level,
Nov. 15, 1932. Funeral service in the church by Bro. J. A. Buffen-
myer, the pastor, assisted by Rev. W. W. Hall, Evangelical. Inter-
ment in the Windber cemetery.— Mrs. J. A. Buffenmyer, Windber, Pa.
Sheffkr, Sister Ida Alice, wife of Daniel ShefHer, died of an acute
heart attack at her home in Waynesboro, Pa., on Dec. 22, 1932. She
was aged 73 years. She was the daughter of Henry and Julia Ann
Rodgers Barkdoll. About a year and a half ago she united with the
Church of the Brethren. She is survived by her husband and nine
children. Services by her pastor, Eld. L. K. Ziegler. Interment in
the cemetery at Ringgold, Md— Sudie M. Wingert, Waynesboro, Pa.
Shelly, Bro. Henry M., aged 82 years, died Nov. 20, 1932, at the home
of John Brubaker in Florin. He had been a member of the Church of
the Brethren for a good many years. He was a son of the late Harry
and Margaret Miller Shelly, and is survived by two nephews and three
nieces. Services at the Florin house by Bro. Hiram Eshelman and
John Brubaker. Interment in the East Fairview cemetery. — Mrs. Elmer
Hoover, Rheems, Pa.
Sheets, Sister Eva Irene, adopted daughter of Brother and Sister
C. R. Sheets of Mt. Solon, Va., died in a hospital, Dec. 12, 1932, after
an illness of three months. She called for the anointing a week before
her death. She was only twenty years old but was a faithful member
of the Church of the Brethren which she joined at the age of ten. She
is survived by her foster parents, one adopted sister, two brothers and
two sisters. Funeral by Eld. O. S. Miller, her pastor, assisted by Eld.
M. G. Sanger.— Mrs. C. W. Zimmerman, Mt. Solon, Va.
Smith, Bert, son of Bro. Harry and Sister Margaret Smith, born
near Woodville, Ohio, April 15, 1875, died Dec. 8, 1932. He leaves one
brother and one sister. Services in the Black Swamp church by Geo.
Garner. Interment in Walbridge cemetery. — Mrs. Asenath Baker,
Lemoyne, Ohio.
Snoberger, Isaac Chalmer, died at his home in Martinsburg, Nov. 29,
1932, aged 33 years. He had been ill more than a year. He was born
at Shellytown and was the son of Wm. and Elsie Greenawalt Sno-
berger. He married Miss Verna Teeter Jan. 12, 1917; she survives
with two children. He was a loyal member of the Church of the
Brethren in Martinsburg. Funeral services in the church by C. O.
Beery and D. T. Detwiler. Interment in the Fairview cemetery. —
Kathryn Long Lehman, Martinsburg, Pa.
Snowberger, Sister Susanna, wife of Jacob H. Snowberger, died sud-
denly at her home in Waynesboro, Pa., Dec. 15, 1932. She was the
daughter of Henry and Julia Ann Rodgers Barkdoll. Many years ago
she confessed Christ as her Savior and united with the Church of the
Brethren. She is survived by her husband and three sons. Funeral
services by Elders L. K. Ziegler and C. R. Oellig. Interment in Green
Hill cemetery.— Sudie M. Wingert, Waynesboro, Pa.
Snyder, Sister Elizabeth, daughter of Henry M. and Julia Ann Domer,
born Nov. 27, 1866, died at her home near Baltic, Ohio, Nov. 12, 1932,
after a short illness of pneumonia. She was married to Bro. Theo.
Snyder in 1889. To this union were born four sons and three daugh-
ters; one son died in France during the World War. Six grandchildren
also survive. She united with the Church of the Brethren in early life.
Funeral at the church at Baltic by Eld. Edw. Shepfer. Burial at the
Young cemetery near Baltic— Mrs. Ellen Miller, Baltic, Ohio.
Steffen, Mary, born Aug. 17, 1849, died at the home of her son, Cyrus
R. Miles, near Cherry Box, Mo., Dec. 16, 1932. June 15, 1867, she mar-
ried Marshall Miles. Her second husband was Wm. M. Thorp. She
married Rev. Conrad Steffen March 7, 1909, who also preceded her.
She leaves seven children, forty-eight grandchildren and forty-nine
great-grandchildren. She was a faithful member of the Church of the
Brethren and remained true till the end. Funeral services in the
Shelby County church by Bro. J. S. Carney assisted by Bro. John
Yoder. Burial in the cemetery at the church.— Mrs. Frank Folger,
Leonard, Mo.
Taylor, Mrs. Harriet Louisa, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth
Burger, born in Marshall County, Ind., May 28, 1857, died at her home
near Lakeville, Ind., Dec. 5, 1932. She married Frank H. Taylor on
Nov. 21, 1877, and spent most of her married life on the farm where
she died. She belonged to a family of twelve children, but only two
remain. She and her husband have been members of the Pine Creek
Church of the Brethren for thirty odd years, living consistent lives.
She leaves an invalid husband, four children, seventeen grandchildren,
eight great-grandchildren, a brother and sister. Funeral services at
the East house by Eld. J. O. Kesler. Burial in the Fair cemetery. —
Wm. H. Summers, North Liberty, Ind.
Warner, Abraham, son of Jacob and Susanna Warner, born Aug. 20,
1848, near Dayton, Ohio, died at the home of his daughter, Aug. 4,
1932. May 21, 1871, he married Margaret Lehman who preceded him
five years ago. . To this union were born seven children; surviving are
three daughters, one son, ten grandchildren and four great-grandchil-
dren. He united with the Church of the Brethren about forty- five
years ago. Services in the U. B. church near Woodland by Bro. H. V.
Townsend. Interment in the Woodland cemetery. — Sarah Hahn, Ver-
montville, Mich.
Weybright, Jacob F., died Sept. 3, 1932, aged 80 years. He was born
in Elkhart County, Ind., near the Bethany church, and spent his entire
life in this community. He was the son of John and Johanna Wey-
bright. He married Sarah Cathrine Clem June 22, 1873. To this union
were born three daughters, two of whom survive. He united with
the Church of the Brethren early in life and remained faithful. — Mrs.
Claude Niles, Milford, Ind.
Weybright, John A., born in Elkhart County, Ind., Sept. 1, 1856, died
at his home in Milford, Ind., Dec. 3, 1932. He married Sarah A. Pat-
terson Feb. 16, 1879. To this union were born two sons and two daugh-
ters. The wife, one son and two daughters remain with one sister and
two brothers. He united with the Church of the Brethren early in
life and served as deacon for forty-five years. Funeral services by
Brethren Manly Deeter and E. B. Jones at the New Salem church and
burial in the cemetery near by. — Dora Stout, Milford, Ind.
Wilholt, Mrs. Emma, died Dec. 13, 1932, at her residence in Grand
Rapids, Mich., aged 85 years. She attended services at the Church
of the Brethren almost exclusively, although she never became affili-
ated with the church. One son lives in Chicago, 111. Services by the
undersigned. Interment in Garfield Park cemetery. — Van B. Wright,
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Wineland, Jonathan L., died Nov. 22, 1932, aged 80 years. He was
born near Millerstown, the son of David and Sophia Loose Wineland,
and was the last of a family of fourteen children. He married Miss
Esther Kensinger in 1874. The widow survives with two sons, two
daughters, six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. He was a
member of the Church of the Brethren in Martinsburg for the past
twenty-five years and had a deep love for the church. Funeral serv-
ices in the Martinsburg church by C. O. Beery assisted by Ira C.
Holsopple and Bro. Humberd. Interment in Fairview cemetery. —
Kathryn Long Lehman, Martinsburg, Pa.
Wyles, Sister Rachel Clapper, wife of Bro. Philip Wyles, born Sept. 3,
1855, in Bedford County, Pa., died Nov. 27, 1932, at her home in Snake
Spring Valley. She became a member of the Brethren church in early
life and lived faithful to the end. She lived most of her life in this
community. During her illness she was anointed. Her husband died in
February, 1929. She was the mother of thirteen children; surviving
are four sons, four daughters, nineteen grandchildren and four great-
grandchildren, one brother, three half brothers and one half sister.
Funeral services in the church by Bro. D. I. Pepple assisted by Bro.
Alva Shuss. Interment in the Wyles cemetery. — Mrs. Samuel Wyles,
Everett, Pa.
Zimmerman, Sister Kate, died Dec. 11, 1932, of pneumonia, aged 33
years. She was the wife of Bro. Geo. Zimmerman and mother of
seven children. She was the daughter of Sister Mary Kinsey, and the
seventh child in a family of eleven children; her father, two sisters and
four brothers preceded her. Services in the Church of the Brethren in
Waterford by Bro. J. W. Sanner assisted by Bro. Wm. Rummel. In-
terment in Green Mt. cemetery. — Mrs. W. E. Wolford, Ligonier, Pa.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 14, 1933
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Vol. 82
ospel Messenger
Elgin, 111., January 21, 1933
No. 3
Nobody knows what it means to keep the church serving like those who do the serv-
ing. Ask St. Paul, and read his answer in 2 Cor. 1 1 : 23-28. But the servant can not do
all of the serving. He can not do it alone. Somebody must hold the ropes while the serv-
ants go down into India, China, Africa, Bethany, the Elgin offices, the American moun-
tains, plains and slums. Surely it is too much to asfy them to hold their own ropes. If the
home church lets go it will be a calamity to the unsaved, the church and her servants. Do
something for the Conference Budget! It is not loo late. It can not be too much. It
must not be too little. Surely the Lord is counting on us to do our best. — H. C. Eller,
Field Director, Southern District of Virginia.
In Imitation of America (H. A. B.), 3
The Program Is One (E. F.), 3
Having Done All, to Stand (E. F.), 4
Kingdom Gleanings 16
The Quiet Hour (R. H. M.), 17
Religion and Crisis. By D. W. Kurtz, 2
Ride on in Majesty (Poem) 5
The Test of Christianity. By Chas. D. Bonsack, 5
Keeping the Church Serving. By H. L. Hartsough, 5
An Eleventh-Hour Appeal. By Jeremiah Thomas 7
"I Love Thy Church." By Nora M. Rhodes 7
A Needy World at the Gate of the Temple. By Rufus D. Bowman, 8
A Message to All Women of the Church. By Mrs. Ross D. Murphy 12
Facing Financial Facts (H. S. M.) 20
Monthly Financial Statement (C. M. C.) 24
Good Music and Preaching. By George L. Detweiler 10
Being Fair with Those Who Have Served the Church. L. T. Holsinger, Mrs. W. B.
Stover, A. M. Sharp, Mrs. Ira Lapp 10
Editorial 13
A Seeker's Questions and the Answers He Received, 13
The Human Need of a Master. By Paul W. Rupel, 14
News From the Field 14
Results (Poem). By Myra Brooks Welch, 18
Lest We Forget. By Lula R. Tinkle . 18
Not for a Day, . . . But for a Lifetime. — No. 4. By Florence S. Studebaker, ...19
Darkest Before Dawn. By John E. Stoner 22
In Memory of Mother. By J. M. Henry 23
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
President of Bethany Biblical Seminary, Moderator Annual Conference, 1932
All advances in religion have been in times of crises ; all decadence in
religion has been due to crises when the voice of the prophet was silent.
Hardships are a blessing to those who have the true faith.
The children of Israel prospered under Egyptian bondage ; they were
purified by the Babylonian captivity. But luxury destroyed Babylon and
Rome. Human life is so constituted that it can not thrive on luxury ; it
weakens, and decays. But difficulties, hardships, sufferings, and even slavery, have developed peo-
ples into nations that blessed the earth.
The Jews in Babylon had a wonderful pastor — the prophet Ezekiel. The people who re-
sponded through him to a loyal faith in God became the Judaism that gave us our Lord, and all
the apostles.
The hardships of the early church purified them, and challenged them. They conquered the
pagan Roman Empire, and the church became the one redeeming power in the world.
Crises can become blessings if people will be loyal to Christ, and put the work of the kingdom
of God first.
Ten million men are out of work ; but thirty million men are not out of work. Surely this is
no time for the church of Christ to lie down on the job. This is the time when we need a real dedi-
cation of life. The crisis of this hour demands genuine consecration.
1. The church of Christ is the one institution on earth that stands for the promotion of spir-
itual values. Spiritual values are the basis of all values.
2. The program of the church must not suffer to the extent of inefficiency — we must work
and pray and give that the program of the church will go on.
3. We must not forget that there are rich blessings to those who have vital fellowship with
Christ in his sufferings.
4. Sufferings and sacrifice for righteousness' sake are both a blessing to the cause of the king-
dom, and to the one who sacrifices. But just " suffering " is not a blessing. There were three
crosses on Calvary. Only one was the cross of love, and loyalty to God, and his cause.
5. Paul gloried in the fact that he was privileged to suffer for his Lord. " For if we suffer
with him, we shall also reign with him."
6. We need a virile religion, a heroic spirit, that will not give up because the task is difficult.
The program of the church must go on, or every phase of the kingdom will suffer. Only the
church that remains loyal in the midst of the crisis, will be a blessing to God and to the individual.
This is the time when we can develop a heroic faith, to sacrifice for a cause when it is hard,
and for Jesus' sake, to promote the cause of the kingdom.
" All things work together for good to them that love God " if they love him enough to put
God and his kingdom first, to be loyal to him unto death — " Though he slay me, yet will I trust
The church needs a virile, heroic, victorious faith, then the glories of the spiritual life will be
ours. The church can regain her place of leadership in the nation if she rises to the opportunity of
demonstrating a life and faith in spiritual values — creating personalities whose " citizenship is in
heaven," who will not be defeated by physical handicaps, but will sing the paean of victory through
Jesus Christ our Lord.
H. A. BRANDT— Assistant Editor
Vol. 82
Elgin, 111., January 21, 1933
No. 3
In Imitation of America
The sickening war business in northern China con-
tinues. One would think after the Shanghai disaster
that the Japanese could not risk further meddling in
Chinese affairs, but such is not the case according to
dominant Japanese reasoning. Perhaps the militarists
feel Japan has nothing more to lose in the eyes of the
world, so the war machine plows on, leaving ruin and
death in its wake. All was risked on the appeal to
might, and by might they must win — if they win.
And yet, this can hardly fully explain the underlying
reasoning of those who are responsible for Japanese
foreign policy. Perhaps what that reasoning is, is sub-
stantially what K. K. Kawakami explains, when he says
it is really nothing more than a faithful imitation of
American foreign policy! Substitute Nicaragua or
Haiti for China, and America for Japan, and you have
America teaching just what Japan has learned. What
makes the Sino- Japanese situation seem so ghastly is
that Japan is dealing with a real antagonist, while
America has imposed her will on nations too feeble to
strike back.
The Japanese spokesman referred to does not bother
to defend his country on moral or economic grounds.
His case is that Japan is simply a faithful pupil of
America. He might have added of the other powers as
well. " That is why the big powers of Europe, while
publicly scolding her [Japan], have been privately pat-
ting her on the back."
Hence what we really see in the far east, according to
our Japanese apologist, is the spectacle of western for-
eign policy applied by an apt oriental pupil. We are
seeing how American methods look to nations on the
sidelines. Mr. Kawakami's thesis is supported by a
sobering basis in fact. But in saying that Japan is
nothing more than an apt pupil of America he has not
absolved his country from the moral obligation to
choose the better rather than the worst in our culture.
And he has given new point to the work of those who
strive for the gold standard in the exchange of national
ideals. h. a. b.
The Program Is One
Not only because it lays the groundwork for the thir-
teenth but because of its own content the twelfth chap-
ter of First Corinthians is a great chapter. There are
diversities of gifts but the same Spirit. Each gift has
its own proper use and they are all needed. All con-
tribute to the one end. It is in the church body as in
the human physical body. It is very foolish for the eye
or the hand to boast of its own superior importance,
and forget that without the less comely parts of the
body its own value would be seriously impaired if not
entirely destroyed.
Some like to argue whether home missions or foreign
is the more important. It is a pointless use of time and
energy. Without a strong home base the work abroad
must be weak and liable to perish. Yet nothing has
ever been so useful for kindling devotion to the work at
home as a lively interest in foreign missions. And ever
to extend her borders remains the great first work of
the church. The two phases of it are mutually condi-
tioning factors in kingdom growth, each of which needs
the other.
Equally irrelevant and false is the issue between
evangelism and Christian education. What quantities
of idle words have been wasted over that ! These also
need each other and, rightly conceived and carried on,
merge into each other until you can not tell where one
leaves off and the other begins.
Let's have an end of these mischief-making compari-
sons and contrasts. Missions abroad and in the home-
land, evangelism and education, colleges and seminary,
minister making and ministerial relief, all departments
Published weekly by Brethren Publishing House, R. E. Arnold, General Manager, 16 to 24 S. State St., Elgin, 111., at $2.00 per annum, in
advance. (Canada subscriptions fifty cents extra.) Entered at the Postoffice at Elgin, 111., as Second-class Matter. Acceptance for mailing
at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized August 20, 1918.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
and activities are parts of the one church program. Let
us have our personal likings and special interests as we
will, but not to the point of forgetting that there are
others which have their place in the healthy functioning
of the church.
This then is the first of the two ideas we would press
upon our attention. Though there are diversities of ac-
tivities they all converge upon the one great aim. And
they are mutually dependent. They are dominated by
a common purpose and each needs the support of all
the rest. If one interest suffers, all the others suffer
with it. Our understanding must be broad enough to
see this, and our sympathies must be enlarged enough
to respond accordingly.
When therefore an earnest brother proposes prac-
tically calling off operations in our foreign mission
fields on the ground that there is plenty to do at home
to occupy all the forces we can command, we do not
warm up to his suggestion. We are persuaded that he
is on the wrong trail. We are sure that the home base
will not be strengthened in that way. We know how
tremendously it needs the vision and faith and courage
and inspiration which come from contact with the wid-
er world need.
The program is one. But the whole is equal to the
sum of all its parts. It will not be whole if some of the
parts are left out. This truth is very old. We'd bet-
ter not forget it.
The other thought for present attention concerns the
nature of that one central all controlling aim. What is
it? What is that one increasing purpose which runs
through all our church activities and ties them togeth-
er? It is the production of the largest possible yield of
abundant life. It is the perfecting of personalities. It
is the enrichment of human experience and the enliven-
ing of hope against the unknown future. It is, to fall
back on the good old word, it is the salvation of the
As those readers know who can read his scribble
without going to sleep, this has become an obsession
with the present writer, and it will require a good deal
of stedfastness on their part to endure it. No sign of
relief appears on the horizon at this time. In season
and out of season we shall continue to sound this note.
The right of any agency or activity to a place in the
church program hinges on its contribution to the more
abundant life. Is it helping men and women to find the
answer to the problems that harass them ? Is it giving
them more faith and courage, more peace and power?
Is it deepening for them the sense of God's fatherhood
and their comradeship with their brother men? This
is the test which they all must pass.
It would be unreasonable to look for some definite
and measurable result in character and life at every
turn of the road. Spiritual values are not so subject as
that to quick appraisal. They must have time to ripen.
There may be years and years of hard endeavor of the
finest kind with no visible fruitage. The point we
stress is this : Are our project planners and program
makers careful to keep this central aim in the forefront
of their thinking? And do we common folk who fol-
low their leading keep clear in our own minds what this
stir is all about ?
We must not permit our leaders to forget it. We
would bring light and life, hope and faith, to men and
women. It is not that somebody may have a job, use-
ful as that is in a time of widespread unemployment; it
is not that the church machinery may be kept running,
nice as it is to see the wheels go round, that boards and
pastors and teachers, women and laymen, labor and
plead with us. It is that the distraught people of our
day may have the consolation which is in Christ, that
lives may be lifted into the atmosphere of heaven be-
cause people have learned to know and love God and
one another.
With the consciousness of so great an aim inspiring
us and leading us on, in reliance on the strength which
comes from companionship with Christ, let us support
the program of the church with joy, to the limit of our
ability. The program is one. e. f.
Having Done All, to Stand
" To stand valiantly for its faith and be true in meth-
od to its spiritual ideals " is indeed the difficult problem
of Christianity today. Men are making religions out
of other systems of thought and action. They are say-
ing that the only values of life are the material ones.
Some are seeking these for themselves in disregard of
the rights of others. Some are seeking a fairer dis-
tribution of them with their fellows, yet with the same
disregard of other values, even denying that there are
any other values. And some would underscore their
denial by the use of violence in bringing things to pass.
All this makes it hard for us who bear the Christian
name, but it makes it the more important that we be
true to that name. We must be quick to see and do
whatever is good in these materialistic schemes. We
must be as eager as they to stop the exploitation of the
many by the few. Only thus can we make good our
profession of faith in the higher values. But we must
champion that faith on every front in every way. By
greater patience, warmer love, and more enduring trust
we must show forth our deep conviction that God is
and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek
It isn't easy. If it were, it would hardly be worth
doing. It can be done. It must be done because the
life of Christianity hangs on it. Because the spirit val-
ues are the only lasting ones, the only deeply satisfying
ones. E. f.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
power and reign.
The Test of Christianity
Secretary General Mission Board
// the Christian church is a blessing to Europe and
America it must be for all the people. Good news
must be shared. If we do not share it, it either con-
demns our faith in its goodness, or our love for all men.
To limit either our love, faith or goodwill, is to limit
Missions is the test of New Testament Christianity.
William Adams Brown says : " Every book in the New
Testament was written by a foreign missionary. Every
epistle in the New Testament to a church was written
to a foreign missionary church. Every letter to an in-
dividual, was written to the convert of a foreign mis-
sionary. The only authoritative history of the early
church was a foreign missionary journal. All the
twelve apostles became foreign missionaries, except
one, and he became a traitor !"
Missions is the test of our faith in Christ. If Jesus
is the Son of God he must be the hope for all of God's
creation. If the Christian church is a blessing to Eu-
rope and America it must be for all the people. Good
news must be shared. If we do
not share it, it either condemns
our faith in its goodness, or our
love for all men. To limit either
our love, faith or goodwill, is to
limit God.
If there ever was a time
that we needed the heroism
of faith to hold the whole world
before God and the church it is
now. We need it so that we may
discover afresh the resources of
God. We need it to rediscover
the mission and power of the
church. We need it too for the
hope and healing of a distressed
world, which has become one
great neighborhood in which we all must live!
Because of the selfishness of nationalism that has
swept across the land since the world war; because of
a depressio'n resulting from destruction, waste and ma-
terialism ; because of the increased demands upon the
church at home, and because of the sudden poverty in
earthly possessions that has come to all of us, the nat-
ural tendency will be to neglect our foreign missions.
But any attempt to do so will be severing us from the
power of Christ and that of the New Testament
This does not mean that the work at home should be
neglected one iota. Neither does it mean that missions
needs one penny that is required for bread or the urgent
service of the church to those about us. It only means
that we keep faith with Christ. That we keep faith
with the missionaries in their task. That we rely even
more, both for ourselves and others, on the unlimited
resources and power of God. That we lift up our feeble
hands in supplication for guidance and grace, yet going
forward " knowing in whom we believe." The work is
his. The church is his. We shall not trust him in vain.
Already there are many evidences of new blessings out
of the sacrifices made, both on the mission fields and at
home. Let us look up and not down ; look out and not
in, and we shall find the Lord rich and strong to supply
all our needs.
Elgin, III. m m
Keeping the Church Serving
Chairman General Ministerial Board
Some men will find God through their emotions, oth-
ers will thinks their way to him, while others will find
him in the every day experience of life. The church
must stand at the door of these varied experiences of
men and say, "Lo, here is God," or men will not rec-
ognize him. + ^ # #
It is not enough to have a
certain amount of training be-
fore We enter the ministry. A
minister must £eep on grow-
ing or he should get out of the
pulpit. Truth never changes,
but the world moves on rapid-
ly and the minister must meet
new situations, new problems,
old sins in new forms.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦>
The hour for the church has
struck. Will she step forward
able to fill the one mission God
has entrusted into her hands?
We await the answer with the
gravest concern. If she fails
now — she dare not fail.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
What is the distinctive task of the church? To dis-
cover and interpret for men and women the Divine
Spirit, the only abiding, satisfying value of life. And
to exemplify how to bring the human spirit into a sav-
ing and working fellowship with the Divine Spirit — a
fellowship that saves a man not only from future pun-
ishment, but from himself and from an environment
over which he has no control — a working fellowship
that enables him to take his place in the great plan of
God as a positive force in the program of redemptive
love. » » * *
God must be interpreted in terms men can under-
stand. It must be in the realm of their own experience.
Some men will find God through their emotions, others
will think their way to him, while others will find him
in the every day experience of life. The church must
stand at the door of these varied experiences of men
and say, " Lo, here is God," or men will not recognize
him. The church must do more than help men find God.
She must help men understand how this newly found
power will bring to them a practical solution of their
daily problems and needs instead of just making them
feel good and saving them when they die.
This is the distinctive task of the church. There is
constantly the danger that she may weaken because of
the bigness of the task or may become so interested in
some of the by-products of Christianity that she may
lose sight of her one great mission. If the church fails
in her task our civilization is lost.
* * ■* *
The task of the church is not only the most impor-
tant task but the most difficult task of all. It calls for a
higher quality of leadership than any other business in
the world. In intelligence, vision, courage, adaptability,
and consecration the leadership of the church must ex-
excel all others. * * * *
Here is where we are facing our gravest danger in
our own church. Ask yourself some serious questions.
In your own state district are the young men of
strongest personality, of highest mental ability, and of
noblest ideals volunteering for the minis-
try? Or are the best going into law,
medicine, teaching and business and sec-
ond and third-rate men seeking the min-
istry? Is the min-
istry getting the
pick of the college
graduates each
year in our own
colleges ?
My attention was called to one of our strong church-
es where the best people (particularly the young) are
leaving and going to a near-by church of another de-
nomination. Why ? Because the minister in their pul-
pit could not help them with their deeper problems of
life. They found in another church a man who could
interpret the great truths of God in terms of their own
experiences, and they are crowding his church.
How many times has it been laid on your heart, as
a member of the local church that you should support
with your prayers and money Bethany Biblical Seminary
where we train our ministers ? Are we demanding and
making it possible for the seminary to send back into
our pulpits the men who will lead the Church of the
Brethren on to a glorious ministry? Do we feel the
Christian enthusiasm about giving to the support of our
seminary as we do to the support of the Africa mis-
sion? • .' « •
It is not enough to have a certain amount of training
before we enter the ministry. A minister must keep on
growing or he should get out of the pulpit. Truth nev-
er changes, but the world moves on rapidly and the
minister must meet new situations, new problems, old
sins in new forms. The minister must be a growing
man. Many of our successful pastors did not have a
seminary training but by being diligent students in the
school of life they have become second to none as Chris-
tian leaders. » « • •
It is the work of the General Ministerial Board to
provide and supervise the training of the ministers in
our pulpits by providing the best possible reading
courses, district and regional training schools for min-
isters, and by stimulating the growth of the ministers,
while they are serving. The board seeks to urge the
churches to give their ministers a chance to grow, dis-
couraging laziness and carelessness and shallowness and
encouraging industry and vision and consecration on
the part of the ministry. You can see that there should
be the closest cooperation between the General Minis-
isterial Board and the seminary as they
are working at the same task.
These years of depression have taught
us some valuable
lessons. One of
these lessons is the
necessity of center-
ing our efforts and
expenditures on es-
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
sentials. What can we let go and not fundamentally
hurt our cause? The institutions that fail in their
judgment at this point will come out of the depression
either ruined or crippled for many years. We would
he glad to continue all the work we have undertaken as
a church. That will be impossible. What can afford to
wait? If we slow down on the training of our minis-
try in this hour when the need is so pressing, when the
times demand and will demand for many years the
clearest thinking and bravest hearts in religious leader-
ship, it is doubtful if we will ever be able to recover
from our blunder.
North Manchester, Ind.
An Eleventh-Hour Appeal
Brother Thomas is the elder of the Sandy Creek congregation, W. Va.
The church supports a missionary in India. In the past four years
the church has given an average of $794 per year for Missions and
Church Service. — Ed.
At the Annual Conference last year, it was decided
to raise $275,000 for the general church program, dur-
ing 1932-33. From the report given by the Treasurer
in The Gospel Messenger, we learn that there is quite
a large deficit at this time, and we have but a short time
to reach the goal that has been set.
To wipe out the deficit by the close of Feb. 28, will
require some definite planning and sacrifice on the part
•Of the membership, and it must be done immediately.
Our General Mission Board is very much disturbed
because of our present financial condition. Expenses
have been cut in every legitimate way. Missionaries are
being held from returning to their fields of labor, until
they know what funds will be available at the closing of
the year.
The real problem is, what can be done in such a short
time? Let every member of every church in the Broth-
erhood, feel the individual responsibility to assist in
paying the deficit. We know there are many, in this
time of depression, who are unable to give anything in
a financial way, and some who are able to give but little,
while some would be able to give much. Every member
should have a prayerful interest.
Since Feb. 12 has been named as Achievement Day to
make a final offering to clear away the deficit, let every
member of every church in the Brotherhood, " Give as
the Lord has prospered him," and even give sacrificially,
whether it be little or much. Every one cooperating in
this much needed work, will bring wonderful results
in clearing the deficit, and wonderful blessings to the
The pastors and elders of all the churches should be
helpful factors in bringing about these results.
Bruceton Mills, W. Va.
"I Love Thy Church"
Miss Rhodes is Director of Missions for Women's Work, is an ear-
nest worker in her local church and has been consistently through the
years a substantial supporter of Missions and Church Service. — Ed.
We have all sung that fine old hymn :
"I love thy kingdom Lord,
The house of thine abode —
The church our blest Redeemer saved
With his own precious blood.
"I love thy church, O God:
Her walls before thee stand,
Dear as the apple of thine eye,
And graven on thy hand."
We do have a profound love for the church ; it is the
last thing we would want to have taken from us. It has
had a glorious history from the time it was started by
Christ, with the help of the twelve, down to the present
time. As numbers increased more organization became
necessary until now we have our church service and
missions endeavoring to promote all phases of church
work in the homeland and on the mission fields.
It is a great work and it is worthy of our best effort
both in prayer and finance. All can help in the former.
Many who in the past gave large amounts for kingdom
work are no longer able to do so, hence the need of all
giving to keep the work going forward. It may mean
considerable sacrifice for many, but we should keep in
mind that Christ made the supreme sacrifice that we,
through the church, might have life eternal. Feb. 12
has been designated as the day on which we may
achieve victory for the church we love by giving for its
work at home and abroad. By thus giving we are giv-
ing to Christ the chief Corner Stone.
An incident is told of some of our India sisters who
also love the Lord and his church, and who have learned
the blessings of giving out of their extreme poverty.
After working hard all day in the fields they bring in
the grain for the evening meal which needs to be
pounded and prepared. Near the fireplace is kept a lit-
tle clay vessel and each day as the rice or grain is pre-
pared a handful is taken, not from their abundance but
from a very scanty supply, and put in this vessel and
kept as a daily thank offering to the Lord. Once a
week when the women gather for their meeting, the
grain is brought and sold and the proceeds — but a few
pennies in actual value but precious in the sight of the
Lord — are used to support a Bible woman. As Achieve-
ment day approaches shall we not keep in mind the sac-
rificial giving of the native Christians on all of our mis-
sion fields ? " Give, and it shall be given unto you ;
good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running
over, shall they give unto your bosom. For with what
measure you mete it shall be measured to you again."
Dallas Center, Iowa.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
This Child
What will the future
bring for him?
Happiness ?
Cooperation ?
A Needy World at the Gate of the Temple
General Secretary Board of Christian Education
The third chapter of Acts tells of Peter and John
going to the temple at the hour of prayer. A man
crippled from birth lay at the gate of this temple called
beautiful. Seeing Peter and John about to enter he
asked alms of them. " Silver and gold have I none,"
said Peter, " but such as I have give I thee. In the
name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk."
Peter might have named many more things that he did
not have, but the thing that made the lame man stand
on his feet and walk and leap and praise God was that
the apostle gave such as he had.
The lame man may well symbolize a needy world at
the gate of the temple. No argument is needed to con-
vince us that the world is needy. We are stunned to
discover that the Sunday-schools of our country are
only reaching approximately one-half of the children,
one-third of the young people and one-tenth of the
adults. We must realize, too, that from the standpoint
of the quality of work, many churches have as yet
scarcely begun their programs.
Our economic collapse with thirteen million people
out of work is a thing which is daily upon our hearts.
We hear their cries and it is a cold-hearted person who
will not share. But the ultimate cause of this economic
chaos was the failure of leadership. More serious
than our economic collapse is a threatened mor-
al collapse caused by the lack of character. Hu-
manity is ethically, morally and spiritually unpre-
pared for this time of strain. People are having and
will have more leisure. What will they do with it?
What institution will set the patterns for their use of
leisure ? Material values are passing. The depression
Sorrow ?
Selfishness ?
Regret ?
has taught some of us that spiritual values are all that
really matter. Who will lead humanity to a discern-
ment of true values ?
The Bible is a neglected book. Conscience is becom-
ing a convenience and righteousness respectability. The
world is suffering from lack of confidence. People are
losing their ideals. Losing the sense of sin. The voices
of thou shalt and thou shalt not are becoming dim.
God seems to many far away, even when he is near and
yearns to take them into his fellowship. What is the
answer to these needs of humanity?
In crime, racketeering, swindling schemes, and di-
vorce, America ranks somewhere near the top. Prohi-
bition is in danger of being lost. There are fresh hos-
tilities between Japan and China. Our world needs
something and must have something if we are to avoid
A needy world knocks at the gate of the temple.
What answer the church gives now to humanity at the
gate of the temple will largely determine the place and
power of the church in the years that follow. What
does the church have to give humanity? The church
has God in whose fellowship we can live and by whose
Spirit we can be guided. The church has Christ with
his power to change life and give spiritual radiance and
moral poise and an appreciation of abiding values. The
church has the Holy Bible whose teachings point the
way of life. The church has hope, faith, and love to
give which will bring peace and confidence to our over-
strained nerves. The church has a program of Chris-
tian Education at home which aims to build Christlike
character, train and inspire leadership. The church has
a program of extension which carries the good news to
other peoples. The church has a program for educat-
ing and placing her ministry in order to more efficiently
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
This Man . . .
What the years have
brought for him:
Service to his fellowmen.
Rich family life.
Children who are an asset to
A knowledge of life well lived.
build local churches. Christ is the answer to the needs
of the world and the only answer. But Christ works
through his church. It is the instrument for the accom-
plishment of his purpose. Can we keep faith with
Christ if we allow the work of his church to stop? This
is a testing time of our faith.
All of the agencies in the Conference Budget are im-
portant. I believe in every one of them. The work of
the Board of Christian Education is well known to you.
Our main task is to help build the local church. We
endeavor to build a program of Christian Education
for children, young people and adults — through leader-
ship training to train and inspire a more adequate lead-
ership ; through peace and temperance education to cre-
ate a more Christian social order ; through anti-tobacco,
simple life and moral welfare education to bring about
cleaner living ; and through music to develop an appre-
ciation for sacred hymns which lift the soul to God.
Feb. 12 is the date for the Achievement Offering for
the Conference Budget. The Board of Christian Edu-
cation is one of the service agencies which share in this
budget. We have cut our expenditures 25% below last
year. Further reductions will mean that some of the
(Continued on Page 12)
Church of the Brethren, Elgin, Illinois
Through the Church School
The Program of the Local Church
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
Good Music and Preaching
Article Supplied by the Pastoral Association
It has been well said that a singing church is a
powerful church. Most of us feel that music is an im-
portant factor in the church program. But there are
those who may raise the question: What is the rela-
tionship to preaching of good music in our churches?
There is a vital relationship between the two, and no
minister can afford to fail to recognize it.
First of all, in regard to the choosing of the hymns,
it is well for the minister to select the hymns. After
developing his sermon he should select hymns that will
be in accord with his line of thinking. It is so helpful
for both the congregation and the preacher to sing a
hymn before the sermon that will lead the mind right
into the sermon. Likewise, after the sermon; what a
splendid thing it is to clinch that message by giving ev-
eryone an opportunity to sing that same message, or a
response to that message, before leaving the house of
God. These hymns should be selected just as carefully
and as conscientiously as the material for the sermon.
Where the chorister or choir director selects the hymns,
he should know the line of thought for that particular
service. Some rather humorous and even embarrassing
situations have occurred where hymns were chosen
without the thought of the sermon in mind.
Not only does the hymn before and the one after the
sermon help to prepare the mind and clinch the ser-
mon in the mind, but the entire music program should
be an aid to worship. The purpose of the prelude is
not to get people quiet, nor to drown out the whispers
over the audience. It is to help draw our minds toward
God. Therefore, after the organ or piano prelude, the
minister should never say : " Let us begin our wor-
ship." The attitude of the preacher toward music has
much to do with the results in the local church. Of
course, the organist or pianist must select the proper
kind of music if our minds are to be led into worship.
Good music is an aid to preaching. It is a source of
inspiration for the preacher. But in order to have good
music, there must be leadership. The purpose of the
church choir is not to entertain, nor to be put on dis-
play; but rather to help the congregation to sing bet-
ter, and to lead the people in worship. The choir oc-
cupies the same position in the choir loft, in leading the
congregation in song, as the minister does in the
pulpit, in leading the congregation in prayer. The
purpose of special music, whether it be a solo,
duet, quartet, or the entire choir is not to en-
tertain, but to present a message. They sing their
message; the preacher speaks his message. Every
minister delights in good congregational singing. Yet
we fail to realize many times that this is possible only
through the efforts of those who are leaders in music,
with the cooperation of the pastor. Even though the
preacher is not musically inclined himself, he should
show a great deal of interest in the work of the church
choir. The choir is sometimes spoken of as " the war
department of the church." This term is unfortunate
and misleading, but where this is true, might it be pos-
sible that this condition sometimes exists because of
the lack of interest and cooperation on the part of the
pastor ?
Since good music and preaching go hand in hand in
building a worship service, it seems to me that there is
a great need in preparing for the ministry that we learn
something about church music and of its importance.
We are very fortunate in having a church seminary
where there is a strong department of church music,
and where our ministers learn to know of the value of
good music in connection with their preaching. There
are some seminaries in America where no such training
is given, and it is gratifying to know that other schools
are now recognizing the splendid work done at Bethany
Biblical Seminary.
" Music hath power. Let the church awake and
rightly use this power in her forward march to the day
of his crowning."
Meyersdale, Pa.
Being Fair with Those Who
Have Served the Church
■ fj ^W^^ 4fct ^e Conference Budget calls for
Ml J^ $10,000 this year for the support of
Ta I JBBl a aged ministers, their widows and
fflKslfl ':''-''eJP disabled missionaries. Last year
J fflfi J ttf $13,88/ was expended for these
I flp B-^iH faithful servants of the church. The
J £ H"^'**^*E» fund is overdrawn and more than
Courtesy World Call seventy-five of these servants and
their dependents are looking to the
church for your gift of love. Others are worthy but can not
receive help for want of money in the fund. Many are the
appreciative words for what you have given before.
From an Aged Minister and Wife
We desire to express our appreciation of the help re-
ceived through the wise administration of the ministe-
rial relief fund as introduced by Bro. Gish some thirty
years ago. This relief is appreciated by those who have
freely given the best part of their lives to the church
whether in the home fields or in the evangelistic fields.
Many of these, like Paul, ministered with their own
hands to their own necessities, their wives joining them
in the struggle of rearing their families while their
companions were out in the field of service for the
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
- fc-.O. OGRSi-
Courtesy World Call
Lord. The writer and his companion, having spent
over forty-five of fifty-four years of the ministry free,
are now in their eighty-third year. This relief and mis-
sionary fund brings hope and cheer to our declining
years. — L. T. Holsinger, Rossville, Ind.
From the Widow of a Missionary
Nearly four decades ago, when our church began
her mission work in the far east, the missionaries asked
for support only. Yet we learned the joy of giving all
we had to the work. One of our favorite slogans was :
Sacrifice measures joy.
Often the thought would come when we stopped to
think : " What will we do when we can not work any
more?" We tried to dismiss such anxiety from our
minds; to allow it to trouble us seemed like doubting
our Lord, who had bid us go and who never fails.
As the years have come and gone, great hearts of
sympathy and understanding have seen the need of
those who could spend neither time nor effort to pro-
vide for the needs of more advanced years. What a
comfort it is to feel that a gift is coming regularly.
How one's heart swells with gratitude for the kind
friends who remember to share as the Lord has pros-
pered them. — Mrs. W. B. Stover, Kirkland, Wash.
Aged, Blind and Appreciative
It is now thirteen years since I saw the sunshine.
Life has seemed dark indeed, but the Lord through
some of the brethren has cared for his own.
The Lord said long ago : " I will bless thee, be thou
a blessing." Many brethren and sisters are and have
been blessed with this world's goods, and they are pass-
ing it on to bless others. We are among that number.
Naturally we are very thankful for this aid, for without
it we could not keep house. We so much enjoy our
home which we feel God is providing for us. So again
we say, " Thank you," and praise the Lord for his lov-
ing kindness. — Dictated by A. M. Sharp, Fredericks-
burg, Iowa.
A Widowed Mother Speaks for Her Children
I can never express to you in words the real joy,
comfort and blessing this fund has brought to my fami-
ly. I have three children in high school. I confess to
you frankly that this fund is keeping them in school.
Otherwise they would be forced to stop school and
work. Although I work away from home this fund has
made it possible for me to spend more time with my
family and, naturally, give more time to the develop-
ment Of their religioUS life. (Concluded on next page.)
Long years on the India mission
field, learning the joy of giving all they
had to the work, such Was the spirit in
which Brother and Sister Wilbur B.
Stover served the church. Oct. 31,
1930, Bro. Stover passed on. Sup-
port which he could no longer supply
then came from our ministerial and mis-
sionary relief fund. It is thus that the
church can keep faith with those who
have served.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
This has all meant more to me than I can tell you. It
has given me a new lease on life. I have greater faith
in humanity. It has deepened my responsibility and
loyalty to my church, and whatever my family may ever
mean to the church and to the world, I shall ever have
a deep sense of gratitude for what this fund has done
for me.
I am sure too, that the benefits from this fund can
not be measured alone in the immediate families who
receive it. Lives touch lives, you know, and God alone
knows the extent of the blessings of this fund.
So in deep appreciation, I pledge to more faithfully
give of my best to my family and to the church that I
might in some measure " pass on " the blessing that it
has been to me, and in some humble way help to bring
his kingdom into the hearts of men and women. — Mrs.
Ira Lapp, La Verne, Calif.
A Message to All Women of the Church
First of all a word to the district and regional offi-
cers. During these closing days of our church year
may we bend every effort toward reaching our goal for
the support of missions in China, India and Africa.
You remember the basis of reckoning the apportion-
ment for each district, as it was indicated in The Gos-
pel Messenger and in a special message sent to each
of you last October.
Just now, however, the best goal for all of us is " to
do everything possible." As leaders, have we left any-
thing undone that should have been done in the way of
giving assistance and offering encouragement? May
these days be filled with anxiety on our part. Would it
be possible for the district officers to spend a day in
prayer? Pray not only for the mission cause and our
project, but also for the entire program of the church
and especially that the home base may become more and
more consecrated in service and that it may develop a
finer appreciation of truth and spiritual values.
Certainly we can spend much time in prayer as indi-
viduals, even though it may be impossible to meet in
groups. The kind of prayer suggested by " James "
made folk act. Perhaps if we pray enough those of us
who have already given to the utmost can give a few
dollars more. There must be two hundred and fifty or
three hundred district, regional and national officers.
Could we in our own right give five hundred dollars in
the next few weeks? Let us see what the Lord can do
through us.
Though your district has already made good, con-
tinue to encourage additional gifts. Right now the
church needs our service as never before. This service
will help to acquire the achievement offering and, of
course, credit the local church toward the total Confer-
ence budget.
You will soon receive the district and local report
blanks. Please be prompt in sending to the local groups
and in returning the district reports after Feb. 28. You
did well last year. We hope to have even better reports
this year.
Now to the local women. I wonder if each one of us
realizes how much the church needs the consecrated
service, zealous activity and earnest prayers of the
women. Not alone are dollars for the support of the
home church, district and national projects necessary,
but even of greater importance than these is the depth
of spiritual vision that comes through the united effort
of many women in a common service and a common
prayer life.
As you receive your report blank from the district
secretary, will you please be prompt in making up the
report and in returning same March 1. These blanks
are arranged so as to gather helpful information. They
are not difficult to answer. Simply give such informa-
tion as you can, but try hard to give all the information
(Continued on Page 24)
A Needy World at the Gate of the Temple
(Continued From Page 9)
most valuable parts of the Christian education program
will have to be eliminated. And these further reduc-
tions will have to be made unless the Achievement Of-
fering is especially successful.
We realize the suffering which is everywhere and
that some do not have money to give. We can say
nothing more than the words of the apostle, " Such as
I have I give." Those who have no finances to help this
Achievement Offering, don't forget us in your prayers.
We need them. But the most of us have something to
give. Even with our reduced incomes we must share
what we have with the Lord that his work may go on.
And his work comes first. A needy world knocks at
the gate of the temple. What is our answer?
On pages 8 and 9 are two pictures. The one pictures
a boy with his father — the boy in all the promise of
youth. This lad goes to Sunday-school. He is being
reared in a Christian home. The second picture shows
one in old age, after a life well spent in Christian serv-
ice, sitting by the fireside, drinking life's blessings to
the full out of the riches of his character. These pic-
tures present what the Board of Christian Education is
trying to do. If this cause is worthy, let us express it
in the Achievement Offering that the work may go on.
A people who can not save their own children can not
hope to save the world.
Elgin, III.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
eChis 'Department
Conducted by
H. Spenser Minnich
Heart Throbs
" Orlando, Jasper and Esther raised chickens last
summer and they want $12 to go for missions. At
their request I am sending the money while the boys
are sawing wood and Esther is cleaning the house."
Their father, Virginia.
" Find enclosed $100 from the Sebring, Fla., Sisters'
Aid. It has been earned mostly by quilting. It gives
us joy to be able to give to our project."
Considerable Converting Here
A Dutch Christian in South Africa met a Turk who
had married an Arab woman. Turk and Arab were
Moslems. The Dutchman tried to convert them to
Christianity but instead was himself converted to Islam,
and went on his way. The Turk had confiscated his
Dutch friend's Bible. Instead of burning it, however,
he read it, and with so much profit that he was per-
suaded of the truth of Christianity and he and his wife
asked for baptism. After this they met with much
persecution and finally went away to another city, but
on their journey they stopped off to visit their Dutch
Moslem convert, to see whether they might not recon-
vert him to Christianity. They did. — A Bulletin of the
National Council of the Episcopal Church.
Breaking Caste Rule
When Mahatma Gandhi began his recent fast to pro-
test against the forming of separate electorates for the
untouchables the Hindu students of Ewing Christian
College, Allahabad, began a one-day fast in sympathy.
They then broke caste by inviting the " untouchable "
students to a feast and ate with them. This is a greater
step than if Southern white students in America should
invite colored students to dine with them in their homes.
A report also comes from Bombay that untouchabili-
ty in public places such as schools, courts, and offices,
has been abolished in the State of Bhor. This was an-
nounced in the speech opening the session of the State
Legislative Council on Oct. 19. Bhor is a small State of
130,000 inhabitants near Poona. — From Missionary Re-
view of the World.
A Seeker's Questions and the Answers
He Received
We publish this conversation between an Indian minister
and a seeker with hesitancy because it shotvs up the less
complimentary side of life in India. Conversations could
well be written about gangsters, bootleggers or other sinners
in America. There are many sad pictures in India as well
as America. Our missionaries are toiling faithfully in India
that the Christ may shine in all his beauty and the Indian
people be lifted up to a redeemed life in Christ. — Ed.
There are many seekers for the truth all through In-
dia, and each of our mission stations as well as a goodly
number of the outstations has constant callers who
come to them for information and wanting to know the
way to salvation.
The following is a recent conversation that took place
between one of the faithful workers and one such seek-
er :
Seeker. — Brother, my mind is not at all at peace. Do
help me to solve some of my problems.
Worker. — What is it ? What is your way of religion
and how is it you are not at peace ?
Seeker. — Well, here is one great problem to me. I
notice that the people who kill and eat the cow are
greatly blessed and God's hand is upon them, while on
the contrary many who worship the cow and hold her
sacred, who would not ever kill her, are as if cursed
and without blessing. Can you explain this? Should
we not worship the cow? Surely it is a praiseworthy
thing to adore her, is it not ?
Worker. — Why do you worship the cow? What is
back of the Hindu religion that brought Hindus to wor-
shiping the cow ?
Seeker. — Sir, it is because the cow furnishes us with
the ox by which we do our farming. In other words,
by which we live. That is the real reason why we be-
gan to worship her.
Worker. — Very well. That is good as far as it goes,
but let us look into a few things. You say that because
she furnishes the ox by which you get your crops that
this is the reason for worshiping the cow. In Europe
and many other lands they use only the horse for farm-
ing and they get much greater and better crops from
the same amount of land than we do in India. They
use the horse for the same work as we use the ox. They
should worship the horse should they not? Further-
more, in America they now use tractors for farming,
and these cost huge sums of money. A tractor costs
thousands of rupees. So by all means they should wor-
ship the tractor, should they not? Do you think they
worship their machines? I can tell you they do not.
Seeker. — You are too sharp for me. You know ev-
erything and can stall me the very first thing. But I see
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
the point all right, and am quite disgusted with this idea
of cow worship.
Worker. — Let me tell you what the civilized world
thinks of us for carrying on for all these years some of
the ideas we have. When they hear how we worship
the cow, how we use 'the manure from the cow to
cleanse our walls and floors, and worst of all, how we
have an idea that if a low caste has occupied a certain
place and we smear cow dung over that place it has be-
come pure — do you know these civilized people think
we are the lowest of low people, and they have a right
to. This is not the worst, but look how we require a
person who has broken his caste to drink the urine of
the holy (?) cow ! Of all things this stuns the people
of other lands. Some of our Hindu ways are really
ridiculous, and we do them in the name of religion,
which is worst of all !
Seeker. — Well, sir, that is enough. I never saw our
narrowness like this in all my life.
Worker. — Salvation can be had through none other
than Christ who came into the world for every sinner,
for every person. He gave his life for the world. He
is the only sinless One. Believe on him and you shall
be saved. . „, ,
The Human Need for a Master
One of the most difficult tasks of the missionary is
to prevent those whom he is trying to help from mak-
ing him their God. In spite of how pure the motives of
the missionary may be, and how much he would like to
have it otherwise, now and then an African will make
the white man his Master.
A certain missionary had a native Christian assist
him in village preaching. He was quite faithful and
dependable until the missionary went home on fur-
lough. Then he would sit in his compound on Sunday
morning instead of going to the village tree to hold his
regular service.
Another missionary had two good boys working for
him. After he died they immediately wanted to become
Christians, for their master was gone and they felt the
need of another. So they turned to Christ as their Mas-
I hired a partially trained carpenter to help me in
building. He worked for me two years. When the
buildings were done I told him so and that he should go
home and farm. I told him that money was scarce and
that there would be no more work for him. He came
back day after day pleading: " You are my master and
I am your servant, you are my father and I am your
son. I want to work for you as long as I live." Many
Africans want to become attached to a white man. Be-
cause of the white man's ability to do and have many
things that are new to him, he feels a sense of security
above that of his fellows.
This tendency to make something less than God one's
master is just as prevalent among civilized people as
among the pagans. Instead of making an individual his
master, the civilized man often makes the goodwill of
his fellows, public opinion or social approval his mas-
ter. How often have we known of men who as long as
they lived in the group where they were well known
lived clean, straight, upright and moral lives. But as
soon as they moved to where they were total strangers
they fell morally. The moral standard of the communi-
ty instead of God was their master.
A good test as to whether a man is a leader or a fol-
lower in moral and spiritual convictions is how well he
can stand up when isolated. If Jesus Christ is his Mas-
ter he will stand, if not he will fall.
So we should not criticise the struggling pagan too
severely when he sets up for his master that from
which he derives what he thinks the most benefits. As
yet his religious experience does not aid him in com-
prehending the highest good, as we know it.
On Furlough, Stanley, Va.
News From the Field
Naomi Z. Rupel
Hospital to Be Built at Leper Colony
Although funds for our regular mission work are greatly
reduced, we are happy to be able to say that we shall soon
have a hospital at the Garkida Leper Colony. The govern-
ment is very much interested in the care of lepers and has
given us every encouragement. Just now the government
has assured us enough money for the building of the hos-
pital to warrant going ahead with this project. Plans for
this building are well under way and the work will begin
Lepers Take Their Stand for Christ
Our colony of lepers is constantly growing and is now ap-
proaching the four hundred mark in numbers. The inmates
receive school and church advantages along with their medi-
cal care. These efforts are constantly bearing fruit. Just
recently five more have asked to take their initial stand for
Monkeys Cut School Attendance
Our enrollment in school during the past few weeks has
shown some irregularities, especially among the smaller
boys. This is the time for the guinea corn harvest and the
monkeys of this country like to help harvest the grain. As
a result many children are out in the fields to watch the
monkeys from the crop until it can be gathered by its right-
ful owners.
Native Christians Institute a Church Service
The missionaries of our station reserve one night each
week for a prayer service in our own language. We were
made very happy recently when the native Christians of
their own accord decided to hold a church service of their
own on the same evening. The native church shows
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
very definite signs of beginning to stand on its own feet and
carry on the work. Now they have two regular church
services weekly. On other nights of the week night classes
are in progress.
Beahms and Heckmans to Return
Because we realize that the financial conditions at home
are much more severe than normally, we are especially
grateful for the return to the field of the Beahms and Heck-
mans. Both of these families are very badly needed at their
stations and we anticipate their return with a great deal of
When it was feared that only one family could return this
year for lack of funds, one little native boy remarked to
the writer : " We want them to come back. If the church in
America can't send them, we'll make up enough money here
to bring them."
How many days of work on a five-cent-a-day wage scale
would be needed?
General Notes
Sadie J. Miller
Conventions and Contests
The last week in October quite a few of our people at-
tended the yearly convention of the W. C. T. U. of this Di-
vision. It was held at one of the Methodist stations and
next year will be at one of our stations, Anklesvar. There
are nine divisions of the W. C. T. U. in India, ours being
known as the Gujerat Division. Also on Nov. 26, at Ankles-
var, we attended the yearly Story-telling and Essay Contest
Bro. D. J. Lichty talks it over with some holy men of
which usually affords considerable interest for students of
various mission schools. Our aim is to get other schools, as
well as mission, to take part in these contests and conven-
tions, for India is very much interested in the cause of
temperance. One small girl of the Junior Division was out-
standing in her story telling and, of course, she won first
prize. She comes from the Methodist mission at Godhra. In
the Teachers' Division of the essays one of our men won
first prize. His essay was read at the contest, as were the
others who came first. As yet we have no gold medal con-
test but are looking forward to introducing it as soon as
Joy Over Missionaries' Return to the Field
A wire has been received from the Drs. Cottrell, from
Colombo, Ceylon, so that we know they are not far from us
any more. We look forward to their coming with the great-
est of pleasure. When doctors must leave the field all are
loath to see them go, but utmost joy rises upon their re-
turn. Drs. Cottrell have filled an exceptionally large place
in the hearts of hosts of India's people, so there is a very
warm welcome awaiting them. Non-Christians from many
places outside Bulsar have been inquiring for months, about
their return. Today they are expected to land in Bombay.
This is also the date of the B. M. Mows to reach Bombay. Co-
incidental and interesting it is that one party from the east
side, the other from the west, coming from such distances,
should land on the same day.
Native Christians Active
Two Institutes have just closed, one at Vyara the other at
Bulsar. The Rev. A. Garrison was the chief speaker at
these meetings. Workers from this station mostly attended
at the Bulsar Institute, it being the nearest. The Librarian,
John Abbas of Navsari, with his family, attended the Vyara
Institute, wherein he was one of the instructors. Lellu Derji
(Tailor), one of the most recently baptized Christians in
Navsari, accompanied Abbas and family to Vyara. * Hindus
have given him some threats and persecution but he is fear-
less and full of faith, so we prophesy that he will win
others — especially of his own people from the tailor caste,
to the church of Christ. Being the best tailor in Navsari
gives him considerable prestige.
A Christian from Bombay is employed in a foundry in
Navsari, and being a staunch Christian, is able to bear
splendid testimony in that city. Another Christian is a
school teacher in the city, so that there are some real lights
in that place. The Librarian daily meets people and preach-
es to them. He is the one who won the tailor for Christ.
Last year when lantern pictures were shown in the town
hall there was most splendid attention. Never before had
they been so impressed with the life of Christ, especially
when the pictures of his death, the resurrection and the
hosts of angels appeared. The hall was filled with the
sacred quietness that made a deep impression. The mes-
sage of the Christ has the best reception ever, these days.
This is cause for much praise and thanksgiving.
This is the touring season and a goodly number of groups
are out doing intensive evangelistic work at this time. In
October we had seventeen baptisms at Jalalapor; at Vyara
there were baptisms last week. We plan a tour of various
villages where there are candidates for baptism and will
give the rite in their own villages. Some of the girls from
our boarding at Jalalapor have done personal work and
now the parents of several of the girls are among those to
become Christians. The endless means of winning souls is
most gratifying. May many rise to proclaim his name!
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
Calendar for Sunday, January 22
Sunday-school Lesson, Jesus Forgiving Sin. — Mark 2 : 1-
Christian Workers' Meeting, The Joy of Faithful Service.
B. Y. P. D. Programs:
Young People — The Pacifist — In War Time and in Peace
Intermediate Girls — Jesus' Friendship Helps Me.
Intermediate Boys — What Would You Do?
* * & *
Gains for the Kingdom
Seven baptisms in the Hartville church, Ohio.
Three received on former baptism and two baptized in the
Morrellville church, Pa.
Twenty-two baptisms in the Coventry church, Pa., Bro. I.
S. Long of Bridgewater, Va., evangelist.
Five additions to the Lancaster church, Pa., Bro. R. P.
Bucher of Quarryville, Pa., evangelist.
Twelve baptisms in the New Fairview church, Pa., Bro. I.
N. H. Beahm of Nokesville, Va., evangelist.
Four baptisms in the Grand Rapids church, Mich., Bro.
Edson Ulery of Onekama, Mich., evangelist.
Seven baptisms in the Harris Creek church, Ohio, Bro. R.
H. Nicodemus of Huntington, Ind., evangelist.
Twenty baptized in the Pleasant Hill congregation, Pa.,
Bro. Tobias Henry of Roxbury church, evangelist.
Sixteen baptized and two reclaimed in the Garden City
church, Kans., Bro. W. T. Luckett of Hutchinson, Kans.,
Fifteen baptized and one received on former baptism in
the Chambersburg church, Pa., Bro. C. E. Grapes, pastor-
Four baptisms in the Rockhill church, Aughwick congre-
gation, Pa., Bro. H. W. Hanawalt, pastor-evangelist ; two
baptisms before the meeting.
Twenty-two baptized Jan. 1 and four a week later, two re-
claimed in the Hanoverdale church, Big Swatara congrega-
tion, Pa., Bro. R. P. Bucher of Quarryville, evangelist.
♦> ♦ ♦ ♦
Our Evangelists
Will you share the burden which these laborers carry? Will you pray
for the success of these meetings?
Bro. B. M. Rollins of Keyser, W. Va., Feb. 5 in Jackson
Park Memorial church, Blountville, Tenn.
Brother and Sister Oliver H. Austin of McPherson, Kans.,
Jan. 22 in the Denton church, Md.
^ •*$•■ ^ ■»$♦
Personal Mention
Bro. R. H. Nicodemus will give the year 1933 to revival
work and is ready to book further engagements. Address
him at R. 6, Huntington, Ind.
Eld. Jesse C. Stoner of Palestine, 111., came to the end of
his more than 88 years Dec. 27, last, though we learned of
it only a few days ago. Bro. Stoner was a recognized lead-
er in Southern Illinois and widely known throughout the
brotherhood by reason of his regular attendance at Annual
Conferences. More extended reference to his long life of
faithful service will appear next week.
Bro. Ralph R. Hatton, 1115 Woodville St., Toledo, Ohio,
due to a change in some of his dates, has time for an evan-
gelistic meeting in October or November, 1933.
Pastor O. A. Myer of Weiser, Idaho, will have your sym-
pathy with ours in the unexpected passing of his wife, from
heart failure following an attack of diphtheria. To Church
Clerk Amos A. Rodabaugh we are indebted for this sad in-
Bro. E. S. Miller of Lineboro, Md., is reported as in a di-
rect line of five generations of ministers but we have not
the complete data at hand. This matter has set some of
our preachers and their cousins to looking up preacher
genealogies. Sister M. A. Whisler of Cazenovia, 111., writes
us of six, perhaps seven, generations of preachers in her
family kinship, though they are not all in a direct father
and son succession.
Pastor Levi K. Ziegler, Waynesboro, Pa., writes us under
date of Jan. 13 : " We have been engaged this week in a
ministry of home visitation in anticipation of, and as a pre-
lude to a week of meetings in our church next week with
Bro. I. S. Long doing the preaching. We had forty of our
folks out for four nights and visited in the homes of our
members and others who are friendly toward the church.
It was a glorious experience for all."
Bro. Samuel Bock, now living in the home of his son Al-
va at 1102 W. 18th Ave., Spokane, Wash., was 93 Sunday,
Jan. 8. He is in fair health, at times quite active. He at-
tended church on New Year's day and possibly also on his
birthday, though we are not informed as to this. We know
you will wish to extend through the Messenger your hearty
congratulations and good wishes to the still surviving secre-
tary of our original Book and Tract Committee.
4$F 4» H$t <$►
Miscellaneous Items
A considerable volume of news from churches was
crowded out of this issue by the last minute press of other
matter. We are planning heroic measures to catch up in
next week's paper, but it too is a special issue — the Annual
India Number. So we are not sure just how much progress
can be made.
" Greetings and congratulations on the excellency of the
G. M. This week is exceptionally fine, if one may make any
distinction. I am sure that people like human interest
stories, so telling what they are doing in Michigan, can not
help but be an inspiration and suggestion to look for oppor-
tunities for service."
Elizabethtown College Bible Institute program may be
found on page 26 . Details of the Women's Work program for
Thursday afternoon, Jan. 26, came in too late for insertion at
the regular place. We note that the women's program stresses
the opportunity of women in regional work. Amongst other
things there will be reports of developments in the various
districts of the region.
Ministers' Conference at Bethany Biblical Seminary: Re-
sponses from a number of ministers indicate strong appre-
ciation of the Annual Conference for ministers held at our
Seminary. However, many feel that on account of the pres-
ent financial situation the conference ought to be omitted
for this year. Therefore, those responsible for the planning
of the program have decided that it would be unwise to an-
nounce a program unless there is a stronger demand ex-
pressed and a larger attendance promised. — M. R. Zigler,
Ministerial and Home Mission Secretary.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
New readers of this week's Messenger should number sev-
eral thousand, as we understand a good many copies are go-
ing out for general distribution. Such new readers are wel-
comed to the fellowship of the Messenger family. The Gos-
pel Messenger is the official paper of the Church of the
Brethren. It seeks to serve our whole church constituency,
bringing each week thirty-two pages of news, information
and inspiration. This year the Messenger begins volume 82,
but in spite of its years it seeks to keep abreast of the
thought and life of the church. It is not sensational, but it
is tremendously concerned about attaining the best things
in life and helping its readers share richly in the same.
Perhaps after you look over this issue, and note also what
is said on pages 31 and 32, you will decide to become a regu-
lar member of the Messenger family. We are hoping for
such a happy outcome of this chance meeting with new
readers. * * * *
Our Bookshelf
Book reviews for this column are prepared by J. E. Miller, Literary
Editor for the Brethren Publishing House. Any book reviewed in
these columns, and any others you wish to order, may be purchased
through the Brethren Publishing House, Elgin, 111. — Ed.
Mating Ministers and Churches, by John R. Scotford. Na-
tional Publishing Company. $1.50. 196 pages.
This morning I read " Mating Ministers and Churches "
and found in it some mighty fine suggestions. I will allow
the author's own words to give you a glimpse of what he
Ministers are different :
" The common suspicion that there is something wrong
with the man who desires to preach has good grounds. No
perfectly normal young animal who fits into his environ-
ment will make much of a preacher. It is the eccentric, the
unusual man who feels himself called of God. This is en-
tirely proper and right. When a young man feels a con-
flict between himself and his surroundings he reaches out
towards a higher power and discovers God."
His people can help the minister :
" If a minister adopts a receptive attitude he can glean
many helpful suggestions from his people. In every con-
gregation there are men and women who have accurately
measured the man who stands before them, and who desire
his good."
The erratic minister:
" It is said of one pastor, ' Every time the board meets he
has a new blueprint ready for reorganizing the work of the
church.' The people soon lose confidence in an erratic
The minister who loafs :
" A minister may loaf through a week and yet preach a
good sermon on Sunday. He can lay [sic] down on his calling
for a month and meet with no disaster. He can quit study-
ing and run on his momentum for a year or two. But ulti-
mately his sins will find him out."
Failing to arrive :
" Many a pastor has never reached the church to which
he was called. He has stood in the pulpit and gone in and
out of the parlors of the people without ever arriving at the
place where they really lived."
His best friend and critic:
" The minister's wife should be his best friend — and most
severe critic. Nothing is more disastrous to a preacher than
to have a wife who dotes upon him. Many a man has been
ruined by a helpmate who always praised him and habitual-
ly told him he was right and other people were wrong."
John Wesley once said, "After the congregation has given
the preacher a lot of applesauce, his wife should tell him the
Hard to please all :
" The sweet-spirited brother whom everybody loves is
rarely a vigorous executive. The soul-stirring orator is
usually a man of variable moods. The effective leader is
likely to walk rough-shod over those who chance to get in
his way. The man who pleases the young people frequently
shocks their elders. . . . Any man who may be called
will represent a compromise between what is desired and
what may be had."
Seeing himself :
" A full length mirror in front of the pulpit plus a phono-
graph record of the prayer would reduce most pulpiteers to
utter humility. Yet faults can be overcome with surprising
A continual struggle :
" The life of the minister is a continual struggle. On the
one hand he is trying to master himself, while on the other
he seeks to adjust himself to the needs of those whom he
would serve. His success depends upon the persistence with
which he meets these difficulties."
The first half of the book contains many such nuggets.
The rest of the book presents the methods in the several
denominations through which pastor and congregation
The Temptations of Jesus
Matthew 4: 1-11; Mark 1: 12, 13; Luke 4: 1-13
For Week Beginning January 29
The Spirit Driveth Him Forth, Mark 1: 12
Are you acquainted with the commands of the Spirit
which are so irresistible as to be spoken of as here (John
16: 13; Acts 10: 19, 20; 13: 2; 16: 6; Rev. 8: 14)?
Into the Wilderness, Mark 1: 13
Here is the secret of Jesus' power over men, he was often
alone in the wilderness (Gen. 32: 24; Psa. 55: 7; Jer. 9:2;
Luke 5: 16).
The Misuse of Power
The possessor of great power is tempted to misuse it, for
material riches, for show and for personal power and glory
(1 Kings 11: 1, 2; John 19: 11-13).
Man Lives by the Truth of God, Matt. 4: 4
The world is now paying the price of forgetting this sim-
ple but fundamental truth (Deut. 8: 3; Job 23: 12; Psa. 119:
103; Jer. 15: 16; 1 Peter 2: 2).
Thou Shalt Not Tempt the Lord Thy God, Luke 4: 12
We trust God when we rely upon him in doing our duty.
We tempt him when we count upon his aid for some selfish
aim of our own (John 14: 30; Prov. 27: 1; Amos 6:3; Luke
12: 19; Jas. 4: 13).
Thou Shalt Worship the Lord Thy God, Matt. 4: 10
Idolatry has not passed away. It has just assumed new
and more deceptive forms (John 4: 24; 1 Chron. 16: 29; Psa.
95: 6).
In what respect were the temptations of Jesus like our
own? R. H. M.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
There is more to a life than merely the living;
The end of a journey counts more than the start;
There is less to be had from getting than giving,
And more to a master than lessons in art.
There's more to a game than merely the playing,
There's less in the winning than effort involved;
The making of debts is less hard than the paying ;
There's more to a question than "Be it resolved.
There is more in belief than merely believing
For faith fosters action and action bears fruit;
There's more in a lie than the act of deceiving —
The same seed that sprouted grows also a root.
The difference is slight at the point of dividing
Between good and evil, but what of the goal?
Look well to the end of the road when deciding
The eternal trend of the quest of the soul.
La Verne, Calif.
Lest We Forget
James McCroy had just returned from the football
game. His daughter, Marietta, met him in the hall and
took his hat, coat and gloves and turned to hang them
up. " What now, daughter? I don't like that frown on
your face. Not sick are you?"
" Oh, no, not sick, but just lonesome, that's all. Don't
know what to do with myself. Wish I could go to the
matinee this afternoon, but I have spent all my allow-
ance on that new pair of satin slippers, and they pinch
like fury. Wish I hadn't bought them."
" Well, well, come on in and sit down a minute. How
much is that matinee ?"
" It's only a dollar, and they say it is a mighty good
one, too."
" Well, here is a dollar. Can't quite afford so many
extras, but that's what I said when I bought the ticket
to the game. But say, I feel like a new man since I
ran away from the office this afternoon. You know
business is getting heavier now. I guess our increase in
profits will stand a few extras. Run along now, and
enjoy that show as much as I did the game. Here is a
little extra change. You may want refreshments after
the show. Might try that new frosty fruit juice at The
Lark Parlor."
" Oh, thank you, daddy ! You are always so indulg-
ing. Aren't you afraid you will spoil me? Now you
sit here in this big easy chair and I will bring your
house slippers, and then you just relax and rest. You
need it, you dear daddy."
James McCroy, the town's most successful business
man and the most influential church man, now left
alone, lay back in the big easy chair enjoying the luxury
of his big living room. " My, what a work of art !" he
said to himself as he studied the arrangement, the tex-
tures and the harmony of the draperies, the lamp
shades, tapestries, rugs and pictures. " Marietta has the
making of a real artist. I am sure this has been planned
by her. Wife never has much time for such. She has
too many social engagements. It's a shame I haven't
given more time and thought and money for the train-
ing of that girl in some good art college. Just believe
I'll put aside a thous — and dol — lar — s " ; and he was off
in dreamland.
As he lay dreaming a voice spoke to him. " James
McCroy, can you give any more to our missionary of-
fering tomorrow? This is our last appeal. Sorry we
have to call on you again, but we have reached only one-
fifth of our quota for this church. If other churches
have done no better than ours, the Mission Board must
call home most of our missionaries. They must even
borrow money to pay for their .transportation home.
And if you can spare a little extra change drop it into
the little blue box as you go out of the church door.
That fund is for the poor families of the church."
McCroy squirmed in his chair and made reply to this
unseen person, " No, no, I have given all I can. Seems
. there is just one call after another. I can't spare an-
other cent."
Then the voice made reply, " One year ago today
your daughter lay sick. You thought you must surely
give her up. On whom did you call? Do you remem-
" Ah, yes, I remember that hour. I called on God,
and he heard my plea, and gave her back to me."
Then came the voice, " Five years ago today you lay
sick. The doctors said you could live only a few days.
On whom did you call? What did you pledge?"
" I called upon our merciful Heavenly Father, and I
promised him that I would serve him every day of my
life if he would only spare me longer."
Again the voice spoke. " Fifteen years ago you were
steeped in sin. You were in sore trouble. On whom
did you call ? How did you escape from your bondage
of sin?"
" How did I escape? I called on the God who never
fails. He rescued me. He saved me through the blood
of his only Son."
More slowly, more softly came the voice, " James
McCroy, are you willing to make a new pledge to the
Lord? Will you promise him not to call on him any
more until he has called on you ?"
" No, no, I might need him very much !" came the
quick reply, and he awoke with a start.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
The next day when the offering plate was carried to
the altar it bore a check equal to five times the amount
of a previous check signed by James McCroy. The
pastor asked him to dismiss with prayer, but instead he
arose from his pew and told his dream. His face shone
with a new joy as he continued, " Christians, young and
old, rich and poor, have any of you forgotten that you
have been redeemed by a God who bought you with a
price, a costly price, his only Son ? Have you, too, for-
gotten that this God sustains you daily, hourly, and on
him you have called many times ? Has he ever denied
you any good thing you needed? What if he should
suddenly turn a deaf ear to all your calls? Shall we
turn a deaf ear when he calls on us to care for his king-
dom here on earth ?" He sat down and there was only
dead silence to give answer to his searching questions.
Quietly the good pastor arose, poured out the scant of-
fering and without a word handed the offering plates to
the ushers. Not a word was spoken, all was quiet save
the jingling of silver and the rustle of written pledges.
The next week a check for the full quota of the Temple
church, with a little extra, reached the Mission Board
Huntington, W. Va.
Not for a Day, . . . But for a Lifetime
Chapter 4
The next morning Hagar had barely reached the old
big roomy kitchen until the sound of footsteps tripping
■down the back stairs sent her scurrying to the door.
" Lauk-a-mercy on us, Marse Bruce, is yo' havin' yo'
second childhood comin' down the steps lak dat?"
"Hello, Aunt Hagar. S'prised?" cried Marilyn
grasping that astonished lady about the waist and
swinging her slowly around.
" Miss Ma'ylin," gasped Hagar, her eyes widening in
an amazing fashion. " De day ob miracles is not pas'.
No indeedy ! What f o' did yo' all come home seein' yo'
mothah is gone? Is dey a crowd ob young'uns fo'
breakfus ? Or wuss yet, is you dispelled from de 'stu-
" No, no, Hagar, none of those dreadful things !"
laughed Marilyn, shaking her head. " I just came home
to get married."
" To git married !" repeated Hagar in dismay. " Aw
g'wan chile, yo' sho' is jokin' now." She threw back
her head and laughed heartily. " Dat's one thing about
these mode'n youngstahs, yo' nevah knows when dey is
tellin' de truf or jes' fooling!"
" No, Hagar, it's the gospel truth," declared Marilyn,
soberly. " I've come down, now to tell you to set the ta-
ble for four, Jack and me — father and Dr. Gordon. The
wedding will be at eight-forty-five and the breakfast
immediately afterward. Then we're going away."
Hagar stood with arms akimbo, and stared at Mari-
lyn. " Lauk-a-mercy, chile ! What gwine happen to dis
fambly I'd lak to know ? Young Marse Tom takin' his-
self a wife; de missus sailin' off to Europe when she's
nevah been away in huh life, now yo' come gallivantin'
'long talkin' 'bout a wedding." The old lady paused to
note the effect of her words.
But Marilyn only laughed and tripped out of the
room. " It does sound reckless," she agreed, " but
here's father, ask him, if you don't believe I'm serious."
Aunt Hagar groaned and turned troubled eyes to-
ward her master. " Marse Bruce, that chile kain't git
married nohow. She don't even have a feathah bed."
" A what ?" demanded Mr. Weston thinking he had
not heard aright.
" A feather bed !" repeated Hagar, a determined note
in her voice. " Why, Marse Bruce, when Miss Jinny
left old Viginny, she had foah feathah beds and a stack
o' quilts, comfo'tohs and linens fit foh a king. And
heah Miss Mahylin gwine go widout. It's a disgrace to
de fambly to send de chile to huh husban's folks widout
a chest ob linens. Where is de fambly honah, suh?"
Hagar finished with feeling.
" I had no idea these things were so important, Hag-
ar. I'll speak to my daughter at once," he promised,
hoping to appease the wrath of the kindly old servant.
" But now you prepare your very best breakfast and if
anything is lacking to make things complete, give a
ring. Everything must be exactly right on Marilyn's
wedding day. Since her mother isn't here, the responsi-
bility of sending her off is yours and mine."
Thus appealed to, Hagar softened at once. Two big
tears rolled down her plump cheeks. " Nevah yo'
mind, Marse Bruce, dis chile will do huh paht as 'zactly
as she kin, but I do wish Miss Jinny was heah." She
paused and lowered her voice. " It just skeers me plum
sick when I think ob huh crossin' de briny deep. What
if she'd see de kaisah ovah dar and all dem Ge'man
he'mets. Why, Marse Bruce, one ob dem might blow
up an' — "
But Hagar's fears were cut short with a laughing re-
buke. " There, there, nothing of the kind will happen.
Just twelve weeks from today your mistress will be
back again and it will be a glad day for everybody."
But Hagar refused to be cast aside. " Well, it's all
de same. I knows Miss Jinny wouldn't want her daugh-
ter to marry widout a feathah bed."
On the way back to his room Mr. Weston passed
Marilyn on the stairs. He glanced at his watch.
" Daughter, come in a moment. I want to talk with
you, that is, if you have time."
" Certainly," consented the girl. She held out her
(Continued on Page 22)
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
The mercury shows cumulative receipts by months.
Last Year
Amount Raised Last
Year Ending Feb. 29, '32.
Feb. 84.8% $233,380-
Jan. 62.8% $172,875—
Dec. 54.9% $150,981—
Nov. 45.4% $125,092—
Oct. 41.r% $115,240
Sept. 36.2% $ 99,660
Aug. 32.8% $ 90,357—
July 30. % $ 84,421—
June 27.2% $ 74,946
May 7. % $ 19,404-
Apr. 4.5% $ 12,526-
Mar. 2.6% $ 7,297-
This Year
Let us Exceed Last
Year's Attainment of
$233,380 and try to
Reach the Goal of $275,-
000 by Feb. 28, '33.
— The Need,
-Dec. 45.3% $124,690
-Nov. 40.4% $111,320
36.9% $101,510
Sept. 33.5% $92,359
Aug. 31.2% $85,815
July 28.9% $79,455
June 25.6% $70,515
May 9. % $24,799
-Apr. 5.4% $14,888
Mar. 3.2% $ 9,048
The church through Annual Conference has
launched Brotherhood-wide work. Church Boards
have been elected to give direction to this program.
An estimate of funds needed to accomplish the plans
of the church is approved by Conference. This ther-
mometer gives a picture of the funds received month
by month.
" He is no fool who parts with what he can not keep
to get what he shall not lose."
The kingdom of God is far more than money, but
money is needed to carry on the work of the church.
The Annual Conference each year approves a Mis-
sion and Church Service program for brotherhood
work. The budget this year calls for funds as follows :
Year Ending Feb. 28, 1933
General Mission Board
Missions $189,500
Administration 18,000 $207,500
Bd. of Christian Education 18,000
General Ministerial Board 5,500
General Education Board 1,500
Bethany Biblical Seminary 25,000
Missionary and Ministerial Relief 10,000
Council of Boards 7,000
American Bible Society 500
The receipt of funds to apply on the budget for the
ten months, March 1 to Dec. 31, 1932, falls markedly
short. Compared with last year the figures show :
December Mar. 1 to Dec. 31
1931 $25,885 $150,981
1932 13,520 124,690
Decrease $12,365 $26,291
The Boards are making every adjustment possible to
economize so the work may be kept from collapsing.
They are going forward on the funds available. The
money used in India has been cut almost to half of last
year. Other fields are reduced. Office salaries and ex-
penses have been reduced repeatedly. It appears the
process of squeezing can not go much further until
some other provision must be made. The General Mis-
sion Board deficit stood at $63,304.38 on Dec. 31, 1932.
In order that Messenger readers may know the use
made of Mission and Church Service funds we publish
the figures and drawings on the next page.
The first diagram shows that the General Mis-
sion Board received 73.34% of the funds contributed
during last year for the Conference Budget. The dia-
gram and figures following show that the General Mis-
sion Board spent $253,414.35. The Board had carried
over a balance of funds from the previous year, and to-
gether with income from other sources was able to ex-
pend the amount indicated with a deficit of only ap-
proximately $3,000 as of March 1, 1932. As the broth-
erhood is interested in knowing how mission funds are
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
spent the second graph shows the amount for each field.
The Board feels justly glad that the amount given for
administration and missionary education is kept so
small that a large portion more than 90% is used di-
rectly in mission work on the field.
How the Conference Budget Money Was Used
1. General Mission Board 73.34%
2. Ministerial and Mission Relief 2.9 %
3. Board of Rel. Education 6.23%
4. General Ministerial Board 2.34%
5. General Education Board 1.38%
6. American Bible Society 14%
7. Bethany Biblical Seminary 10.14%
8. General Headquarters Ex 3.53%
Last Year
100.00% $233,379.89
How the Mission Dollar Was Spent
1. India Mission 43.45% $110,109.66
2. China Mission 14.09% 35,700.58
3. Scandinavia 3.49% 8,851.36
4. Africa Mission 16.00% 40,535.63
5. Home Missions 15:71% 39,806.48
6. Administration 4.09% 10,361.30
7. Missionary Education & Promotion 3.17% 8,049.34
100.00% $253,414.35
The Monthly Financial Statement, which is an essen-
tial part of the financial exhibit, had to be placed on
page 24.
Suggestions for the Achievement
The urgency of Missions and Church Serv-
ice and the inability of old time givers to write
checks as large as formerly make it necessary
to enlist a wider response than ever before.
May not this be God's open door for a quick-
ened spiritual life to an increasing number of
members ? We have tried to arrange plans that
will work and list suggestions as follows :
1. Do your best to enlist every member.
2. Select your most capable members (in teams of
two if you desire) to call personally on every
3. List your entire membership on the solicitors'
sheets. Arrange lists advantageously for solic-
4. Solicitors should see every member and deliver
the statement, " Take Your Religion Seriously."
Do this to make sure that members know and
will give their prayerful interest even if they
cannot give money.
5. Plan a day or definite period, begin February 5,
for the completion of the visitation. Have solic-
itors bring in the money. If members do not
have money at hand, get them to indicate what
they will bring to the Achievement Offering for
this purpose.
6. February 12 ACHIEVEMENT SUNDAY. Com-
plete your ingathering by this date. Send the
money to General Mission Board, 22 South State
Street, Elgin, Illinois, so that it arrives by Feb-
ruary 28 or earlier.
7. Plan a service of consecration and rejoicing on
your Achievement Day. Encourage a spirit of
joy in the giving. Being partners with God in
Kingdom building is a privilege.
8. Write to non-resident members inviting their re-
9. The January 21 Gospel Messenger is a spe-
cial Achievement Issue. It will be sent free to
names and addresses submitted to us, or will be
sent in bulk to you.
Church of the Brethren
Elgin, 111.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
Not for a Day, . . . But for a Lifetime
(Continued From Page 19)
hands to the warmth of the blaze. " Urn ! This feels
comfy this morning." She seated herself on a low stool
in front of her father's chair and gazed dreamily into
the fire. " I — I never really felt as if I knew you until
last night," she confessed soberly.
Mr. Weston started nervously. " I want you to get
acquainted with the children," Jinny's lines flashed
back. " I guess you're right," he answered lamely.
Then he turned toward her sharply. " Marilyn, are you
sure everything is ready? Most brides are busy until
the last moment with preparations, but here you are
with your wedding but an hour away, yet you are calm
and unmoved."
" Well, father, you must remember I was ready last
night and changed my plans to please you," explained
Marilyn. " Another thing, it doesn't take so much for
young folks to get married on nowadays. Some one re-
marked that a girl can marry now with perfect peace of
mind if she has a compact and a five-dollar bill — the
latter to pay the first week's grocery bill. But I don't
even need that."
" Daughter, you don't mean to say you are going to
Jack with empty hands ? I thought a bride must have a
goodly stock of linens, quilts and comforters and — " he
hesitated on the last point for fear of ridicule.
" And feather bed," supplied Marilyn, suppressing a
giggle. " That's Hagar's hobby. Mother wrote that
the poor old soul was scandalized when she discovered
that Tom and Betty started housekeeping without one.
She seems to think the family honor depends upon the
size of the bride's dowry. No, father, you needn't wor-
ry about my going empty handed. Jack has rented the
cutest little apartment you ever saw and everything is
furnished complete. I won't need to take a thing
" But doesn't it cost a lot?" queried Mr. Weston.
" Well, yes, I suppose it does," conceded Marilyn
slowly, " but Jack has a good job with a furniture com-
pany and he says no price is too great to pay for happi-
ness. As long as we're sure of that, everything else will
be all right. We're going to save all we can and buy a
home. Won't it be fun picking out the new furniture
for the house? Jack can get it at cost from Mr.
" Yes, yes," her father smiled. " I hope your dreams
will all come true. Now there's just one more thing I
want to tell you before you go. I don't suppose you'll
understand it now, but last night after you were lost in
dreams, I sat here living over the past twenty years. I
never realized how much I had lost in not giving more
of myself to the family until that hour. Tom is mar-
ried and you are soon going out from the home roof. I
wish now that I had been more to my loved ones than
merely a provider of food and shelter. . I thought of
the ideals I once had of what a father should be to his
children, and shuddered in despair."
" Father, don't, please !" Marilyn's arms were about
his neck and fervent kisses fell upon the troubled brow.
" You dare not blame yourself. Your kind of job just
naturally made it hard for you to spend much time with
us," she insisted, earnestly. " We all love you dearly
for what you have done. Think what we'd be without
you, father. You know you're needed and — and I'll
need you now more than ever even if I am away. I'm
going to count on you in every problem and you must
come and eat with us every time you're home. Now
Bruce Weston wiped a suspicious moisture from his
eyes and lifted an old scrap book from the shelf. A
tiny paper flitted to the floor and was speedily rescued
by the deft hands of the girl. " Here's a little clipping
Darkest Before Dawn
There is one thing in this time of confusion and uncer-
tainty that the men who have spent their lives studying trade
are certain of. All with one accord they agree that the
reparations and war debts, that is the money which Ger-
many was to pay as a punishment for her part in the war
and the money we lent for carrying on the war, stands like
a wall across the road which leads out of this depression.
Last summer the mass of people in Europe finally found
what the trade experts had been saying was true. They
saw that to take money from Germany was not only ruin-
ing Germany but themselves as well. When that became
evident to the people, their statesmen were free to wipe out
the reparations.
Now the Europeans are asking us to forgive them as
they forgave their debtors. Our people feel that it is a just
debt, and they know that if Europe does not pay, they as
taxpayers will have to make up every cent we forgive
Europe. But what will it profit us if we make them pay
every cent, but we are ruined in the process?
If Europe has to send us all the gold she has to pay the
debts, she can't buy our goods; but if she doesn't have to
pay the debts, she can buy our goods. If Europe can buy
our goods, we will have prosperity; if she can't our depres-
sion will wax worse and worse.
The simple facts are, according to the trade experts,
Europe can't pay if she would, and if we try to make her
pay, we will not only not get the money but pull both
Europe and ourselves into the abyss, whereas if we cancel
the debts, we will have to pay them ourselves, but we will
have prosperity while we are doing it.
To pay them ourselves will mean an increase in our tax-
ation of something like eight per cent. The question is, will
we be willing to charge that added taxation up against the
war and proceed to pay it; or will we not yield, get our-
selves deeper into the depression, and finally end up by pay-
ing the debt ourselves after some millions of people have
starved ?
Fori Wayne, Ind.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
I'm sending along with you dear. Put it where you can
see it every day. It's not about the father I've been to
you, but it expresses the ideal of what I want to be in
the future, I'll read it quickly, then you may go."
Some day,
When others braid your thick brown hair
And drape your form in silk and lace,
When others call you "dear" and "fair,"
And hold your hands and kiss your face,
You'll not forget that far above
All others is a father's love.
Some day,
When you must feel love's heavy loss
You will remember other years
When I too bent beneath the cross,
And mix my memory with thy tears.
In such dark hours be not afraid;
Within their shadows I have prayed.
Some day,
A flower, a song, a word maybe
A link between us strong and sweet;
Ah, then, dear child remember me!
And let your heart to father beat.
My love is with you everywhere,
You can not pass beyond my prayer.
— Author Unknown.
As Mr. Weston finished reading, the great clock in
the hall boomed forth eight solemn strokes. " Father,
I'll never forget," whispered Marilyn folding the mes-
sage close to her heart.
Nappanee, Ind.
. ♦ ■
In Memory of Mother
The telephone rang and a gentle voice said, " Your moth-
er passed away at 4:40 P. M." (Nov. 4, 1932). I was seated
in my study with books surrounding me, but all these faded
from view and memories of other years crowded in upon
me. It was difficult to decide what trait of mother's noble
life was cherished most, but at least four stood out dis-
1. A good disposition. By that term is meant the sum to-
tal of all good and righteous living. First among these was
self-control. I never saw my mother angry in my more
than forty-six years of clear memory of her; neither do I
recall any critical or destructive remarks about any one
coming from her lips. She trusted when others doubted.
She spoke kindly about all. She was patient, sacrificing,
long-suffering, sympathetic and forgiving. With rare poise
and dignity, she brought goodwill in many a difficult situa-
2. Humility and modesty. Mother used to teach her chil-
dren that it was better to be seen than heard, and that a
modest, humble life needed no defense. It spoke for itself.
She was not timid or backward, but commandingly modest.
She hated sham and superfluity of life. Her humility was
so manifest that it was admired by her best friends.
Mother spoke with sincerity and frankness. She often
called attention to the shallowness, and put on, of some peo-
ple ; but she was never swayed away from the true values
of life by such manner of living. She was very friendly,
but never made over people and then said she was glad
when they were gone.
Many good deeds were done by her for the poor and
needy, for the sick and sad-hearted, but no one ever heard
any boasting about her good works. " She hath done what
she could," was a guiding principle of her life which was
lived out in all sincerity and humility.
3. A simple faith. Mother entertained no fine-spun
theories about God and his Word. She believed implicitly
in the Bible. She had received but little formal education,
for she walked five miles to school and five back for a few
months each year. But her daily companionship with God
gave her an abiding faith in his will.
Mother was too modest to boast about the great faith and
deeds of her pious ancestry. She wanted to live as nobly as
they lived without talking about it. She had been told
about the remarkable work of her grandfather — Elder Dan-
iel Barnhart — but she rarely talked about his great life ex-
cept in the hope that she might live worthy of his name.
Elder Daniel Barnhart was a pioneer minister in the
Roanoke Valley, Virginia, where he labored in the Church of
the Brethren many years. He was a contemporary, and as-
sociated with Peter Nininger, David Plain, Peter Nead, B.
F. Moomaw, D. P. Sayler, Henry Kurtz and other leaders of
his day. The Annual Meeting was held in his home and
barn in 1845. The minutes of that meeting recorded: "At
the Yearly Meeting of the Brethren held at the house of
Bro. Daniel Barnhart in Roanoke County on Friday and
Saturday before Pentecost, May 9 and 10, A. D. 1845, . . .
to receive the messages from the different churches, and to
bring in the points and queries which were to be laid before
the Yearly Meeting for discussion in the fear of God." Elder
Daniel Barnhart was on Standing Committee many times.
His name appeared in the lists for 1845, 1846, 1847, 1850, 1851.
He served on several committees to churches.
Elder Barnhart was married twice. To each union were
born nine children. His children followed in his pious foot-
steps ; and from his home went out an influence that has
brought blessings to hundreds of firesides. His eighteen
children separated widely throughout the United States.
The Barnharts, Brubakers, Hirts, Ikenberrys, Grissos and
scores of others known so well in the Church of the Breth-
ren are descendants of that good man.
Fannie Barnhart married John Grisso — my mother's par-
ents— and lived as nobly as her sainted father. Jane Grisso,
the subject in this sketch, united with the church at the age
of fourteen (1870) and married John T. Henry in the year
1874. This devoted couple journeyed together in holy wed-
lock nearly fifty-eight years. Five sons and five daughters
were born to this union. Two children died in early life and
eight grew to maturity. Charles W., oldest son, moved to
Colorado. Rebecca, oldest daughter, married Elder C. E.
Eller and lives near Salem, Va. One son lives at Bridge-
water, two in Roanoke County. One daughter died 1931,
and two live at Back Creek, Va.
4. A life of unselfish service. Mother organized no so-
ciety, no club, no ways and means committee. She was too
busy helping the poor, visiting the sick and giving cheer to
the down-hearted to be studying about organizations. She
fed the hungry at her table, and sent them away happy. She
never complained when some stranger chanced to come just
at meal time, or asked to spend the night. She made stran-
gers feel welcome without telling them so. Many a stranger
went on the journey of life saying: " I was hungry and you
(Continued on Page 26)
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
A Message to All Women of the Church
(Continued From Page 12)
or suggestions you may have on the back of the report.
During the closing weeks of the church year may the
local leaders and all who read this ask the Lord to use
you mightily in presenting our united project to every
woman in your church. Make it your business to reach
each woman personally and invite her to do one or both
of two things. First, to spend time in prayer for the
church toward a larger service in the kingdom and sec-
ond to make some special and sacrificial offering for
our national project. Have a sufficient number of the
Women's Work Project envelopes at hand so that each
woman may have one. There are yet fully five weeks
before March 1. Any local group of women that has
not used the project envelopes may still do so. Write
the office for a supply and use in whatever way you
think best, then send the amount of total offering to
your district secretary. Should you not know how to
send to the district secretary you may send direct to
Lucille Sherck West, 22 S. State Street, Elgin, 111., but
in this case be sure to give the name of your church and
Many envelopes are being used. We ought to use
ten thousand more during the closing weeks of the year.
I am hoping that we may actually use all told twenty
thousand envelopes this year.
Our appeal thus far has been more especially to the
officers that we may lead to the utmost in giving, as
well as in praying. Many are so doing. We now make
an appeal to all of us regardless of position. Could one
thousand of us give an additional gift of from one to
five dollars each during the next few weeks? I'll be
one. Will not you who read be another, and you, and
you and you,? This is not an editorial gesture. It is an
honest to goodness appeal — One thousand women vol-
unteers to make an additional gift of from one to five
dollars during the next five weeks, and each gift to be
wrapped round about and well sealed with prayer.
Should you send such gifts direct to Lucille Sherck
West at the office, be sure to indicate name of church
and district.
These are strenuous days, but after all there is so
very, very much for which we should be thankful and
if any people should have been raised up for just such a
day as this we ought to claim that privilege. May we then
be led into the fullness of life that is only completely
realized in Jesus Christ.
Also note statement concerning annual report blanks.
All gifts toward the Women's Work Project are
credited to the Achievement Offering, as well as to the
total Conference budget.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Will the women please note the call of one thousand
women to prayer and sacrificial giving during the next
five weeks.
Monthly Financial Statement
Conference Budget
During the month of December contributions for the Con-
ference Budget and agencies within the budget totalled $14,-
030.05. Total cash applicable to the Conference Budget for
the year beginning March 1, 1932, $125,100.50, detail as fol-
lows :
For For
the month the year
General Mission Board $10,675.84 $77,940.86
Board of Christian Education 66.10 2,103.58
General Ministerial Board 50.00 119.46
General Education Board 20.72
Bethany Biblical Seminary 254.66 2,499.49
American Bible Society 2.69 35.48
Undesignated Funds 2,980.76 42,380.91
$ 14,030.05 $125,100.50
General Mission Board
During December contributions were received by the
treasurer of the General Mission Board as follows :
Total rec'd
Receipts since 3-1-3Z
World Wide Missions $ 4,566.48 $22,863.41
Student Fellowship Fund 1931-1932 1,443.42
Women's Work Project 638.18 4,946.94
Home Missions 408.16 1,323.93
Greene County, Virginia, Mission 1.00 31.50
Foreign Missions 527.14 3,679.85
Junior League Project 392.04 1,246.28
B. Y. P. D. Project 110.04 673.03
Home Missions Share Plan 22.50 152.50
Intermediate Project 104.98 198.36
India Mission 279.07 2,619.40
India Native Worker 5.00 355.00
India Boarding School 87.50 454.34
India Share Plan 155.69 1,841.91
India Missionary Supports 1,044.57 14,487.61
Khergam Church Building 10.00
China Mission 62.13 1,193.61
China Native Worker 14.96 115.12
China Boys' School 22.00
China Girls' School 9.44
China Share Plan 47.50 634.90
China Missionary Supports 721.34 7,337.05
South China Mission 75.00 100.00
Sweden Mission 1.17
Sweden Missionary Supports 915.36
Africa Missionary Supports 1,095.74 7,590.19
Africa Mission 290.72 3,137.30
Africa Share Plan 28.10 544.24
China Famine Relief 56.84
Africa Leper 13.00
Student Loan 25.00
Conference Budget 2,980.76 42,380.91
Conference Budget Designated for —
Board of Christian Education 11.10 484.16
Bethany Biblical Seminary 1.00 658.05
General Ministerial Board 50.00 119.46
General Education Board 20.72
American Bible Society 2.69 35.48
The following shows the condition of mission finances on
December 31, 1932:
Income since March 1, 1932 $87,992.57
Income same period last year 139,124.27
Expense since March 1, 1932 148,386.73
Expense same period last year 218,803.99
Mission deficit December 31, 1932 63,304.38
Mission deficit November 30, 1932 56.516.68
Increase in deficit during December, 1932 6,787.70
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
Fresno church held its regular business meeting Dec. 5. Since the
last report three have been received by letter and three by baptism.
Dec. 9 the men's brotherhood held their banquet, and Dec. 14 the
mothers and daughters held theirs. Mr. Richmon, a returned mis-
sionary from Africa, was the speaker. On Christmas night the chil-
dren of the Sunday-school gave very effective messages. Jan. 1 the
C. E. presented a New Year's pageant. Dec. 28 the deputation team
from La Verne College gave a splendid program on Character Build-
ing. Our church is uniting with other churches of the city in ob-
serving the week of prayer. The girls have organized under the di-
rection of Mrs. F. A. Yearout, into the Alpha club.— Mrs. Iva King,
Fresno, Calif., Jan. 3.
McFarlamd.— At our recent council church officers were elected for
the year, Bro. A. Blickenstaff being reelected elder. Miss Veda Moo-
maw was chosen Messenger agent and correspondent. Our Ladies'
Aid has been quite busy sewing for the needy of the community and
assisting in other ways, such as distributing fruit which was canned
during the summer. During the illness of our pastor we enjoyed
several helpful messages from Sister Martha Shick, Bro. A. Blicken-
staff and Bro. Glen Montz. On Thursday evening before Christmas we
were favored with a program presented by the different departments
of the Sunday-school. On New Year's eve a deputation team of young
people from La Verne College gave a much appreciated program.—
Mrs. J. C. Moomaw, McFarland, Calif., Jan. 3.
Modesto church enjoyed a fellowship supper early in December. Fol-
lowing the meal the regular church council was held. I. M. Kauff-
man was chosen church clerk; Irene Kauffman, Messenger agent and
corresponding .secretary. Our Thanksgiving offering was $25.57. Three
have been received by baptism since our last report. The La Verne
deputation team favored us with their program Dec. 19. Programs by
the children and young people were given both morning and evening
of Christmas Day.— Edna M. Wray, Modesto, Calif., Dec. 31.
Pasadena church met in council Nov. 18, when officers for the year
were elected: Bro. J. A. Heckman, clerk; Sister Paul Mohler, church
correspondent; Sister Iva Brubaker, Messenger agent. Our pastor's
quarterly report was given. The church budget for the year was
accepted. Nov. 29 to Dec. 3 our Aid Society held their annual bazaar;
since then we have been busy sewing for the needy and quilting. Our
missionary society with Sister Paul Mohler in charge is progressing
nicely. Dec. 24 a number of boxes of food were given to the needy.
A program was given Christmas morning by the Sunday-school chil-
dren, and in the evening one by the adults. At the close offerings
were presented for general mission work. — Mrs. Iva Brubaker, Pasa-
dena, Calif., Dec. 31.
Rocky Ford. — Union services were held in the Christian church on
Thanksgiving Day. Rev. Bessire, pastor of the M. E. church, gave a
splendid address. The offering of $21.45 was used for local charity.
Dec. 7 we held our communion and love feast service with Bro. Hos-
tetler officiating. Dec. 14 we met in council. Bro. Roy E. Miller was
reelected elder; Jesse Weybright, clerk, and Feo Weybright, Mes-
senger agent. The men's organization is planning a father and son
banquet to be held in February. Dec. 18 the high school chorus gave
a short program of sacred music. After services a social hour was
held in the Sunday-school room for all the young people. Dec. 24
our church distributed fifteen baskets of food to needy families of the
community. Our allotment had been ten families but the donations
were so generous that our pastor asked the welfare association for
five more names. In the afternoon the primary and junior Sunday-
school children met for their Christmas party. Christmas morning the
children gave a short program followed by a sermon by the pastor.
In the evening the young people gave the play, Peace I Bring Unto
You. A Christmas greeting card was received from the Wamplers in
China. Last Sunday the financial board had charge of the morning
service. Bro. Hostetler gave a talk on stewardship, then the budget
for 1933 was presented and pledge cards given out. The budget was
pledged almost in full. Six of our young people who are teaching
away from home sent in donations amounting to $120 to be applied on
the building fund. The national week of prayer is being observed by
the five large denominations of our city in a union service conducted
by the pastors. We have received interesting letters from the Crum-
packers and the Ikenberrys in China. — Blanche Frantz, Rocky Ford,
Colo., Jan. 3.
Farmington. — Brethren Norman Seese of Denton, Md., and Harry
Ziegler of Ridgely, Md., preached to us during November. On the
evening of Thanksgiving Day a joint service was held in our church.
There was appropriate music, readings and a short talk by Rev.
Langrell of the Methodist church. A number from our congregation
attended the yearly meeting of the churches on the Peninsula held this
year at Ridgely early in December. On Christmas morning the chil-
dren of the Sunday-school gave a program. — Mrs. H. G. Baker, Bridge-
ville, Del., Jan. 2.
Winter Park.— The members' meeting of the church was held Dec. 26.
We reelected C. E. Bower as elder and pastor for the year. Nearly
all officers elected for 1933 succeeded themselves: Bro. J. A. Richards,
treasurer and trustee; Bro. Paul Cox, clerk; the writer, correspondent
and Messenger agent. Several committees were also chosen. All de-
partments of the church are well organized. Attendance at Sunday-
school and church services is increasing. The Bible study class of
Wednesday evening is interesting and profitable. Bro. Bower is the
leader and instructor. The views of the work done in foreign fields
as shown by Sister Fannie Marshall of Eustis, Fla., were much en-
joyed.—J. W. Chambers, Orlando, Fla., Dec. 31.
Payette Valley. — We had two very nice Christmas programs. In the
morning the children sang and gave appropriate recitations and in the
evening both children and older folk took part. Many beautiful songs
were rendered by the chorus and the children gave their little pieces
and songs. We expect to have a series of meetings some time in Jan-
uary to be held by our pastor, Bro. E. J. Glover. Brother and Sister
Glover spent several days visiting her parents at Nampa last week.
The young people held a watch party last evening at the church.—
Marvel Bowers, Payette, Idaho, Jan. 1.
Pipe Creek.— The primary department gave their Christmas program
Dec. 18. Gifts of all kinds were brought to the church and the young
people's class distributed them to the needy in the community. An
offering of $118.65 was taken which included the children's project work
for the year. At the close of the service a young mother was re-
ceived into the church by baptism. Our council meeting was held
Dec. 10. Bro. T. A. Shively was reelected elder; most of the other
officers were reelected. The church voted to install Brethren Milo
Huffman and Ernest Shively in the ministry; they were licensed to
preach a year ago. Our harvest meeting and Thanksgiving services
were held Nov. 20. This included a basket dinner and helpful mes-
sages by Bro. E. B. Bagwell and Bro. G. A. Snider of North Man-
(Continued on Page 28)
Missions and Church Service Achieve-
ment Offering
Blank for Sending Money
General Mission Board, Elgin, 111.
Dear Brethren:
Enclosed find dollars. Unless desig-
nated on the blank line this money is to be used for
the agencies included in the Conference Budget.
Please place this money to the credit of
Name of sender
Street Address or R. F. D.
Postoffice State
Make bank draft, personal check, P. O. or Express money
order payable to Brethren's General Mission Board, Elgin, 111.
Please state what congregation and District should have
credit for this. Full name and address should be given to in-
sure a prompt return of receipt.
Amount Enclosed
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
In Memory of Mother
(Continued From Page 23)
took me in, needy and you gave me something to wear,"
while the eternal God was keeping the record.
People may forget what we say but it is not so easy to
forget the good which one does. The good deeds of service
which mother did were not forgotten. When the host of
people passed the open casket in the Poages Mill church
where she had been present every Sunday at service in 1932,
until God said that it was enough, come up higher, even the
hired men, and others whom she had helped, took out their
handkerchiefs, stood with bowed heads and wept. " Behold
how they loved her."
Bridgewater, Va.
The thirty-third annual Bible institute to be held at Eliza-
bethtown College will extend from Sunday, Jan. 22, to Sun-
day, Jan. 29. The principal instructors will be President D.
W. Kurtz of Bethany Biblical Seminary; President Otho
Winger of Manchester College; Sister Anetta Mow, mis-
sionary on furlough from India. Eld. H. K. Ober and mem-
bers of the college faculty will be the additional instructors.
Three special programs have been arranged for Sunday,
Jan. 29. The Eastern Regional Women's Work Conference
will also convene in the college chapel on Thursday after-
noon, Jan. 26. In the evening of the same day special em-
phasis will be placed upon the program of the church and
an effort put forth to have present the leaders in the work
of the church. Dr. Kurtz will deliver this special message
to the assembled workers.
It is hoped that churches and Sunday-schools will make it
possible for some representatives to attend this institute.
Since the expense of sending delegates is small, a large
number of churches should avail themselves of these oppor-
tunities. There is no charge for' lodging and tuition, but
a free-will offering will be lifted to meet necessary expenses.
Meals will be furnished in the college dining hall at thirty-
five cents each. A limited number of women can be accom-
modated in or near the college buildings. For information
on lodging write to Prof. J. Z. Herr, Business Manager,
Elizabethtown, Pa.
The following program has been arranged: Jan. 22, 9 A.
M., Sunday-school. 10 A. M., Sermon, The Life, the Light
of Men.— D. W. Kurtz. 6 : 45 P. M., Y. P. D. Service. 7 : 30
P. M., Sermon, Paul's Religion and Ethics. — D. W. Kurtz. .
Daily Program, Jan. 23-28. 8:40 A. M., Worship Period.;
9 : 00, The Epistle of First John.— R. W. Schlosser. 10 : 00,
The Church in Her Relation to This Age. — Otho Winger.
11 : 00, Fundamental Doctrines of Faith.— D. W. Kurtz. 1 : 30
P. M., Practical Christian Living.— Otho Winger. 2:30,.
Training Youth for Service. — E. S. Kiracof e. 3 : 00, Group
Conferences. 7:00, Missions. — Anetta Mow. 7:45, Sermon
Lectures. — D. W. Kurtz.
Jan. 29, 9 A. M., Sunday-school. 10 A. M., Address:
Studying the Scriptures. — E. S. Kiracofe. The Bible, Our
Guide. — Otho Winger. 2 P. M., Address, The Future Church
in India. — Anetta Mow. Stewardship in a Time Like This.—
Otho Winger. 7 P. M., Address, A Job and Christian Edu-
cation.— A. C. Baugher. Keeping the College Christian. —
Otho Winger. R. W. Schlosser.
Elizabethtown, Pa.
The District Conference of Western Colorado was held at
the First Grand Valley church at Appleton Nov. 23-27. We
had an especially interesting and uplifting meeting.
Wednesday night w.as our welfare meeting when we lis-
tened to an exceptional address by Mrs. Martin Kinney,
formerly a Baptist missionary to the American Indians.
Thursday evening was the business session and all busi-
ness was efficiently disposed of under the leadership of Bro.
R. N. Leatherman as moderator. The conference decided to
keep on with the mission work at Glade Park as the people
there are so anxious for help.
The young people had charge of the meeting Friday eve-
ning. A peace program was given to a large and appre-
ciative audience. Boyd Weaver read a splendid paper on
Shall We Commit Suicide? Esther Heckman discussed The
Young People's Part in the Peace Movement. Afterward
a play entitled, The Great Choice (an incident of the next
war) was given. The program was one of the best of the
conference. Our young people are taking a very active part
in the peace movement, for which we wish to commend
Sunday was an all-day meeting, dinner being served at
the church. The morning service for the adults comprised
four splendid addresses relating to opportunities for Chris-
tian young people in the present day world. The primaries
and juniors had separate sessions.
In the afternoon Dr. McDougall of the Presbyterian
church in Grand Junction gave an inspiring talk about Home
which was much appreciated. The men and boys had a
meeting conducted by Bro. R. N. Leatherman and the
women and girls were addressed by Mrs. McDougall.
Both sessions were helpful and much enjoyed.
The final session was Sunday night, when the intermedi-
ates, directed by Elizabeth Leatherman, presented a play
entitled, Alice's House of Friendship. This was followed
by the conference sermon by Bro. R. N. Leatherman — a fit-
ting climax of an inspiring meeting.
Grand Junction, Colo. Mrs. Pearl Lapp, Clerk.
" Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the
children of God " (Matt. 5 : 9). The Lord has been trying,
ever since Adam was a young man, to have a nice, peaceable
family. But Satan came snooping around as a meddler in
other people's business and got the trouble started. Al-
though God is love, he didn't say, " Now Mr. Adam, I would
like for you and your best girl to move out of the Garden
as soon as it is convenient for you," but he drove them out
and put a sword there so that they could not go back (Gen.
3 : 24). This must have grieved the hearts of all parties con-
Then we see the first boy born into the world. Oh, the
tragedy of killing his brother ! This must have nearly broken
the hearts of his parents and must have grieved the heart
of the Lord. Then in the days of Noah the Lord saw that
the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that the
imaginations of his mind and the thoughts of his heart were
continually evil (Gen. 6: 5 and Gen. 6: 17). The Lord then
took Abraham and made a new start. Then came Jacob, a
tricky little Yankee. Being the best material at hand, the
Lord did the best he could with him. Then in due time our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was born, bringing peace and
goodwill to man and to all who comply with the terms of
the gospel, which is our reasonable service (Rom. 12: 1).
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
Finally, then, we may enter into mansions prepared for us
in that holy city (Rev. 22 : 14), where the peace that passeth
understanding will be ours.
Covina, Calif. Job Trout.
On Sunday morning, Oct. 30, 1932, just five days after she
was afflicted by a stroke of apoplexy while sitting in her
favorite rocking chair, Mother, Grandmother and Great-
grandmother Wenger passed
to the great beyond. She was
the oldest daughter of the late
Eld. Jacob and Sarah Meyer
and was born Jan. 11, 1859.
Nov. 6, 1875, she was united in
marriage to Eld. Edward M.
Wenger. They lived together
very happily for over fifty-
seven years. Seven years ago
they celebrated their go'den
wedding anniversary with
their children. Their home
was blessed with thirteen
children, five daughters and
eight sons. The youngest
daughter, Emma, preceded
grandmother in death.
Grandmother Wenger united with the Church of the
Brethren at the age of twelve. This was very unusual in
those days, when it was usually considered more advisable
for folks to wait until they were older and were married.
Grandmother and her younger sister, Sarah Ann (Bross),
were the only single sisters in the Little Swatara congrega-
tion. Thus for more than sixty years grandmother was a
devoted member of the church and a follower of the Mas-
ter. For many years she was also a faithful helpmate to
Grandfather Wenger as an elder's wife.
As a mother in the home grandmother's influence will be
most keenly felt. Many times as Grandfather Wenger was
away conducting evangelistic meetings, the burden of the
home rested on her, and she assumed the responsibility most
nobly. She had the privilege of seeing all of her children
unite with the church. One of her sons is a faithful deacon ;
another son, a son-in-law and a grandson are ministers in
the church. Surely grandmother's influence was a potent
factor in the lives of each of these church leaders.
Grandmother never had much to say about her religion,
but she lived it — which is the real essence of religion. She
was always cheerful and seemed to enjoy life though many
times family cares were burdensome. During her later
years, when the family cares were not so heavy, grand-
mother read very extensively. She was a regular reader of
her Bible and The Gospel Messenger as well as other church
The Psalmist says, " Precious in the sight of the Lord is
the death of his saints." Surely grandmother was a saint.
Twelve living children, forty-five grandchildren and eight-
een great-grandchildren have risen up and called her
" blessed." Though grandmother's body is resting peace-
fully in the beautiful Union cemetery near her girlhood
home, her spirit still dwells among us and " her works do
follow her."
The funeral services were held on Friday afternoon, Nov.
4, from the old homestead where grandparents lived togeth-
er so happily and where they reared their family. The serv-
ices at the house were conducted by a friend and neighbor
of the family, Eld. Elias W. Edris. Further services were
held at the Union Meetinghouse by Dr. Henry K. Ober, an
intimate friend of the family. The church was crowded to
capacity and an overflow service was held in the basement
of the church by Elders Nathan Martin and Amos Kuhns.
The text selected by the family was : " Her children rise
up, and call her blessed ; and her husband also, and he
praiseth her" (Prov. 31: 28).
Annville, Pa. Carl W. Zeigler.
A few hours after Sister Wampler was stricken by
paralysis, and without regaining consciousness, she passed
away, Dec. 23, 1932, at the age of 73 years, 2 months and 27
days. She was the daughter of Elder Samuel and Elizabeth
Showalter Cline and widow of Elder D. B. Wampler who
passed on twenty-five years ago.
Both Brother and Sister Wampler became Christians at
an early age and members of the Church of the Brethren
previous to their marriage, and thus laid the foundation of
their lives and the Christian home they built later in whose
healthful atmosphere their children grew up.
Brother and Sister Wampler were married fifty-two years
ago. Seven children were born unto them — three sons and
four daughters — who survive. And the children, like their
parents, are distinctly religious in spirit. They plan life
upon the idea of God, Christian service, responsibility, and
life worth while. All are faithful members of the Church
of the Brethren.
Brother Wampler was a man of education for his day. He
taught for a number of years, and represented advanced
views in almost all fields of service. To him life without
service meant nothing, and life without accomplishment was
waste. He talked progress constantly and everywhere and
was unhappy when he felt progress was not made. The
children are much of their father's type. The father was
born with the instincts of the teacher and cultivated them.
So are the children. They all have the teacher's instinct.
Six of them have taught with success, and Miss Hattie, the
youngest daughter, who now gives all her time to the field
of religious education, has become a teacher of distinction.
The mother possessed the most beautiful Christian spirit
and lovely character. On Christmas day her remains were
laid away in the Mill Creek cemetery by the side of her be-
loved husband in the midst of a throng of sympathizing
friends and neighbors. Rev. 14: 13 was used as the funeral
text for the improvement of the occasion.
Dayton, Va. H. C. Early.
Jan. 1, 1933, is a day long to be remembered by the Noah Barnhart
family who live about four miles northwest from Centropolis, Kans.,
in the bounds of the Appanoose church. The occasion was the celebra-
tion of the birthday of Mr. Barnhart's mother, Sally, who is 90 years
.old, and Mrs. Barnhart's mother, Mrs. Sink, who is 70 years old.
There were about 100 invited guests present to partake of the boun-
teous feast provided for the occasion. Among those who were present
were eleven persons whose birthdays are in January, including the
grandmas. Their combined ages total 403 years. There were two
birthday cakes, one for each of the grandmas, each one with one
candle for each ten years. Grandma Barnhart succeeded in blowing out
the nine candles on her cake with one blow of her breath. Grandma
Sink did likewise with the seven candles on her cake. Both grandmas
are in good health and real spry for their age. They took the lead in
the march around the tables at mealtime, for the meal was served on
the cafeteria plan. Every one present had a good time and enjoyed
visiting with each other, as did also the grandmas. This day will long
be remembered by those who were present on the occasion.
Overbrook, Kans. S. E. Thompson.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
News From Churches
(Continued From Page 25)
Chester. A missionary offering was taken. The Aid Society furnished
Thanksgiving dinner for the Old Folks and Orphans' Home at Mexico
and also gave a supply of provisions to two families. They sent a box
of clothing to the Hastings Street Mission in Chicago. The church
appreciated the sermons by Bro. L. D. Ockerman and Frank Hay.—
Martha O. Hessong, Peru, Ind., Jan. 1.
Rossville church met in council Dec. 15. Church and Sunday-school
officers were elected with Denis Hufford, Sunday-school superintend-
ent. Members were chosen on the ministerial and missionary com-
mittees. Dec. 22 a Christmas pageant, The Royal Branch, was given
to an appreciative audience. Dec. 25 in the evening service Bro. Dolar
Ritchey of Illinois preached for us. Preaching services are held reg-
ularly every two weeks with Sunday-school every Sunday morning and
Bible study each Sunday evening. During the winter months the
Ladies' Aid is meeting only the first Thursday in each month in the
homes.— Lillian A. Hufford, Rossville, Ind., Dec. 31.
South Bend (First).— At the December council Bro. Hartsough was
elected elder for the coming year: J. R. Kelley, clerk; Mrs. Edna Ed-
son, reelected Messenger agent; Mrs. P. L. Huffaker, correspondent.
Dec. 18 the choir gave a Christmas program of carols. Dec. 21 was
the Christmas program and white gift service. All departments par-
ticipated in filling baskets and helping the needy. — Mrs. Austin Z.
Swihart, South Bend, Ind., Jan. 3.
Wabash City. — At our September council we elected officers for the
year. Bro. Carl McCombs was reelected superintendent; Hugh Deafen-
baugh, Messenger agent and correspondent. It was unanimously de-
cided to retain our pastor, Bro. Smeltzer, for another year. On ac-
count of finances we decided to hold only one week of meeting with
different ministers helping. Those who preached for us during this
time were Bro. Deaton of Eel River, Bro. Hartsough of North Man-
chester, Sister George of Manchester College, Bro. Oberlin of Peru and
Bro. G. A. Snider of North Manchester. The church appreciated their
messages and help very much. Two were baptized at the close of the
meetings. Our love feast was held one week later with Bro. M.
Smeltzer officiating. The District Tour was held on Dec. 11. Some
of the speakers were Prof. Hamer, Bro. Moyne Landis and Miss Conk-
ling. The Isaac Walton glee club of North Manchester gave us a
splendid program on Nov. 29. The children and young people gave
their Christmas program on Dec. 22. On New Year's night the young
people and pastor gave a candle light program which was very im-
pressive. Our church and Sunday-school attendance has kept up fine
but on account of finances our work is much hindered. — Mrs. Maggie
Smeltzer, North Manchester, Ind., Jan. 5.
Coon River church met in business meeting Dec. 17 to make plans
for next year's work. Bro. Irving Haughtelin was reelected elder; Bro.
E. O. Reed, clerk and Messenger agent; the writer, corresponding
secretary. We decided to have the church year begin Oct. 1. The
Panora Aid Society met Dec. 27 to reorganize. Officers were elected,
Mrs. Pearl Neal being chosen president. The Bagley Aid also chose
officers, Mrs. Estella Knight being president. The church is expect-
ing Bro. Oliver Austin to hold a two weeks' revival for us next
September. We enjoyed a Christmas program on Dec. 25 given by the
four younger classes of our Sunday-school. — Mrs. Estella Knight,
Bagley, Iowa, Jan. 2.
Fairview. — Dec. 1 the church met in council when officers were
elected for the year: D wight Powell, clerk; Ruth Ogden, Messenger
correspondent. We have a live Sunday-school with Bro. Jesse Ter-
rance, .superintendent. We were pleased to have some of our young
members home for the holidays; they give inspiration to the work.
The B. Y. P. D. is under the direction of Sister Lesta Wagner and is
a big help to the young people. Bro. Galen Ogden was licensed to
preach for another year. — Mrs. Ruth Ogden, Unionville, Iowa, Jan. 4.
Panther Creek. — The annual father and son banquet was held Nov. 13.
Bro. X. L. Coppock, the principal speaker, gave a splendid address to a
large group. The local W. C. T U. has sponsored several programs
recently. They are making a special effort to educate for temperance.
The women of the church have recently organized a missionary so-
ciety. The programs are instructive and interesting and the attend-
ance has been good. The Ladies' Aid held the annual bazaar and food
sale Dec. 17. The B. Y. P. D. gave a special program Sunday evening,
Nov. 13, one feature being a short play, Out of the Shadows. The
young people of the church raised a pig which was recently butchered
and sold. This was one project for the purpose of paying their mis-
sionary pledge. Regular business meeting was held at the church
Dec. 4. Bro. O. F. Shaw was reelected elder for the coming year. A
local board of Christian Education was organized. The Christmas pro-
gram was given the evening of Dec. 25. — Anna Mae Royer, Adel, Iowa,
Jan. 3.
Spring Creek. — In June we had a Children's Day program. Sister
Eliza B. Miller gave us a splendid talk on Indian customs. In July
the young people's conference of Winona, Lewiston and Root River
met here. Bro. James EIrod was the main speaker. Maude Sharp
gave us three addresses during the summer. A number of our mem-
bers attended District Meeting which was held in the Ivester church.
The Aid is helping give relief to those in need. Because of finances
the church is depending on the free ministry for 1932 and also 1933.
There is a small deficit but we hope to get it all paid. Bro. A. R.
Coffman held a two weeks' meeting for us in October. The meeting
closed with a love feast. We met with the M. E. and Baptist churches
for Thanksgiving services in town. We had a special offering the
following Sunday in our own church. Officers for the present year
are: Elder, R. E. Stern; clerk, Wm. Martin; Sunday-school superin-
tendent, Galen Gillum; assistant, Laurence Weible. — Sarah Sharp,
Fredericksburg, Iowa, Jan. 2.
Garden City church closed a successful two weeks' evangelistic meet-
ing on Dec. 12. Bro. W. T. Luckett of Hutchinson gave us some won-
derful sermons. Sixteen were baptized and two reclaimed, most of
these being young people of high school age. On Dec. 13 we held our
love feast which was very well attended. We have a fine group of
young people. The attendance is from twenty-five to thirty for both
morning and evening services. The children gave a Christmas pro-
gram on Dec. 23. Bro. Geo. Burgin is our pastor and brings us won-
derful sermons every Sunday. — Mrs. C. O. Troxel, Deerfield, Kans.,
Jan. 5.
Maple Grove. — Bro. Wm. Riddlebarger conducted a revival in our
church during the holidays. The interest was good and one made
the good choice. On Sunday afternoon a large crowd gathered at the
church to attend the funeral services of our aged Bro. John Thomas.
— Lizzie Miller, Norton, Kans., Jan. 5.
Topeka church met in business meeting Dec. 10. Eld. Roy Kistner
was elected elder for another year; H. C. Taylor, Sunday-school super-
intendent, and L. A. Foster, assistant. We have Sunday-school every
Sunday with a good attendance and preaching every other Sunday
morning and evening. On account of the distance and finance, it was
decided last fall to have our pastor, Bro. Kistner, of Sabetha, Kans.,
come every other Sunday for the winter at least. We had our Christ-
mas program on Sunday evening, Dec. 18. We filled some baskets
at Christmas time for the needy. Jan. 1 we had our annual birthday
offering and dinner at the church. At the close of the preaching hour
Bro. Whitehead and his wife presented Brother and Sister Kistner
with a beautiful birthday cake. Our Aid Society is progressing under
the leadership of our president, Mrs. Laura Lewis. We meet all day
every Thursday.— Mary M. Smith, Topeka, Kans., Jan. 2.
West Wichita. — As a reward for his excellent Christian work, our
pastor,- Bro. Herbert Ruthrauff, was ordained into the full ministry
and made an elder at a council meeting, Dec. 9. Bro. Crist and Bro.
Duncan, East Wichita, officiated. At the same meeting Jim Blue was
elected to take the place on the finance board of Ed Wade, whose res-
ignation was accepted. Mrs. Fred McConnell was elected as official
representative on the religious education board. It was decided that
this office will henceforth be placed on the ballot for the regular annual
election of church officers. The Sunday-school classes and other
groups of the church have made pledges to the church budget for
the year. Several projects have been carried out or are being planned.
The men's organization has pledged itself to furnish wood for the year
and has made an exceptional start, having chopped and hauled wood
for many weeks. The Ladies' Aid has done its share, one of its most
popular projects being a loyalty quilt, of which each girl and woman
made a block, paying a penny for each piece in the block. The young
people gave a rainbow supper, Dec. 2, at which different colored food
was served, cafeteria style, from correspondingly colored tables. A
good sum of money was turned over to the treasurer. The class is
practicing on a play to be given in January. The intermediate girls
are planning a pie supper for Jan. 6. The Ladies' Aid met at the
Wichita Children's Home recently to sew, and plans to do so the first
Wednesday in each month. International Bible Sunday was recog-
nized throughout the day's services, Dec. 4. That evening, young
people's night, the adults and young people met together for the C. W.
hour. Ed Wade, delegate at the District Conference at Nickerson, re-
ported on the conference recently. For the past month the pastor has
been having evangelistic services each Sunday evening. In the October
election of officers, Marie Hoag was made general Sunday-school
superintendent, and Mrs. Wikoff, the junior superintendent. This year
the Brethren Keystone Graded Lessons are being used. Cottage mid-
week meetings are being held each Wednesday night. The study of
"Doctrine and Devotion" has been completed and a study of the Gospel
of John is being taken up. — Dorothy Stephens, Wichita, Kans., Dec. 26.
Welty. — Our Sunday-school was reorganized with Bro. J. O. Leiter as
superintendent. All officers and teachers were installed Oct. 2 by the
pastor. The week previous to Nov. 13 the donation for the Children's
Home in Carlisle, Pa., was brought to the church. Nov. 13 the men's
class rendered an appropriate Thanksgiving program. In the evening
the Lebanon male quartet rendered a program which was enjoyed by
all. Nov. 19 we held our love feast with Bro. W. G. Group officiat-
ing, assisted by Brethren Levi Ziegler and Jos. Burkhart and the home
ministers. During these services our pastor, Bro. J. I. Thomas, and
wife were ordained to the eldership. Nov. 20 Bro. Wm. Kinsey of
Westminster, Md., began a series of revival meetings in the Ring-
gold church. After preaching one week he was obliged to close his
efforts, having taken cold. We were fortunate in securing Bro. H. M.
Snavely of Carlisle to finish the meetings for us. While there were no
immediate results in the way of converts, we had a very good meet-
ing and the church was much benefited. Thanksgiving morning a
service was held in the Ringgold church, and Dec. 23 a Christmas pro-
gram was rendered. Our program was rendered Christmas night.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
Jan. 4 Sister Anetta Mow, returned missionary, gave us an interesting
talk.— Naomi Marker, Smithsburg, Md., Jan. 5.
Battle Creek.— Nov. 26 will long linger in the hearts of our young
people, as they recall the meeting at South Woodland which thirty-
five of them attended. It was a state-wide gathering, sponsored by
our state cabinet of which Josephine Wise is president. The young
people were eager listeners to a well planned program. Dan West of
Illinois, J. Harman Bjorklund and Bob Tully of Indiana and our state
advisor, Bro. Forror, were the main message bearers, bringing much
information and inspiration. The Beaverton and Battle Creek groups
each brought one of Joe Van Dyke's plays. South Woodland again
favored the group with one of their "game feeds," served by the
fathers and mothers. Thanksgiving Day was recognized by a morn-
ing service. Bro. David P. Schechter brought the message to which
was added an informal round table. An offering of $8 was lifted for
missions. Bro. J. E. Ulery presided over the December council when
all church officers were chosen: Bro. Harley Townsend, elder; Bro.
Morris Weisel, clerk. At the Christmas program the play, The Beggar
Boy, written by Joe Van Dyke, was given by the young people's de-
partment. Six dollars was given to missions. On Christmas morning
the children's department brought baskets of substantial gifts for the
needy. The missionary department has also helped needy homes this
winter. As at Thanksgiving the young people again passed out bas-
kets of provisions, much of which was their own canned fruit prepared
last summer. Christmas carols brought cheer to a dozen homes. Bro.
Russel Weller of North Webster, Ind., brought a timely sermon on
Christmas Day. Our local ministers are alternating in filling the pulpit
at present. Sister Rhoda Burroughs will serve as Messenger corre-
spondent for 1933.— Mrs. David P. Schechter, Battle Creek, Mich.,
Dec. 31.
Grand Rapids. — Oct. 16 was state music day and we enjoyed an all-
day meeting. A revival was held by Bro. Edson Ulery of Onekama
from Nov. 13 to 27. The song services were also very spiritual with
Sister Wright in charge. On the day following the close of the meet-
ings four were baptized; communion was held in the evening. The
B. Y. P. D. adopted a needy family to take care of from Thanks-
giving to Christmas. They gave a bountiful dinner on both holidays
and made clothing and comforters for them. Council meeting was held
Dec. 19. A Christmas service, White Gifts for the King, was held
Dec. 21. Each Sunday-school class brought gifts and we made up
Christmas dinners for seven families. The offering was $13.85.— Eunice
Patrick, Grand Rapids, Mich., Jan. 5.
Rodney. — The church met in council Dec. 6. Officers for the coming
year were elected with but two changes. Mrs. Maude Frederick was
elected Messenger agent and the writer correspondent. We are trying
to get Bro. Chas. Forror for a week's meeting some time this month.
Our Sunday-school is doing fine with an average of about sixty. Sev-
eral families have moved into our community which helps greatly. We
had our Christmas program Dec. 25. — Verlin C. Tombaugh, Rodney,
Mich., Jan. 7.
Monticello. — The Sunday-school had their program on Christmas
morning. Also the elementary department of the school received
their eleventh annual star as a receipt for their $25 share in the Vyara
boys' school in India. — A. J. Nickey, Monticello, Minn., Jan. 2.
Spray church met in council Dec. 14 and church officers were elected:
Bro. J. A. Naff, elder; Bro. Luther Shockley, church clerk; Sister
Edith Peters, adult advisor for young people; Bro. Luther Shockley,
Messenger agent; the writer, correspondent. A missionary committee
of three was elected. Our Sunday-school is doing nicely. Dec. 26 our
young people gave an impressive pageant, At the Manger. The men
have been doing some work on the church yard which was much
needed. The Ladies' Aid has quilted a number of quilts recently, in-
cluding one as a gift for a needy home. — Mrs. C. W. Agee, Spray,
N. C, Jan. 2.
Beaver Creek. — Bro. R. H. Nicodemus will begin a two weeks' series
of evangelistic services at this place Jan. 1, using the Book of Reve-
lation for his sermons; this is his third revival here. Friend Couser
will have charge of the music. Bro. C. D. Bonsack delivered two won-
derful missionary messages at our homecoming. The Couser quartet
sang. Consecration services for teachers and officers and a promotion
program was held Oct. 2. President Winger of Manchester College
had charge of the communion service and delivered a forceful sermon
Sunday morning. Students of the college told of the advantages that
college offered to students. Bro. E. S. Coffman, religious education
director of Southern Ohio, has met with our Sunday-school teachers
and officers at an evening meeting and at a covered dish supper. At a
Christmas program the young people's Sunday-school class gave a
splendid rendering of the play, It Happened in Bethlehem. Other
classes had special numbers. The Aid Society gave our pastor and
wife a lovely Irish chain quilt for a Christmas gift, in appreciation of
Bro. Eidemiller's twelve years' pastorate. The young ladies made
interesting toys for baskets for poor children. There has been a
steady increase in Sunday-school attendance since September and our
Sunday evening services are well attended. — Mrs. Henry M. Stewart,
Xenia, Ohio, Dec. 28.
Oak Grove church met in council Dec. 29 for the annual election of
officers. J. J. Anglemeyer is elder; M. J. Saltzman, clerk; the writer,
Sunday-school superintendent, Messenger agent and correspondent.
Jan. 1 officers were elected for the Sunday-school. The Harvester
class entertained the Christian Endeavor Society of the Vanlue United
Brethren church Dec. 28. A service enjoining spiritual attainment was
given, after which a banquet and program were enjoyed. — Glenn Fruth,
Alvada, Ohio, Jan. 4.
Silver Creek. — Our meetings are of the past but we have been richly
fed. There were no visible results but we hope much good has been
done. We had good attendance each evening. Many enjoyed the
Bible study hour of the day. Bro. Mallott gave us plain gospel truths.
The children enjoyed his stories of African life each evening. — Mrs.
Noah Long, Pioneer, Ohio, Jan. 3.
Albright.— Beginning Nov. 13 and ending Nov. 27 Bro. Blair Hoover
of Carson Valley conducted a series of meetings to the edification of
the church and with a substantial addition to the congregation. Ten
were added by baptism and three reclaimed. Christmas services were
held by the Sabbath School. The annual election of officers, both in
church and school, resulted in the retention of the majority of the
officials for another year. Financial difficulties owing to unemploy-
ment have lowered the income of the church but we are thankful to be
still carrying on. — Nora Wentz, Roaring Spring, Pa., Dec. 31.
Codorus. — Our church met in council Jan. 2. Bro. Melvin Jacobs and
Bro. W. G. Group were with us and Brother and Sister D. Edw.
Keeney were installed and ordained to the elder's office. Codorus Sun-
day-school rendered a program Christmas evening; an address was
given by Bro. S. C. Godfrey. Dec. 26 the Shrewsbury school rendered
a Christmas program. Jan. 1 the Pleasant Hill school held a New
Year's eve program. — Esther B. Hartman, York, Pa., Jan. 2.
Coventry. — Bro. I. S. Long came to us Oct. 30 to conduct two weeks
of evangelistic meetings. Twenty-two were added 'to the church by
baptism following these services. We are planning a reception for
these new members on Jan. 4. A joint service of the Parkerford and
Coventry congregations was held Thanksgiving morning. Bro. A. M.
Dixon preached the sermon. A missionary program was given Sun-
day evening, Dec. 11, by the mothers and daughters' group, including
a pageant, readings and special music. An inspiring evening of music
was given Sunday, Dec. — , Bro. S. Boyd Dickey directing the music.
Christmas morning we had a white gift service. In the evening the
young people's group gave an interesting play entitled, Nathan, the
Shepherd Boy. Our pastor, Bro. Dick, gave us an inspiring message
on New Year's Day. — Elizabeth Kulp, Pottstown, Pa., Jan. 2.
East Fair-view. — We met in council on Dec. 12, and among some of
the important decisions were the granting of the rights for organiza-
tion of a Young People's Department under the supervision of the
Christian Board of Education in our local church; the appointing of
committees for investigating the advisability of changing our present
church to more satisfactorily meet the needs of a growing Sunday-
school. Bro. Harry G. Fahnestock was ordained to the eldership.
Elders S. H. Hertzler and H. L. Hess officiated. Our revival started
on Dec. 25 and will continue for two weeks, Bro. B. W. S. Ebersole,
evangelist. The meetings are very well attended and he is giving very
practical and spiritual sermons. — Myers L. Wenger, Manheim, Pa.,
Dec. 31.
Fairview. — On Nov. 24 was held a union Thanksgiving service of the
Dunkards and Mennonites at the Fairview church. A delightful pro-
gram was given, consisting of music and recitations followed by a
sermon by Rev. Abram Metsler of the Mennonite congregation near
Masontown. The church gave an excellent Christmas program con-
sisting of music and recitations and a playlet entitled, Candle Light,
given by the young folks of the Sunday-school, and a pantomime of
Silent Night given by a group of girls. At the close an offering was
taken for world-wide missions. Dec. 7 a group of young folks of our
Sunday-school organized; they decided to meet the first Wednesday
of every month. Dec. 29 the members of the congregation met in
council for the purpose of finishing the election of church officers.
Elder is C. C. Sollenberger; secretary, Bro. W. E. Fretts. At this
meeting the deed for the Uniontown and Fairchance churches was
passed upon. This finished the divide between Fairview and Union-
town including Fairchance churches. — Florence M. Townsend, Smith-
field, Pa., Dec. 31.
Mechanicsburg. — Bro. J. E. Whitacre of Harrisburg began a series of
meetings Nov. 6 and continued until the 20th. His messages were in-
teresting and spiritual. Seven stood for Christ and were baptized.
Our love feast, held on Nov. 20, was well attended. Dec. 24 the chil-
dren of the Sunbeam class gave an oratorical contest. A prize was
given to the first and second best speakers. Sister Anetta Mow was
with us on Dec. 20 and 21 and gave two interesting talks on India.
Christmas evening the children of the Sunday-school gave a. program
of singing, recitations and a playlet. — Anna B. Brindle, Mechanics-
burg, Pa., Dec. 31.
White Rock.— Our quarterly council was held Dec. 3 at which time
officers were elected for the year: Bro. H. L. Read, elder; Sister Evie
Booth, Messenger agent; the writer, clerk and correspondent. The
church decided to take a free-will offering at regular services. We
enjoyed very much having with us Brethren M. R. Zigler and H. C.
Eller in a service some time ago. Bro. Roy Sheller ably filled the pul-
pit Dec. 4 in the absence of our elder. We are putting a new coat of
paint on our churchhouse and doing some other repairing also. — Lillie
M. Sumner, Carthage, Va., Dec. 26.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
Please note that the fifty cents required for the publication of a
marriage notice may be applied to a three months' Gospel Mes-
senger subscription for the newly-married couple. Request should
be made when the notice is sent, and full address given.
Bachler-Whitmer. — By the undersigned, Dec. 31, 1932, at the home of
the bride's parents, Geo. R. Bachler and Sister Pauline J. Whitmer,
both of Minneapolis, Minn. — Amos J. Nickey, Monticello, Minn.
Caldwell-Breneman. — By the undersigned at his residence on Dec. 30,
1932, Bro. J. Franklin Caldwell of Mathias, W. Va., and Sister Annie
L. Breneman of Genoa, Va. — I. Wm. Miller, Broadway, Va.
Cook-Wakeman. — By the undersigned at his residence, Dec. 30, 1932,
Bro. Homer S. Cook and Sister Rebecca C. Wakeman, both of Edin-
burg, Va. — M. L. Huffman, New Market, Va.
Guthro-Long. — By the undersigned at his residence Dec. 24, 1932,
Emmett C. Guthro and Lois V. Long, both of Richmond, Va. — L. A.
Bowman, Richmond, Va.
Schechter-Ralston. — By the undersigned at the Church of the Breth-
ren, Lanarft, 111., Dec. 24, 1932, Ray Schechter, son of J. Schechter of
Worthington, Minn., and Anna K. Ralston, daughter of J. E. Ralston,
Sheldon, Iowa.— P. F. Eckerle, Lanark, 111.
Bi-oss, Rebecca, nee Balsbaugh, died at the home of her daughter,
Sister Mary Gerber in Myerstown, Dec. 13, 1932, aged 74 years. She
was a member of the Brethren in Christ and led a quiet and exemplary
Christian life. Quite regularly she came with her daughter to the
Brethren services. Her husband preceded her a number of years ago.
' Three daughters, three sons, eighteen grandchildren and two great-
grandchildren survive. Services at the Union meetinghouse by Eld.
Henry Kreider and Eld. Michael Kurtz. Burial in the cemetery near
by. — Alice B. Royer, Myerstown, Pa.
Cassel, Margaret G., born in Skippack, Pa., died Nov. 16, 1932, aged
87 years. She married Bro. Samuel M. Cassel in 1876. Her Christian
life was spent in the Church of the Brethren. She was a friend to both
young and old. Funeral services at the Skippack church by Bro.
S. H. Hess. Interment at the Skippack cemetery. — Carrie K. Hoff-
man, Collegeville, Pa.
Davis, Pearl Reasy, born June 29, 1896, to D. K. and Harriette Shank
Reasy, at Havelock, Nebr. She died at her home at Morrill, Kans.,
Dec. 25, 1932. She united with the Church of the Brethren in 1911.
She married Geo. Davis on April 11, 1918. To this union were born ten
children. Surviving are her husband, eight children, her father, three
sisters and a brother. Services by her pastor at the church. Inter-
ment in the Morrill cemetery. — Paul S. Longenecker, Morrill, Kans.
Dotterer, Vernon J., died at his home in Union Bridge, Md., Dec. 5,
1932, of a heart attack, aged 52 years. He was the oldest son of the
late William and Mary Dotterer. In 1902 he married Alice Hoff. He
united with the Church of the Brethren in 1914 and was an active
member the rest of his life. For several years he served as church
treasurer, and he was a member of the finance board at the time of
his death. He is survived by his widow, daughter, three brothers and
two sisters. Funeral services in the Union Bridge church by Eld.
J. J. John assisted by Brethren Jos. Bowman and Jos. Whitacre. In-
terment in the Pipe Creek cemetery. — Mrs. C. C. Dickerson, Linwood,
Enos, Sister Hannah Ohler, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Roy E. Snyder, near Rockwood, Pa., Jan. 2, 1933, aged 81 years.
March 16, 1873, she married Emanuel S. Enos who preceded her five
years ago. She leaves four daughters, nine grandchildren, six great-
grandchildren and one sister. She united with the Church of the
Brethren many years ago and lived faithful to the end. Services in
the Laurel Lutheran church by her pastor, Walter F. Berkebile, as-
sisted by Rev. V. N. Miller. Burial in the cemetery near by. — Reuben
Klink, Somerset, Pa.
Evick, Martin Armstrong, son of James E. and Margaret J. Evick,
was born in Allen County, Ohio, died Dec. 31, 1932, aged 68 years, 11
months and 28 days. He united with the Church of the Brethren forty
years ago and lived a true devoted life. He served in the deacon's
office for twenty-nine years, also taught a Sunday-school class for
several years. He leaves one sister with whom he lived for many
years. Funeral services by Eld. J. L. Guthrie in the Christian church
at La Fayette. Interment in the La Fayette cemetery. — J. L. Guthrie,
La Fayette, Ohio.
Fishburn, Franklin, son of Alfred and Sarah Fishburn, was born in
Douglas County, Kans., Oct. 7, 1871. He was the youngest of nine
children. He was united in marriage with Christcna Belle Barton, of
Lone Star, Kans., Jan. 2, 1895. To this union four children were
born. It was during a revival meeting conducted by Eld. George
Manon in 1906 that he was converted and united with the Church of the
Brethren. Two years later he was chosen to the office of deacon in
which capacity he served faithfully until the close of life. Nine years
ago he had an attack of the flu which finally developed into bron-
chial asthma. He quietly and peacefully slipped away on the morning
of Dec. 27, 1932, at his home near Lone Star. He is survived by his
companion, four children, eight grandchildren, three brothers and one
sister. Funeral services by the undersigned (a nephew), assisted by
Brethren L. H. Griffith and L. A. Whittaker, at the Washington
Creek church. Interment in the cemetery near by.— W. A. Kinzie,
Navarre, Kans.
Gardner, Smith Thomas, born April 9, 1864, died Nov. 9, 1932, of
heart trouble. He was a native of Albemarle County, Va., a son of
Brown Gardner. He came to Rockingham County, Va., at the age of
twenty and since had resided near Goods Mill. He joined the Church
of the Brethren at the age of twenty and ever since lived a faithful,
devoted Christian life. He married Lucy Nickter July 12, 1885. To
this union were born two daughters and three sons. He is survived
by his wife, three sons, daughter, twenty-one grandchildren, a sister,
half sister and a half brother. Funeral services at Mill Creek church
by C. E. Long. Interment in the cemetery beside the church.— Mrs.
I. J. Long, Port Republic, Va.
Green, Mary E., wife of Andrew Green, was born in Grant County,
Ind., Sept. 24, 1861, died being 71 years and 3 months old. She united
with the Church of the Brethren when eighteen years of age and was a
faithful member. She was the mother of six children, two preceding
her in death. Her health had been failing for the past two years and
she was bedfast since May with paralysis. Funeral services by J. E.
Smeltzer in the West Manchester church and burial in the cemetery
near by. — Mrs. J. E. Smeltzer, North Manchester, Ind.
Herriott, Ora Edith Eavey, born Sept. 22, 1891, died at her home in
Garden City, Kans., of double pneumonia, Dec. 25, 1932. She united
with the Church of the Brethren when she was eighteen years old and
had lived consistently true to her Lord and to the church. She was
graduated from Messiah Bible College, Grantham, Pa., and McPher-
son College. She also attended normal school and Moody Bible Insti-
tute. She taught school four years and served faithfully in the church.
She married Ivan W. Herriott in June, 1928. Surviving are her hus-
band, daughter, mother, brother and two sisters. Services by the
undersigned assisted by Rev. F. A. Whittlesey. Interment in the
family lot in the Morrill cemetery. — Paul S. Longenecker, Morrill,
King, Sister Catherine Rebecca, aged 80 years, died at her home in
Waynesboro, Nov. 6, 1932, of heart asthma. She was the daughter of
George and Catherine (Feighley) Wise. She was a member of the
Prices Church of the Brethren for nearly fifty years. She is survived
by two sons and six daughters. Services at the home by M. C. Val-
entine assisted by C. R. Oellig. Burial in Green Hill cemetery. —
Pearl Chamberlin, Waynesboro, Pa.
Kline, Sister Eliza, nee Porter, died at the home of her son, Bro.
Wallace Kline, in Myerstown, Dec. 21, 1932, aged 87 years. She had
been a faithful member of the Church of the Brethren many years.
Her husband, Bro. Levi Kline, preceded her eighteen years ago. Two
sons survive with fourteen grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and
one sister. Services in the Myerstown house by Elders E. M. Wenger
and Harvey W. Frantz. Interment in the cemetery at Frystown. —
Alice B. Royer, Myerstown, Pa.
Mull, Sister Lydia, daughter of Amos and Fanny Miller, was born
Aug. 16, 1851, and died July 21, 1932. Her husband preceded her many
years ago. She is survived by three daughters and one son, nineteen
grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren. Her Christian life was
spent in the Church of the Brethren, living a loyal and exemplary life.
She was a subscriber to The Gospel Messenger for many years and
dearly loved to read her church paper. Funeral services were held at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Snyder, at whose home she
died. Services were conducted by Brethren Samuel Gearhart and
Welty Smith. Burial was made in the Price's cemetery. Mother Mull
was a faithful attendant at church and Sunday-school up to the very
last and we miss her much. She had been in failing health for sev-
eral years but her last illness was of just a few days' duration. — Grace
E. Smith, Waynesboro, Pa.
Steele, Jacob A., son of Levi and Harriet Weaver Steele, was born
in Wayne County, Ohio, Dec. 16, 1860, and died July 27, 1932. He
married Clara May Rudy Dec. 15, 1886. He is survived by his wife
and four daughters. He was a member of the Church of the Brethren
and a faithful attendant at all services. He spent the last few years
in Weilersville, Ohio, after retiring from the farm, but retained an
active interest in civic affairs; he served the township twelve years
as trustee. Funeral services in the Paradise Union church by his
pastor, R. M. Moomaw, assisted by C. H. DeLauter. Interment in
Crown Hill cemetery, Orrville, Ohio. — Mrs. Miriam Fetter, Weilers-
ville, Ohio.
Sterling, Geo. Byron, son of John Hamlin and Jerema Sterling, born
at Wharton, Ohio, died at his late home in Deshler, Ohio, Jan. 1,
1933, at the age of 62 years. At an early age he moved with his par-
ents to a farm near Deshler where he grew to manhood. He attended
the Deshler high school and later went to college. Oct. 8, 1893,
he married Sister Elizabeth Dishong. He was a business man in
Deshler for several years. He leaves his wife, four sons, one daugh-
ter and one sister. Funeral by the writer assisted by Rev. P. W.
Lutz in the U. B. church at Deshler. Interment in the McComb cem-
etery.— J. L. Guthrie, La Fayette, Ohio.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
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THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 21, 1933
M The Church Grows
Where the Messenger Goes
Help Your Church Grow by Placing the MESSENGER
Into Your Home
Not for the sake of the MESSENGER nor the Church
Boards nor the House, but for you and your home, for the
Brotherhood and its work, for Christ and his Church do we
strive to place the MESSENGER into every church home.
Will you do your part to this desired end?
The MESSENGER aims to help you see opportunities
for Christian service right where you are.
The MESSENGER will arouse you to larger Chris-
tian activity and greater usefulness.
The MESSENGER stresses the Gospel of Jesus as the
world's pressing need, and the church's privilege and duty
of proclaiming the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
For 1933 the Editors are planning to give each week
reading material, workable suggestions, inspirational mes-
sages and informing articles for all in your home, school
and church.
The MESSENGER is the Official Church Organ through
-which the several Church Boards announce their projects
and report conditions from time to time.
It is through the MESSENGER that you keep in vital touch with the entire Broth-
erhood and become an integral part of the Church at work.
The MESSENGER has a host of satisfied and enthusiastic readers. Note what a
few of them say —
"Cannot be without the Messenger"
Economic conditions in this section are such that we cannot have all things like we want, but I
cannot be without the MESSENGER. It has been a constant visitor in our home ever since I can re-
member. Father was a regular reader, and then when I set up a home of my own, the MESSENGER was
the first magazine that came into it. May God's blessings continue to be with our church paper.— E. C.
Woodie, N. C.
"It's a real Thanksgiving number"
I just received the Thanksgiving MESSENGER. Thousands will say, with me, that it's a real
Thanksgiving number. I for one want to say it loud enough for those to hear who deserve the credit.
When I consider how much more than money (even $2.00) this one number means to me, I wonder that
you have to put on an advertising campaign at all. I express my appreciation again for the work, the
"spirit" and the men who put out such a fine spiritual paper. — W. G. McFadden, Ohio.
"Ranking with high class magazines"
I wish to compliment you upon the make-up and contents of the Christmas issue of the MES-
SENGER. If one were to read no farther than the first and second pages of the cover he would at once
estimate the paper as ranking with high class magazines. The poem "High Songs" bears this stamp, and
the sentiment of the selected article on page two continues the same. The editorials are up to the same
standard of high truth, and the excellent contributions complete a number of the MESSENGER that any
member of the church may be justly proud of. — John E. Mohler, Calif.
"Read it many years. . . . Regret to drop out"
"I have read the MESSENGER many years and have enjoyed it. Have urged the members to take it.
I sure regret to drop out, but can't help it. Some of our crops did not pay for the cutting and threshing.
I have been serving the church free in the ministry. Times are hard. Pray for us." What should the
MESSENGER do in such cases? What should the local congregation do? Is there anything you can do?
Help double the MESSENGER circulation by securing new subscribers
►5* -I- *v* "^- ■*♦» "I- *-J* -J- »J* -I' *t* -I-* *»* "^ -*»* *!-' »•** *i* ♦** -l- ♦*» -J- rt* "T' *♦» ^f- *J» 'I- **•» "I- *J* -l- *5-" •-I- -*v» -J- »J» -I- ♦*♦ -T- »»♦ -V* ♦»-* •-f' -*»* -T' »J» 'J- *v*^ *-i~" »5* -T- »J» -t^ -»!* wl- **" M*^*!* 'I' 'I* 't' *t"t' 'F*i
ospel Messenger
Vol. 82
Elgin, III., January 28, 1933
No. 4
A Beginners' Class in India. One of the girls from the Practical Arts
School at Anklesvar, rvith a helper, is in charge of the group. She has dratvn
them to a flower spot and there is telling them of the care and love of a loving
heavenly Father. See article on page 6.
The Only Way (E. F.), 3
For Your Own Soul's Sake (E. F.), 3
A Gospel for Those Who Wonder (H. A. B.), 3
One Goose That Is Dead (H. A. B.), 4
Kingdom Gleanings, 16
The Quiet Hour (R. H. M.) 17
General Foruim—
An Appraisal of Our India Mission (H. S. M.), 5
The Practical Arts School. By Anna Warstler 6
Work With the Higher Castes. By G. K. Satvedi, 8
India's Quest for Social and Political Unity. By C. G. Shull 9
Women's Work in India. By Sadie J. Miller 11
News From the Field. By Mary D. Blickenstaff 12
Showing Our Faith in Missions. By Otho Winger 13
A Call to Prayer, 20
Pastor and People —
The Minister as a Man of God. By H. S. Will
Appreciating the Ministry. By Florence B. Gibbel,
Men's Work and the Liquor Problem. By C. H. Dresher,
Home and Family —
Questions and an Answer (Poem). By Myra Brooks Welch 18
Not for a Day, . . . But for a Lifetime. — No. 5. By Florence S.
Studebaker 18
Around the Table 19
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
Olho Winger, Chairman, N. Manchester, Ind.
J. J. Yoder, Vice-Chairman, McPherson, Kans.
H. H. Nye, 1631 Mifflin St., Huntingdon, Pa.
Levi Garst, Salem, Va.
J. B. Emmert, 2627 4th St., La Verne, Calif.
J. K. Miller, 2240 Grand Ave., Cedar Rapids,
B. F. Studebaker, Union, Ohio.
General Secretary, C. D. Bonsack, Elgin, 111.
Assistant Secretary, H. Spenser Minnich, El-
gin, 111.
Home Mission and Ministerial Secretary.
M. R. Zigler, Elgin, 111.
Treasurer, Clyde M. Culp, Elgin, 111.
Membership and organization of directors
same as for General Mission Board
Manager and Treasurer, R. E. Arnold, Elgin,
Secretary, L. T. Miller, Elgin, 111.
I*. S>. Ikenberry, Chairman, Daleville, Va.
L ■»»",'"„ Uav's. Vice-Chairman, ' 1001* W
Myrtle St., Independence, Kans.
H. K. Ober, Elizabethtown, Pa.
t ™' Shultz> North Manchester, Ind
J. M. Henry, Bridgewater, Va.
p irT*?StI,e' 31?,S ^an Buren' Chicago, 111.
R. E. Mohler, McPherson, Kans.
Mrs. R. D. Murphy, Chairman, Women's
P. G. Stahly, Chairman, Men's Work.
General Secretary, R. D. Bowman, Elgin 111
Director of Young People's Work and Treas-
urer, Dan West, Elgin, 111
£fC-t0rT,?f Children's Work, Ruth Shriver,
iilgin, 111.
Editor, E. G. Hoff, Elgin, HI.
Assistant Editor, Maud Newcomer, Elgin 111
Assistant Editor, Edith Barnes, Elgin* 111. '
Cr' C4> Ei!is* President, Huntingdon, Pa
V. F. Schwalm, Vice-President, McPherson,
J. S. Noffsinger Secretary-Treasurer, 3635
Ordway St., N. W., Washington, D. C
i i ljnger/- Secretary of Nursing and Med-
£al, Educatlt». 821 S. Ridgeland Ave., Oak
rark, 111.
n-™--£eters> lm S- °ak st-. Champaign, 111
F r ■£"?'•%* Y^ Buren St- Chicafo/lll
I' i TBlxier' BIue Rld»e College.
ra.nl a. Bowman, Bridgewater-Daleville.
£' ^VS,?hl°sser- Elizabethtown College.
C. C. Ellis, Juniata College.
EM. Studebaker, La Verne College.
Otho Winger, Manchester College.
V. F. Schwalm, McPherson College.
H. L. Hartsough, Chairman, N. Manchester.
Paul H. Bowman, Vice-Chairman, Bridge-
water, Va. 6
W. H. Yoder, Treasurer, R. 1, Waterloo, la.
M^J. Brougher, 554 Stanton St., Greensburg,
S. J. Miller, 2017 Sth St., La Verne, Calif.
S?1 % Mission *nd Ministerial Secretary,
M. R. Zigler, Elgin, 111. *'
James M. Moore, Chairman, 3560 Congress,
Chicago, HI. B '
?• w- Schlosser, Secretary, Elizabethtown, Pa.
A. R. Coffman, Girard, III.
Cv,D: Bonsack, Moderator Annual Meeting,
Elgin, 111. 6'
J- E: MT'!Jer' Secretary of Annual Meeting,
Elgin, 111. 6'
J. W. Lear, Chicago, III.
C. E. Davis, Independence, Kans.
Paul H. Bowman, Bridgewater, Va.
Chairman, J. J. Yoder, McPherson, Kans.
Vice-Chairman, P. H. Bowman, Bridgewater,
Recording Secretary, J. S. Noffsinger, 3635
Ordway St., N. W., Washington, D. C
Executive Secretary, J. W. Lear, Elgin, 111.
Treasurer, Clyde M. Culp, Elgin, 111.
Mrs. R. D. Murphy, Chairman, 2260 N. Park
Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Mrs. H. L. Hartsough, Sisters' Aid, N. Man-
chester, Ind.
Mrs. Laura Gwin Swadley, Bible Study, R. 4,
Johnson City, Tenn.
Nora M. Rhodes, Missions, Dallas Center, la.
Mrs. J. Z. Gilbert, Mothers and Daughters,
3300 N. Griffin Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.
Ruth Shriver, Children's Work, Elgin, 111.
Mrs. E. C. Bixler, Peace, New Windsor, Md.
Eva Trostle, Temperance and Simple Life,
3435 Van Buren St., Chicago, 111.
Mrs. Lucille Sherck West, Office Secretary-
Treasurer, Elgin, 111.
P. G. Stahly, President, South Bend, Ind.
Dr. O. G. Brubaker, First Vice-President,
North Manchester, Ind.
C. C. Hawbaker, Second Vice-President, South
Bend, Ind.
Levi Minnich, Third Vice-President, Green-
ville, Ohio.
C. M. Culp, Recording Secretary, Elgin, 111.
Dan West, Treasurer, Elgin, 111.
G. A. Cassel, Ashland, Ohio.
L. C. Moomaw, Roanoke, Va.
J. Herbert Miller, Baltimore. Md.
L. M. Davenport, Los Angeles, Calif.
J. K. Miller, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
B. F. Stauffer, Rocky Ford, Colo.
Clifford Dresher, McPherson, Kans.
Ross Heminger, Wenatchee, Wash.
E. G. Bowman, Greensburg, Pa.
R. E. Mohler, Executive Secretary, McPher-
son, Kans.
J. Clyde Forney, President, 1523 Miami St.,
South Bend, Ind.
Ross D. Murphy, Vice-President, 2260 N. Park
Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
C. G. Hesse, Secretary-Treasurer, 720 Loudon
Ave., Roanoke, Va.
E. M. Butterbaugh, 526 E. Indiana Ave.,
South Bend, Ind.
J. J. Oiler, Waynesboro, Pa.
E. J. Stauffer, Mulberry Grove, 111.
M. C. Swigart, 1611 Germantown Ave., Phil-
adelphia, Pa.
J. F. Appleman, Plymouth, Ind.
Supported in whole or in part by funds ad-
ministered by the General Mission Board with
the year they entered service.
Please Notice.— Postage on letters to our
foreign missionaries is 5c for each ounce or
fraction thereof and 3c for each additional
ounce or fraction.
Industrial School, Geer, Va.
Hersch, Orville, and Mabel, 1925.
Kline, Alvin, and Edna, 1919.
Knight, Henry, March, Va., 1928.
Wampler, Nelie, 1922.
Graybill, J. F., and Alice, Bergsgaten 45,
Malmo, Sweden, 1911.
Norris, Glen E., and Louise, Spangatan 38,
Malmo, Sweden, 1929.
Peiping, China, care of College of Chinese
Wertz, Corda L., 1932.
Liao Chow, Shansi, China
Cripe, Winnie, 1911.
Hutchison, Anna, 1911.
Oberholtzer, I. E., and Elizabeth, 1916.
Pollock, Myrtle, 1917.
Senger, Nettie M., 1916.
Sollenberger, O. C, and Hazel, 1919.
Ping Ting Chow, Shansi, China
Bright, J. Homer, and Minnie, 1911.
Crumpacker, F. H, and Anna, 1908.
Horning, Emma, 1908.
Metzger, Minerva, 1910.
Show Yang, Shansi, China
Clapper, V. Grace, 1917.
Neher, Minneva J., 1924.
Schaeffer, Mary, 1917.
Smith, W. Harlan, and Frances, 1919.
Tai Yuan Fu, care Y. M. C. A., Shansi, China
Ikenberry, E. L., and Olivia, 1922.
Myers, Minor M., and Sara, 1919.
Tsinchou, Shansi, China
Wampler, Ernest M., 1918, and Elizabeth, 1922.
On Furlough
Flory, Byron M., and Nora, Bridgewater, Va.,
Flory, Edna, Catawba Sanatorium, Va., 1917.
Heisey, Walter J., and Sue, 410 N. W. 7th
St., Richmond, Ind., 1917.
Shock, Laura, University of Chicago, care ol
Gates Hall, Chicago, 111.. 1916.
Garkida, Nigeria, West Africa, via Jos
Beahm, Wm. M., and Esther, 1924.
Bosler, Dr. Howard A., and Edith, 1931.
Helser, Albert D., 1922, and Lola, 1923.
Moyer, Edna Faye, 1931.
Royer, Harold A., and Gladys H., 1930.
Utz, Ruth, 1930.
Lassa, via Maiduguri, Nigeria, West Africa
Burke, Dr. Homer L., and Marguerite, 1923.
Horn, Evelyn J., 1930.
Kulp, H. Stover, 1922, and Christina, 1927.
Marama, via Damatura, Nigeria, West Africa
Bittinger, Desmond, and Irene Frantz, 1930.
Heckman, Clarence C. and Lucile, 1924.
On Furlough
Harper, Clara, Ashland, Ohio, 1926.
Robertson, Bertha C, Sidney, 111., % Mrs. A.
R. Block, 1924.
Rupel, Paul, and Naomi, Stanley, Va., %
H. E. Wakeman, 1929.
Schechter, Elnora, R. 2, Worthington, Minn.,
Ahwa, Dangs, Surat Dist., India
Bollinger, Amsey, and Florence M., 1930.
Ebbert, Ella, 1917.
Royer, B. Mary, 1913.
Anklesvar, Broach Dist., India
Glessner, Ruth Lucille, 1931.
Lichty, D. J., 1902, and Anna, 1912.
Moomaw, I. W., and Mabel, 1923.
Shickel, Elsie N., 1921.
Warstler, Anna M., 1931.
Ziegler, Edward K., and Ilda, 1931.
Ziegler, Emma K., 1930.
Bulsar, Surat Dist., India
Blickenstaff, Lynn A., and Mary, 1920.
Cottrell, Dr. A. R., and Laura, 1913.
Fox, Dr. J. W., and Besse, 1929.
Shumaker, Ida C, 1910.
Dahanu Road, Thana Dist., India
Blickenstaff, Verna M., 1919.
Brumbaugh, Anna B., 1919.
Messer, Hazel E., 1931.
Nickey, Dr. Barbara M., 1915.
Swartz, Goldie E., 1916.
Jalalpor, Surat District, India
Miller, Sadie J., 1903.
Mow, Baxter M., and Anna B., 1923.
Palghar, Thana Dist., India
Alley, Howard L., and Hattie, 1917.
Umalla, Broach Dist., India
Miller, Arthur S. B., 1919, and Mae W., 1922.
Miller, Eliza B., 1900.
Vada, Thana Dist., India
Shull, Chalmer, and Mary, 1919.
Vyara, Surat, India
Blough, J. M., and Anna, 1903.
Widdowson, Olive, 1912.
Woodstock School, Landour, Mussoorie, U.
P., India
Stoner, Susan L., 1927.
On Furlough
Brooks, Harlan J., and Ruth, 3612 University
Ave., Los Angeles, Calif., 1924.
Garner, H. P., and Kathryn, 164 N. Prairie
St., Batavia, 111., 1916.
Grisso, Lillian, 3435 Van Buren St., Chicago,
111., 1917.
Mohler, Jennie, 3435 Van Buren St., Chicago,
111., 1916.
Mow, Anetta, care of General Mission Board,
Elgin, 111., 1917.
Ziegler, Kathryn, Limerick, Pa., 1908.
H. A. BRANDT— Assistant Editor
Vol. 82
Elgin, 111., January 28, 1933
No. 4
The Only Way
Once people labored and were heavy laden. They
were weighted down by burdens too grievous to be
borne. Jesus saw them. He pitied them. He knew
what would relieve them. He told them to come to
him and get it.
The centuries since then have changed neither need
nor cure. The Master's words seem meant for bur-
dened lives today. They are. They were spoken for
just such a time as this. For you and me. And mil-
lions like us.
How wonderfully good they are. They are so un-
qualifiedly sure. He will give rest. Here is certainty.
Here is peace. Here is light and life and poise and
Because here is perfect love and trust, love for one's
brother man and trust in one's Father God. e. f.
For Your Own Soul's Sake
One of the unfortunate things about depressions is
that the necessary relief work tends to make some peo-
ple lose the grace of gratitude. Persons who receive
much may take it as a matter of course, until they for-
get to be thankful. This acts unfavorably on the char-
A young woman owes a family for her board. The
family graciously helped her in a time of need by tak-
ing her in, allowing time for payment. It is a pity that
the sense of obligation is not strong enough in her .to
cause her to write a letter of appreciation and regret,
renewing her promise to pay as soon as she can. That
sense of obligation and gratitude should be kept alive
for her own sake.
Are you keeping your sense of obligation and grati-
tude to God alive and active? You have not paid him
what you owe him for favors received. You can do
this only by passing your blessings along to others of
his children. Are you doing what you can? And do
you thank him often and tell him often that you will
pay more as soon as you can? e. f.
A Gospel for Those Who Wonder
Eighth in a Series on New Testament Preaching
The unusual is sure to command attention. That is
why wonder seized temple worshipers on a certain eve-
ning long ago. In this case the unusual was provided
by a cripple, whom old acquaintances discovered walk-
ing, leaping and praising God. To see such a one, a
born cripple, thus cavorting about was indeed a matter
for wonder. Amazed, temple worshipers paused to see
for themselves, or to discuss the surprise of the day.
As for the former cripple, he was quite beside him-
self with joy as he tested his newly found strength.
Not content to walk, he leaped in an ecstasy of happi-
ness, all the while praising God for the healing which
had come to him. And naturally more and more people
stopped and wondered. The crowd swelled rapidly.
One can imagine that the healed man's actions soon
became a bit embarrassing to Peter and John. It was
not that they regretted helping the man, but his excite-
ment was proving contagious. A crowd was gathering.
And the disciples knew that crowds are not always
amenable to reason, that very unexpected things can
happen when excited people get together.
Apparently Peter and John tried to move on, to fade
out of the picture. But the healed man would not have
it so. He seized and held the disciples, proclaiming
them his benefactors. Naturally the evening temple
crowd was filled with amazement " and ran together
unto them in the porch that is called Solomon's, greatly
Now Peter saw that most anything might happen.
He knew that something needed to be done to quiet and
control the people. He began with disarming ques-
Published weekly by Brethren Publishing House, R. E. Arnold, General Manager, 16 to 24 S. State St., Elgin, 111., at $2.00 per annum, in
advance. (Canada subscriptions fifty cents extra.) Entered at the Postoffice at Elgin, 111., as Second-class Matter. Acceptance for mailing
at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized August 20, 1918.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
tions : " Why marvel ye at this man ? or why fasten ye
your eyes on us, as though by our own power or godli-
ness we had made him to walk?" But those who had
known the man as a cripple from birth were not eased.
They knew that something unsual had happened. They
were amazed and wondered. Meanwhile they pressed
closer, many of them doubtless thinking of their own
ills, or how to bring some sick relative near enough to
touch these two wonder workers.
But as these ideas began forming in their minds,
Peter launched boldly into an extemporaneous sermon,
roughly along the lines of the speech used so effectively
on the Day of Pentecost. He sketched the story of
Jesus' life, stressing his sufferings, death and resurrec-
tion. He drove home the point that they were of the
crowd who had forced Pilate to deliver the Christ to be
crucified. Yet it was through faith in this Holy One,
so Peter declared, that healing had come to the cripple
in their midst.
Peter saw that his words were effective with those
who had paused to see and remained to wonder.
Through the open door of their surprise he drove his
dramatic facts and his telling logic. He was soon ap-
pealing for action : " Repent ye therefore, and turn
again, that your sins may be blotted out." And so he
urged the claims of Christ with power. One may well
believe that many of the common people in the crowd
began to feel the pangs of real conviction.
And yet there were inscrutable faces in the crowd —
the stony faces of men unmoved. Peter saw these gath-
ering in significant groups and knew they were of the
Sadducees. And what he saw boded no good. Per-
haps this is why he began to say :
" Moses indeed said, A prophet shall the Lord God
raise up unto you from among your brethren." But
did this appeal to a great leader of the past register with
the sober- faced men edging forward through the
crowd ?
" Yea and all the prophets from Samuel and them
that followed after, as many as have spoken, they also
told of these days. Ye are the sons of the prophets, and
of the covenant which God made with your fathers,
saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the
families of the earth be blessed."
Here was such an appeal as the Sadducees might ac-
cept. But would they ? The men who refused to won-
der drew closer. What was in their hearts ?
One may well suspect that they reasoned it would
not be wise to risk an argument with the Galilean who
had turned the tables so brilliantly on Pentecost. As
leaders of the people, they could not afford another
such debacle, or their power would be overthrown.
There was a more effective way to deal with this inciter
to wonder. It was by way of the hard thrust of the
arm of law. The leaders were edging closer.
Peter flung out a final appeal : " Unto you first
God, having raised up his Servant, sent him to bless
you, in turning away every one of you from your in-
iquities." To those whose minds had been opened by
wonder, it seemed that Peter was bringing a logical and
gracious message. But to the priests and the Sad-
ducees the doctrines of this Galilean were anathema.
Even as Peter was speaking, he and John were seized
and put in ward until the morrow. Might had put an
end to Peter's sermon to men who paused to wonder.
And yet, not quite, for " many of them that heard
the word believed ; and the number of men came to be
about five thousand." In the minds of many the words
of Peter stuck, and in the hearts of many they worked
like leaven.
Perhaps strangest of all, was the fact that the rulers,
elders and scribes soon found Peter and John more
than they had bargained for. When they tried to ex-
amine them, Peter began all over again with that dev-
astating Pentecost sermon, of course adapted to the
special needs of the priests and rulers ! And what with
the healing of the cripple and all it was soon clear that
Peter and John had the best of the encounter. They
were released with the threat that they must go easy !
Such in outline is the story of Peter's sermon to those
who were moved to wonder. And from it the Spirit-
filled minister may learn that there is an open door to
the minds and hearts of those who wonder. Such may
seem to be casual and unpromising prospects, but if a
pointed and sincere message is given many will believe.
The gospel, as Peter preached it to those who won-
dered, was the convincing story of the life of Christ as
he had seen it lived. It was a frank recital of things
he believed, and he demanded the same intellectual hon-
esty of those who wondered. And he must have gotten
this, for " the number of the men came to be about five
thousand." h. a. b.
One Goose That Is Dead
Thanks to three-cent stamps and the increasing
pressure of depression days, many business concerns
are learning to save postage money. Thus it is said
that certain large Chicago department stores are saving
thousands of dollars per month by delivery methods
which eliminate the stamp.
Apparently extravagant governmental methods have
killed one goose, for the head of a big Chicago store
says : " We have cut the cost of delivering bills and
statements in half and we wouldn't go back to the old
system if they put the postage rate back to two cents."
H. A. B.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
An Appraisal of Our India Mission
We have been at work in India since 1894. There-
fore it is timely to appraise the work and results of our
labors there. We can not make a complete appraisal
because the aspects of the work are too numerous and
even unknown. Space would not permit a complete ap-
praisal. Furthermore, the results are not all in. The
centuries ahead will reveal what our work means to In-
dia and to the world.
Personal Example
Perhaps the most outstanding contribution of our
missionaries is not what they have done, but what they
are. They have tried to be what Christ would have
them be. They loved all castes, even outcastes. They
stood for a square deal. They hungered for the abun-
dant life of all the people. They sacrificed their own
comforts for the Indian people. When money was
short and it was necessary to reduce expenditures the
missionaries plead with the Mission Board that some of
the reductions be made in their supports and not all on
the Indian workers. The missionaries have been per-
sonal examples in home life, the relationships between
husbands and wives, between parents and children.
Their homes are clean, the food well prepared and an
example to the Indian people.
Witnessing for Christ
The basic motive of every true missionary is to wit-
ness for Christ. He is the revelation of what God is
and of what man through him may become. By being
true to this major premise our workers have made
known to Indian people, God as Father, perfect and in-
finite in love and righteousness. By contrasting this
concept with the idolatrous religion of the Hindu, or
with the degraded form of most religions in India, the
missionary has given new perspective and joy in living.
Ministers of Health
Our missionaries went to a land where by far the ma-
jority of children died before reaching their first birth-
day. A mother could be more certain that her child
would die than that he would live. The simple country
people were ignorant of the modern discoveries in
health, sanitation and medicine that we enjoy. But the
missionaries, emulating the example of Christ, went
about healing the children. Many, although not bearing
M. D. degrees, helped the people rid themselves of
tropical ulcers, malaria, and plague. Through the min-
istry of our skilled doctors and nurses, the people have
enjoyed a measure of health vastly superior to their
brethren living in the jungles. And these health attain-
ments are permanent, considering that much teaching in
self help in hygiene and sanitation has been given.
Windows of the Mind Opened
Think of the millions of India — with less than 5%
able to read ! Here are millions of backward, illiterate
children whose soul enrichment is hindered because of
untrained minds. But the missionaries, faithful to the
divine commission to " teach," have enrolled thousands
and thousands of these Indian boys and girls. And the
education given them is of a thorough sort. It is more
than the three R's. It is a training of the mind, heart
and hand. The British government regards it so highly
that it pays a substantial portion of the expense of our
mission schools. The government has sent officials to
our schools to observe our improved methods and has
passed these ideas along to other schools in India.
The Uplift of Women
Women of India have come a long way from the time
(1799) when Wm. Carey first witnessed the burning of
a widow at the funeral pyre of her husband. Women
traditionally were regarded as inferior to their hus-
bands. Our missionaries had difficulty at first enrolling
any girls in school. It was thought to be preposterous
to waste money trying to educate girls. Their place
was to do the work, the cooking and to bear the babies.
Today the Christian family has become a great ideal in
Indian life. In our Indian Christian membership there
are hundreds of families where the women and children
have a new outlook on life. See the picture of Elder
Satvedi and family on page 8.
Freedom from Caste
Whether right or wrong, our missionaries have
worked mostly among low caste people — among the
despised outcastes. The outcastes are supposed to be
soulless and to have no place in the religious or cultural
life of the country. Now thousands of members from
lowly stations in life stand as witnesses of the power of
the gospel and as the fruits of missionary endeavor.
We have a number of very exemplary ministers and
elders. For example, read the article by Elder Satvedi
in this issue. We challenge our American Messenger
correspondents to write a brief article that has more
profound truth stated in such a readable and direct
fashion. Bro. Satvedi comes from one of the lower
castes of India and men like him are a revelation to the
community of what the whole gospel can do to a man
regardless of his caste.
The New India Church
You may have wondered if and when there will be
an Indian church able to stand without help from the
(Continued on Page 13)
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
The Practical Arts School
When we were coming to India last fall, there was
an English missionary on the boat, who was returning
to her work in this country. One afternoon in a group
meeting she told us of her work and said that one of the
greatest needs of India is to bring the womanhood of
that great land into her own. And since arriving here
that statement has been verified many times for super-
stition and ignorance are truly her masters. There are
already many efforts being put forth to overcome this
condition. The government is providing educational
opportunities for the girls in some towns and villages,
but in many cases the old stereotyped curriculum is fol-
lowed, which stresses the three R's, and lays much em-
phasis on empty memory work. There is a crying de-
mand that the woman of India should know how to
think and to apply her knowledge to meet the various
needs of her home and village.
With this need in mind, the daily program of study,
work, religious development and recreation has been
developed in the School of Practical Arts at Anklesvar.
It is with the idea that education is living and that we
educate by means of experiences, that we approach the
work of caring for the growth and development of a
small number of India's girls. Therefore every effort
is put forth to provide a practical training for them.
While we want to think of all the phases of our pro-
gram as a unit, all dependent upon one another and in-
terwoven for the sake of the larger aims of developing
Christian character and the desire for Christian service,
yet in this article we will briefly discuss our work under
the divisions, " Hostel " and " School."
In the School of Practical Arts those girls are ad-
mitted who have completed the sixth standard. This
compares favorably with the seventh grade in America.
The girls come from a number of villages and live here
on the compound throughout the year. So in order to
maintain as much as possible the village mode of living
and at the same time' introduce some factors for im-
provement in living conditions, the hostel is organized
on the cottage system plan. The cottages in which the
girls live have been built on the plan of a native home
and contain only the equipment which is in an ordinary
village home. The girls take turns in caring for the
household duties. One of the tasks is to prepare the
daily food. This consists of grinding their grain daily
on a native stone and in making their own ordinary
food. They also buy their own foodstuffs in the ba-
zaar, and keep an accurate account of all the money.
Thus they learn how to buy economically and wisely.
Cleanliness in all of its phases is insisted upon. Pride
in caring for their homes and surroundings is en-
couraged and ability to live together harmoniously is no
Girls Buying Their Food in the Bazaar
mean goal. According to Indian custom that women
draw water at the wells, the girls take turns in carry-
ing water from the compound well. It is true that it
could be gotten more easily through the tap that regu-
lates the irrigation system, but the girls will not have
that in their villages, so why use it here? It is some-
times true that unless they continue to perform duties
according to village customs they rebel at such practice
when they return to their communities.
Laundering is interesting here. It is a common scene
in India to see "your clothes washed while you wait."
The process is very simple, for the native goes to the
river, removes a part of his clothes, washes them in the
stream, lays them out on the ground to dry, puts them
on again and goes his way. The girls have generally
come from such an environment and will return to it, in
most cases, so laundry arrangements comparable to the
above have been provided for them. However, we en-
courage our girls to use soap.
Just as an important part of their home life, as any
mentioned above or any other phase not mentioned
here, is the opportunity for family worship. Each eve-
ning after the vessels are washed the girls gather in a
circle on the floor and have evening prayers. They take
turns in conducting the little informal service. No
doubt this experience not only serves them in their daily
spiritual life but will help them to see the need and
beauty of family worship in their own homes.
Only a few of the activities in the maintenance of
what might be termed the home life of the girls have
been mentioned, but from these you will get an idea of
their program. And now as we turn to the school phase
we want to continue to think of their development in
the light of " life, activity and growth."
Throughout the years, since the organization of the
school, the missionaries with the help of the Indian
brethren have striven to develop a very practical course
of study. At present the subjects pursued in the two
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
1 ^i
important part in the curriculum of the School of Prac-
tical Arts yet there is a greater emphasis placed upon
them today.
Sarasvatibai and Her Nursing Class
years' course fall under the following heads — Religious
Education, Education, Health, Home Economics, In-
dustries and Community Life.
In Religious Education there are courses in the Bible,
Sunday-school Teacher Training, Story Telling, Child
Psychology and Handwork. As a practical side of their
study the girls go out in the villages to give programs of
songs, scripture and prayer. They also do some visita-
tion. Occasionally they visit village Sunday-schools
and services in order that they may come in contact
with actual village conditions. Then these situations
are discussed in class periods. One of the girls who
has taken this course was asked recently to teach a class
of Beginners. At first she hesitated to accept and then
she agreed to try. It was surprising to discover her
originality and interest. (See cover page.)
Scores of underfed babies, sore eyes, the itch and nu-
merous other skin diseases, besides many deformities in
body, and the filthy villages that lend every opportunity
for breeding diseases, certainly demand attention. And
a girl who is to be a member of a community ought to
be able to care for her own household under such en-
vironment, as well as be able to perform her Christian
duty in that community. Therefore the health courses
are made as practical as possible. Perhaps you would
be interested in seeing Benjamin Masterin with a group
of girls pouring kerosene in a hole and discussing the
need and possibility of ridding the communities of such
spots. And I am very sure that you would like to see.
our lovely Indian nurse Sarasvatibai giving a wee baby
a bath in the presence of her class. The girls enjoy the
demonstration and appreciate the information much
more than the youngster does, as you may suppose.
The industrial phase of the curriculum is worthy of
notice, especially since there is so much stress being
laid upon it in India at the present time. " Poverty and
need make themselves evident on every hand when one
goes among the village people of rural India," says D.
S. Hatcher. While industries have always played an
3t_ HMM^M
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Learning to Make Rope
At present the girls are weaving carpet on handmade
looms. This contrivance is very crude but it fits the
present need of the people. A course in rope-making
has already been introduced, and it is interesting to note
that the man who taught this work was our farmer and
general man. Recently also the man who was doing
some whitewashing on our compound helped the girls
to make whitewash brushes. There are many other
brushes and brooms which they will learn to make. It
is planned that many of the grasses, bushes and trees
will be utilized in the making of mats, rugs, winnowing
baskets, and many other articles useful to the natives.
At present we have one Christian girl from a fishing
village. She is the only Christian in that place, so we
feel that she ought to be able to do much good for the
kingdom there. She will help the girls to learn to make
fish nets, for which article there will be a ready market.
These industries as well as others being introduced and
developed seem to be those which may be most easily
and profitably encouraged at this time.
Learning to Plant Flowers
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
Another part of our work program is gardening. I
am sure that you would enjoy seeing the girls at work
in their cotton, corn or vegetable plots. They plant
various crops and use what they can in their cottages.
Then any profit which comes over and above their needs
goes toward their cottage budgets. Just tonight we mis-
sionaries are going to eat lettuce grown in the school
garden. The girls also do some work in flower garden-
ing. The aim of this phase of the program is to teach
them how to bring a little beauty into their bare sur-
Only a few of the many activities taking place on the
compound have been mentioned, but these are typical of
the work done here. Perhaps a school program as out-
lined, along with other details, may appear to some of
you as being somewhat estranged to the general notion
of mission work. But it is the belief of those who have
the work in charge that by means of contacts and expe-
riences, such as can be provided in our school communi-
ty, that the girls will learn how to love each other, how
to serve, how to work, and how to enjoy life as a Chris-
tian ought. Will you pray for us as we strive to de-
velop Christian character in the girls who come to us?
Anklesvar, India.
Work With the Higher Castes
Note: It was our thought that Elder Satvedi would
share with Messenger readers some of the remarkable expe-
riences he personally has had in leading high-caste people in-
to fellowship with Christ. In his very modest way he has
told us in this article of great things that have happened, and
of principles that have grown out of his own rich experience.
—E. K. Z.
I have been asked to write an article on, " How we
work with high-caste people." It is not a question of
This picture of Eld. G. K.
Satvedi and family was first
used in the Missionary Visitor a
few years ago. Of course it
does not do justice to the chil-
dren shown, and perhaps not to
the parents as they are today.
But it does serve to give a per-
sonal touch to the splendid ar-
ticle Bro. Satvedi has written
on Work With Higher Castes.
His points are simply and clear-
ly stated. But do not let this
obscure the fact that they are
fundamental, applying in Amer-
ica as well as in India.
method, but of abiding principles. Our Lord Jesus
himself worked with people in various ways. In all his
ways, you will find no particular method except that of
glad and free sharing of his own experience of God and
Imparting knowledge of the Christian religion is not
the way of approach to any class of people. I do not
mean that knowledge is not needed, but mere knowl-
edge untested by life is never effective in evangelizing
people. One can convince the minds of people by his
arguments, but never win their hearts. On the con-
trary, sometimes it creates enmity, and pushes a person
away from Christ.
But experience of the truth brings a person to his
knees and makes him loyal to Christ, when it is lovingly
shared. For instance, a few weeks ago, some non-
Christians were present at our morning prayer meeting
at the dispensary. When the prayer was over, one of
them— a college graduate — came to me and said : " I
studied Bible in college, and thought I knew all about
God and Christ. I knew that there is God, but I never
realized his presence until today. I really felt the pres-
ence of God here. Hereafter, I will always attend the
prayer meeting whenever I happen to be here."
Many non-Christians speak very highly of Christ in
private and in public meetings. It is not because of
knowledge about Christ, but rather because of his ex-
perience and dealings with God, truth, and mankind.
Everyone will appreciate the sharing of one's own ex-
perience, and will realize that he may have the same
privilege if he wants it.
Testimony of actual experience makes a person hun-
gry for realization of truth, and creates an appetite for
the same kind of experience. For instance, not long
ago, an educated family had been to the dispensary. We
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
had been talking to them about Christ and Christianity.
Of course, they were discussing these questions willing-
ly and gladly. But it was a quite different thing when
they heard of real Christian experience. Their hearts
were touched. On one occasion when their young
daughter was very ill, and quite unconscious for some
time, I asked the mother whether she believed in prayer.
She said she did. Then we prayed together, and as
soon as the prayer was over, the girl opened her eyes
and said : " God has come to me and told me to get
up!" This experience touched their hearts still deeper.
After a day or two, one of the family asked me for a
sample or formula for prayer. He was told that there
is nothing of that sort except pouring out the heart be-
fore God and completely trusting him. After that, they
frequently asked for prayer for themselves. I believe
that such sharing of Christian experience is the only
vital way to touch one's heart.
Argument and debate is never pleasing. It creates
the desire for more knowledge to be used in defeating
the opposite party. The truthfulness of Christianity is
not to be spoken, but to be demonstrated. Once a gen-
tleman spoke very bitter things about Christianity, try-
ing to make the preacher angry. But he neither got an-
gry, nor reviled his persecutor's religion. He simply
prayed for him. No sooner had he left the preacher
than he was touched by the divine power. He came
back asked for forgiveness, and until this day he is a
man of prayer, a follower of Christ, though he is not
Prayer brings revival, we all know that. So every
word of testimony must go out through the channel of
prayer in order to make it a success. Prayer is the final
resource, and the greatest source of power. Let us re-
member that in all our service for God, he desires to
work through us. We should let him have his way in
our lives, learning his will through prayer, and gaining
power from him through prayer. Then we may feel
his power, working in and through us.
Bulsar, India.
India's Quest for Social and Political Unity
I. Receiving Untouchables
Some time ago there appeared an article in a leading
American magazine entitled, " Where Shall a Negro
Get Sick?" The author, wife of the President of a
leading Southern university, told from personal ob-
servation and knowledge of Negroes hurt in accidents
who had later died, but whose lives might have been
saved had the nearest hospitals and doctors been will-
ing to care for them. The Jim Crow cars, the separate
hospitals, hotels and restaurants suffered by the Negro
in some sections of the United States constitute the
nearest approach in America to India's terrible crime
against one-fifth of her population, the so-called un-
touchables. The crime of untouchability in India is de-
scribed by Mahatma Gandhi in the following words :
" It is well to remind ourselves of what wrongs we
have heaped upon the devoted heads of the untoucha-
bles. Socially they are lepers. Economically they are
worse than slaves. Religiously they are denied entrance
to places we miscall houses of God. They are denied
the use, on the same terms as the caste men, of public
roads, public schools, public hospitals, public wells, pub-
lic taps, public parks and the like, and in some cases
their approach within a measured distance is a social
crime and in some other rare enough cases their very
sight is an offense. They are relegated for their resi-
dence to the worst quarters of cities and villages where
they practically get no social services. Caste Hindu
lawyers and doctors will not serve them as they do oth-
er members of society. Brahmans will not officiate at
their religious functions. The wonder is that they are
at all able to eke out an existence or that they still re-
main within the Hindu fold. They are too downtrod-
den to rise in revolt against their suppressors."
One of our missionary wives recently had an experi-
ence while traveling illustrating in vivid terms the truth
of the above statements. An untouchable woman fell
into the labor of child-birth and not a single passenger
on the train would lift a hand to help. The missionary
was called and gladly performed the service of mid-
wife to the best of her ability in such unfavorable cir-
But thank God for the signs that such a state of af-
fairs will not continue indefinitely. There would seem
to be ample evidence that India is on the threshold of
one of the greatest social revolutions in history. The
famous fast of Gandhi in Yervada jail near Poona was
intended, as he said, to arouse the conscience of caste
Hindus respecting the intolerable wrongs they have
been inflicting on their untouchable brothers. Gandhi's
fast has been loudly praised by some as an act of sublime
sacrifice and penance. It has been just as strongly con-
demned by others as a method of coercion used to
secure his ends through a threat of suicide. Whether
the fast was right or wrong as a method of reform, the
facts are that its observance marked the beginning of
an unparalleled agitation for the removal of this terrible
curse. On this point The National Christian Council
Review, official organ of the National Christian Coun-
cil of India, Burma and Ceylon says : " What has hap-
pened is, we believe, a genuine uprising of moral indig-
nation against an iniquity that has defied the march of
time and the march of civilization. It is a demand that
untouchability must go, and an affirmation that to speed
its going men and women are prepared to suffer and
even die."
The daily and weekly papers are now bringing nu-
merous reports from all sections of India of efforts be-
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
ing made to better the condition of the untouchables.
However, let no one think that there is no opposition
and that the task is easy or will be quickly accom-
plished. Ancient customs and religious prejudices die
very hard. A missionary making inquiry among the
people of his village soon discovers two classes of Hin-
dus, the conservatives and the progressives. The pro-
gressives favor reform but the conservatives insist that
to admit the untouchables to their temples, to let them
use the village wells, etc., is contrary to their sacred
scriptures and of course what their " bible " teaches
can not be broken.
It is likely that the most permanent results in this re-
form will come through the solid work of social reform
organizations, editors, teachers ; and most of all,
through the work of the All India Anti-Untouchability
League which has just been created. This organization
is raising thousands of dollars to carry on a campaign
of education on the subject. It bids fair to do for In-
dia respecting untouchability a service similar to that
done in America a decade ago by the Anti-Saloon
League. As the Anti-Saloon League sent its repre-
sentatives into every church and country town preach-
ing temperance, so this Anti-Untouchability League
will preach and teach against this form of caste in In-
dia. And results will come. Practical suggestions al-
ready made are that high caste homes should adopt an
untouchable as a member of the family (Gandhi him-
self did this years ago), or that a well-to-do high caste
man should provide funds for educating an untoucha-
ble boy or girl.
And what should be the part of the Christian church
in this movement? Just as the Christian church in
America can not boast of a totally clean record respect-
ing the race question, so we must confess that there are
blots on the pages of India's church history respecting
caste. But after frankly admitting this fact the inspir-
ing truth remains that the greatest single force in India
for the uplift of the untouchables has been the Christian
church. Even princes of the native states who are tak-
ing courageous and aggressive steps in reform have ac-
knowledged the example of missions and churches as
the source of their inspiration. Every page of this In-
dia number of The Gospel Messenger could be filled
with interesting and thrilling accounts of what the
Christian church has done to help in the uplift of In-
dia's outcastes. Shall we, then, have any misgivings
because those who " follow not with us " have joined
the crusade? God forbid. To quote again from The
National Christian Council Reviezv: " For this day
Christians in all ages have prayed and striven, and it
would be churlish now if we stood aloof or damned the
movement with faint praise." The missionary and In-
dian Christian can talk and teach against caste today as
he never could before. It is the hour of opportunity
for the Christian church. Let her rejoice in the mani-
fold workings of God and go forth with the full as-
surance that the way of Christ is bound to win.
II. Communal Unity
Politically, one result of Gandhi's fast was the so-
called Poona Pact. This provided that instead of the
untouchables having separate electorates as per the
award of the Prime Minister, there should be joint
electorates with a certain number of reserved seats for
these depressed classes. The number of seats reserved
for them is much larger than that provided in the com-
munal award, so these classes have gained greatly by
the Poona revision.
Another simultaneous development was the initiation
of a strong movement to secure unity among the other
communities of India — Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Parsee
and Christian. The terms " separate " versus " joint "
electorates perhaps mean little to some readers of this
article. Suppose that in the United States, government
provided that a certain number of seats in congress
should be reserved for Catholic, and a certain number
for Protestants. And in addition to this imagine vari-
ous denominations being allotted so many seats : Presby-
terians, Baptists, Methodists, etc. And then in a city
like Chicago various communities such as Jews, Greeks
and Italians would have their representatives. And then
at election time one must of course register as a mem-
ber of his own particular religion or community and
can vote only for candidates nominated from that con-
stituency. It can readily be seen that such a system
would spell disaster to the religious life, liberty union
and brotherhood of our beloved country. The certain
result would be to augment religious bigotry, rivalry,
jealousy and distrust. And yet the communal award
provides just such an arrangement for India ! Why
has the Prime Minister made such an award ? Does he
wish to fasten on India a division which will perpetuate
an unfitness for Swaraj (self-government) ? Only a
few extremists think thus. Mr. MacDonald has given
this award simply because the communities themselves
could not agree on any system of joint electorates. But
Mr. MacDonald also specifically said that if the corn-
Christian Living
When Gordon Maxwell, a missionary to India,
asked a Hindu pundit if he would teach him his lan-
guage, the Hindu pundit replied : " No, sahib, I will
not teach you my language. You would make me a
Christian." Gordon Maxwell replied : " You misunder-
stand me. I simply am asking you if you would teach
me your language." The Hindu replied : " No, sahib, I
will not teach you. No man can live with you and not
become a Christian."
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
munities could themselves agree on any system of joint
electorates, government would accept it.
With this promise of the Prime Minister before
them, and a full knowledge of the evil results to the
country of a separate electorate scheme, it is not sur-
prising that responsible leaders renewed their efforts
toward securing unity. A conference was accordingly
convened at Allahabad at which representatives of the
Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Christian communities were
all present. The road to unity has been a long and
winding one, but latest reports give hope of an agreed
alternative. Our chief interest lies in a previous con-
ference of Christian representatives held in Poona.
This conference revealed the fact that a minority of the
Christians favor separate electorates. In some cases
this is due to personal political ambition or to the pa-
tronage of government. With others it is the expres-
sion of a sincere reluctance to place, as it were, the fate
of the community in the hands of a non-Christian ma-
jority. The viewpoint of this class is similar to that of
many sincere Protestants in the United States who
would find it difficult to trust a Catholic in the White
House. But a very strong majority of the representa-
tives of the Christian conference in Poona repudiated
the idea of separate electorates. They believed that on-
ly joint electorates are consistent with Christ's doctrine
of brotherhood. Jesus brought to the world the news
that all men are sons of a common Father and that in
him there can be no race, community, or caste. Fur-
ther, as the Bishop of Dornkal has pointed out, separate
electorates will act as a disruptive force within the
Christian church itself. At the primaries each sect
would be inclined to vote for its own candidate and so
disruptive forces would be loosened.
And finally, the greatest reason of all perhaps for the
Christian opposing separate electorates is that it would
lead to contests between the church and other communi-
ties. It would make other communities very eager to
maintain their strength, for political power, and they
would be tremendously concerned that none of their
number joined the Christian church. As they left the
Hindu or Muslim fold the political strength of these
communities would be weakened. It will readily be
seen that such an arrangement would have serious im-
plications respecting the church's program of evangel-
ism. It is, therefore, a cause for rejoicing that the
Christian community has declared for joint electorates.
Concerning this the editor of the Dnyanodaya, -a week-
ly published under the auspices of six missions in
Western India, says : " The Conference may be taken
to mark a decisive point in the relation between Chris-
tians and other communities in India. Christians thus
desire to throw in their lot with the majority communi-
ties, trusting them to respect their rights and further
their interests, and devoting themselves to the public
good. The conference has therefore made a great con-
tribution to Indian nationality." We can only add the
hope that in the critical days ahead the church will re-
main true to her heavenly vision and constantly bear
witness to the all-inclusive love and sacrificial spirit of
her Master.
Vada, Thana District, India.
Woman's Work in India
The wrongs of Indian womanhood have been not a
few. Many of them have passed away. Still, there are
numerous grievances for her. With the purdah system
of the Mohammedans, child marriage and child widow-
hood for the Hindus, together with the long prevailing
illiteracy of woman, it is surprising she has improved
even as much as she has. An Indian man recently said :
" Whether men like it or not, a change has come over
Indian society and the long sleeping Indian woman has
aroused to free herself of her shackles. We will have
to be prepared for many a development, even sometimes
untoward, as a part of this emancipation. I am con-
fident that this emancipation for women will be one of
the biggest assets to the state and society." She has too
long been considered a conundrum. To often she is
simply a passive object who must be abjectly submis-
sive to her husband's will and fancy. In the estimation
of such men she is not a companion who can share her
husband's thoughts and be the first object of his care
and affection. No, the Hindu wife finds her husband
only a proud and overbearing master, who regards her,
as Dubois has said, " A fortunate woman to be allowed
the honor of sharing his bed and board." If there are
women who are happy and beloved by those to whom
they have been blindly chained by their family, this
good fortune must be attributed to the naturally kind
disposition of their husbands and not in any way to the
training they have received. The spread of Christian
education has gradually changed many of these do-
mestic evils.
During a recent six weeks' period I knew, not far
from us, of three cases where women threw themselves
into a well and thus ended their miserable lives. One
was a young woman, the wife of a lawyer, who first
threw her ten-month-old baby into the well, then she
followed. Her husband is away in college and this
woman was abused by an older sister-in-law. With no
one to hear her grievances or care, she ended it all.
A few weeks ago one of our young married couples
was criticised by a man who saw them walking side by
side. He asked us to see that they stop going on the
road that way. Then what way, do you ask ? He wants
her to frail several rods behind her husband. In our
small city, women are afraid to use a bicycle for fear
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
of the severe criticisms. A young lady, who has ac-
quired her A. B. degree, was humiliated by having her
name printed in the papers, speaking dishonorably of
her for playing tennis with young men. She should
play only with her own sex. She said to me, " I feel
I am disgraced forever by the unlovely things that have
been printed about me." In the large cities women do
play tennis as they please with men or women and they
go in all parts of the city, too, riding cycles.
When Gandhi went to prison Mrs. Naidu was ap-
pointed to take his place. Mrs. Gandhi and many other
women have held responsible places with the congress
people. In March, this year, the fifth session of the
All India Women's Conference was held in Madras.
When some communities took exception to the Sarda
Bill Act (an act doing way with child marriage) it was
the women who called mass meetings throughout India
to show their approval of the bill. They saved the bill
and thus have thrown protection around the girls of In-
Christian missions are said to have done the most
for womanhood in the land. Educational training, so-
cial reforms, child welfare, all these have been led out
by missions and government, so that today there are
many societies working for the uplift of women. The
Woman's Christian Temperance Union is the oldest of
the fifty or more temperance organizations at work in
India. This temperance work was begun thirty or more
years ago. Mary J. Campbell was an organizer for a
dozen years. At present there are five Indian women
organizers. The W. C. T. U. numbers 60,000 members
with some two hundred unions.
Two women's colleges, one in north India the other
in the south at Madras, are furnishing a very gratifying
number of trained women for various kinds of noble
work. Isabella Thoburn of America and Miss Tuck-
er of England were among the first single ladies to
serve as missionaries in India. The Isabella Thoburn
College is named for one of these who worked many
years in India. It is the oldest women's college not on-
ly in India but in all Asia. In the community center at
Landour, Mussoorie, in the Himalaya Mountains, we
find some of the teachers from Isabella Thoburn Col-
lege, teaching in that school wherein are so many of
the children of missionaries from different parts of the
country. To say that India's educated Christian wom-
en are working in many parts of the country is a fact
worth noting.
This year, an Indian Christian woman, a qualified
doctor, has offered herself as a missionary to go to
Kenya and Uganda, East Africa, to work among the
Christians and Non-Christians from India. Funds
have been subscribed and she will be greatly appreciated
as she works in that needy part of Africa among her
own countrymen.
Nor would we forget the numberless women who are
mothers making homes that are worth while. The In-
dian language has no word for home. It is just house,
and too many of them are only houses. Here is where
the Christian home is outstanding for its influence and
I think of a Christian mother who is the only one in
a good sized city. Her neighbors quite often remark
that she has been an example to them in so many ways.
At first when they knew her they criticised because she
did not run to the baby the moment he cried ; he was
not nursed between feedings ; he was left to lie in his
crib and taken into her arms only when necessary.
They found that a baby cared for in this manner is a
baby really happy and healthy. Now they know that
the opium pill is not necessary to keep a baby quiet.
News From the Field
Mary D. Blickenstaff
Meetings at Bulsar
The Rev. Garrison from the Alliance Mission recently
spent several days with us, and gave the Bulsar church
some soul-stirring, heart-searching sermons. Our pastor,
Elder Satvedi, also gave a helpful message daily. The vil-
lage teachers from the surrounding district were present to
share the spiritual blessings. The meetings closed with a love
feast for which Bro. Lichty preached the examination ser-
mon and officiated. The love feast was preceded by four
Healed in Heart as Well as Body
Manchhaben, a Hindu widow, has been a patient sufferer
in the mission hospital for several months. During this
time, the gentle, loving care she has received has opened
her heart to the truths of Christianity, and she has confessed
her belief in Christ's power to save. She reads the Bible
and all the Christian literature available. She has learned
some hymns which she sings in a clear melodious voice. She
takes great delight in telling the Bible stories to other pa-
tients and many attending relatives who frequent her room.
Pray that her health may be restored that she may become
a true witness for Christ among her people.
Our School Children with Us Again
The family circles of many of our missionaries are again
complete with the coming of the children from Woodstock
School in the mountains on Dec. 10. They have been away
for nine months, and both parents and children rejoice in
the privilege of spending the three winter months together.
David Blickenstaff was graduated from the high school de-
partment of Woodstock at the close of this year's work, and
his father gave the graduation address. Verna Blickenstaff
is now located at Bulsar where she will give her services to
the mission hospital.
Children Prepare Holiday Program
The children of the mission schools are now busy prepar-
ing programs for Christmas. To them, Christmas is the
most joyful holiday of the year, and they enter with great,
enthusiasm into its celebration.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
Alas ! for the numberless babies that die in India be-
cause they are fed too much opium.
In one of the houses, not homes, I saw a four-year-
old boy kicking and screaming as he rolled on the floor.
When asked what the child wanted the mother said:
" He waists something to eat." What a way to ask for
food! In another neighborhood a mother and grown
son had not spoken to each other for months. A Chris-
tian woman showed them the New Testament way of
forgiving and forgetting which proved a cure for the
variance between the two. In another house the old
mother-in-law was about to commit suicide because the
son's wives were so abusive. Again the Jesus way was
shown by a Christian woman and all are living happily
Some time ago I asked a worker to bring his wife
along next time he comes in. He said : " It would be
nice for her to come, but I am away over Sunday and
if she is at home the services go on unhindered, the
collections are well looked after and the evening meet-
ings are conducted properly ; but if she is not there then
I am not at ease about the home program." So she
seldom has the privilege of coming here.
India has become quite alive as to the political power
of its women. So also the church ought to be alive to
the spiritual might of the women of the church in order
that the rest of India's womanhood be won for him.
Jalalpor, India.
An Appraisal of Our India Mission
(Continued From Page 5)
home church. The day is coming. It is not here yet,
but signs are yearly increasing that the day will come.
Indian men and women are becoming real leaders. The
number of Christlike followers is increasing. We have
over 4,700 baptized Christian converts. This economic
depression, bringing drastic reductions in funds, is giv-
ing the Indian church a hard financial problem. Many
workers who had been toiling faithfully and receiving
pay from mission funds now suddenly find their pay
either stopped or reduced almost to the vanishing point.
We know some of them are responding nobly to the
crisis and discovering ways by which they can continue
to serve. The depression is causing havoc to established
ways of doing things, but we pray and believe the In-
dian church will rise to the emergency and in the end be
This appraisal tells only fragments of the inspiring
story of our missionary work in India. One of the
largest values coming from the work can not be re-
ported in statistics at all. It is the influence of missions
on the total community. Many not baptized converts
have had their minds directed toward God and their
manner of life affected by the Man of Galilee. — n. s. M.
Showing Our Faith in Missions
Chairman, General Mission Board
These times are trying the faith of the Christian
church in the great missionary enterprise. When there
was plenty of money it was comparatively easy for peo-
ple to contribute to missions. Now that money is scarce,
and we must make a sacrifice to contribute to missions,
our real faith in the enterprise is being tested. Some
have listened with readiness to recent criticisms of the
work. But let us remember that whatever may be the
changing views of men about the work, there still stand
the Lord's commands as strong as ever : " Go ye there-
fore and teach all nations." " Go, preach my gospel to
every creature."
A fair look at the missionary program of the Church
of the Brethren will show that in days of prosperity it
was not too large in proportion to what we were spend-
ing for other activities of the home church, such as edu-
cation, pastoral service, building new houses, etc. Many
people have been thinking that we have been spending
most of our church money for missions. On the con-
trary, a careful study will show that for every dollar
that we have spent for foreign missions we have spent
from eight to ten dollars upon the work at home. Now
that financial conditions compel us to retrench in the
work at home, we must of necessity retrench in the
amount of money spent on the foreign field. During
the past year our budget for foreign work has been cut
at least $60,000. The missionaries and the mission
churches are cooperating in every way they can to carry
on the work with this reduced budget.
The Church of the Brethren has large responsibilities
in these foreign fields. Through our missionaries the
light has come to these people and thousands have ac-
cepted Jesus Christ. These people are now our breth-
ren and sisters living in a land where no other Christian
people are helping them save our own people in Amer-
ica. We dare not disappoint nor desert them. Then
there are untold opportunities for our messengers to
preach the gospel in the new territories that are opening
up. Unlike our home territory, where there are other
Christian people in almost every community, in these
lands the Brethren are the only ones who are in position
to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. We must not
desert nor disappoint our Lord in witnessing for him to
these people who seem so ready for the gospel.
Though it will mean much sacrifice to carry on our
program even with a reduced budget, the Church of the
Brethren can not afford to let her foreign work close.
All that our fathers and mothers have done, all that we
ourselves have felt about the work we have been doing,
all of the great possibilities that lie ahead of us, urge us
(Continued on Page 20)
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
The Minister as a Man of God
Article Supplied by the Pastoral Association
During Old Testament times a spiritual leader was
frequently called, man of God. He lived apart and ap-
peared only occasionally in a public way to speak the
message of God. Such messages still live and warm
our hearts. As the Scotch sometimes say, he was
" thick with God." Preeminently, he was a man of
God. The life of the modern minister is an exact
antithesis of that of the Hebrew prophet. The modern
minister is preeminently a man of the people. He is
expected to live with the people and his daily round of
visits, committee meetings, luncheons, etc., leaves little
time to get acquainted with God, yet he is expected
regularly to appear in a public way to speak a message
from God. Any reader of the sermonic material of to-
day can not but detect the sham and substitution of lit-
erary brilliance for true spirituality and earnestness.
The wonder of it is, however, that a man can neglect
God all week and then do so well in talking about him
on Sunday.
The ministry today is far more complicated than in
former times and it is getting more complicated all the
while. What the minister is supposed to be and to do
is legion. He is expected to be a good mixer, an enter-
taining sermonizer, a director of religious education, a
spiritual counselor, a good organizer, a general go-get-
ter of crowds and dollars and popularity, a man of God
and scores of other things of more or less importance.
He may rate 100% as a mixer, in delivering sermons, in
attracting crowds, and in every other function of the
ministry, but if he isn't a man of God, lifting his people
up to God and attaching their loyalties to him, then time
will write over his ministry in clear letters — Failure.
The most insidious temptation of the modern minis-
ter is superficiality. As a group they could not be ac-
cused of laziness. But to be busy is not enough. They
must learn to subordinate details to the great objectives
of their office. And first of all, a minister should be a
man of God. He must have a message that is fresh
from God and he must carry about with him wherever
he goes the fragrance of heaven. This will take time.
Demands are heavy on a minister's time, but no minis-
ter can neglect time with God without future regret.
All the supremely spiritual leaders of the past and pres-
ent have had their regular hours alone with God. Noth-
ing was permitted to interrupt. Jesus regularly with-
drew from the multitude. Spurgeon had his hour alone
with God as regularly as his night's sleep. For years
Hudson Taylor was on his knees every morning as the
sun rose over China. Spirituality does not come by ac-
cident. It takes time to cultivate it. Woe be to that
minister who gets so busy mixing with the multitude
and meeting with committees that there is no time left
to meet with God. George Miiller of Bristol said : " If
I had strength to work twenty-four hours every day I
could not half accomplish what is ready for my hands
and feet and head and heart. Yet with all this, I con-
sider my first business to be, and my most important
business every day, to get blessings in my own soul —
for my own soul to be happy in the Lord, and then to
work, and to work with all diligence."
The rewards that come to the minister who is a man
of God are far richer than those that come to the minis-
ter who is primarily a man of the people. A minister
may be politician enough and showman enough to at-
tract a crowd, but the rewards of popularity alone are
fleeting. Far richer is the " eternal weight of glory "
that comes to the minister who saturates his own soul
in God and who is thereby privileged to see the unmis-
takable upward climb of his people in ways of right-
eousness and truth. " Your prayers lift me up to God."
" Following your morning sermon I hunted up my
neighbor and fixed up a difficulty we have had between
us for several years." What minister would ask a bet-
ter reward ! Stanley Jones says if we are going fur-
ther in our work, we must first go deeper.
" Let each man take heed how he buildeth. . . .
For other foundation can no man lay than that which is
laid, which is Jesus Christ. But if any man buildeth on
the foundation gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay,
stubble ; each man's work shall be made manifest : for
the day shall declare it, because it is revealed in fire;
and the fire itself shall prove each man's work of what
sort it is" (1 Cor. 3: 10b-13).
Twin Falls, Idaho.
Appreciating the Ministry
Given at the Ministerial Meeting of Eastern Pennsylvania
An excessive modesty prevents many ministers from
calling attention to the sacred office they hold, and to
the respect in which it should ever be regarded by those
over whom they have the oversight. Phillips Brooks
once said : " I wish it were possible for one to speak
to the laity of our churches, frankly and freely, about
their treatment of their ministers."
The Apostle Paul was not withheld by any false
sense of modesty from pointing out, with all emphasis
and authority, the obligations of the church toward
those who minister in the Word.
In his Epistles, he recommends many kinds of
graces — " fruits of the Spirit," he calls them — love, joy,
peace, long suffering, gentleness, patience, goodness,
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
and appreciation. He does not use the word apprecia-
tion, but we find it hidden in a number of verses in his
Epistles. In 1 Thess. 5 : 12, 13 we read : " We beseech
you, brethren, to know them which labor among you,
and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you ; and to
esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake."
That is the grace of appreciation. The ministry
should be regarded with suitable respect and honor, be-
cause it is a holy office, ordained of God. The minis-
ter is a man, called of God, through the Holy Spirit, by
the church, to do the work of God here on the earth.
The Apostle says, " Esteem them very highly in love
for their work's sake."
The ability to appreciate is one of the finest of the
Christian graces. The presence of a single sympathetic
listener will often enable the minister to bring to his
people a doubly effective and helpful message.
The finest appreciation of the ministry is to welcome
the ministry of the Word, by regular and constant at-
tendance at the church services, and by candid and re-
spectful hearing.
Ruskin said, " Precious indeed, are those minutes
when the preacher seeks to convict men of sin, convince
them of righteousness, and persuade them of eternal
Some one once asked a friend of Charles Wesley,
" Are you going to hear Mr. Wesley preach ?"
" No," he answered, " I am going to hear God. I
listen to him, whoever preaches."
The greatest appreciation a minister of God can re-
ceive is for him to see that his teaching is being accepted
and lived by those whom he serves.
" Esteem them very highly in love," the apostle says.
A loving heart loves to pray. The ministerial office has
its special responsibilities and perils, and nothing helps
more vitally the efficient discharge of its duties, than
the constant prayers of an appreciative and devoted
How often the Apostle said :
" Brethren, pray for us."
" Brethren, pray for us that the word of the Lord
may have free course and be glorified."
" Brethren, pray for me, that utterance may be given
unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make
known the mystery of the gospel."
The work of the ministry is spiritual. It needs the
power of the Holy Ghost. Do you pray for it, by pray-
ing for your ministers ? They pray for you.
I was impressed by Bro. Moore's article on " The
Ministerial Standard " in the The Gospel Messenger.
He says : " Possibly the standard of our ministers is as
high as that for other Protestant bodies, but it ought to
be higher, because of our higher claims. For years we
have been impressed with the conviction that the con-
ception for the ministerial standing in the minds of our
people is far too low. Mentally speaking, we have es-
tablished too common a level for them, and are dis-
posed to apologize for deficiency, rather than demand
higher attainments. Our conversation about them
would indicate this. Especially is this often true as it
applies to the family conversation. Too often is the
minister spoken of in an irreverent manner, and thus
small children are led to look upon the ministers with
far less reverence and respect than is due them." Do
you believe that?
When I read that I felt grateful for having been
reared in a Christian home where I never heard a dis-
paraging word about the minister. He was the man of
God. It didn't matter who he was. He was God's
All too often today, in the minister's absence, his
faults are freely discussed in the home. That is not ap-
"Don't look for flaws as you go through life —
And, even if you find them,
It is wise and kind to be somewhat blind,
And look for the virtues behind them."
(Continued on Page 22)
Men's Work and the Liquor Problem
BY C. H. DRESHER, McPherson, Kansas
Men of the church, we face a new year with new prob-
lems; but a cognition only, of a problem puts us very little
farther forward. Real progress depends upon properly solv-
ing recognized problems. Old solutions will not adapt them-
selves to new problems. Solutions must be new or the old
ones at least altered to meet the new features of the pres-
ent problems.
The multi-tentacled octopus of alcoholic liquors toward
which we are so rapidly headed, is a new problem to this
generation. Men in active life today are mostly men who
have had little or no contact with the actual results of the
use of strong drink, since they have lived in a prohibition
period of years. As a result of this our opposition has in a
large measure slipped.
This is our opportunity as men who are anxious to be led
into a worth-while struggle. Our nation needs new leading
in its thinking, in its educational program, in its type of in-
formation placed before the public and in the earnestness
with which Christian people oppose evil.
Is there any reason why your Men's Group in your local
church can not undertake, during this winter, the sponsor-
ing of an educational program of public addresses on this
vital issue? Follow it up with the circulation of books, cir-
culars and other printed matter * and see that it is read.
Let the teachers of your schools know what the men of
your church and other churches expect of them in the mat-
ter of placing before their pupils the importance of right
thinking and acting toward this great moral issue.
Men, the time is here, now, to act. Let's face the New
Year with the sort of activity for which we need make no
apologies at its close.
* Write Board of Christian Education, 22 S. State St., Elgin, 111., for a
list of temperance literature available.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
Calendar for Sunday, January 29
Sunday-school Lesson, Jesus and the Sabbath. — Mark 2:
13—3 : 6.
Christian Workers' Meeting, The Seen and the Unseen.
B. Y. P. D. Programs:
Young People — Some Pacifists at Work.
Intermediate Girls— Brave Friends of Jesus.
Intermediate Boys — What Would You Do?
♦ * * *
Gains for the Kingdom
Seven baptisms in the Buchanan church, Mich.
Two baptisms in the Muncie church, Ind.
One baptism in the Pipe Creek church, Ind.
Two baptisms in the Wabash City church, Ind.
Six baptisms in the Connellsville church, Pa.
Three baptisms in the Fresno church, Calif.
Four baptisms in the Forest Center church, Wash.
Three baptisms in the Glendora church, Calif.
Five baptisms in the Modesto church, Calif.
Two baptisms in the Thomas church, Okla., Bro. D. J.
McCann of Oklahoma City, evangelist.
One baptism in the Westmont church, Pa.
One baptism in the Nemadji church, Minn.
Four baptized and one received on former baptism in the
Lanark church, 111.
Ten baptisms in the New Hope church, Tenn., Bro. Frank
Isenberg of Mooresburg, Tenn., evangelist.
Five baptisms in the Bradford church, Ohio.
Sixteen baptisms in the Monticello church, Ind., Bro. B. F.
Petry of Burnettsville, Ind., evangelist.
One baptism in the Harrisburg church, Pa.
Four baptisms in the La Porte congregation, Ind.
Four baptisms in the Lower Miami church, Ohio, Bro. J.
O. Click of Covington, Ohio, evangelist.
Two baptisms in the Pleasant Hill church, Ind., Bro. J.
Edson Ulery of Onekama, Mich., evangelist.
One more baptism in the Freeport church, 111.
One baptism in the South Waterloo church, Iowa.
Two baptisms in the Sebring church, Fla., Bro. R. W.
Schlosser of Elizabethtown, Pa., evangelist.
Three baptized in the Bethel church, nine baptized and
two reclaimed at Brake church, ten baptized and one re-
claimed at Sycamore church, Bro. P. I. Garber of Peters-
burg, W. Va., evangelist; churches of North Mill Creek con-
gregation, W. Va.
$. 4* 4* ♦>
Our Evangelists
Will you share the burden which these laborers carry? Will you pray
for the success of these meetings?
Bro. J. W. Barnett of Arago, Ore., Feb. 5 in the Ashland
church, Ore.
Bro. Rufus Bucher of Quarryville, Pa., Feb. 5 in the York
church, Pa.
Bro. John Wieand of Bellefontainej Ohio, Feb. 12 in the
First church, Toledo, Ohio.
Bro. I. S. Long of Bridgewater, Va., Feb. 5 in the Harris-
burg church, Pa.
Brother and Sister Oliver H. Austin of McPherson, Kans.,
March 29 in the Connellsville church, Pa.
Personal Mention
Messenger readers are indebted to Edward Ziegler who
went out to India in 1931 for compiling the materials for this
issue. During the process of his work he was taken ill with
typhoid, but we are all thankful that he recovered and was
able to help make this issue possible.
Brother and Sister E. H. Eby are moving eastward from
their service in Ohio, and will spend the month of February
in Southwestern Virginia. Their postoffice for the month
will be Daleville, Va., General Delivery. Bro. Eby is sched-
uled to assist in the Bible term at Daleville.
President D. W. Kurtz has a class of fifteen in Bethany
Biblical Seminary studying the History of Religion. As one
number in the Seminary Lecture Course the class will give a
program on the Eleven Living Religions of the World, Feb.
28, 8 P. M. Publicity Committee W. C. Sell and Chester
Baird wishes you to know that every one who can attend is
invited to do so.
Bro. Ezra Flory, New Paris, Ind., is a busy man. He
" preached, taught, and lectured seven times in the last
week." But the special point of this mention is this : He
wants the 135 persons who sent him letters or cards in con-
nection with his recent birthday to know that he greatly ap-
preciated their kind remembrance. It is too much to expect
him to make personal acknowledgment of so many.
Since last mention of holiday season greetings from China
Sister Nettie M. Senger's has come in. With them was en-
closed a reprint of her article " Quit Giving Money and Give
More of Ourselves " as published in The Chinese Recorder
for September last. The reference was of course to the ef-
fort to establish self-supporting native churches, but it will
repay careful thinking in a wider application. We said
careful thinking, mind you. The first clause can not be ap-
plied universally, but there is no possibility of overdoing the
second. Self-giving will put money-giving in its right place.
Miscellaneous Items
Bridgewater College Bible Institute is scheduled for Feb.
1-5. Among the speakers we note Brethren G. L. Wine, I.
S. Long, D. W. Kurtz, Jno. S. Flory, M. G. West and M.
R. Zigler. Feb. 3 is Community Day and Feb. 4 is Dunker
Day. Details arrived too late for insertion in this paper, but
we hope many will see this brief reminder of the splendid
program in store for those who can attend this institute.
The opening session is at 10 A. M. on Wednesday.
Glendale Mission (California) laid the corner stone of a
new church building Sunday afternoon, Jan. 15, as an-
nounced in the news note on page 20 of this paper. Bro.
George C. Carl, pastor, writes of the occasion : " We had a
fine day yesterday and very good attendance. . . .
Church building paid for as we build. Do not know when
we will be able to complete, but pressing on." We might
add that we have no fear these California brethren will not
Conference Committee on Resolutions: The Annual Con-
ference of 1932 adopted a report which provided for a per-
manent Committee on Resolutions. This was done in order
that the report submitted to the Conference might repre-
sent careful thought and more mature judgment. The new-
ly appointed Committee met in Elgin on December 14 in
connection with the meeting of the Council of Boards and
organized by electing J. W. Lear, Chairman and Paul H.
Bowman, Secretary. C. E. Davis is the other member. The
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
Committee desires to announce that problems, subjects, and
suggestions for the resolutions of the 1933 Conference may-
be sent to any member of the Committee.
Middle Pennsylvania churches and church organizations
please note that queries, reports, statements or matter in-
tended to appear in the program for the coming District
Conference of the Church of the Brethren, meeting in the
Roaring Spring church, beginning on Tuesday at 1 : 30
o'clock, April 11, 1933, must be in the hands of the secretary,
not later than March 1, so it may be assembled for the
printer. — J. C. Swigart, Secretary, Mattawana, Pa.
Some are asking about the 1933 Yearbook. It will be sent
to all regular subscribers of The Gospel Messenger when it
comes from the press. By regular subscribers we mean
those who pay the regular price. Where the Messenger is
furnished at a special price, through, a special fund, the
Yearbook is not included. The several National Boards do
their very best in securing material for the Yearbook, but
some are always slow in responding to the Boards' inquiries.
All such delays are annoying and lead to a further delay in
publication. Be assured that the 1933 Yearbook will reach
you in February.
Our Relief Work in Chicago is opening up new oppor-
tunities for service which in turn create new links between
these people of our neighborhood and the church. A com-
munity center is being organized by our Sisters' Aid Society,
to assist needy women in sewing and to give them new ideas
in cooking. You good people in the country who are send-
ing foodstuffs and clothing are aiding materially in this
project. We are at present supporting about twenty-five
families and can probably see them through the winter. If
more provisions should be sent in we could enlarge the
number, and consequently reach more for the community
center and for the church. We are deeply appreciative of
all the contributions that have been made thus far. — Elgin
S. Moyer, Church of the Brethren Relief Committee.
Missionary and Ministerial Relief. For six years the Gen-
eral Mission and Ministerial Boards have wrestled with the
problem of some plan of relief for our aged ministers and
missionaries. It is desired to provide a plan that will per-
mit the ministers and churches to contribute to it through
the active years of service. Much progress has been made.
Different committees have made a contribution. At the last
meeting of these two Boards the following committee was
appointed, which is an enlargement of some who previously
served : P. H. Bowman, Bridgewater, Va. ; H. H. Nye, 1631
Mifflin St., Huntingdon, Pa.; J. M. Fogelsanger, Mt. Airy,
Philadelphia, Pa.; Ross D. Murphy, 2260 N. Park Ave.,
Philadelphia, Pa. ; H. K. Ober, Elizabethtown, Pa. ; John M.
Miller, Lititz, Pa. — M. R. Zigler, Home Mission and Minis-
terial Secretary ^ ^ ^ ^
Working Towards Victory
A Glimpse of Efforts for the Achievement Offering
You ought to read the editorial by . E. G. Hoff in Our
Young People for Feb. 4. Find it under the title,The Urge
to Share.
J. Oscar Winger writes that in the Liberty Mills congre-
gation, Middle Indiana, their plans were made early for the
February missionary meeting. They will have a Sunday-
school night. Various classes of the school will contribute
to the meeting. They plan to lift an offering which they
are trying to make the best ever for Missions and Church
Service (Conference Budget).
Here is the report from Woodland Village congregation,
Michigan. Their enthusiastic missionary secretary writes :
" We have just completed our Victory Achievement Offer-
ing. Our aim was $1 per member, but we have gone over
the top. We have 49 members in the village and near-by
country. We have 26 families with one or more members.
We have 65 on the Sunday-school roll.
" Our good young people held a fellowship social. Being
full of the mission spirit, we asked the privilege to give a
talk on missions and the Victory Achievement at this social.
It was a golden opportunity. Many of our members are
poor and all realize the effects of the depression, hence did
not urge large sums, but urged strongly that each member
and Sunday-school pupil give a little, if only five cents, but
as much more as possible, and to feel it a happy privilege
and not a duty only. The cooperation was excellent, even
the primaries brought pennies to have a share in the Mas-
ter's great work.
" We called at each home in the village and delivered en-
velopes. We wrote letters and sent envelopes to all not in
walking distance. As a result we have $60 and we are very
His First Disciples
John 1: 35-51
For Week Beginning February 5
Behold the Lamb of God, v. 36
The simple act of pointing men to Jesus is the highest
type of evangelism (John 1: 29; 3: 28-36; 5: 33; 10: 41).
What Seek Ye? v. 38
Jesus can do nothing for the life where there is no desire
for higher and better things (Mark 1 : 37 ; Luke 4 : 42 ; 19 : 3 ;
John 6: 24).
They Abode with Him That Day, v. 39
Jesus gives a whole evening to two enquirers. How their
hearts must have burned within them (Matt. 18: 20; Luke
24: 15)!
He First Findeth His Own Brother, v. 41
In our zeal for those who are far away we may forget
those who are near (Mark 2:3; John 1 : 41 ; Acts 11 : 25, 26 ;
Jas. 5 : 20).
Thou Art Simon. . . . Thou Shalt Be Called Peter, v. 42
Jesus knows what we are. He knows what we may be-
come (Gen. 17: 5, 15; 32: 28; 41: 45; Judges 6: 32; 2 Sam.
12: 25).
Follow Me, v. 43
No word so completely expresses Jesus' will for us as this
(Mark 1 : 17, 20 ; 2 : 14 ; Luke 6 : 13 ; Acts 22 : 21).
Come and See, v. 46
What high regard for the individual's power to observe
and decide for himself (Psa. 34: 8; 139: 23; Mai. 3: 10).
Thou Shalt See Greater Things Than These, v. 50
This is true of every Christian in every day of his life.
Greater things lie ahead (John 13: 7; 16: 13; 1 Cor. 13: 12).
Notice how the common contacts and relationships of life
were used to spread the knowledge and influence of Jesus.
How may we make this so in our own lives? R. H. M.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
Questions and an Answer
Is there any honey in the carcass of the lion?
Is there any savor in the salt?
Is there any sunshine left to make a silver lining?
Is there any virtue in a fault?
Is there enough ballast in the hold to keep it level
When the -billows toss our ship of state?
Is there enough goodness left to overbalance evil?
Is there any purpose back of fate?
Is there any doctor that can heal our social cancer?
Which way turns the road beyond the hill?
All of these are questions that man alone can't answer,
Only God can help us and he will !
La Verne, Calif.
Not for a Day, . . . But for a Lifetime
Chapter 5
The first merry sunbeams of a chill October morning
danced gaily through the heavy curtains and rested in
silent benediction upon the fair face of Marilyn Weston
as she stood with her lover before the aged minister.
" It's not for a day, nor for a year, but for a lifetime."
As the solemn words broke the sweet silence of the
room, a quick glance of warm understanding flitted be-
tween the bride and her father.
An hour later Bruce Weston waved good-bye as the
green roadster slipped out of sight around the corner.
How strangely silent the old house seemed now ! How
long it seemed since he had returned yesterday and
learned of Jinny's departure ! The only sound which
broke the stillness was Hagar's slow tramp from dining
room to kitchen as she removed the remains of the wed-
ding breakfast.
Catching up the threads of the old life required sev-
eral telephone calls in which appointments were made
for the afternoon. He was about to leave the house
when the postman passed and left a letter from Jinny.
Mr. Weston retreated up the stairs with the agility of
a school boy. Here is what he read :
"It seems ages and ages since I left home in such a flurry.
Until our ship actually moved out of port I wasni sure I
could stand the strain of leaving you all behind. Sometimes
my heart nearly gives way when I think °f a^ the dreadful
things rvhich might happen while Vm away. I hope things
are going well at home. I left Hagar there to keep things in
order for you and the girls; they often bring friends home
for the week-end. Don't forget what I said about the chil-
dren in the first letter. Vm trying not to be selfish with
There followed many closely written pages which
Bruce read and reread. Every line revealed some
anxious concern for her loved ones. " How much a
mother lives for her family," he breathed. " How se-
curely her whole soul is tied up with the problems that
face her loved ones. Well, I'm glad she can get away
from it all. I — I guess she's right about my never get-
ting acquainted with the children while she was at
home. I hope there won't be anything worse than mar-
rying off a daughter."
At three that afternoon he met a business acquaint-
" Hello, old chap," exclaimed Jim Black, heartily.
" How's everybody ?"
" Great, fine, that is, what is left," stammered Mr.
Weston, lamely.
" What's left ?" queried Black, curiously scanning the
face of his friend. " No bad luck to the family, I
" None at all," answered Mr. Weston, adding dryly,
" only two children married and my wife gone to Eu-
" Bruce Weston, after the way you've boasted about
your wife being a home body! You always said you
never had to worry about anything, that she shouldered
it all. Man, why didn't you go along?"
The face of Mr. Weston reddened. " I didn't have
a chance," he confessed. " She was gone when I got
home last night. Sorry I can't take you home to dinner
this time, sir," he apologized, moving slowly away.
" Oh, that's all right. Don't mention it," replied Mr.
Black, laying a detaining hand on the sleeve of his
friend. " But don't be in such a hurry. A fine idea
just popped into my head. Why don't you join your
wife and surprise her ? The company would grant you
leave I know, and you can well afford it — sort of sec-
ond honeymoon trip, you see. I doubt if you ever took
a trip together in your life. Now 'fess up."
Mr. Weston's face fell before the penetrating gaze of
his friend. " No, we never did, that's the truth," he
confessed slowly. " I'm on the road so much anyhow
that being home is a vacation to me, and Jinny was al-
ways so contented at home." He paused uncertainly.
" Oh, well, Black, you know as well as I, what kind of
a partner I've been to her. I've been a slacker when it
comes to being a real helpmate. The children are what
they are in spite of me, not because of me."
" There now, old top, don't be too hard on yourself,"
consoled Black earnestly. " What you've said is all
the more argument for your accepting my suggestion.
It's never too late to turn about. Ah! Here's my
man," he exclaimed. " Good luck to you. Write me
from Paris, Bruce."
In a flash he was gone and Bruce Weston from force
of habit wended his way to his employer's office for
further orders.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
" Hello, Bruce. I thought you'd be in this morning.
Got in last night I presume, according to schedule."
Willard Stanley surveyed his visitor with keen grey
Bruce Weston nodded and slumped heavily into a
near-by chair.
"What's wrong, sir? Under the weather?" de-
manded Mr. Stanley.
" No, not exactly — a bit tired, I guess," stammered
Mr. Weston endeavoring to straighten up in his chair.
" I suppose Cleveland is next ?" he questioned, seeking
to turn the conversation into safer channels.
" Yes, sir. Either today or tomorrow. I didn't make
the schedule definite because I wasn't sure when you'd
get in. Maybe a day or two of rest would fix you up.
Think it over and let me know."
When Bruce Weston reached home again he found
the same cheery fire lit by Hagar's faithful old hands.
But somehow the strange restlessness surging in his
heart made the usual cozy comforts seem like a mock-
ery. After all, what are things — material things with-
out the presence that makes them live ? The rooms filled
with the memory of loved ones were dead and cold, like
the cheerless hotel rooms he had tried to call home.
He could not dismiss the suggestion that James
Black had made of joining Jinny in Europe. But he
could not visualize himself doing that. Somehow Mari-
lyn's words flashed back again : " Father, you must
know you're needed and I'll need you more than ever
even if I am married." Was it time to run away when
he was just beginning to bridge the gulf between him-
self and the children ? No, with Jinny in Europe, sure-
ly he was needed to stay by the job and see things safe-
ly through until her return.
With this decision a warm glow of satisfaction
flamed in his heart. The disconcerting restlessness van-
ished. He decided to call Stanley that evening and re-
port for duty. The telephone jingled a merry summons.
" Bruce Weston speaking. . . . Ma'am ? . . .
Cakes ? No, ma'am, you have the wrong number. . . .
This isn't a bakery. . . . Yes, this is Bruce Weston
of 2310 Fairview Ave. No, my wife is out of
town. . . . Cakes? .... Indeed not. My
wife does not make cakes for a living."
With a gesture of impatience he replaced the receiver
and returned to his chair. Suddenly he recalled the
night he had gone out to Tom's. What was it Betty had
said about Jinny's cakes? Oh, yes, something about
building a house with them. And then in a flash, he
saw through it. He remembered how Jinny had always
wanted to build a house — a tiny dream castle with all
the conveniences that make a home so livable, but he
had only laughed and dismissed the matter as a wom-
an's passing fancy. Yes, it must be that the dream had
come true and by the quiet working of Jinny's own
capable hands.
Then a feeling somewhat akin to Hagar's regard for
" fambly honah " swept through his resentful heart. If
Tom needed money and help why didn't he come to his
father? Yes, he had been left out of the family prob-
lems and the only way to regain lost ground was to fight
straight on toward the ideal of the new father he had
set out to be.
He walked to the window and stared out into the
early twilight. On the street below, myriads of cars
glided swiftly past and disappeared around the curve in
Fairview Park. Suddenly a yellow taxi swept out of
the darkness and slid to the curb. A slim girlish figure
alighted, turned to pay the driver and sprang quickly
up the big stone steps.
" Alice !" he gasped, turning hastily toward the hall-
Nappanee, Ind.
(To Be Continued)
Around the Table
This department is sponsored by the Mothers and Daughters' As-
sociation, Sister J. Z. Gilbert, Superintendent. Questions are invited.
Personal attention will be given to each. Questions will be answered
in this column or privately. All questions should be mailed to Around
the Table, 3300 N. .Griffin Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.
QUESTION : A mother of several children finds
difficulty in this particular: her next door neighbor buys
more expensive gifts for her children than this mother
feels she can afford to buy for her family, and in conse-
quence the children are dissatisfied and a bit unhappy
with "what seems to them to be insignificant gifts in
comparison with the gifts of the children next door
with whom they play.
This mother wants to know how she can help her own
children to be liappy with the gifts in keeping with the
size of their family purse.
I wonder what some of you mothers would answer ?
This is the way we have been thinking about the mat-
In the first place this mother is not as unfortunate as
she may suppose in living next door to a wealthier
family, for this very situation may afford an opportuni-
ty to help her own family to do some independent
thinking that will enable them to decide wisely some of
the problems to be met in later years.
We suggest a considerate evaluation of the things
that are most worth-while, since this will go far in help-
ing a mother herself to become optimistic about such a
situation, and it is surprising how readily small children
accept the parents' attitude on almost any question.
Their ready acceptance gives the mother great advan-
tage in molding sentiment.
Being self -convinced that " a man's life consisteth not
(Continued on Page 22)
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
Showing Our Faith in Missions
(Continued From Page 13)
on to do our very best for the kingdom of our Lord
Jesus Christ. Let us do our best for missions even this
North Manchester, hid.
A Call to Prayer
Glendale church met Dec. 20 for ordination service. S. J. Miller of
La Verne, Calif., assisted by J. E. Steinour of Los Angeles officiated
in ordaining to the eldership Brethren O. L. Gillett and Harold Kurtz.
An address was given by Bro. Steinour. The annual banquet of the
young people's Sunday-school classes was enjoyed Dec. 30 by about
seventy-three young people. Following the program an address was
given by Bro. Harrison Frantz of La Verne on The Modern Age. At
the annual election of officers for the Women's Work Jan. 8 the fol-
lowing were chosen: director of Women's Work, Rachel Young; presi-
dent of Aid, Maggie Statler. A very pleasing custom of exchanging
names and remembering each other on birthdays was repeated. Each
sister draws another's name. The remembrance may consist of a
friendly visit, a cheery letter, etc. — Emma Sine, Glendale, Ariz., Jan. 11.
This year the World Day of Prayer is set for Friday,
March 3. Thus again a call to prayer goes out to all people.
Mrs. Ruth Muskrat Bronson (Indian American) has pre-
pared the following call to prayer, and you are invited to
use it until the World Day of Prayer, Feb. 16, 1934. „, _,,.„.. „7 , CAL,FORNIA
Glendale Mission. — Work on our new mission church is moving stead-
"All people awake, open your eyes, arise."— Hopi Indian Prayer ily along. When it is finished, it will be a very lovely piece of work.
When the side doors to the assembly room are opened it will accom-
" FOLLOW THOU ME " modate about three hundred. Laying of the corner stone is scheduled
In Praver t0 take place the afternoon of Jan. 15. Our pastor, Bro. Geo. C. Carl,
. has had much experience and the congregation here feels that it is
" And it Came to pass in those days, that he went OUt mtO through his persistent efforts that we now have a church to carry on
the mountain to pray; and continued all night in prayer to the Lord's work. Dull times have not been very conducive to this
_JA1, . , , ii j i • j- • 1 jt movement but through it all, God has blessed us. Dec. 4 J. B. Em-
God. And when It was day, he called his disciples ; and he mert preached the morning sermon and in the evening communion
chose from them twelve. services were held, with D. L. Forney officiating. Dec. 9 the young
" Anrl ar pvpti all rhp ritv wa <; cratriprprl toe-pther Pe0Ple Save a supper to help the building fund. The Sunday-school
And at even . . . all the city was gatnerea togetner children find it interesting also to help in the cause. The music de.
at the door. . . . And in the morning, a great while be- partment of which Daniel Weaver is leader has contributed toward
fore day, he departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. the Riding fund through their efforts. Brethren from neighboring
churches as well as our own church have donated most of their labor.
" Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest." The Ladies' Aid Society has made donations as well as preparing the
meals for the men working on the church. Sister Emma Deeter was
In Service recently elected president of the Ladies' Aid Society. — Lulu Terford,
..,,., ,. , ,- . ,. , Glendale, Calif., Jan. 7.
Whosoever would be first among you shall be your serv- _, , _. . . „ , , , , ,
• . . Glendora. — The interest in our Sunday-school and church services
ant, even as the Son of man came not to be ministered Unto for tne past quarter has been good, the highest attendance at Sunday-
but to minister and to give his life. school being 203. Our communion was held Oct. 20, Bro. D. L. Forney
,, T , , , ., . , ., . , » of La Verne officiating. On Nov. 17, at our members' meeting, church
Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of officers for the coming year were elected Br0 Roy Brubaker enter.
these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." ing upon his twenty-sixth year as church clerk; Bro. D. R. Myers
was reelected as church treasurer, Sister Clyde Foster as Messenger
In Steadfastness agent. A good brother and wife made a much appreciated gift of 750
.,,.., ... ii i i i 1 j l -j pieces of silverware to the church. Nov. 20 we celebrated the thirtieth
When the time was come that he should be received up, anniversary of the organization of the church with a homecoming,
he steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem." which was an enjoyable occasion. Dec. 3 Bro. Harlan Brooks, re-
turned missionary from India, gave us a very helpful sermon, showing
In Sacrifice that tne i°v ana- tne blessings of Christians become greater, the more
,, T. . ... ,., . . , . , i • u- j Jesus is made known and the farther his light shines in the world. In
If any man will come after me let him deny himself, and the evening he gave his slides on India Ear]y Christraas morning a
take up his Cross and follow me. band of our young people made happy many hearts over the town with
"Then said TesUS, Father, forgive them; for they know j°y°u^ Christmas carols A splendid program was given in the eve-
,,,,.„ ninS by the primary and junior Sunday-school pupils, following was
not what they do. . . . And the people Stood beholding. the white gift service, after which an offering was taken for the
General Mission work. During November and December, our pastor,
ORDER BLANK ^ro- ^* ^- Brubaker, gave a series of evangelistic sermons. On
Dec. 18 three were baptized. Also four letters of membership have
xt" i- 1 r -1 t \-kt~~, '„ i*r.,.-i been received during this time. — Lulu N. Miller, Glendora, Calif.,
National Council of Women s Work, Dec 31
Elgin Illinois. Henmosa Beach church met in council Dec. 9 at which time there was
election of church officers: Elder, Bro. H. R. Frantz; clerk, Alpha
Please send the items checked below for use on the World Stump; Messenger agent and correspondent, Vinna Bowman. A min-
t-. j. t, -ir ■« /- j , 1 j , ,, ister's license was granted to Bro. Volney Faw and this work was in
Day of Prayer. You will find stamps enclosed to cover the charge of Bro s T Miller; member of the District Ministerial Board.
COSt of the order. Dec. 18 the Glendale choir came to our church and gave their Christ-
mas cantata, which we appreciated much. Dec. 23 a Christmas pro-
The Program, " Follow Thou Me," 2c each copy. f,ram W3S given by the Sunday-school children. On Christmas night
° ' ' '' there was a program, including a candle light service, by the choir and
young ladies. This was also given at the Inglewood church on Dec. 28.
The Poster (11 bv 17 inches) 5c each Brother and Sister Wilbur Liskey and family from Rosepine, La.,
on their way to take up work at Live Oak, Calif., were visiting here
and Bro. Liskey gave us the message on Christmas morning. Sister
A Call to Prayer, similar to the above. Free. Liskey helped with the music in the program.— Mrs. Vinna Bowman,
Hermosa Beach, Calif., Jan. 9.
Long Beach. — Dec. 18 we held our homecoming and dedication serv-
Name ices. Rainy weather hindered many of our friends from attending.
The local people were well represented. Mr. H. H. Vaniman was
a jj chairman and B. F. Masterson and Mrs. Emma Root, the speakers.
•rYuaresS ^phe Plus Ultra Sunday-school class presented a missionary play be-
fore the Women's Missionary Society and also before the adult Chris-
Note: If you observe the World Day of Prayer in your own church tian Workers' Society. Members of this class added Christmas cheer
. to the poor. The senior Bible women s class has been selling small
the offering may be apphed to the Women s Work National Project. articles at Christmas time to assist them in their support of a native
If it is held with other denominations in your community this can not worker. The Women's Missionary Society through the superintend-
be done and the offering then should be for interdenominational pur- ence of Mrs. Samuel Horning is actively engaged in the relief of the
poses. poor. The latest meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Evelyn
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
Upright. The intermediate group of the Christian Endeavor Societies
is preparing a short play for presentation. They filled a Christmas
box of food for a poor family. They spent today in the mountains
enjoying the snow. The Laymen's Brotherhood will hold a fellowship
banquet on Jan. 10. Christmas was observed by the giving of white
gifts and special programs in the various departments. The choir gave
a program of music and tableaux Christmas night. The new addition
to the church is in use and much appreciated. The Aid Society has
moved from the basement to a sunny room upstairs. This society
has made and given comforts to the poor. Recently it held a baked
goods sale down town. We suffered the loss of a faithful member in
the passing of Bro. Wm. Beekly. The pastor is putting on some un-
usual prayer meeting programs, the latest being the presentation of
an allegory.— Maud M. Trimmer, Long Beach, Calif., Jan. 2.
McFarland congregation met in council Nov. 30 to elect church of-
ficers for the coming year. Bro. Blickenstaff was reelected elder; Bro.
John Moomaw, church clerk; the writer, Messenger correspondent.
During the pastor's absence in November, due to a minor operation,
Bro. A. Blickenstaff, Bro. Glen Montz, Sister Martha Shick and Bro.
Minnich of Pomona, brought us very fine messages. The Aid Society
has been doing much this winter to help in the welfare work of our
community. We had a very good Christmas program on Dec. 22 by
our Sunday-school. After the program, thirty young people went
over town to scatter Christmas cheer by singing carols. Dec. 31 the
deputation team of La Verne College gave us a splendid program. The
work is going along very nicely with interest and good attendance. —
Veda Moomaw, McFarland, Calif., Jan. 6.
Modesto church met in council Dec. 9. Officers for the coming year
were elected: Bro. F. M. Hollenberg, elder; Bro. D. H. Messamer,
Sunday-school superintendent. We" have no regular pastor at present.
Dec. 19 the deputation team of La Verne College rendered a splendid
program. On Christmas morning the smaller children of the Sunday-
school rendered a program. In the evening the young people gave a
play and a pageant, entitled, Gifts of Gladness. Five Sunday-school
pupils have been baptized since the last report. — Irene Kauffman, Mo-
desto, Calif., Jan. 5.
Bow Valley. — On Remembrance Day an all-day community program
was held at the church with a basket dinner at noon. J. H. Shearer,
a former resident of the community, gave the principal address in the
afternoon — a masterpiece on the subject of Peace. Arrangements are
being made whereby this will be an annual event. Nov. 13 and 20
the United Church held joint services with us and Rev. Dr. Barton, an
evangelist of the United Church, preached. The first Sunday he spoke
on The Handwriting on the Wall. Bro. J. H. Brubaker gave a very
good sermon Dec. 4 on the general outline of missions. Dec. 11 Bro.
I. M. McCune of the Irricana churches gave us an inspiring sermon on
Missions. Dec. 13 we held our regular business meeting. Brother
and Sister Moreash were licensed for one year to preach the Gospel.
The Sisters' Aid held a supper and candy sale in the church base-
ment on Dec. 17 and made $65. Christmas Day a short program was
given by the children and young people of the Sunday-school. — Effie
Norton, Arrowwood, Alta., Jan. 9.
Denver church met in council Dec. 21. Officers were elected for the
year. Bro. I. J. Sollenberger was reelected elder. It was decided to
have a pre-Easter revival conducted by the pastor. A very good
Christmas play, A Sign Unto You, was given Dec. 18 sponsored by the
program committee. On Dec. 25 the children gave a program followed
by a white gift service. Each person brought some article of food
wrapped in white paper to be given to the needy. A missionary
offering was taken, $8.60 being received. — Mrs. Malissa Dove, Denver,
Colo., Jan. 6.
Haxtun. — Our church met in council to elect officers for the year.
Bro. Roscoe Baker was elected elder; Sister Emma Stryker, Mes-
senger agent; Sister Belle Graybill, correspondent. Our pastor, Bro.
I. C. Snavely, closes his eight years of work in the Haxtun church on
April 1. A program was given Thanksgiving evening; the offering of
$14.50 was turned over to the Junior Band for missions. Bro. Schwalm
of McPherson College gave us two lectures Nov. 19 and 20. The Sun-
day-school children gave a very nice Christmas program. Recently
two letters from the foreign field were read to the congregation, one
coming from Bro. Crumpacker in China and the other from Bro.
Ikenberry in India. The Ladies' Aid is working hard to raise their
share of the budget for the Women's Work in the brotherhood. —
Maude C. Kinzie, Haxtun, Colo., Jan. 9.
Tampa.— Nov. 27 Brethren J. D. Reish, A. D. Crist and H. A.
Spanogle visited the Tampa church to ordain our pastor, Bro. H. M.
Landis, to the eldership. Also the letters of Bro. P. H. Lauver and
wife, a licensed minister, were read and his license extended for a year.
Bro. Lauver and wife at present are assisting in the mission at East
Tampa. A service was held at the mission Christmas evening. The
Sunday-school children from the church and mission gave a short
program followed by a pageant of the nativity by the young people
of the mission ably assisted by the singers from the church. At the
close we had our white gift service. The children had been given
small white bags; they faithfully saved their pennies and our offer-
ing amounted to $4.20 which is to go to world-wide missions. Dec. 26
the school pictures from the mission fields were shown at the home
of the writer under the auspices of the Dorcas circle. Jan. 1, 1932, we
had seven active members in our circle; now we have thirteen with
good interest and attendance. — Sarah H. Lauver, Tampa, Fla., Jan. 4.
Hastings Street congregation met in council Dec. 14. Bro. Slabaugh,
our elder, led devotions and gave a very interesting talk on Chris-
tian ideals of life. After the business meeting, we enjoyed a short
prayer service led by Bro. Gerdes. The Ladies' Aid reports a very
successful sale on Dec. 8. We wish to take this opportunity to thank
our many friends for their contributions to our relief work during the
Christmas season. One congregation, that, of the Nappanee, Indiana,
church, sent a large truck load of food and clothing. We had a very
interesting Christmas program, both at the Sunday-school hour and in
the evening. A feature of the evening program was a song by the
mothers of the adult C. W. group. A short play given by the Y. P. D.
closed the program. Bro. John Burton of Des Moines, Iowa, filled the
pulpit the evening of Jan. 1 and gave us a very interesting message.
Our attendance in all departments seems to be on the increase and
we are hoping this will continue. — Ray Dean, Chicago, Illinois, Jan. 10.
La Motte Prairie. — Our church met in council Jan. 7 with our pas-
tor, Bro. D. C. Ritchey, presiding. Plans were made for a revival
this fall and a committee was appointed to arrange for a Vacation
Bible School some time during the summer. It was decided to make
some repairs on the church. Our church keenly feels the loss of Bro.
J. C. Stoner who passed away Dec. 27 after a short illness. — Florence
Seymour, Palestine, 111., Jan. 9.
Oak Grove. — Bro. A. R. Coffman of Girard, 111., was with us on
Oct. 24 in the interest of temperance. The peace declamation contest,
sponsored by the writer, was held Nov. 13. A large crowd heard the
ten contestants give their readings on peace. Bro. John Raney being
confined to his bed at the time of corn harvest, the members and
neighbors went in and completed his work, cribbing 900 bushels of
corn on Dec. 1. The Aid furnished the dinner. Bro. Arthur Whisler,
home from Manchester College, preached for us Jan. 1. — Mrs. Sadie
Whisler, Cazenovia, 111., Jan. 5.
Sterling. — Nov. 27 the church enjoyed a program presented by a
deputation team from the Student Volunteers of Manchester College.
The election of church officers took place on Dec. 11. Bro. J. F. Bald-
win was again elected elder. Dec. 25 a Christmas program was given
by the children, followed by the presentation of white gifts, most of
which were designated for the needy in the community. In the eve-
ning an impressive play entitled, The Empty Room, was presented by
the young people. Our Ladies' Aid Society held a bazaar and bake
sale just before Christmas, clearing a good sum. — Helen Hoak Eiken-
berry, Sterling, 111., Jan. 3.
Onekama church met in council Jan. 7. Arrangements were made
for a week of pre-Easter services by our pastor, Bro. J. E. Ulery.
The men of the congregation decided to have a wood bee in order to
provide wood for the church; the wood is to be donated by James
Anderson. A beautiful Christmas service was held jointly with the
Congregational church Dec. 22. The Sunday-school attendance has been
fifty-four for the last four Sundays, the enrollment being fifty. Our
mission Sunday-school at Springdale is holding its own with an
average attendance of twenty. Our membership is fifty-three. Thir-
teen members were added to the church by baptism during the year. —
Barbara Deal, Onekama, Mich., Jan. 10.
Shepherd. — A sectional conference of the B. Y. P. D. was held at
this church Nov. 6 with about eighty young people in attendance.
Bro. Chas. Forror brought a helpful message at the afternoon session.
Recitations and songs also were enjoyed. In the evening a short
program by the local young people was followed by an inspiring
address by Bro. E. E. Eshelman. Both addresses helped to carry
out the conference subject of Faith. We were glad to welcome those
who attended our homecoming on Thanksgiving Day. Bro. C. L.
Wilkins was our guest speaker for both morning and afternoon, giv-
ing strong, inspiring addresses. He also officiated at the communion
service in the evening. Bro. Chas. Forror gave us ten stirring mes-
sages during the week following Thanksgiving. Only one so far has
requested baptism. — Iva A. Harmon, Mt. Pleasant, Mich., Jan. 11.
Worthington. — The Christmas message was brought this year through
a pageant and the white gift service, directed by Sister Elsie Finkh.
Our church has enjoyed in full measure the homecoming of Sister
Elnora Schechter from the mission field in Africa; she spent about six
weeks here with her parents, Brother and Sister Joshua Schechter.
A homecoming service was held at the church in her honor. Sister
Schechter spoke at twelve other churches and schools, showing in-
teresting articles and relics which she had brought from Africa.
The regular quarterly business meeting was held in December when
it was decided to hold a revival meeting if arrangements can be made.
—Mrs. Henry Hauenstein, Reading, Minn., Jan. 10.
Carthage.— Nov. 21 Eld. Floyd L. Jarboe came to us to conduct our
evangelistic services. After preaching three inspiring sermons he was
obliged to give up the meeting, his daughter being ill. The church
was sorry this was necessary and decided to continue the meetings
under the direction of the pastor, who preached each evening until
Dec. 4. We observed Thanksgiving Day in a union service at 7
(Continued on Page 24)
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
Around the Table
(Continued From Page 19)
in the abundance of the things that he possesseth," the
underlying principle of this great truth may be im-
parted to the children at an early age.
A visit to an Orphans' Home or to a needy family
will arouse a child's sympathy, and the mother's tactful
guidance will encourage his own ingenuity and re-
sourcefulness in helping plan some means of assistance
for the unfortunate.
Continuing this line of guidance along constructive
lines will gradually but certainly develop in your child
a spirit of self-forgetfulness in the very joy of service.
Appreciating the Ministry
(Continued From Page 15)
The minister's efforts should be appreciated. He
works hard. I know of no person in all the world who
works harder than the Christian minister, especially in
the Church of the Brethren, where his labor is primari-
ly a labor of love. He is faithful to his God. He is
faithful and devoted to his people. He is worthy of our
honor and appreciation. And " the elders that rule
well," the good Book says, should be counted worthy of
double honor.
Bro. Moore in his article says further : " Far too
often today the rank and file of the membership is not
being trained to look upon the ministry as a specially
selected class, set apart by holy ceremonies for a holy
purpose. We do not regard them as chosen of God, to
serve at his altar, as the anointed ones, consecrated for
the higher spiritual services."
I don't know why we are so chary of kindness. We
let our ministers go through life without many marks
of appreciation. We hide our tender interest and kind-
ly feeling. We seem afraid to give them words of
praise or encouragement, lest we should seem to flatter,
lest we should turn their heads. Let us not be ashamed
to say appreciative words, when they are deserved and
Appreciation is food to the truest souls. Silence, in
the presence of needs that words would fill, is sinful.
At the State Sunday-school Convention I heard this
interesting incident: A father sent his little girl to
Sunday-school. When she came home, she sat on his
lap, and he asked, " Well, what did you learn at church
today ?" And she said, " I learned that Jesus came as a
little baby, and the angels praised God because he came.
Don't you love him for that ? And when he grew to be
a man he loved little children, and he helped the poor,
and he healed the sick, and he made the blind to see, and
the lame to walk, and he always went about doing good.
Don't you love him for that? And then, wicked men
nailed him to a cross and he died on the cross that you
and I might be saved. Oh, don't you love him for
The child slipped from -her father's lap, and went to
her play. The father went to his room, and on his
knees, reconsecrated his life to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Friends, may I put the little girl's question to you, as
you think of your relation to your ministers. Week
after week, year after year, they bring to you and your
children, your neighbors and friends, the eternal truths
of God. They feed your souls. God alone knows what
that effort costs. Don't you love them for that?
They sacrifice much for you. They do it willingly
and joyfully. They leave their work at any time to
minister to your every need. What a comfort the min-
ister is in times of sickness, in sorrow, in trials, and
when the various problems of life confront us ! People
invite the minister to share their personal problems.
Perhaps no other man carries so many confidences in
his heart, as does the true Christian minister. He bears
the burdens of many, and must keep them all to him-
self. This sends him to his knees, to his Bible, and to
his God, that he may minister to those needs in the
spirit of Christ. Don't you love him for that?
The true minister ministers. He pours out his life
for the enrichment of others. He is more interested in
giving than in getting. He gives and gives. He gives
not only himself. He gives of his means. He usually
has less of this world's goods than many of his flock,
yet he is often the ideal for Christlike giving in a con-
gregation. Don't you love him for that? The apostle
bids us : " Esteem them very highly in love for their
work's sake."
Will you pray, with me, this prayer of the poet?
"Pour out thy Spirit from on high;
Lord, thine ordained servants bless;
Graces and gifts to each supply,
And clothe them with thy righteousness.
"Within thy temple where they stand,
To teach the truth, as taught by thee,
Savior! like stars in thy right hand,
The angels of the churches be.
"Wisdom, and zeal, and faith impart,
Firmness, with meekness from above,
To bear thy people on their heart,
And love the souls whom thou dost love;
"To watch, and pray, and never faint,
By day and night strict guard to keep,
To warn the sinner, cheer the saint,
Nourish thy lambs, and feed thy sheep.
"Then, when their work is finished here,
In humble hope their charge resign;
When the chief Shepherd shall appear,
O God! may they and we be thine."
LiHtS, Pa. __
When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost,
something is lost; but when character is lost, all is lost.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
The Christmas season is a time of opportunity and of
blessing for the teachers, students, and friends of Bethany
who are devoting a part of their time to the spiritual min-
istrations of people about us. In some respects at this
season we reach one of the pinnacles of our joy and satis-
faction of the year. We often see gathered at this time
some of the fruits of a year, or of years of labor. We see
men and women reflecting an inward joy that only a Christ-
mas season can call forth. Often we see a new hope, a
new lease on life, or a reconsecration of life. We hear
resounding in the hearts of men the old but new song:
" Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among
men in whom he is well pleased."
In our Sunday-schools the boys and girls enter with en-
thusiasm into the reenactmeut of the Christmas scenes.
At the First Church on Sunday morning a number of the
pupils very beautifully and impressively presented to us
their interpretation of the experiences and occurrences that
took place on that first Christmas. Near the close of the
Sunday-school session, the different classes or departments
brought their white gift offerings, designating for what pur-
pose each gift was made. The Hastings Street and Douglas
Park Sunday-schools also gave similar Christmas programs.
We can not estimate the value of such programs in the
lives of the children. May these recent Christmas services
be new milestones in the religious experiences of our com-
ing generation.
In the evening at the First Church, the Chinese Sunday-
school also dramatized some of the scenes of that Christmas
which was witnessed on the shores of Asia over nineteen
centuries ago. This presentation was given by Chinese
people, in Chinese costume, and in the Chinese language.
The pageant was favorably received by the American audi-
ence and we trust deep impressions were made upon the
Chinese people, especially those who are not yet Christians.
The offering that was received at this time was dedicated
to a special need in the church in South China. It is to
help provide for an organ in the church where Bro. Moy
Gwong preaches and where the families and friends of some
of our Chinese men worship.
The hearts of a hundred or more Chinese women and
children in Chicago were made happy as they received
from the hands of Sisters Eisenbise and Holderread the
books, pictures, dolls, and other gifts that had been sent
in by vacation schools or Sunday-schools. All these special
efforts and contacts are opening new homes to our workers.
Our Christian efforts among the Jewish people are only
too meagre. However, a few accomplishments have been
realized. One young man, an invalid, who recently received
the rite of Christian baptism had great joy in eating his
Christmas dinner at the table of Sister Clara Carr, his
" spiritual mother." He is always eager to be in her home,
for he can then receive further Christian teaching.
At the Gospel Loop church, too, Christmas was a day of
gladness and wholesome fellowship. It was the joy and
privilege of the little church of " men saved by grace " to
set the table and serve one hundred eighty hungry people.
No one knows how far reaching in the lives of men who
are both physically and spiritually hungry will be the acts
of kindness and the messages of Christlike love that were
ministered on that day. The Christmas dinner, the cheery
atmosphere, the beautiful decorations, the Christlike fellow-
ship, and the Christian messages — all helped to make the
day a success.
The seventy boys and girls in the Protestant Sunday-
school at the Chicago Parental School must have received
a new inspiration and a lasting impression as our workers
spent two hours singing Christmas carols, showing slides
on the life of Jesus, and dwelling on the Christmas story.
Then it was a privilege to give to each of these boys and
girls a candy bar that had been provided by the Chicago
Church Women's Federation. One of the workers said, "As
we go on our way we know that many boys and girls who
do not have the blessings of good Christian homes, are
made a little happier because we were privileged to be
with them. And we share in the joy."
The Relief Station, too, had a part in spreading the
Christmas spirit. The special Christmas baskets, made pos-
sible by some extra gifts by a few friends in the churches,
added their testimony to the occasion.
Our workers had the joy of making Christmas a little
brighter for a few of the forty-five hundred people who are
living in Chicago's home for the homeless, or as we often
call it, The County Home. Each inmate in the institution
was given a little token of the Christmas season. The Mis-
sionary Society of the First Church contributed one hun-
dred ninety small glasses of jelly. These individual gifts,
the brilliantly lighted and beautifully decorated tree, and
the Christian messages all added cheer and joy to the day.
The pastors from the school made their Christmas con-
tributions in their churches by inspiring their parishioners
to live Christlike lives and also urging sinners to accept him
who has become the eternal Savior of all who believe.
Christmas has come and gone. We are now living in a
new calendar year. May it be a new year of grace to every
believer. May each Christmas as it comes find us more
earnest in his work and more like him who came in the
manger but who is now at the right hand of the Father,,
and who bids to become the king of our lives.
Bethany Biblical Seminary. Elgin S. Moyer.
The seventh annual conference of the young people and
ministers of Florida and Georgia met at the Seneca camp
grounds Dec. 28-31. The camp grounds are near the
churchhouse of the Seneca congregation, six miles east of
the town of Eustis, Fla. Gathering around the camp fire
is a phase of the social side of these annual conferences.
Early on Wednesday evening, Dec. 28, a goodly number
of young people and others gathered about the pine knot
fires. The program for the evening consisted of the sing-
ing of snatches of many songs of days gone by, as well
as of those of more recent years. Following this the sing-
ing of a number of sacred songs and hymns was led by
Sister Fannie Marshall. All enjoyed this feature of the
program. Near the close of the meeting Eld. C. E. Bower
favored us with an inspirational address.
Splendid accommodations for this conference were pro-
vided by the Seneca church and community. However, a
good many attending the conference provided their own
camping outfits. Good meals were served by Bro. Henry
Boyd and wife of Sebring, Fla. They had very efficient
The camp fire feature does much to develop the social
side of life at these conferences. Each evening there were
suitable programs with nearly all the churches of the dis-
(Continu'-d on Fage 2C)
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
News From Churches
(Continued From Page 21)
o'clock in the morning. The meeting was held in a large Presbyterian
church and was attended by a capacity crowd. Churches and organi-
zations of the city responded to roll call with quotations of scripture
or some words commemorating the bicentennial of George Washington.
Our pastor, Eld. Lester E. Fike, was the speaker of the occasion, using
as his subject, The Secret of Our Nation's Greatness. Because of in-
clement weather our council was postponed until Dec. 18. Among other
things it was decided to conduct services through the week preceding
Easter. We will likely hold our love feast on Thursday of that week.
While we have not made much visible progress in the past year y'et
we face the new year with some reason for encouragement. A short
program was rendered by the children on Christmas. The church and
Sunday-school provided Christmas boxes for two needy families. We
are starting the year with a combined worship program for the church
and Sunday-school following the class sessions and by this plan we
hope to hold all the members of the Sunday-school for the church
service. — Mrs. Lester Fike, Carthage, Mo., Jan. 6.
James River. — About forty people of the James River and Carring-
ton churches enjoyed a watch night social with songs, recitations and
games. A few sentence prayers were given and a closing prayer by
Bro. G. I. Michael. We met at the D. T. Jones home in the James
River congregation. Bro. Michael is preaching for us every second
and fourth Sunday during the winter. The Ladies' Aid has been busy
making comforts. The local Red Cross furnishes the cotton and back,
we furnish the top. We have made seven in this way and they are
donated to the needy in the county.— Mrs. J. W. Schlotman, Carring-
ton, N. Dak., Jan. 5.
Surrey church held its quarterly meeting Dec. 3 and elected officers
for the coming year. D. T. Dierdorff was retained as elder for another
year. Most of the officers were retained. We have recently installed
electric lights which are a great improvement. Our Sunday-school
gave a splendid Christmas program. Dec. 21 our elder, D. T. Dier-
dorff, and wife celebrated their golden wedding. — Nora E. Petry, Surrey,
N. Dak., Jan. 5.
Danville. — The Sunday-school superintendent, Thelma Lauderbaugh,
has stimulated interest in attendance by presenting a banner to the
class having the highest per cent of attendance each quarter. A
record of the number of persons on time each Sunday aids in a better
devotional period. The children presented a program on Christmas
morning. The young people gave a musical play and white gift serv-
ice in the evening when an offering of $107 was received for missions.
Our pastor and wife attended the pastors' conference at Hartville in
December. Our Y. P. D. has been contributing to the work support of
Clara Harper in Africa. It was our church's privilege to have her
spend a few days here the last week. She talked at both morning and
evening services on Sunday besides talking to the school and to the
young people. — Pearl Ross, Danville, Ohio, Jan. 11.
Ft. McKinley.— The U. B. church joined us in a service on Thanks-
giving morning. Rev. Roberts, pastor of that church, gave an inspir-
ing message. An offering was lifted. Oct. 22 communion services were
held with Bro. E. S. Petry officiating. The evening before one was re-
ceived into the church by baptism. The training class has completed
two courses of study with eleven receiving credits. Bro. W. C. Baker
is teacher. The church met in business meeting Dec. 14. Bro. C. F.
McKee was retained as elder for another year. Officers for the year
were elected. The Sunday before Christmas the white gift offerings
were received for distribution among the needy. — Mrs. W. C. Baker,
Dayton, Ohio, Jan. 10.
Harris Creek. — An inspiring series of meetings was held from Nov. 7
to 20 by Bro. R. H. Nicodemus of Huntington, Ind. He brought us
wonderful messages. Seven were received by baptism. The meetings
were followed by a communion on Nov. 21. In the absence of our
pastor, Bro. D. G. Berkebile, the pulpit was filled by Bro. John Eiken-
berry of the local congregation on Nov. 27 and Dec. 4, and by Bro.
David Hollinger from Greenville on Dec. 11. We met in council Dec. 15
for the election of church officers for the year: Elder, Bro. D. G.
Berkebile; clerk, Sister Etoile Sargent. A number of baskets were
donated to the poor in Bradford for Christmas. On Christmas eve-
ning we enjoyed a program followed by the white gift offering. — Mrs.
Bertha Y. Hoover, Bradford, Ohio, Jan. S.
Hartville.— Oct. 30 old people's day was observed at our church, the
services being conducted by the older members in the manner charac-
teristic of the services of years ago. Bro. Perry Prather spoke on the
prohibition question at the church on Nov. 4. The eighth annual Prince
of Peace contest was held at the Reformed church Nov. 6 with three
contestants from our church. Thanksgiving Day was filled with spirit-
ual blessings. The three churches of our town enjoyed a community
service in the morning at the Lutheran church with Rev. G. M. Lubold
in charge, assisted by Bro. C. H. Deardorff and Rev. A. C. Renoll.
Dec. 24 an inspiring Christmas pageant, The Adoration from the Man-
ger to the Cross, was presented. At this service six young people
decided for Christ in the gift of self, and were received into the church
by baptism along with another applicant Dec. 26. The primary depart-
ment gave its Christmas program Sunday morning, Dec. 25. The
ministerial institute of Northeastern Ohio was held in our church
Dec. 27-29 with three sessions each day. The program consisted of
interesting and inspiring messages. C. D. Bonsack, secretary of the
Mission Board, was one of the principal speakers. Jan. 7 at the coun-
cil reports were presented by the various committees. A program for
the year was adopted. It was decided to have a week of pre-Easter
services conducted by Bro. S. S. Shoemaker and C. H. Deardorff fol-
lowed by communion on Easter. The members were in favor of chang-
ing the time of our business meetings and the next meeting will be on
the first Thursday evening of the quarter instead of Saturday after-
noon.—Ethel Stickler, Hartville, Ohio, Jan. 10.
Springfield (N. E.).— On Thanksgiving Day a community service was
held at the church. Bro. Elden Petry gave us the message in the
morning which was interesting and well r-eceived. At noon 145 had
dinner together. In the afternoon we again convened and as many as
cared to told what they were thankful for. A number responded and
thoughts were varied and helpful. Brethren S. J. Holl and M. S.
Young then gave some inspiring messages. The communion was held
in the evening with 119 surrounding the Lord's table. It was a day
well spent in God's house for the upbuilding of our spiritual beings.
Nov. 12 an interesting workers' conference convened at the church.
Nov. 13 the three neighboring churches held a union Armistice Day
service at our church. T. B. Clayton brought the message to a large
audience. Nov. 20 a mother and daughter and missionary society was
organized. Mrs. C. H. Petry was elected president. Dec. 25 the chil-
dren of the Sunday-school rendered a Christmas program. Twenty-four
baskets of provisions were distributed by the church to needy families.
—Mrs. Fred Young, Mogadore, Ohio, Jan. 5'.
Stony Creek. — The work here is progressing in a very spiritual and
uplifting manner. All feel and appreciate the guiding influence of our
pastor and wife, Brother and Sister C. Walter Warstler. Especially is
this true of the Y. P. D. The Sunday evening services are planned in
such a manner as to give the young people departmental work which
interests and holds them close to the church and also draws many
other young people to our services. The first of May Bro. Geo. Hyl-
ton was with us two evenings with his stereopticon views and lectures
on the famine in China. The mothers and daughters' division of our
church enjoyed a picnic on June 2f>. On Sunday evening, Aug. 14, an
old settlers' service was conducted by the older people of the congre-
gation and community and many interesting things were told about
the church in its earlier days. Our annual Sunday-school picnic was
held Aug. 23 at Ohio Caverns. Bro. J. J. Anglemeyer and our pastor
exchanged pulpits, the latter going to Eagle Creek on Aug. 21 and
Bro. Anglemeyer coming to us on Sept. 4 for our annual homecoming.
This was an all-day meeting. Four new members were received into
the church just before our communion on Oct. 2. Oct. 23 a musical
sermon was rendered under the supervision of Mrs. A. J. Stayrook.
Nov. 20 the B. Y. P. D. of the church gave a play entitled, The Vision
of Tom Blakely. At the council Dec. 2 Bro. Warstler was elected
elder and Bro. O. L. Hengsteler, clerk. A Christmas program was
rendered by the children of the Sunday-school on the evening of
Dec. 25. Bro. Warstler began the fourth year of his pastorate here
on Dec. 4 at which time he gave a report. Among the things men-
tioned were that he had made 1,100 pastoral visits, 17 visits to the
hospital, officiated at 9 anointings, 3 weddings, 14 funerals and 4 coun-
cils; attended 42 class meetings, 30 B. Y. P. D. meetings and had
delivered 419 discourses, 4 chapel exercises and a baccalaureate ser-
mon. At the beginning of his pastorate the membership was 141; it
is now 169.— Mrs. Lulu Hengsteler, De Graff, Ohio, Jan. 9.
Thomas. — The following church officers for the coming year were
elected in council Dec. 30: Elder, E. R. Herndon; clerk, Ernest Gripe;
Messenger agent, A. L. Williams; correspondent, the writer. At its
reorganization, Mrs. B. F. Stutzman was elected president of the
Ladies' Aid. Bro. Ernest Gripe and wife were installed into the office
Saving Life
" He that saveth his life shall lose it." When econ-
omists, such as Roger Babson, tell us that the way
back to normal living is through church and spiritual
development, we begin to realize that Christian work is
not altogether altruistic, but is a basic foundation stone
of a stable civilization. We can keep the church serv-
ing by allowing her to serve. One of the real oppor-
tunities for service comes to us in the " Achievement
Offering." We hope that every district, every church
and every member of the brotherhood will take a per-
sonal interest, and make a personal effort to help keep
the church serving through this " Achievement Offer-
ing." Can the Lord depend on you? — Earl M. Frantz,
District Field Man, Northeastern Kansas.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
of deacon New Year's Day. Because of weather conditions at the close
of our revival, the love feast to have been held at that time has been
deferred until spring. The meetings begun by Bro. D. J. McCann of
Oklahoma City on Nov. 28, closed Dec. 11, in the midst of one of the
heaviest snows we have experienced for some years. During the meet-
ings two young girls went forward and were baptized Christmas Day.
Other services of Christmas were a program and treats for the Sun-
day-school and a sermon by the pastor, Bro. A. L. Williams. Since our
last report to the Messenger the B. Y. P. D. of western Oklahoma met
at Thomas Nov. 26-27. Interest centered in a historical study of the
Brethren Church and its challenge to young people of today. The next
meeting will be in the Oklahoma City church.— Haven Hutchison,
Thomas, Okla., Jan. 8.
Augbwick.— Rockhill church held a two weeks' revival beginning
Nov. 20 and closing Dec. 4, conducted by our pastor, Bro. H. W.
Hanawalt. Four were added to the church by baptism at the close
of the meetings. Two aged persons, a husband, eighty-four, and wife,
seventy-eight years old, were baptized some weeks before the meet-
ing. Our pastor brought us some very inspiring sermons. Rev.
Warner of Orbisonia delivered a fine sermon one evening. Dec. 4 the
Evangelical male chorus of Lewistown rendered several selections which
all enjoyed very much. Bro. David Hanawalt brought a helpful mes-
sage that evening. We feel encouraged and strengthened by the meet-
ing.— Mrs. Bertha Chilcoat, Rockhill Furnace, Pa., Jan. 4.
Big Swatara church met in council Dec. 12. Bro. U. L. Gingrich
was ordained as elder, the service being in charge of Elders S. H.
Hertzler and R. P. Bucher. The Brooklyn church asked for food and
clothes for their needy members. Three deacons were asked to look
after this work and they received a large supply of things. Our
church held a revival meeting at the Hanoverdale church Dec. 4 to 22.
We had a glorious meeting. Twenty-nine stood for Christ; twenty-two
were baptized on New Year's Day and four one week later. Two have
been reclaimed and one awaits baptism. Eld. R. P. Bucher was the
evangelist. He did a wonderful work in our church in winning souls
and his strong gospel sermons brought spiritual strength. — Mrs. J. N.
Wright, Hummelstown, Pa., Jan. 9.
Carlisle church met in council. Eld. Michael Markey of the Minis-
terial Board, with Eld. A. S. Baugher, was present for the purpose
of holding an election for a presiding elder. The church elected our
pastor, H. M. Snavely, as elder for one year. The organization was
effected as follows: church secretary, J. E. Faulkner; Messenger agent,
Lewis Hull; trustee, C. S. Cohick. The church decided to create a
finance board of five members including the chairman of board of
trustees and the church treasurer; one member to be elected for three
years, one for two years and one for one year, one for a term of three
years each year thereafter. The church is going forward under the
leadership of our pastor. — J. E. Faulkner, Carlisle, Pa., Jan. 10.
Chambersburg. — Brother and Sister C. E. Grapes began pastoral
work here Nov. 1. A reception for them was given on Nov. 4 with a
goodly number present. A short, unique program was rendered which
was much enjoyed. We held our love feast Nov. 13. Bro. Conklin
officiated. Other visitors were Brethren Flohr, Lightner and Mentzer.
Bro. W. G. Group, president of the District Ministerial Board, con-
ducted the installation of the pastor on Nov. 20. Bro. Grapes began a
revival Nov. 20 and closed Dec. 4. He preached seventeen sermons and
did much visiting and personal work assisted by some of the members.
The services were well attended and the church was spiritually bene-
fited. As a direct result of the meeting there were fifteen baptisms,
one received on former baptism, twenty-one confessions and five who
await baptism. On Christmas Sunday the children gave a program
and in the evening the young people gave a pageant. The Beacon Bible
class gave fifteen baskets to needy ones for Christmas. A Bible insti-
tute is to be held Feb. 11 and 12 in charge of Elizabethtown College
instructors. B. Y. P. D. convenes each Sunday evening. We have
been holding cottage prayer meetings during the winter. — Ina M.
Brumbaugh, Chambersburg, Pa., Jan. 9.
Connellsville. — Our fall love feast and communion was held Nov. 6
with a fine attendance. Pastor Ralph E. Shober officiated, assisted
by Bro. I. R. Pletcher and Bro. Ordo Pletcher. Six accepted Christ
by baptism prior to the communion service; one of them, a grand-
mother, passed to her reward seven weeks later. On Nov. 20 we
were privileged to have Bro. H. Spenser Minnich of Elgin deliver the
message at the morning service. A thanksgiving offering was taken
for home missions. On Thanksgiving Day we cooperated in the union
thanksgiving service which was held in the Baptist church. Christ-
mas Day was fittingly observed by the children of the Sunday-school
supplying the program for the morning service and the young people
for the evening. We used the dime containers for our Christmas mis-
sion offering. On New Year's evening the pastor gave an illustrated
lecture on, The Old Book Finding New Friends, which was witnessed
by a large and appreciative audience. The week of prayer was ob-
served by thirteen churches of the city — the pastors exchanging pulpits.
Our pastor exchanged with the pastors of the Baptist, Methodist,
Christian and Reformed churches. On Sunday, Jan. 8, Bro. Shober
closed his sixth year of service with the Connellsville church. Brother
and Sister Oliver H. Austin of McPherson, Kans., will be with us
in an evangelistic meeting beginning March 29 and closing on Easter
Sunday, April 16, with love feast and communion. — Mrs. Mary C.
Shober, Connellsville, Pa., Jan. 9.
Falling Spring. — We held our love feast at the Hade house on Oct. 29
and 30. We very much enjoyed having a number of visiting minis-
ters with us, among whom were Elders Simon Bucher and Aaron
Heisey from Lebanon, Bro. Heisey officiating. Bro. Carrol Valentine
came to us on Nov. 6 and began a series of meetings at the Mount
Zion house which continued until Nov. 20. The meetings were in-
tensely interesting as well as deeply spiritual. Bro. Valentine preached
seventeen gospel sermons with power and conviction. Bro. Luther
Shanholtz from Levels, W. Va., came to us on Dec. 4, and began a
series of meetings at the Brown's Mill house which continued until
Dec. 21. Bro. Shanholtz gave us twenty Spirit-filled sermons and
made seventy visits while in our midst. Nine precious souls were
baptized and one was reclaimed. The Thanksgiving services were held
at the Hade house. Bro. Carrol Valentine preached for us. An offer-
ing was lifted for the benefit of the home congregation. Bro. Frank
Sargent spent several days in our congregation in the interest of
Bethany. The Shady Grove Sunday-school held its Christmas pro-
gram on the evening of Dec. 23. The children were also treated to
candy and oranges and the evening was enjoyed by all present. —
Grace E. Smith, Waynesboro, Pa., Dec. 31.
Hooversville. — Dec. 23 a Christmas program was rendered. Sunday
morning, Dec. 25, Bro. Wm. Zimmerman gave us a message. At a
recent council meeting church officers were elected. Bro. W. D. Pum-
mel is our elder for another year. Bro. Kenneth Koontz was reelected
clerk; Bro. H. E. Shaffer, treasurer; Ladies' Aid, Messenger agent; the
writer, correspondent. Brethren Kenneth Koontz and Wm. Zimmerman
were installed into the full time ministry at this meeting. Every two
weeks the teaching of the symbols is conducted by our pastor, W. D.
Rummel. — Blanche M. Hershberger, Hooversville, Pa., Jan. 9.
Indian Creek congregation met Dec. 10 with Eld. Elmer M. Moyer
presiding. After several matters of unfinished business were disposed
of the matter of having our cemetery association chartered and in-
corporated was considered. We decided to do so by a vote that was
practically unanimous. We also agreed to extend a call to the Volun-
teer group of Elizabethtown College to conduct a service in our church
some time during January or February. Also to have a Bible insti-
tute with members of the faculty of Elizabethtown College as instruc-
tors on Feb. 18 and 19. Bro. I. S. Bucher, secretary and treasurer of
our Sunday-school, presented his annual interesting report. Highlights
of the report were the largest enrollment and best attendance in the
history of the school and total Sunday-school missionary offerings dur-
ing the year of $419. As to the splendid attendance record, the past
year showed 121 scholars had a perfect record for the year, twenty
missed one Sunday and ten missed two Sundays. The Christian Edu-
cation conference conducted in our church by the Board of Christian
Education of Eastern Pennsylvania Dec. 1 to 4 was well attended and
enjoyed by all who availed themselves of this opportunity of instruc-
tion in vital subjects. The instructors were Nathan Martin of Leba-
non, Pa., and A. C. Baugher of Elizabethtown, Pa. The Sunday after-
noon and evening sessions were especially helpful and interesting.
Topics discussed were Self-control in Daily Living and The Truth about
Prohibition. The special music for the two sessions was furnished by
quartets from the Mingo and Hatfield churches in a manner greatly
enjoyed and appreciated by all. The climax of the conference was
reached in the closing session in the masterful and exceedingly inter-
esting address by Bro. Baugher on the subject, The World Is Waiting
for the Sunrise. — Mathias P. Landis, Vernfield, Pa., Jan. S.
Lancaster. — Oct. 2 was rally day with 214 present in Sunday-school.
Also had the promotion of pupils and the service for the installation
of officers for the following year. Oct. 27 a chalk talk program was
given by H. Paul Cox of Bellwood, Pa. Oct. 30 was the missionary and
children's project program and the offering amounted to $135.16. Our
love feast and communion was held Nov. 6 with Eld. John Roop of
Westminster, Md., officiating. Our elder in charge. Eld. R. P. Bucher,
conducted our revival meetings from Nov. 7 to 20 with five members
added to the church. Nov. 27 the anniversary and homecoming pro-
gram of the Lancaster City church was held with all-day services.
Dec. 20 was our regular quarterly church council with Eld. R. P.
Bucher presiding. Elders I. W. Taylor, S. H. Hertzler and H. K.
Ober were present and the church elected Bro. Henry Bucher as min-
ister and Bro. I. Wayne Keller and Bro. Ernest Miller were elected
deacons. Dec. 18 the chorus rendered a cantata called the Holy Child.
Bro. William Glassmire was the leader and it was well rendered and
enjoyed by all present. Dec. 25 the children rendered a Christmas pro-
gram for us called O Come, All Ye Faithful. It was very impressive
and we appreciated the effort put forth. — Dora N. Sauder, Lancaster,
Pa., Jan. 2.
Lewistown. — Sept. 25 the fortieth anniversary of the congregation of
this Sunday-school was observed in a harvest home setting. The
speaker of the occasion was Eld. H. A. Spanogle of Sebring, Fla.,
who was chosen the superintendent the first Sunday. He recalled the
history of forty years' effort in this city. The offering of fruit and
vegetables was distributed to the needy the following day. Oct. 9
rally day was observed. A liberal offering was made toward the
current expenses of the church. Officers and teacher! for the new
year were installed. O. O. Brumbaugh begins his fourth year as super-
intendent. The same evening the Y. P. D. began their new year.
The topic for discussion was Prohibition. Communion was observed
Oct. 16. Six united with the church at that time and four recently.
A community leadership training school for Lewistown and vicinity
was held in the Brethren church with Bro. Clyde Horst as dean; it
closed Nov. 3 with an appropriate commencement address by Rev.
Rupley of the Reformed church. Forty-five persons received credit
certificates. The children's division of the Sunday-school rendered a
(Continued on Page 28)
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
(Continued From Page 23)
trict helping. The Seneca B. Y. P. D. deserves special
mention. The last program on Dec. 31 was in charge of
Bro. H. M. Landis and wife of the Tampa church. It was
a watch party program. Stereopticon views of the Holy
Land and of Syria given by Seneca on Friday night were
enjoyed by all. The morning watch and vesper services
provided helpful inspiration.
A disappointing feature of this conference was the smaller
than usual attendance, due to sickness, the depression, etc.
The illness of Bro. M. R. Zigler prevented his attendance.
While we regretted this very much we were pleased to
have Bro. R. W. Schlosser of Elizabethtown College and
Eld. Manley Deeter of Milford, Ind., present to take Bro.
Zigler's part. Bro. Schlosser handled in a very masterful
way the following subjects : Stewardship of Possession,
Doctrine of Redemption and a sermon on Ancient Summons
to a Modern Age. He also favored us with an analysis of
hymns and discussions of several topics of general interest.
Bro. Deeter ably discussed the Doctrine of Prayer, and also
joined in the discussion of other subjects on the program.
Several subjects such as Spiritual Enrichment of Our Lives,
Peace and War, Comparison of the Worldly Allurements
with what the church offers, just how far can Christians
mingle with the world and still retain their integrity? The
Youth of Today in the Homes of Tomorrow, Place of
Music in Church Service, were ably handled by persons of
our district.
We are entering upon the work of the church with a
new enrichment of our lives for duties, tasks and pleasures
for the year. Go Forward was the theme of the closing
sermon of the conference by Eld. J. D. Reish of Sunnyland,
Fla. He is secretary of the Mission Board of Florida and
will gladly give information concerning the work of the
church and where best to locate to further the cause of
Christ in Florida. J. w. Chambers.
Orlando, Fla.
Eld. Jesse C. Stoner, son of Daniel and Esther (Pfoutz)
Stoner, was born in Montgomery County near Dayton,
Ohio, July 19, 1844. He passed to the great beyond Dec.
27, 1932, aged 88 years.
On Nov. 15, 1866, he mar-
ried Mary Bookwalter. In 1871
they came to Illinois and re-
sided on La Motte Prairie near
Palestine. His wife preceded
him in death Jan. 26, 1922, also
six children and one great-
grandchild. Seven children,
fifteen grandchildren and ten
great-grandchildren survive.
In 1872 he united with the
La Motte Prairie Church of
the Brethren and was baptized
by Eld. Michael Forney of
Parkersburg, 111. In 1883 he
was called to the ministry and
in 1893 was ordained elder,
having charge of the La Motte Prairie church for thirty-
six years and of the Big Creek (Richland County) church
for ten years. He was a regular attendant at both Annual
and District Conferences. Even though he had, in his
advanced age, retired from the active ministry, his place
at church services was seldom vacant.
In his home there was always a hearty welcome for
everyone. Visiting ministers and evangelists often shared
his hospitality and he delighted in entertaining them.
Funeral services at the La Motte Prairie church were
conducted by Eld. W. T. Heckman assisted by Brethren
I. D. Heckman and D. C. Ritchey. Burial in Oak Grove
cemetery. Thus ends the life of a beloved father in Israel,
whose presence and counsel will be greatly missed in the
home, the church and the community.
Palestine, 111. Ethel Goodwin.
" Don't give up the ship," were the dying words of
Captain Lawrence. We hope it will not be sacrilegious to
use it in reference to the church on the sea of time. I
believe Paul would say —
" Shout the saying from shore to shore,
Hang it as a motto o'er every door."
Satan is waging a financial warfare against the church
as never before. If he can get us to forsake the financing
of the church, he has achieved a great victory.
Many of us have lost homes, but that is only what we
would have to leave, when we bid adieu to time, proving
true Christ's statement, " Lay not up for yourselves treas-
ures on earth." Every dollar given to the achievement
offering is deposited in the vaults of heaven.
Let us rally to the standard, " Don't give up the ship."
Satan has deceived us in the past, but from henceforth let
us take Christ at his word, " Lay up for yourselves treasures
in heaven." This is the only safe investment to bring sure
returns. Yours for victory in Northern Missouri.
Stet, Mo. Oscar Diehl.
Please note that the fifty cents required for the publication of a
marriage notice may be applied to a three months' Gospel Mes-
senger subscription for the newly-married couple. Request should
be made when the notice is sent, and full address given.
Bolinger-Heminger. — By the undersigned at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Heminger, East Wenatchee, Paul S. Bol-
inger and Miss Erma Heminger, Jan. 1, 1933.— W. Earl Breon, Wenat-
chee, Wash.
Brookhart-Meisky. — By the undersigned Dec. 31, 1932, at the home of
the bride's mother in Lone Tree, Iowa, Mr. Ernest W. Brookhart of
Conesville, Iowa, and Miss Vera A. Meisky. — D. F. Landis, Muscatine,
Greene-Landis. — By the undersigned Dec. 31, 1932, at the home of Sis-
ter Ella Meisky of Lone Tree, Iowa, Mr. Paul Greene of Byron, 111., and
Miss Olive Landis of Muscatine, Iowa. — D. F. Landis, Muscatine, Iowa.
Anderson, Mrs. Essie, Onekama, Mich., died at the hospital at
Manistee, Dec. 21, 1932, at the age of 53 years. Death was due to
peritonitis following an operation. One year ago at Easter time she
and her daughter were baptized into the Church of the Brethren. The
great influence of her Christian life was made evident when two sons
and a sister were baptized on Christmas Day following her death. Sur-
viving are her husband, three sons, two daughters, seven grandchil-
dren and her parents. Services by the pastor, Bro. J. E. Ulery. Inter-
ment in the Onekama cemetery. — Barbara Deal, Onekama, Mich.
Beeghly, Michael J., born at Accident, Md., Nov. 22, 1848, died at his
home at Sabetha, Kans., Dec. 12, 1932. He came in a covered wagon
in 1884 with a company of the pioneers to Brown County, Kans. In
1886 he married Amanda Hershberger who survives with five children,
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
two sisters and a brother. He became a member of the Church of
the Brethren when a young man and he had been an ardent and loyal
supporter all these years. In his religious life he was always consci-
entious and aggressive. He was a man of strong convictions and was
always ready to support them to the very best of his ability. His
loyal and courageous fight for the kingdom of God was an inspira-
tion to those who knew him. Funeral services in the Sabetha church
by his pastor assisted by Roy Kistner.— Earl M. Frantz, Sabetha,
Bowman, Sister Loulie Mary, daughter of Bro. Richard and Pernie
Webster, died Jan. 2, 1933. She was a member of the Church of the
Brethren for twenty-four years. In 1920 she was united in marriage
to Bro. Luther D. Bowman. Her health had been failing for several
months. Until the first of December, she continued about her home
and church duties. Her death came after several days of serious
illness, bringing her life to a close at the age of 37 years. Surviving
are her husband, one daughter, five sons, her mother, five sisters and
three brothers. Funeral services were conducted in Bethlehem church
by her pastor, Bro. H. C. Eller, assisted by Elders N. C. Peters and
J. A. Naff. Interment was in the church cemetery.— Mrs. H. C. Eller,
Boone Mill, Va.
Bowman, Eld. Asa, born in Floyd County, Va., Aug. 12, 1863, died
at his home in Roanoke, Va., Jan. 6, 1933. He united with the church
Jan. 11, 1885, was elected to the ministry in 1902, ordained in 1914. He
married Martha Ellen Yearout Dec. 9, 1888. To this union were born
eleven children. The wife, ten children and twelve grandchildren sur-
vive. Eld. Bowman served as a member on the District Mission Board
of Southern Virginia for nine years and in the ministry for over thirty
years. He had been in declining health for some years. An attack of
influenza with other complications caused his death. Funeral services
by the writer assisted by Eld. Homer Spradlin at the Christiansburg
church. Interment in the Christiansburg cemetery.— Levi Garst, Salem,
Brumbaugh, Alva J., son of John and Elizabeth Shank Brumbaugh,
born at Dixon, 111., in 1880, died at his home in Sabetha, Kans., Dec. 26,
1932, after a long illness which dated back to the flu epidemic of 1918!
He is survived by his mother, one brother and one sister. In the in-
tense suffering of the past few years he was an example of uncomplain-
ing fortitude. Funeral at the home of his mother by the writer.—
Earl M. Frantz, Sabetha, Kans.
Campbell, Lizzie V., born near Roanoke, Va., May 12, 1852, died
Jan. 4, 1933. She was the daughter of John and Susanna Flory Bru-
baker. She had five brothers and three sisters, all of whom preceded
her. She married Samuel G. Campbell July 28, 1870. Her husband
passed away seven years ago. They had no children, so when failing
health and advancing age overtook them they came to the Brethren
Home at Darlow. Early in life she accepted Christ and united with
the Church of the Brethren, remaining faithful. She died after sev-
eral weeks of sickness and suffering. Funeral services at the Home by
the undersigned.— J. R. Smith, Hutchinson, Kans.
Dodd, Margaret Ann, died at the home of her daughter in New
Hope, Va., Dec. 5, 1932, aged 78 years. Feb. 22, 1872, she married John
J. Dodd. To this union were born nine children, eight of whom sur-
vive with thirty-five grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Her
husband preceded her six years ago. For many years she was a faith-
ful member of the Church of the Brethren. Funeral services in the
Barren Ridge church by Eld. N. W. Coffman assisted by Eld. C. M.
Driver and C. W. Tinsman. Interment in adjoining cemetery.— Helen
Coffman, Staunton, Va.
Erbaugh, Barbara Ann, nee Bookwalter, born near Liberty, Ohio,
May 23, 1860, died Jan. 4, 1933, at her home in Trotwood. She' was a
daughter of Joseph and Susan Bookwalter. Sept. 18, 1881, she married
Samuel A. Erbaugh. A short time after their marriage they, united
with the Church of the Brethren at the old Wolfe Creek church. She
lived a beautiful Christian life in the community. To this union were
born five sons and one daughter. Surviving are four sons, a brother,
sister, and thirteen grandchildren. Services by the writer assisted by
N. B. Wine of Dayton. Interment in the Bear Creek cemetery.— W. D.
Fisher, Trotwood, Ohio.
Forbes, Napoleon B., died Dec. 23, 1932, aged 73 years. He married
Miss Elizabeth A. Nunley forty-five years ago. Eight children were
born to them, three of whom preceded him. He was a loyal member
of the Boone Mill Christian church and always stood firm for what
he believed to be right. Services at the home by Bro. Will Naff and
Elders E. E. Bowman and R. L. Peters. Interment in the family burial
plot.— J. E. Forbes, Charmco, W. Va.
Frick, Noah, son of Abia and Susanna Frick, died Dec. 23, 1932, aged
63 years, 11 months and 27 days. In October, 1909, he united with the
Church of the Brethren. Sept. 5, 1889, he married Dora Stitt who died
about a month later. His second wife, Flora A. Daily, died June 28,
1909. Sept. 3, 1912, he married Clara Frick. One daughter and one son
from this marriage survive with the mother, and three daughters of
his second marriage, also one brother and two sisters. Services in the
Springfield church by Bro. Wyatt assisted by Bro. Myers and Bro.
Petry. Burial in church cemetery.— Elmer E. Frick, Louisville, Ohio.
Golladay, Bro. Isaac D., born Jan. 14, 1864, at Quicksburg, Va., died
at his residence near Bristow, Va., on Nov. 6, 1932. He was the oldest
son of Ephraim and Rebecca (Good) Golladay. His two brothers and
one sister preceded him. He was in good health up until six months
ago when he began to complain with heart and stomach trouble.
June 14, 1887, he married Miss Eleanor Neff. Four daughters and
three sons were born to them. His wife preceded him Dec. 22, 1901.
A daughter and two sons of this- union remain. Nov. 15, 1903, he mar-
ried Miss Sallie Hray. Five daughters and one son were born to
them. His wife died March 13, 1925. In 1907 he moved with his family
to Narrow Passage, near Woodstock, Va., and Oct. 3, 1925, to Bristow,
Va. Aug. 15, 1930, he married Miss Edna Baley who survives, also
five daughters, two sons and nine grandchildren. He united with the
Church of the Brethren at the age of seventeen and was a faithful
member until death. At the age of twenty-one he with a friend dis-
covered what are now known as the Shenandoah Caverns. After a
short service at his home by Bro. Blough the body was taken to Cedar
Grove for burial. Services by Bro. Lawrence Helsley assisted by Bro.
Huffman. — Nettie Golladay, Washington, D. C.
Grapes, Bro. John Robert, died at his home near Slanesville, W. Va.,
Jan. 1, 1933, aged 71 years. He was in failing health for the last three
years. He was a life-long member of the Church of the Brethren.
He is survived by his wife and two children. Funeral services in the
Salem Methodist church by the writer assisted by Bro. Paul Daugh-
erty. Interment in the near-by cemetery. — B. M. Rollins, Keyser,
W. Va.
Hammer, Phoebe Ann, died Dec. 13, 1932, aged 80 years. For three
years she had been a patient sufferer. She was a faithful member of
the Brethren Church which she loved and served for many years. She
is survived by one son and one daughter. Her husband preceded her
a number of years ago. Funeral services at the Hammer church by
the pastor, Isaac J. Garber, assisted by Rev. L. H. Patterson, Presby-
terian. Burial in the family cemetery. — Neva Kendrick Garber, Frank-
lin, W. Va.
Harris, Mary Catherine, daughter of Willie and Mary Harris, was
born April 27, 1859, died at her home near Bean Station, Tenn., Dec. 11,
1932. She united with the Church of the Brethren when about eighteen
and remained a devoted and consecrated member. Her faith and
spirit remained unbroken even unto her last days when her health was
failing. She married J. T. Harris May 22, 1881. To this union were
born seven children, two of whom preceded her. The father passed
away June 28, 1932. She has one sister living. Services by R. B.
Pritchett from the Meadow Branch church and interment in the church
cemetery. — Frank W. Isenberg, Mooresburg, Tenn.
Hathaway, Mrs. Reno Kanzleiter, was born in Ohio on Jan. 24, 1886,
died Jan. 7, 1933, at the age of 46 years, 11 months and 14 days. Her
parents moved from Ohio to Reno County, Kans., when she was a
child. In 1902 she was united in marriage to John William Hatha-
way. To this union were born thirteen children twelve of whom sur-
vive. When the influenza came she kept going until penumonia set in.
In 1916 she united with the Eden Valley Church of the Brethren where
she held membership until death. Services were conducted in the Eden
Valley church by the writer and interment made in the Fairview
cemetery of St. John. — H. D. Michael, St. John, Kans.
Hill, Sister Mary E., 80 years old, had been a member of the Church
of the Brethren for more than sixty years. She was a woman of
sterling Christian character. She had been a great sufferer for thir-
teen years. She was anointed several times during her illness. She
was preceded by her husban^ fifteen years ago. She is survived by
six sons, four daughters and a number of grandchildren. Funeral
services at the Mt. Zion church by Elders P. I. and S. L. Garber.
Burial in cemetery adjoining. — Mrs. Lizzie Myers, Edom, Va.
Holler, Perry E., died Dec. 18, 1932, aged 84 years. He spent most
of his life in Montgomery County, Ohio. He taught a few terms, after-
ward following the trade of contractor and builder. He married Susan
M. Ullery in 1873. Three sons and one daughter were born to them.
His wife preceded him thirty-six years ago. Surviving are the four
children, two brothers and nine grandchildren. He was a member of
the Church of the Brethren for many years. Services by the writer.
Interment in Mt. McKinley cemetery. — W. D. Fisher, Trotwood, Ohio.
Kemp, Jerry J., son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kemp, born June 5,
1932, died Dec. 31, 1932. He is survived by his parents, three brothers
and three sisters. Funeral services at the home by W. D. Rummel. —
Blanche M. Hershberger, Hooversville, Pa.
Kims, John G., son of Daniel and Mary (Zumbrun) Kuns, born
March 28, 1853, died Dec. 7, 1932. He was born on a farm near Trot-
wood, in a log house put up by his grandfather. Although he re-
mained a farmer he was a man of wide and varied interests and was
very public spirited. He married Rachael A. Garber who died in 1916.
Five children survive with seven grandchildren. He became a member
of the Trotwood Church of the Brethren in 1905 and continued a faith-
ful member until death. He always took an active interest in the wel-
fare of the congregation. Services in the Trotwood church by Chas.
L. Flory assisted by Wm. Swinger and the writer. Interment in the
Cedar Hill cemetery. — W. D. Fisher, Trotwood, Ohio.
Lambert, Richard (Dick) Glenn, died Dec. 23, 1932, aged 25 years.
He was a member of the Church of the Brethren. He had been in
failing health for several years and death came after a long illness
with which he made a courageous fight. He is survived by his wife,
who was Miss Anna Mary Frye of Bridgewater, Va., one son, par-
ents, three brothers and five sisters. Services by I. L. Bennett assisted
by Isaac J. Garber. — Neva Kendrick Garber, Franklin, W. Va.
Lentz, Warren G., born near Trotwood, Dec. 23, 1877, died at his
home Dec. 22, 1932. He was the son of George and Catherine Lentz.
In December, 1901, he united with the Church of the Brethren remain-
ing a loyal and consecrated member. He married Altha Mae Diehl
(Continued on Page 30)
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
News From Churches
(Continued From Page 25)
pleasing program Christmas morning, followed by a short address by
Bro. Horst on Christian Good Will. In the evening the cantata, O
Come Ye to Bethlehem, was presented. New Year's Day brought to
the congregation much spiritual help and inspiration from the pastor's
sermons — 1933 Ideals and The Universal Call to Prayer, as well as the
messages in song by the men's chorus. The Aid Society has made
many garments for the Red Cross to give to the needy. — Catherine
Spanogle, Lewistown, Pa., Jan. 5.
Locust Grove church convened in council Jan. 8. Just previous to
the business meeting a short program was rendered by the young
people's group, which brought a larger attendance than usual for the
business part. The following church officers were elected: Elder,
Arthur Rummel; clerk, W. G. Wilson; Messenger agent, Ralph Fyock;
trustee, Ralph Berkebile; the writer, Messenger correspondent. At our
previous meeting it was decided to begin the church year Oct. 1 in-
stead of Jan. 1, for which reason the above officers will serve only nine
months. Members were also chosen on finance, ministerial, mission-
ary and welfare committees. Dec. 23 the young people rendered a
candle light service and on Sunday evening, Dec. 25, a program was
given by the children's division of the Sunday-school. Afterward a
beautiful quilt was presented by the Aid of the church to our pastor,
Bro. L. B. Harshberger, and wife. — Mrs. W. G. Wilson, Johnstown,
Pa., Jan. 9.
Mercersburg. — We held our annual Sunday-school meeting Oct. 23.
An address to the children was given by Sister Whitacre. Other ad-
dresses were: How Can a Superintendent Best Meet the Problems of
the Sunday-school? by H. R. Rowland; How to Develop the Latent
Talent in the Sunday-school, by Amos Funk; The Responsibility of the
Adult in the Sunday-school, by Levi K. Ziegler. Special music was
rendered by the children and by the mixed chorus, quartet and male
chorus from the Chambersburg church. Bro. H. Spenser Minnich of
Elgin also gave us a short talk. The meeting was very practical and
uplifting. Bro. B. G. Stauffer of Manheim, Pa., began a series of
evangelistic services on Nov. 6 and continued for two weeks. He
delivered seventeen inspiring sermons. One young man from our
Sunday-school was baptized shortly before the meeting began. We
had our Christmas program on Dec. 25. — Mrs. Sarah A. Keller, Mer-
cersburg, Pa., Dec. 30.
Mingo church met in council Dec. 10. The officers of the Sisters'
Aid Society were reelected. A Sunday-school board was organized. We
decided to have the church service following the love feast at the
house where the love feast is held. Bro. J. N. Cassel was reelected
elder for a term of three years. Bro. D. W. Weaver of Birdsboro and
Bro. Wm. Delp of Hatfield assisted with the election. Nov. 28 we
began our evangelistic meetings with Bro. D. W. Weaver in charge.
He labored in a faithful and diligent way. As a result one decided for
Christ. — Carrie K. Hoffman, Collegeville, Pa., Dec. 31.
New Fairview. — The two weeks' revival meeting conducted by Bro.
I. N. H. Beahm was very inspiring. As a result twelve were baptized.
Oct. 16 our love feast was held. Bro. G, Howard Danner gave the
examination sermon and W. N. Zobler officiated at the love feast. The
offering for missions at this time was $36.10. Bro. M. N. Jacobs of
York gave the evening sermon Oct. 23. Nov. 13 a number from our
congregation motored to Mt. Horeb church near Clarksville, Va., to
attend the opening; this church had been closed for nearly forty years.
We held services Thanksgiving eve and also Christmas morning. Jan. 2
we met in council. We expect to have a Bible institute in the near
future. Several church officers were also elected at this time. — H. B.
Markey, York, Pa., Jan. 3.
Philadelphia (First). — We ran a six weeks' percentage campaign in
our Sunday-school. The intermediates won; for this they had the
honor of having full charge of the Sunday-school on Dec. 11. Each
Tuesday evening a Bible and teacher-training class is taught by Sister
Granville Moyer, a graduate of the Bible Institute of Pennsylvania.
The week-day Bible school which meets each Wednesday added a par-
ents' class which is taught by Sister Murphy. This makes the fifth
class in our school. In the Oct. 22 issue it was stated that our his-
torian, Bro. R. L. Howe, presented to the church a copy of the his-
tory of the First church. This was a mistake. What he presented
was an alphabetical list of membership for the past 115 years, collateral
to the history itself.— Mrs. Wm. W. B. Schnell, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 31.
Philadelphia (Germantown). — Dec. 11 at the young people's meeting
a young man, a convert from the jungles of Africa (whose father is
the chief of a large tribe), gave his personal testimony as to how he
was called .o follow Christ after hearing a missionary tell the gospel
story. His was a most soul- stirring and inspiring testimony. He is
a student of the Bible Institute of Pennsylvania, preparing for serv-
ice in order to return to his own people as a missionary. At the eve-
ning church service he spoke of the customs of his people and played
some music on a native instrument. On Christmas eve our young
people went out singing carols for many homes and shut-ins. On
Christmas Day our pastor preached a sermon, None Other Name. In
the evening a vesper service was in charge of the young people.
Dec. 27 the children of the Sunday-school gave a splendid program of
Christmas exercises. Eleven Bibles were awarded to those having had
a perfect attendance during the year. For the past year the last
Sunday afternoon of each month has been set aside for a special
prayer service in behalf of all the departments of the church and
Sunday-school and different needs as they present themselves. Much
blessing, inspiration and help has been received from these meetings.
Jan. 4 at the regular business meeting church officers were elected
with Bro. M. C. Swigart as elder and pastor for another year. This
begins his twenty-eighth year as pastor of the Germantown church.
One member has been received by letter since our last report. Bro.
D. W. Kurtz of Bethany Biblical Seminary will be with us on
Jan. 29.— Mrs. Marie Shaffer, Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 10.
Pleasant Hill.— The two weeks' revival beginning Nov. 7 conducted
by Bro. Tobias Henry of the Roxbury church was very successful
with the splendid result that twenty persons were baptized. The at-
tendance was excellent throughout. Sister Elizabeth Metzger had
charge of the music. The Westmont and Morrellville congregations
made contributions in song. Bro. Henry came again to our church
Dec. 20 and recited for the Y. P. D. the dramalogue, The First Gift.
The Y. P. D. is one of the most active groups of our church, with an
enrollment of fifty in the senior group of which Ralph Rhodes is pres-
ident. The junior Y. P. D. is directed by Sisters Olive Carney, Ora
Carney and Myrtle Brehm. The adult advisor is Forest Carney. At
the October council the pastor, Bro. G. E. Weaver, was retained as
elder; Mrs. Grant E. Weaver is corresponding secretary; Mrs. Raymond
Stutsman, Messenger agent; D. I. Rhodes, church clerk. The Sun-
day-school is larger than it ever was with an attendance averaging
close to 200. Galen R. Metzger is serving as superintendent. Christ-
mas was observed in the morning by the children with a miscellaneous
program. The choir under the direction of Sister Elizabeth Metzger
presented a cantata in a beautiful and inspiring manner. The Ladies'
Aid held its annual Christmas party Dec. 29. Forty-one sisters at-
tended to hear Mrs. M. J. Weaver of Maple Spring give a very fine
talk on The Home.— Mrs. Galen Metzger, Johnstown, Pa., Jan. 6.
Roaring: Spring church met in council Dec. 7. Officers for the com-
ing year were elected: Elder, B. F. Waltz; clerk, Ross Berkhimer;
trustee, Ira Bechtel. We elected ten members to serve on the finance
board, and they will effect their own organization. On Sunday eve-
ning, Dec. 25, our choir and young people rendered the cantata and
pageant, The King Shall Reign. An offering was lifted for our $50
share to the India mission field. Each* Sunday evening we have three
meetings: the young people, juniors and adults. The last named use
the Quiet Hour topics in the Messenger. Our church will cooperate
with the other churches of the town in the annual week of prayer be-
ginning Jan. 1. A deputation from Juniata College will be here on
Feb. 26 to bring a missionary program. — Mrs. Lena M. Hoover, Roar-
ing Spring, Pa., Jan. 2.
Rouzerville Sunday-school rendered a Christmas program Dec. 25.
During the past year we organized two Sunday-school classes; they
are now known as the King's Youth Bible class. Some time ago Bro.
Zobler and daughter gave a program of songs here. Sister Anetta
Mow, returned missionary from India, spoke at Rouzerville. Her mes-
sage was very interesting. Jan. 1 we elected new officers for the
Christian Workers' Meeting. Jan. 2 the Antietam congregation held
its regular council meeting at Rouzerville. — Mildred L. Palmer, Rouzer-
ville, Pa., Jan. 6.
Upper Conewago.— Dec. 17 Eld. C. L. Baker called our church to-
gether in council at the East Berlin house when the various church
officers were elected. Our church enjoyed a season of spiritual uplift
during our evangelistic meeting which closed Nov. 27 conducted by
Bro. B. W. S. Ebersole of Hershey. He preached seventeen inspiring
and uplifting sermons. The attendance and interest attest to the fact
that people are still hungering for spiritual things. Friends from the
various neighboring churches came in to worship with us. We were
favored with special music during the meetings by different groups of
young people from the Hershey church, also a chorus from the Carlisle
church. Our elder with Bro. Ebersole made many visits during the
Keeping the Church Serving — How?
By every one doing his part. That's simple ! Maybe
it is not so easy, but it can be done. Listen, we of
North Dakota and Eastern Montana have been de-
pendable ! Can it be said we are so today ? I say, yes.
Although it may be but little we can do, I trust we may
feel the important urge just now. Some of our con-
gregations have passed last year's mark. But from
March 1 to Dec. 31 we as a district are $70.72 short of
last year. Several churches are short of last year's giv-
ing. Remember, we have a life from our district, Ruth
L. Glessner, representing us on the India field. Shall
our interest in finance wane? As one interested in our
state district I give a kindly urge that all in North Da-
kota prove faithful in stewardship. — G. I. Michael,
Field Man.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
meetings. Bro. Ebersole preached a special sermon on Thanksgiving
morning on the subject, The Grace of Gratitude. An offering for mis-
sions was lifted at this service. The Bible institute will be held Jan. 13
and 14 at the Latimore house by Bro. Schlosser from Elizabethtown
College. We also expect Sister Anna Mow, missionary on furlough, to
be with us Jan. 12 at the East Berlin house. — Bertha Hull, East Berlin,
Pa., Jan. 2.
Jackson Park church met in council Jan. 8. Church officers were
elected for this year. Bro. S. H. Garst was unanimously reelected
elder and pastor; Bro. H. K. Keeble, reelected clerk and treasurer;
the writer, Messenger correspondent; the Aid Society, Messenger
agent. We expect our revival to start Feb. 5, with Bro. B. M. Rol-
lins and wife of Keyser, W. Va., evangelists. Our Sunday-school is
getting along nicely with Bro. Smith Vines as superintendent. — Mrs.
H. K. Keeble, Jonesboro, Tenn., Jan. 11.
Johnson City. — He Came to Bethlehem, was the title of the pag-
eant presented by the young people on Christmas evening. The candle
lighting scene was very impressive. The young people of Tennessee
met here on Dec. 30 and 31. Very helpful classes on Social Relation-
ships were conducted for the young women by Mrs. John B. White,
and for the young men by Prof. John B. White of Nashville. Mrs.
F. C. Rohrer from North Carolina was in charge of the periods de-
voted to the study of music. On Friday night the president of the
ministerial board of the city spoke on "Finding and Filling a Voca-
tion." The women of the district met on Saturday, Dec. 31. The
afternoon meeting was featured by a mother and daughter program
and father and son program. The conference closed with a watch night
service conducted by the local pastor. One of the features of the reg-
ular Sunday evening meetings is the singing of several familiar hymns
selected by the congregation. During the month of November, the
pastor preached on themes of great public interest which included
"The Movies," "The Sacredness of Marriage," "The Crime Wave."
The officers for the Women's Work in this church for 1933 are: Mrs.
J. W. Watson, president; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. W. H. Swadley;
superintendent, Mrs. P. K. Sherfy. — Mary R. Allison, Johnson City,
Tenn., Jan. 10.
Alamo. — The members and friends in the Rio Grande Valley met for
their monthly meeting at the home of Brother and Sister Hoffman
Jan. 1. Bro. Hoke and wife of Welch, La., were present and he gave
us a good sermon following our Sunday-school lesson. Our next meet-
ing will be held at the home of Brother and Sister Kelso of Pharr on
Feb. 5. If you will let the undersigned know of friends or members lo-
cated in this valley, I will gladly visit them. We now have definite
arrangements for monthly meetings. — Jno. R. Pitzer, Alamo, Tex.,
Jan. 4.
Boone Mill. — Our love feast was held on the third Saturday in October
•with Bro. C. E. Trout in charge. He gave a splendid sermon on the
following Sunday. At the regular council meeting in November the
officers for the year were elected: E. E. Bowman, elder; Roy Barn-
hart, clerk; Mrs. G. W. Bowman, Jr., correspondent. The annual mis-
sionary offering was taken Christmas day; the Home Builders' class
also gave a special offering of $5 for missions. The children gave an
interesting Christmas program. The young people gave a pageant
entitled, He Came to Bethlehem. — Mrs. G. W. Bowman, Jr., Boone
Mill, Va., Jan. 11.
Central Plains church is one of the late organizations of the Eastern
District of Virginia. Bro. J. J. Wood of Locust Grove congregation is
elder in charge and does one-third of the visiting and preaching. Bro.
J. W. Via of Earlysville has served this church more than any other
minister. He has stuck faithfully and is much appreciated. Bro.
C. G. Yagel has been chosen to do one-third of the visiting preach-
ing. These three ministers share equally in taking care of the first
Sunday of the month. Bro. R. E. Marshall, a young resident minister,
takes care of the second Sunday. He has been perhaps the leading
spirit in sacrifice and work in bringing the churchhouse so near com-
pletion. The congregation maintains an evergreen Sunday-school. It
is growing in numbers and interest. Sister Viva Helen Marshall is
church clerk. Bro. Yagel was not able to be present New Year's Day
and Bro. Beahm served in his stead; he is much interested in this
place and work and was delighted to visit here once again. He was
the first to visit and preach here after the cluster of members moved
from Carroll County, Va., more than ten years ago. Bro. C. W. Sut-
phin and his son, Bro. S. M. Sutphin, are deacons; the former is the
patriarch of this membership. — I. N. H. Beahm, Nokesville, Va., Jan. 3.
Clovei-dale. — Dec. 18 Bro. Virgil Finnell gave us an illustrated lecture
on Why Girls Smoke. On Christmas Day the children gave a pro-
gram during the Sunday-school hour, followed by a sermon by Pastor
F. A. Myers. In the evening thirty-six members of the Y. P. D. as-
sisted by the church choir presented the pageants, Light and We Have
Seen His Star. Several of the Sunday-school classes gave baskets to
the needy of our community. We have the promise of Bro. I. S. Long
to hold our revival meeting at the Blue Ridge church beginning the
first Sunday of October, and Bro. M. J. Brougher at Cloverdale later
in the fall.— Mary C. Garber, Roanoke, Va., Dec. 30.
Manassas congregation met in council Dec. 31. The time of council
was changed from the Saturday before the first Sunday in each quarter
to Sunday afternoon in January, May and September. At this time
there will be an all-day meeting with basket lunch. This change was
made in order to have a better represrmtation, especially of the young
people. James Harley was appointed janitor for the coming year.
J. J. Conner was reappointed on the Board of Religious Education.
E. E. Blough, M. J. Hottle, Elizabeth Thomasson, and Florence Kane
were appointed on the County Board of Christian Education. We are
glad that we are able to help along in this county work. It will be
remembered that some time ago a report came out in the Messenger
that the Manassas congregation decided to give a larger Christmas
offering and less Christmas gifts. The offering lifted on Christmas
morning amounted to $117.42. Due to bad roads and weather quite a
number of people were unable to attend services. — Agnes L. Thomas-
son, Manassas, Va., Jan. 10.
Middle River. — Nov. 7 Bro. C. G. Hesse of Roanoke began our revival
services closing Nov. 20. He preached sixteen Spirit- filled sermons and
visited in more than fifty homes. Good interest and attendance were
maintained throughout the meeting. Seven were baptized. The regu-
lar council convened Nov. 25. Dec. 14 we had an all-day Aid meeting
at which time the Women's Work was reorganized with Mrs. B. B.
Garber, chairman. At night Bro. Virgil Finnell gave an illustrated
lecture on Why Girls Smoke. We are receiving great benefit from
Bro. W. M. Kahle's visits. — Mrs. F. Y. Garber, Waynesboro, Va.,
Dec. 30.
Mill Creek. — Our regular quarterly council was held Nov. 26. We re-
cently purchased a supply of new hymnals for church worship. Our
Aid Societies were reorganized recently with Sister Fannie Pence pres-
ident of the western and Sister Bessie Jarrels of the eastern side.
Nov. 24 we held our Thanksgiving service. Bro. Homer Miller gave
us the message after which an offering was lifted for missions. Our
church treasurer reports $121.74 donation. The Christmas offering was
$134.57. It is very gratifying to note the interest being manifested by
our B. Y. P. D. members. An excellent Thanksgiving program was
given Nov. 27. Dec. 11 one of the leading families of this congrega-
tion, Brother and Sister Otic Bowman and eight children, gave an
excellent program at the B. Y. P. D. period;' this was much appreci-
ated. Dec. 2 and 4 Bro. Virgil Finnell gave us several good talks in-
cluding one on Why Girls Smoke. — Mrs. I. J. Long, Port Republic,
Va., Jan. 4.
Topeco. — Nov. 19 Brethren M. R. Zigler and Henry Eller were with
us. The afternoon session was spent in a general discussion while at
night we enjoyed some pictures. We are grateful for these opportuni-
ties. On Thanksgiving night Bro. H. L. Reed gave us a wonderful
message. The offering amounted to $12.60. On Christmas Day we had
a sermon at the usual hour by a home brother. That night there was
a combined program by the juniors and young people. Dec. 31 we met
in council when all the old officers were reelected. A committee was
appointed to do some local work. — Almeda Alderman, Floyd, Va.,
Jan. 4.
Ellisford. — An inspiring series of meetings was held at our church
Dec. 19 to 25 by Bro. A. L. Sellers of Wenatchee, state field worker.
He endeavored to help solve some of our local problems and we feel
that we gained strength and courage to carry on. Bro. Sellers is
especially trying to reach the young people and as a climax to his
work a get-together of the young people of Omak, Whitestone and
Ellisford was held in our church Jan. 2. In the afternoon our state
young people's director, Bro. Ross Heminger of Wenatchee, conducted
a meeting when plans for the coming year were made. At 6: 30 a
banquet was held, about eighty-five young people being seated. After-
ward there was a general good time with games and music. Bro.
Sellers delivered our Christmas sermon and the young people pre-
sented the play, The Christmas Miracle. Our choir also helped by
rendering special numbers. Marion Stern, a young brother in our
congregation, was licensed to the ministry at our December council.
The Ladies' Aid held an auction and food sale on Dec. 9, taking in $55.
Most of the proceeds have been placed in our building fund for a new
churchhouse. We recently started a teacher-training class from which
we believe much benefit will be derived. Our elder, Bro. C. V. Stern,
has been absent all winter working in Wenatchee, but we are look-
ing forward to his return in the spring. — Mrs. H. M. Rothrock, Tonas-
ket, Wash., Jan. 5.
Forest Center. — We are glad to report that four were added to our
church by baptism Dec. 4. Our young people gave a program at
Christmas time. Our attendance is good, although we have had some
very cold weather. — Mrs. W. H. Tigner, Valley, Wash., Jan. 9.
Maple Spring. — Thanksgiving services were conducted in three of our
churches, and the following offerings were received: Maple Spring,
$223.29; Brookside, $25.77; Glade View, $9.50. At our quarterly council,
held the early part of December, plans were made to remodel Maple
Spring church. Dec. 18 Dr. McCommas of Oakland, Md., showed pic-
tures of his tour to the Holy Land which were very interesting and
instructive. These pictures were a donation to the B. Y. P. D. The
young people's and primary classes were in charge of the program on
Christmas night. A helpful program with an appeal to foreign mis-
sions was given to a large audience. The young people are very
active in church work, due to the interest the older folk show in
them.— Mrs. Homer S. Diehl, Eglon, W. Va., Dec. 31.
Morgantown. — We are now in the midst of a very interesting re-
vival meeting conducted by Evangelist M. G. West of Bridgewater,
Va. His sermons are forceful and convincing. Seven have stood for
Christ, and many others are counting the cost. — Obed Hamstead, Mor-
gantown, W. Va., Jan. 9.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
Fallen Asleep
(Continued From Page 27)
March 16, 1902. Four daughters came to bless their home; his wife
and two daughters survive with five sisters and three brothers. Fu-
neral services by the writer assisted by Wm. Swinger. Interment
in the Bear Creek cemetery. — W. D. Fisher, Trotwood, Ohio.
Lohr, Bro. Noah, born March 4, 1859, died at the hospital, Johnstown,
Pa., Oct. 7, 1932. On Sept. 17 he was injured when a ladder on which
he was standing, broke and fell to the ground. He married Annie
Metzgar and to them three children were born. He is survived by
his wife, two sons, sister and nine grandchildren. He was an active
member of the Church of the Brethren. Funeral services at the church
by W. D. Rummell assisted by Chas. Blough. Interment in the ceme-
tery at Stoystown, Pa. — Blanche M. Hershberger, Hooversville, Pa.
Mathias, Sister Annie Harley, wife of Joseph Mathias, deceased,
died at the home of her brother, S. C. Harley, Dec. 22, 1932. She was
born at Royersford, Pa., Feb. 5, 1879. She is survived by one son,
Charles. One daughter died in infancy. She became a member of the
Church of the Brethren when a girl and through all the years had been
a faithful and active Christian. She was a great worker in the Ladies'
Aid, always willing to do something to help some one. Her illness was
of short duration. Her pastor, Eld. E. E. Blough, anointed her and
this service was a great comfort to her. She will be missed by all for
she was always in her pew except for the last several months. — Agnes
L. Thomasson, Manassas, Va.
Mickey, Sister Minday, wife of Bro. Mack Mickey of Connellsville,
Pa., died very suddenly Dec. 24, from a hemorrhage of the brain, at the
age of 47 years. She is survived by her husband, three sons and two
daughters, eleven grandchildren and two sisters. She was a member of
the Church of the Brethren for seven weeks, having been a regular
attendant for almost a year. Prior to her uniting with the church, she
was a member of the Church of God for thirty years. Services were
held in the Connellsville church by her pastor, Bro. Ralph E. Shober,
assisted by Bro. C. C. Sollenberger. Interment in the Dickerson Run
cemetery at Dawson. — Mrs. Mary C. Shober, Connellsville, Pa.
Moreland, Joseph, died at his home in Franklin, Md., Jan. 2, 1933,
aged 77 years. Death was due to old age and a fall which he sustained
in the spring. He never united with any church but always preferred
the Church of the Brethren. He is survived by his wife and six chil-
dren. Funeral services in the Methodist Chapel by Bro. B. M. Rollins.
Interment in the near-by cemetery. — B. M. Rollins, Keyser, W. Va.
Morrell, Sister Virginia Frances, daughter of David and Elizabeth
Garber, born in Washington County, Tenn., Dec. 6, 1849. She died
Dec. 28, 1932, at the home of her daughter in Deepwater, Mo., from a
brief illness of pneumonia. The body was brought to Jonesboro, Tenn.
The funeral was conducted at Fairview by Bro. A. M. Laughrun. She
married Samuel C. Morrell Aug. 17, 1870; he preceded her July 22, 1901.
She leaves four children, fourteen grandchildren and four great-grand-
children. She united with the church when fourteen years old and
lived a devoted Christian life. Burial in the Fairview cemetery. — Mrs.
H. K. Keeble, Jonesboro, Tenn.
Mummert, Henry Wayne, son of Henry D. and Joanna Mummert,
born in Hartford City, Ind., June 16, 1903, died at Conneaut, Ohio,
Dec. 8, 1932. His early life was spent in North Manchester, Ind. He
became a member of the Church of the Brethren at the age of twelve.
July 13, 1929, he married Miss Mildred Nack. He is survived by his
wife, mother and three sisters. Funeral services at Conneaut by
Rev. W. G. Walters of the M. E. church. The body was taken to
Hartford City, Ind., where short services were conducted by Rev.
N. L. Collins of the Christian church. — Alice Mummert, Conneaut,
Myers, Eld. John Abner, died Dec. 24, 1932, aged 86 years and 4
months. Most of his life was spent on a farm in Little Cove, Pa.,
two miles from the Licking Creek church just across the Mason and
Dixon line. He and his wife, Sarah A. Myers, reared a large family;
here he faithfully served in the ministry and lived the kind of life
which made the neighbors all esteem him. He was elected elder in
1904. He and his wife had lived together 61 years and 1 day. His
remains were laid away in the Licking Creek church cemetery. He is
survived by his widow, three sisters, six children, thirteen grandchil-
dren. So was lost to this life, and gained for life eternal, a good man,
a self-sacrificing, loving husband, a not-to-be-forgotten father, and a
faithful servant of the Master. While he builded for righteousness in
his family and community he laid up treasures in heaven. — Garry
Cleveland Myers, Cleveland Heights, Ohio.
Myers, Marcena H, born at Plymouth, 111., July 5, 1857, died at
Seneca, Kans., Dec. 30, 1932. When a small boy he came to Kansas
and endured the hardships of pioneer life. He is survived by one
daughter, also the families of one son and one daughter who preceded
him. In 1929 he was baptized in the Church of the Brethren. Al-
though the years of his Christian profession were not so many he
found a quiet satisfaction in this new relationship with his Lord. Fu-
neral in the Sabetha church by the writer. — Earl M. Frantz, Sabetha,
Peek, Samuel Swanson, was born in Virginia March 31, 1855. His
parents were Gustavus and Nancy Beasley Peek. On Dec. 24, 1875, he
was married in Moulton, Iowa, to Sarah Jane Shook. To this union
were born eight children. The past thirty-five or forty years he had
lived in Jasper County, Mo. When a young man he accepted Christ
as his Savior and united with the Church of the Brethren. Later he
neglected his Christian duty and in November, 1931, he was restored
to fellowship by the Carthage church. For the past twelve years he
lived in Webb City, Mo. Because of the distance and his age he was
not able to attend the church of his choice but worshiped at a mission
church near his home. He departed this life Dec. 29, 1932, at his home.
Death was due to paralysis. He leaves his wife, one son, two daugh-
ters, three brothers and several grandchildren. Funeral services were
held in the Frisco Mission church in Webb City, Mo., where he had
worshiped, by his pastor, Eld. Lester E. Fike, and the pastor of the
mission, Mrs. Lou Love. Interment in Park cemetery near Carthage.
— Mrs. Lester Fike, Carthage, Mo.
Pfoutz, Milton G., died Sept. 26, 1932, aged 80 years. He was the son
of Lewis R. and Sidney Ann Pfoutz. He was a member of a family
of ten children; surviving are two sisters. Funeral service in the
Trotwood church by Eld. Wm. Swinger and the writer. Burial in the
Bear Creek cemetery. — W. D. Fisher, Trotwood, Ohio.
Plunkett, John W., born Sept. 24, 1852, in Franklin County, Va., died
Dec. 29, 1932. In 1909 he moved to Ohio with his family. He was -a
member of a family of nine children; three brothers and one sister re-
main. In September, 1876, he married Lucy C. Mead who preceded him
thirty- seven years ago. To this union were born four sons and four
daughters. He is survived by two daughters and three sons, sixteen
grandchildren and one great-grandchild. His second wife was Mollie
Johns who also survives with an adopted son. He was a consistent
member of the German Baptist church. Funeral at the Maple Grove
church by Peter Bowman, Irvin Shoup and the writer. Burial in the
adjoining cemetery. — J. C. Flora, Dayton, Ohio.
Pultz, James Russel, infant son of Charles E. and Ida B. Pultz, died
Dec. 7, 1932, in Pyrmont, Ohio. Services by the writer. Interment in
the Lower Miami cemetery. — W. D. Fisher, Trotwood, Ohio.
Ranck, Benjamin F., died at the home of his sister, Mrs. D. I.
Bennett, Altoona, Pa., on Dec. 19, 1932. He was born at Warfordsburg,
Fulton County, Pa., May 19, 1863. He was a son of Philip and Lu-
cinda Ranck and came to Altoona thirty-two years ago. He taught
school several terms and was a graduate from the Normal English
Course at Juniata College. He was united in marriage with Nettie A.,
daughter of Seth F. and Catherine Myers, in December, 1899. Mrs.
Ranck died six years ago. He united with the church in the Licking
Creek congregation in October, 1885. The Pleasant Ridge congregation
called him to the mininstry in November, 1898. The Altoona congre-
gation ordained him to the eldership in July, 1914. Bro. Ranck was a
Pennsylvania railroad shop employee until his retirement three years
ago. While he held no regular pastorate, he did quite a lot of preach-
ing, served his home congregation as Sunday-school superintendent
and for a number of years as teacher. Bro. Ranck was a student of
the Word and loved to teach it. He is survived by five brothers,
three sisters and a foster daughter. The funeral, with Brethren B. F.
Waltz and D. B. Maddocks officiating, was held in the First Church
of the Brethren in Altoona, interment in the Alto-Reste cemetery. —
Sadie L. Morse, Altoona, Pa.
Rexrhode, Isaac, died Jan. 6, 1933, aged 76 years. Early in life he be-
came a member of the United Brethren Church; on Aug. 17, 1931, he
joined the Church of the Brethren. He was preparing to pay a visit
to his doctor when he died of heart trouble. Aug. 25, 1931, he and his
wife celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. He is survived by
his wife and five daughters. Burial in the family cemetery on the
farm where he was born and spent his entire life. Funeral services at
the home by his pastor, Isaac J. Garber. — Neva Kendrick Garber,
Franklin, W. Va.
Rhoads, Martha E., nee Eberly, widow of Vogan Rhoads, died of
complications, Nov. 28, 1932, aged 89 years. She was bedfast for the
past two years. She is survived by one sister. She was a member of
the church for many years. Services at the Old Order German Baptist
church in Lincoln by Brethren Harvey B. Markley and E. M. Dinger.
Interment in Lincoln cemetery. — Lida M. Zug, Lincoln, Pa.
Ritenour, Mrs. Barbara, died of complications, at the home of her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Berger of Connellsville,
Pa., Dec. 31, 1932, aged 70 years. Her husband, J. M. Ritenour, pre-
ceded her in death five years ago. She is survived by one son, one
daughter, four grandchildren and one great-grandchild. By member-
ship Mrs. Ritenour was a Methodist, but attended the services of the
Church of the Brethren regularly for several years. Funeral services
were conducted from the home of the above named son-in-law and'
daughter by Rev. D. R. Graham of the Methodist church, assisted by
R. E. Shober and Rev. E. N. Duty, the latter of the Christian Church,
of which the daughter and family are members. Burial in he Hill
Grove cemetery, Connellsville, Pa. — Mrs. Mary C. Shober, Connellsville,
Smith, Henry L., passed away at the home of his son near McAlis-
terville, Pa., Dec. 12, 1932, aged 80 years. He is survived by one son
with whom he made his home, one adopted daughter, brother and
several grandchildren. He united with the Church of the Brethren in
1874 and was called to the deacon's office in 1894. He was a faithful
member of the Lost Creek congregation to the end of his long life.
Funeral services in the Bunkertown church by the writer assisted by
Bro. J. E. Rowland. Burial in the Bunkertown cemetery. — C. E.
Grapes, Chambersburg, Pa.
Whitehead, Eva Bowser, born in Indiana, April 1, 1846. died Jan. 4,
1933, at Altona, Mo., at the home of her son, J. B. Whitehead. Fu-
neral services at Adrian, Mo., by C. A. Lentz. — Lois Lentz, Leeton,
Mo. I I
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
^-H^^^4•^^~H^•^^^^^•^■^^^>H^^^^•^^H•4♦^^•^•I^^^^^•l•^l"I^^I■■^^I^^^•^••t•^••H^' +4"HH-H^~H-+-H"i-rvwv-H
Your Congregation Needs
For your second Easter Service a good play or
pageant is impressive. We offer the following —
"INTO GALILEE"— A One Act Play
Eight characters: The centurion servant whom Jesus
"*' healed, the boy with the loaves and fishes, the Roman cen-
•[• turion, the man who wished first to bury his father, the
T scribe who offered to follow Jesus, the ruler of the syna-
4" gogue, Mary of Magdala and the daughter of Jairus. The
T time is after the crucifixion. Biblical throughout and force-
•f- fully presented. 35 cents; 8 or more copies each, 30 cents.
16 pages of material.
"JESUS ONLY"— A Story of the Resurrection
Arranged to be given as a Dramatized Story Cantata with
costume and scenery or as a Song Story for Reader and
Chorus. Five characters: A captain of the guard, an attend-
ant, the mother of Judas, a soldier, the voice and Mary.
The music is arranged for choruses, duets and solos. 21
pages of material. 30 cents, one dozen, $3.00.
for Easter
Arranged for music and reader. Full directions for pres-
entation. Also arranged so that three tableaus may be in-
terspersed with splendid effect, showing soldiers at the tomb,
women in the garden and Easter, in which a girl is the
chief character with others grouped around her. 23 pages.
30 cents; one dozen copies, $3.00.
PAGEANTRY for EASTER— Two Easter Pag-
eants and a Play
Some desire a short pageant or play. Here you have a
choice of three — eight pages. Easily rendered and effective.
Chance for a number to take part. By introducing music
the scenes can be lengthened to any requirement. Especially
suitable for small schools. Single copy, 25 cents.
HIS CROSS— A Religious Play in One Act
With this 29-page play a full and strong service can be
put on portraying the day of the crucifixion. By imitating
thunder and lightning, and by light effect the storm and
darkness of the crucifixion can be made most impressive.
Seven characters are required for rendition. If you have
folks with strong dramatic tendencies this play will appeal
to them. Single copy, 25 cents.
An 8-page play for children— 10 to 16 speaking parts. As
you see these children wending their way to the tomb on
Easter morning, and as you listen to their conversation you
are made to feel that Easter has a meaning even for chil-
dren. Especially suited to schools that desire a short and
impressive presentation of the Easter message. Single copy,
15 cents.
Order today and begin preparing for a GREAT
Elgin, III.
A Book for Teachers
By J. Hugh Heckman
A new textbook for Leadership Training. A book that
helps you to grasp, understand and appreciate the Old
Testament and its message for today.
"Every lesson is brimful of interest."— Pastor James M.
Moore, Chicago.
"Written in simple, gripping style. A masterpiece, yet
brief and concise for busy workers." — Prof. H. H. Nye,
Juniata College.
"It is hoped that a large use will be made of this book in
your Leadership Training Classes." — Rufus D. Bowman, Sec,
Board of Christian Education.
This is the book your teachers and coming teachers need
to study now. Ten lessons. 127 pages. Price, 90c; 6 or
miore copies, 75c each.
Brethren Publishing House, Elgin, 111.
Love for the Beautiful
Reveals a Beautiful Soul
Develops a Beautiful Soul
Poetry presents the beautiful in the most beautiful style.
Read good poems and you will grow beautiful in heart.
These are times that call for the best in you. Read the
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The World's Best Poetry, $1.00
More than 350 of the world's best loved and most helpful
short poems, old time favorites and the most popular of the
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The World's Great Religious Poetry, $2.00 ;
A well balanced collection of religious poems including both
ancient and modern. Its many indexes enable one to find '
desired poems readily. A marvelous anthology. 876 pages. |
Heart Throbs, 75c
Such a wise selection that yearly this book finds a ready
sale. These poems do touch the heart. Those who care
little for poetry will wake up as they read these selections. j
More Heart Throbs, 75c
The popularity of "Heart Throbs" simply made it neces- j
sary to bring out this second book of great poems. ,
Quotable Poems, $2.50
Poems that are quotable, have a modern tone and spiritual j
qualities, touch common human needs, and possess fine
poetic qualities. Abounds in poems for great days. 386
pages. '
Quotable Poems, Volume II, $2.50
A new collection of superior poems by known and un-
known authors. Poems that strike at the heart of things
and urge you to the best. 370 pages.
The Golden Book of Faith, $2.00
Not the least, helpful selection of poems is "The Golden
Book of Faith" in which the reader finds those soul-stirring
messages that one so often needs in these days of doubt
and depression.
Select and order now, and enjoy for many years
what the best poets have written.
Brethren Publishing House, Elgin, 111.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— January 28, 1933
#4^^**^**^**^**^* *****4^**^fr**4^
The Church Grows
Where the Messenger Goes"
Help Your Church Grow by Placing the MESSENGER
Into Your Home
Not for the sake of the MESSENGER nor the Church
Boards nor the House, but for you and your home, for the
Brotherhood and its work, for Christ and his Church do we
strive to place the MESSENGER into every church home.
Will you do your part to this desired end?
The MESSENGER aims to help you see opportunities
for Christian service right where you are.
The MESSENGER will arouse you to larger Chris-
tian activity and greater usefulness.
The MESSENGER stresses the Gospel of Jesus as the
world's pressing need, and the church's privilege and duty
of proclaiming the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
For 1933 the Editors are planning to give each week
reading material, workable suggestions, inspirational mes-
sages and informing articles for all in your home, school
and church.
The MESSENGER is the Official Church Organ through
which the several Church Boards announce their projects
and report conditions from time to time.
It- is through the MESSENGER that you keep in vital touch 'with the
entire Brotherhood and become an integral part oE the Church at 'work.
The MESSENGER has a host of satisfied and enthusiastic readers. Note what a
few of them say —
"Ranking with high class magazines"
I wish to compliment you upon the make-up and contents of the Christmas issue of the MES-
SENGER. If one were to read no farther than the first and second pages of the cover he would at once
estimate the paper as ranking with high class magazines. The poem "High Songs" bears this stamp, and
the sentiment of the selected article on page two continues the same. The editorials are up to the same
standard of high truth, and the excellent contributions complete a number of the MESSENGER that any
member of the church may be justly proud of. — John E. Mohler, Calif.
"It's a real Thanksgiving number"
I just received the Thanksgiving MESSENGER. Thousands will say, with me, that it's a real
Thanksgiving number. I for one want to say it loud enough for those to hear who deserve the credit.
When I consider how much more than money (even $2.00) this one number means to me, I wonder that
you have to put on an advertising campaign at all. I express my appreciation again for the work, the
"spirit" and the men who put out such a fine spiritual paper. — W. G. McFadden, Ohio.
"Cannot be without the Messenger"
Economic conditions in this section are such that we cannot have all things like we want, but 1
cannot be without the MESSENGER. It has been a constant visitor in our home ever since I can re-
member. Father was a regular reader, and then when I set up a home of my own, the MESSENGER was
the first magazine that came into it. May God's blessings continue to be with our church paper. — E. C.
Woodie, N. C.
"Read it many years. . . . Regret to drop out"
"I have read the MESSENGER many years and have enjoyed it. Have urged the members to take it.
I sure regret to drop out, but can't help it. Some of our crops did not pay for the cutting and threshing.
I have been serving the church free in the ministry. Times are hard. Pray for us." What should the
MESSENGER do in such cases? What should the local congregation do? Is there anything you can do?
Help double the MESSENGER circulation by securing new subscribers
Vol. 82
ospel Messenger
Elgin, 111., February 4, 1933
No. 5
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Dunker Church, Antietam, Md. Of this historic church Bro. J. A. Briefer writes:
"I preached in it when I was first elected to the ministry forty-nine years ago. It stood
there during the battle of Antietam and teas used for a hospital for the wounded soldiers
of both armies. The black marks are holes shot in it by cannon during the battle." From
other sources it might be added that the church was built in 1853 and repaired in 1863
some time after the battle referred to. It was destroyed by cyclone May 23, 1921 , and
never rebuilt. The battle of Antietam occurred Sept. 17, 1862. The day on which this
battle was fought has been called the bloodiest in American history. See article on page 5.
What Price Christian Loyalty (H. A. B.)? 3
Economy and Fun (E. F.) 3
The Doctor and the Depression (E. F.), 3
New Goals for Farmers (H. A. B.), 4
Land of Beginning Again (H. A. B.), 4
Kingdom Gleanings 16
The Quiet Hour (R. H. M.) 17
General Forum —
Prayer on Entering Church (Poem) 5
Annual Conference Echoes. By J. A. Bricker 5
Evangelistic Methods. By J. H. Moore 7
My Brother's Interests and Mine. By H. A. Claybaugh 8
The Target. By I. N. H. Beahm 9
Report of the 1932 World Day of Prayer. By Nora M. Rhodes 11
If We Say "Our Father." By Edna Wolf H
Annual Meeting of the Home Missions Councils. By M. Clyde Horst, 12
Missions —
Editorial '3
To My Christian Sisters in America. By Han Miao Ying, 13
Miraj Hospital Started by a Girl, 14
News From the Field, 15
Pastor and People —
Holy Ground. By Merlin C. Shull, 18
One Local Cabinet at Work. By R. E. Mohler 18
Home and Family —
My Prayer (Poem). By Alice Ridgway 19
Not for a Day, . . . But for a Lifetime.— No. 6. By Florence S.
Studebaker, 19
Nook for Women's Work 23
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— February 4, 1933
(Such is the record of Bro. Samuel M.
Eshelman, head of the subscription depart-
ment at the Brethren Publishing House,
Elgin, 111.)
After Messengers are completed,
as explained in the issue for Jan. 7,
they go to the mailing room. Just
what happens there is an interesting
story, and especially so in this case
since much of what is done there can
be centered around the life of
Bro. S. M. Eshelman who has spent
more than fifty-five years with
Church of the Brethren publishing
" Uncle Sam," as Bro. Eshelman is
known to his many friends, began
with the Brethren at Work on Nov.
11, 1877. This paper was then printed
at Lanark, 111. The new recruit from
the farm was put to setting type by hand. Those were
the days when men learned to do by doing. So it is
not surprising to learn that the first line set was pied
by the inexperienced typesetter. Also, failing to find
all the letters needed in the compartments of one case,
our youthful recruit finished out with type from an-
other, only to discover that they were wrong font !
So " Uncle Sam's " fifty-five years with our church
publications spans the range from handpower to the
wonders of the machine age. For he not only set type
by hand, but took his turn at the hand press, helping
to grind out papers at the rate of about 500 per hour.
The day that steam power was first used at the
Lanark plant was a gala day, with the townspeople
so crowding the pressroom it was hard on the print-
er's nerves.
In the period of Bro. Eshelman's services the pub-
lishing house has been moved twice. Thus on a cer-
tain February morning thirty teams hitched to sleds
loaded with printing equipment, took advantage of a
heavy snow to glide over fields and fences the twenty-
five miles from Lanark to Mt. Morris, where the first
Brethren college in the west was located. In 1899 our
church printing plant was moved to Elgin, 111. The
first Messenger mailed from the new location was the
double issue for Sept. 16 and 23, 1899.
Forty-eight years foreman of the mailing depart-
ment and seven years head of the subscription depart-
ment— such is the service record of. " Uncle Sam "
Eshelman. Do you wonder that he knows the names
and addresses of more of our people than any other
person in the brotherhood ? Or that to the many who
know him he is " Uncle Sam," a veritable symbol of
dependable and efficient service?
If you look at the label on your Messenger you will
see something like this :
44915 TAYLOR, I. W. M
When your subscription was received your name, ad-
dress, etc., were stamped on a small tin printing plate.
The work was done by " Uncle Sam " or one of his
helpers with the machine shown in the picture. Study
the representation of an actual name plate shown
above and note what it tells. At the reader's upper
left is the bill number (44915). Beneath this is the
expiration date (Jan., 1934) which shows Bro. Taylor's
subscription was recently renewed. The " M " is for
Bro. Eshelman's work is the care of the sub-
scription lists for our church papers — The Gospel
Messenger, Our Young People, Our Boys and Girls,
and Our Children. It is no small responsibility to
keep all of these lists up-to-date. But " Uncle Sam "
and his helpers know how to do it with service backed
by more than fifty-five years of experience ! So send
in your subscriptions, readers new as well as old. You,
too, may sometime be able to say with Sister Caroline
Brown of Lincoln, Nebraska : " I have been reading
the Messenger for nearly seventy years. ... I do
not want to be without it as long as I can see."
H. A. BRANDT— Assistant Editor
Vol. 82
Elgin, 111., February 4, 1933
No. 5
What Price Christian Loyalty?
To be loyal to Christ is seldom easy. Indeed, if one
would go all the way, Christian loyalty always costs
something. This is true though the price may be gladly
In that difficult tenth chapter of Matthew the dis-
ciples were sent forth as sheep amongst wolves. Now
what seems hard to reconcile with this is the later state-
ment : " Think not that I came to send peace on earth :
I came not to send peace but a sword."
Does this mean that those just admonished to be
harmless as doves should now turn hard. and bellicose?
No, indeed ! The Master is simply saying that it costs
something to be loyal. He is saying that those who fol-
low him will find their subtlest temptations in the clash
of ideals which can be found in any home.
But should this result in actual physical conflict?
Certainly not. If such dear enemies are ever to be won
it must be by Christian methods and Christian methods
alone. Though spiritually incompatible, remember the
first instructions. Be " wise as serpents, and harmless
as doves." h. a. b.
Economy and Fun
A correspondent tells us a very interesting story of
the lessons in simpler living they are learning at her
house in these times of stress. They are finding new
ways to make the scarce dollars go farther. And new
springs of contentment, too, she says.
It will be hard for real country folks with from six
to twenty cows to milk and all around farm equipment
to appreciate fully this measure of economy, but it cer-
tainly illustrates the principle. This good woman and
a neighbor go together in purchasing direct from a
farmer a gallon of sour cream which they divide between
them. From this they are able, by bringing the old
Dover egg beater into requisition, to churn their own
butter ! " Besides the saving, it's lots of fun when ev-
erybody else is doing it."
In that chance remark our correspondent lets us into
the secret of much of our trouble. It was what every-
body else was doing that made living so needlessly ex-
pensive. And this writer is already exulting in the
thought of how much they are going to save when good
times return with normal incomes. Now they know
how to do it. Under the urge of necessity she has
learned the lesson which she and all the rest of us might
have had at far less cost.
Handling depressions is much like dealing with other
inconvenient and annoying things. Whether it is mere-
ly an irksome experience or an opportunity to realize a
great and permanent blessing, depends much on how we
go at it ! e. f.
The Doctor and the Depression
We have an interesting communication from a doc-
tor that we must tell you about. He has been doing
some strange things. We know of another doctor who
has had trouble in collecting his bills but so far as we
have learned he has not shown any abnormal tenden-
cies. This one is different.
About two years ago when the depression began to
be felt and many patients could not pay for services
rendered, he sent a number of them receipts in
full of account, along with a letter of Christ-
mas greetings, telling them that the slate was now clean
and that he would be as ready to serve them as if the
bills had been paid in cash. The Christmas spirit seems
to have gotten the best of him. One result was that he
retained their patronage and received more cash than he
could have hoped to obtain in the ordinary way. There
was some profitable advertising in it also.
The quirk in this doctor's mind has shown itself in
another way. During these past two years he has con-
Published weekly by Brethren Publishing House, R. E. Arnold, General Manager, 16 to 24 S. State St., Elgin, 111., at $2.00 per annum, in
advance. (Canada subscriptions fifty cents extra.) Entered at the Postoffice at Elgin, 111., as Second-class Matter. Acceptance for mailing
at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized August 20, 1918.
THE GOSPEL MESSENGER— February 4, 1933
veniently forgotten to make any record of many cases
where he knew the difficult conditions, and so sent them
no statements. He has become known as the doctor
with a heart. No doubt he has been imposed upon by
persons willing to take unfair advantage of his kind-
ness, but he has also had profitable practice that would
not otherwise have come to him.
Still another freakish thing the doctor has done late-
ly is to cut prices in two for all his services. He says
he is able to eat, pay his bills and keep his patronage,
and that he is making some new friendships. He ap-
pears to place high value on that. He wants friends
" when this miserable mess is all cleared up," as he puts
His closing word has a wholesome ring to it : "I
hope to live to see the depression come to an end, as it
sometime must, for even the children of Israel only had
forty years of it, then the land of Canaan. But, and
even if I do not live so long, I expect to thank the Lord
daily for the privilege of serving my fellow creatures,
as I may be able."
Now what can you do with a doctor like that ? Not
much that we know of, except to let him go. Some
folks are just that way. But what if his ideas and
methods should be taken up by leaders in the wider hu-
man relationships, by diplomats and artisans in inter-
national statecraft? Wouldn't you like to see what it
would do to world-wide depression?
We are almost reckless enough to wish it tried out in
all professions, vocations, trades and walks of life.
E. F.
New Goals for Farmers
According to Dr. F. D. Farrell, president of the
Kansas State Agricultural College, there is little en-
couragement in the present outlook for those who
would farm solely to make money. This is particularly
true for the reason that thousands of people are turning
to the land for subsistence when a decrease in farming
operations is desirable for profitable production.
Thus the successful farmer of the future must have
goals of a different order from dollars. There must be
more emphasis upon a better home life with modern
conveniences instead of more land. Economical quality
production must take the place of large scale operations.
There must be more dependence upon sources of hap-
piness and satisfaction not bought with money.
In a few words, Dr. Farrell suggests that the suc-
cessful farm family of the future will be one which as-
sumes fewer financial risks, is more largely self-suffi-
cient, and intent upon such health, leisure and spiritual
interests as will make for permanence and stability.
Now the interesting thing about these new goals for
farmers is that they are just as good for the rest of us.
H. A. B.
Land of Beginning Again
More than ever, it seems, are we living in a land of
beginning again. Who but knows of the once well-to-
do farmer who has lost all, the young couple with a
family and good prospects who have lost the farm and
money given them, the young person marking time un-
til things change ? Add to these the city cousins out of
a job, and you have millions waiting for better times
in the land of beginning again.
But how is one to begin again? The man who can
answer this question is the person we are all looking
for. And it looks like it might be a good, long wait.
Meanwhile one may as well remember that life has
always included a good deal of beginning again. It was
unusual security and prosperity which made Americans
forget this fact, and readjustment seem uncommon and
unnecessarily cruel.
We do not mean to minimize the tragedy in the pres-
ent situation, for it is very cruel and p